
    Gets dynamic parameters
    Gets dynamic parameters for a command


$unrolledArgs = $args | . { process{ $_ } }
$DynamicParameterSplat = [Ordered]@{}
$dynamicParametersFrom =@(foreach ($arg in $unrolledArgs) {
    if ($arg -is [Management.Automation.CommandInfo] -or $arg -is [ScriptBlock]) {
    if ($arg -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
        foreach ($keyValuePair in $arg.GetEnumerator()) {
            $DynamicParameterSplat[$keyValuePair.Key] = $keyValuePair.Value

if (-not $dynamicParametersFrom) { return }

$dynamicParametersFrom | 
    # Aspect.DynamicParameter
    & { 
            Dynamic Parameter Aspect
            The Dynamic Parameter Aspect is used to add dynamic parameters, well, dynamically.
            It can create dynamic parameters from one or more input objects or scripts.
            Get-Command Get-Command |
            Get-Command Get-Process |
                Aspect.DynamicParameter -IncludeParameter Name # Select -Expand Keys # Should -Be Name
            Get-Command Get-Command, Get-Help |

        # The InputObject.
        # This can be anything, but will be ignored unless it is a `[ScriptBlock]` or `[Management.Automation.CommandInfo]`.
        # The name of the parameter set the dynamic parameters will be placed into.
        # The positional offset. If this is provided, all positional parameters will be shifted by this number.
        # For example, if -PositionOffset is 1, the first parameter would become the second parameter (and so on)
        # If set, will make all dynamic parameters non-mandatory.
        # If provided, will check that dynamic parameters are valid for a given command.
        # If the [Management.Automation.CmdletAttribute]
        # If provided, will include only these parameters from the input.
        # If provided, will exclude these parameters from the input.
        # If provided, will make a blank parameter for every -PositionOffset.
        # This is so, presumably, whatever has already been provided in these positions will bind correctly.
        # The name of this parameter, by default, will be "ArgumentN" (for example, Argument1)
        # The name of the blank parameter.
        # If there is a -PositionOffset, this will make a blank parameter by this name for the position.
        $BlankParameterName = "Argument"
        begin {
            # We're going to accumulate all input into a queue, so we'll need to make a queue in begin.
            $inputQueue = [Collections.Queue]::new()
        process {
            $inputQueue.Enqueue($InputObject) # In process, we just need to enqueue the input.
        end {
            # The dynamic parameters are created at the end of the pipeline.
            $DynamicParameters = [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new()
            # We're going to want to track what aliases are assigned (to avoid conflicts)
            $PendingAliasMap = [Ordered]@{}
            # Before any dynamic parameters are bound, we need to create any blank requested parameters
            if ($PositionOffset -and # (if we're offsetting position
                ($BlankParameter -or $PSBoundParameters['BlankParameterName']) # and we have a -BlankParameter)
            ) {
                for ($pos =0; $pos -lt $PositionOffset; $pos++) {
                    # If we have a name, use that
                    $paramName = $BlankParameterName[$pos]
                    if (-not $paramName) {
                        # Otherwise, just use the last name and give it a number.
                        $paramName = "$($BlankParameterName[-1])$pos"
                    # construct a minimal dynamic parameter
                                $paramAttr = [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]::new()
                                $paramAttr.Position = $pos
                    $PendingAliasMap[$paramName] = $DynamicParameters[$paramName]
            # After we've blank parameters, we move onto the input queue.
            while ($inputQueue.Count) {
                # and work our way thru it until it is empty.
                $InputObject = $inputQueue.Dequeue()
                # First up, we turn our input into [CommandMetaData]
                $inputCmdMetaData = 
                    if ($inputObject -is [Management.Automation.CommandInfo]) {
                        # this is a snap if it's a command already
                    elseif ($inputObject -is [scriptblock]) {
                        # but scriptblocks need to be put into a temporary function.
                        $function:TempFunction = $InputObject
                # If for any reason we couldn't get command metadata, continue.
                if (-not $inputCmdMetaData) { continue } 
                :nextDynamicParameter foreach ($paramName in $inputCmdMetaData.Parameters.Keys) {
                    if ($ExcludeParameter) {
                        foreach ($exclude in $ExcludeParameter) {
                            if ($paramName -like $exclude) { continue nextDynamicParameter}
                    if ($IncludeParameter) {
                        $shouldInclude = 
                            foreach ($include in $IncludeParameter) {
                                if ($paramName -like $include) { $true;break}
                        if (-not $shouldInclude) { continue nextDynamicParameter }
                    $attrList = [Collections.Generic.List[Attribute]]::new()
                    $validCommandNames = @()
                    foreach ($attr in $inputCmdMetaData.Parameters[$paramName].attributes) {
                        if (
                            $attr -isnot [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute] -and
                            $attr -isnot [Management.Automation.AliasAttribute]
                        ) {
                            # we can passthru any non-parameter attributes
                            # (`[Management.Automation.CmdletAttribute]` is special, as it indicates if the parameter applies to a command)
                            if ($attr -is [Management.Automation.CmdletAttribute] -and $commandList) {
                                $validCommandNames += (
                                    ($attr.VerbName -replace '\s') + '-' + ($attr.NounName -replace '\s')
                                ) -replace '^\-' -replace '\-$'
                        elseif ($attr -is [Management.Automation.AliasAttribute]) {
                            # If it is an alias attribute, we need to ensure that it will not conflict with existing aliases
                            $unmappedAliases = @(foreach ($a in $attr.Aliases) {
                                if (($a -in $pendingAliasMap.Keys)) { continue } 
                            if ($unmappedAliases) {
                                foreach ($nowMappedAlias in $unmappedAliases) {
                                    $PendingAliasMap[$nowMappedAlias] = $DynamicParameters[$paramName]
                        else {
                            # but parameter attributes need to copied.
                            $attrCopy = [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]::new()
                            # (Side note: without a .Clone, copying is tedious.)
                            foreach ($prop in $attrCopy.GetType().GetProperties('Instance,Public')) {
                                if (-not $prop.CanWrite) { continue }
                                if ($null -ne $attr.($prop.Name)) {
                                    $attrCopy.($prop.Name) = $attr.($prop.Name)
                            $attrCopy.ParameterSetName =
                                if ($ParameterSetName) {
                                else {
                                    $defaultParamSetName = $inputCmdMetaData.DefaultParameterSetName
                                    if ($attrCopy.ParameterSetName -ne '__AllParameterSets') {
                                    elseif ($defaultParamSetName) {
                                    elseif ($this -is [Management.Automation.FunctionInfo]) {
                                    } elseif ($this -is [Management.Automation.ExternalScriptInfo]) {
                            if ($NoMandatory -and $attrCopy.Mandatory) {
                                $attrCopy.Mandatory = $false
                            if ($PositionOffset -and $attr.Position -ge 0) {
                                $attrCopy.Position += $PositionOffset
                    if ($commandList -and $validCommandNames) {
                        :CheckCommandValidity do {
                            foreach ($vc in $validCommandNames) {
                                if ($commandList -match $vc) { break CheckCommandValidity }
                            continue nextDynamicParameter
                        } while ($false)
                    if ($DynamicParameters.ContainsKey($paramName)) {                    
                        $DynamicParameters[$paramName].ParameterType = [PSObject]
                        foreach ($attr in $attrList) {                        
                    } else {
                        $DynamicParameters.Add($paramName, [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new(
     } @DynamicParameterSplat