
function Open-Port
        Opens ports on the Windows Firewall
        Opens ports on the Windows Firewall on the local machine
        Open-Port 500

    # The port numbers to open
    # The name of the opened port. Defaults to Port$PortNumber, i.e. Port21
    # The protocol for the port, either TCP or UDP. The Default is TCP.
    [ValidateSet("TCP", "UDP")]
    [string]$Protocol = 'TCP',
    # The address pattern than can access the computer from that port
    [string]$FromAddress = "*"
    process {
        #region Initialize Profile
        $firewall = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.FwMgr
        $firewallProfile = $firewall.localpolicy.currentprofile
        #endregion Initialize Profile
        #region Processs Each Port
        foreach ($p in $port) {
            $portChanged = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.FWOpenPort
            if ($protocol -eq 'TCP') {
                $portChanged.Protocol = 6
            } elseif ($protocol -eq 'UDP') {
                $portChanged.Protocol = 17
            $portChanged.Port = $p
            $portChanged.RemoteAddresses = $fromAddress
            $portChanged.Enabled = $true
            if ($name) {
                $portChanged.Name = $name
            } else {
                $portChanged.Name = "Port${P}"
        #endregion Processs Each Port