Function Get-Settings { [CmdletBinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '', Justification='Not changed yet')] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$configRootPath, [string]$environment, [parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)] $overrides ) $basePath = join-path $configRootPath (GetBaseConfigPath) $basePath = GetFirstConfigFile $basePath $settings = [PSCustomObject]@{} Import-SettingsFromFile $settings $basePath if ($environment){ $envPath = join-path $configRootPath (GetEnvironmentConfigPath -environment $environment) $envPath = GetFirstConfigFile $envPath Write-Verbose "Loading config from $environment" Import-SettingsFromFile $settings $envPath } Import-SettingsFromPersonalFile -ConfigRootPath $configRootPath -Settings $settings -environment $environment #Loop through environment variables and set values $settings | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | ForEach-Object { if (test-path env:$($_.Name)) { Write-Verbose "Setting $($_.Name) to $((get-item env:$($_.Name)).value) from an override parameter passed in" Set-SettingsValue $settings -name $_.Name -value (Get-Item env:$($_.Name)).value } } if ($settings.keyVaultConfigs) { $settings.keyVaultConfigs | Foreach-Object { $keyVault = $_ (Get-KeyVaultSecrets -vaultName $keyVault) | ForEach-Object { $property = $_ $settings | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $property.Name -Value $property.Value -Force Write-Verbose "Adding $($property.Name) -Value $($property.Value) from keyvault: $keyVault" } } } if (-not $null -eq $overrides) { Write-Host "Loading settings from overrides" #Overrides is an array of the remaining arguments passed through. #if the following had been passed -param1 value -param2 value2 #then you would have a 4 item array i.e. @("-param1","value","-param2","value2") for ($i = 0; $i -lt $overrides.Count; $i++) { $name = $overrides[$i].trim('-') if ($name[-1] -eq ":"){$name = $name.substring(0,$name.Length -1)} #Switch parameters are either the last param or the next item is another param and starts with a - if ($i -eq $overrides.count - 1 -or $overrides[$i + 1] -like "-*") { $value = $true } else { $value = $overrides[$i + 1] $i++ } Write-Verbose "Setting $name to $value from an override parameter passed in" Set-SettingsValue $settings -value $value -name $name } } $settings = Invoke-SettingEvaluation -settings $settings $settings } |