
function Add-AzureLocalResource
        Adds an Azure local storage resource to a service definition
        Adds an Azure local storage resource to a service definition.
        Azure local storage can create well-known directories on the host machine
        New-AzureServiceDefinition -ServiceName "foo" |
            Add-AzureLocalResource -ServiceDefinition

    # The ServiceDefinition XML. This should be created with New-AzureServiceDefinition or retreived with Import-AzureServiceDefinition
        $isServiceDefinition = $_.NameTable.Get("")
        if (-not $IsServiceDefinition) {
            throw "Input must be a ServiceDefinition XML"
        return $true
    # If set, the local resource will only apply to the role named ToRole. If ToRole is not found, or doesn't
    # exist, the last role will be used.
    # The name of the local storage. This will be the path of the name storage element, relative to the root drive.
    # The size of the storage. Sizes will be rounded up to the nearest megabyte.
    $Size = 1mb,
    # If set, a role will not be cleaned on recycle
    # If set, will output results as string rather than XML
    process {        
        #region Resolve the role if it set, create the role if it doesn't exist, and track it if they assume the last item.
        $roles = @($ServiceDefinition.ServiceDefinition.WebRole), @($ServiceDefinition.ServiceDefinition.WorkerRole) +  @($ServiceDefinition.ServiceDefinition.VirtualMachineRole)
        $xmlNamespace = @{'ServiceDefinition'=''}        
        $selectXmlParams = @{
            XPath = '//ServiceDefinition:WebRole|//ServiceDefinition:WorkerRole|//ServiceDefinition:VirtualMachineRole'
            Namespace = $xmlNamespace
        $roles = @(Select-Xml -Xml $ServiceDefinition @selectXmlParams | 
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node)
        if (-not $roles) {
            $ServiceDefinition = $ServiceDefinition | 
                Add-AzureRole -RoleName "WebRole1"
            $roles = @(Select-Xml -Xml $ServiceDefinition @selectXmlParams | 
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node)
        #endregion Resolve the role if it set, create the role if it doesn't exist, and track it if they assume the last item.
        if ($roles.Count -gt 1) {
            if ($ToRole) {
            } else {
                $role = $roles[-1]                
        } else {
            if ($ToRole) {
                if ($roles[0].Name -eq $ToRole) {
                    $role = $roles[0]
                } else { 
                    $role = $null 
            } else {            
                $role = $roles[0]
        if (-not $role) { return }
        $realSize = [Math]::Ceiling($size / 1mb)
        if (-not $role.LocalResources) {
            $role.InnerXml += "<LocalResources/>"
        $localResourcesNode = Select-Xml -Xml $role -Namespace $xmlNamespace -XPath '//ServiceDefinition:LocalResources' |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node
        $localResourcesNode.InnerXml += "<LocalStorage name='$Name' sizeInMB='$realSize' cleanOnRoleRecycle='$($DoNotcleanOnRoleRecycle.ToString().ToLower())'/>"

    end {
        if ($AsString) {
            $strWrite = New-Object IO.StringWriter
            return "$strWrite"
        } else {