about_pipelines SHORT DESCRIPTION How to use the cmdlets to create a pipeline LONG DESCRIPTION The purpose of this module to make creation of customized pipelines as easy as possible. You should be able to create a pipeline as part of any process you desire. We will walk through a very quick tutorial on how to do this. Once you have installed and imported the module into your environment, you will want to create your first pipeline. This process is very straightforward. $Pipeline = New-AdoPipeline -Name 'MyPipelines' You now have a pipeline object, but there are no stages currently setup, so we need to create a stage. $Stage = New-AdoStage -Name MyStage -Variables @{'ServiceAccountName'='sa'} ` -DependsOn @('OtherStage') -Condition "eq(variables['BuildSuccess'], 'TRUE')" We now have a stage object called MyStage that contains a variable, some dependencies and a condition. The stage has no jobs, so let's create the rest of the objects we need. $Pool = New-AdoPool -Name 'MyPool' $Template = New-AdoTemplate -Name 'template.yml' ` -Parameters @{'Environment'='$(Environment)'} $Job = New-AdoJob -Name MyJob -Pool $Pool -Variables ` @{'Environment'="Development"} -Steps $Template We now have a job object that contains a template and pool object. This can now be added to the stage, and then the pipeline. $Stage.Jobs.Add($Job) $Pipeline.Stages.Add($Stage) There are now two ways you can output this pipeline, either use the ToString() or the Write-Host cmdlet. $Pipeline.ToString() name: MyPipelines stages: - stage: MyStage dependsOn: - OtherStage condition: eq(variables['BuildSuccess'], 'TRUE') variables: ServiceAccountName: 'sa' jobs: - job: MyJob pool: name: MyPool variables: Environment: "Development" steps: - template: template.yml parameters: Environment: $(Environment) NOTE This is a very basic walk-through but should allow you to get started working with pipelines in PowerShell very quickly. This module only creates the pipeline it does not perform any validation or checking, this may come in future versions but at this time that is not possible. SEE ALSO Here are some links that may be useful Azure Devops Pipelines Azure Devops YAML Schema KEYWORDS - create pipeline |