
    Dot Notation
    Dot Notation simplifies multiple operations on one or more objects.

    Any command named . (followed by a letter) will be treated as the name of a method or property.

    If it is followed by parenthesis, these will be treated as method arguments.

    If it is followed by a ScriptBlock, a dynamic property will be created that will return the result of that script block.

    If any other arguments are found before the next .Name, they will be considered arguments to a method.
    .> {
        [DateTime]::now | .Month .Day .Year
    .> {
        "abc", "123", "abc123" | .Length
    .> { 1.99 | .ToString 'C' [CultureInfo]'gb-gb' }
    .> { 1.99 | .ToString('C') }
    .> { 1..5 | .Number { $_ } .Even { -not ($_ % 2) } .Odd { ($_ % 2) -as [bool]} }
    .> { .ID { Get-Random } .Count { 0 } .Total { 10 }}
    .> {
        # Declare a new object
        .Property = "ConstantValue" .Numbers = 1..100 .Double = {
            $n * 2
        } .EvenNumbers = {
            $this.Numbers | Where-Object { -not ($_ % 2)}
        } .OddNumbers = {
            $this.Numbers | Where-Object { $_ % 2}

    $commandAst = $_
    $DotChainPattern = '^\.\p{L}'
    if (-not $commandAst.CommandElements) { return $false }
    $commandAst.CommandElements[0].Value -match $DotChainPattern

begin {
    $DotProperty = {        
if ($in.PSObject.Methods[$PropertyName].OverloadDefinitions -match '\(\)$') {
} elseif ($in.PSObject.Properties[$PropertyName]) {

    $DotMethod = { $in.$MethodName($MethodArguments) }

process {

    # Create a collection for the entire chain of operations and their arguments.
    $DotChain     = @()
    $DotArgsAst   = @()
    $DotChainPart = ''
    $DotChainPattern = '^\.\p{L}'

    $targetCommandAst = $CommandAst
    $commandSequence  = @()
    $lastCommandAst   = $null
    # Then, walk over each element of the commands
    $CommandElements = @(do {
        $lastCommandAst = $targetCommandAst
        $commandSequence += $targetCommandAst
        # If the grandparent didn't have a list of statements, this is the only dot sequence in the chain.
        if (-not $CommandAst.Parent.Parent.Statements) { break }
        $nextStatementIndex = $commandAst.Parent.Parent.Statements.IndexOf($targetCommandAst.Parent) + 1
        $nextStatement      = $CommandAst.Parent.Parent.Statements[$nextStatementIndex]         
        if ($nextStatement -isnot [Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst]) {
        if ($nextStatement.PipelineElements[0] -isnot 
            [Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst]) {
        if ($nextStatement.PipelineElements[0].CommandElements[0].Value -notmatch 
            $DotChainPattern) {
        $targetCommandAst = $CommandAst.Parent.Parent.Statements[$nextStatementIndex].PipelineElements[0]
    } while ($targetCommandAst))
    for ( $elementIndex =0 ; $elementIndex -lt $CommandElements.Count; $elementIndex++) {
        # If we are on the first element, or the command element starts with the DotChainPattern
        if ($elementIndex -eq 0 -or $CommandElements[$elementIndex].Value -match $DotChainPattern) {
            if ($DotChainPart) {
                $DotChain += [PSCustomObject]@{
                    PSTypeName = 'PipeScript.Dot.Chain'
                    Name       = $DotChainPart
                    Arguments  = $DotArgsAst

            $DotArgsAst = @()

            # A given step started with dots can have more than one step in the chain specified.
            $elementDotChain = $CommandElements[$elementIndex].Value.Split('.')
            $LastElement, $otherElements = $elementDotChain
            if ($otherElements) {
                foreach ($element in $otherElements) {
                    $DotChain += [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PSTypeName = 'PipeScript.Dot.Chain'
                        Name       = $element
                        Arguments  = @()
            $DotChainPart = $LastElement
        # If we are not on the first index or the element does not start with a dot, it is an argument.
        else {
            $DotArgsAst += $CommandElements[$elementIndex]

    if ($DotChainPart) {
        $DotChain += [PSCustomObject]@{
            PSTypeName = 'PipeScript.Dot.Chain'
            Name       = $DotChainPart
            Arguments  = $DotArgsAst

    $NewScript = @()
    $indent    = 0
    $WasPipedTo = $CommandAst.IsPipedTo        

    # By default, we are not creating a property bag.
    # This default will change if:
    # * More than one property is defined
    # * A property is explicitly assigned
    $isPropertyBag = $false

    # If we were piped to, adjust indent (for now)
    if ($WasPipedTo) {
        $indent += 4

    # Declare the start of the chain (even if we don't use it)
    $propertyBagStart = (' ' * $indent) + '[PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{'
    # and keep track of all items we must post process.
    $PostProcess      = @()

    # If more than one item was in the chain
    if ($DotChain.Length -ge 0) { 
        $indent += 4 # adjust indentation

    # Walk thru all items in the chain of properties.
    foreach ($Dot in $DotChain) {
        $firstDotArg, $secondDotArg, $restDotArgs = $dot.Arguments
        # Determine what will be the segment of the dot chain.
        $thisSegement =
            # If the dot chain has no arguments, treat it as a property
            if (-not $dot.Arguments) {                
                $DotProperty -replace '\$PropertyName', "'$($dot.Name)'"
            # If the dot chain's first argument is an assignment
            elseif ($firstDotArg -is [Management.Automation.Language.StringConstantExpressionAst] -and 
                $firstDotArg.Value -eq '=') {
                $isPropertyBag = $true
                # and the second is a script block
                if ($secondDotArg -is [Management.Automation.Language.ScriptBlockExpressionAst]) {
                    # it will become either a [ScriptMethod] or [ScriptProperty]
                    $secondScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create(
                        $secondDotArg.Extent.ToString() -replace '^\{' -replace '\}$'
                    # If the script block had parameters (even if they were empty parameters)
                    # It should become a ScriptMethod
                    if ($secondScriptBlock.Ast.ParamBlock) {
                        "[PSScriptMethod]::New('$($dot.Name)', $secondDotArg)"
                    } else {
                        # Otherwise, it will become a ScriptProperty
                        "[PSScriptProperty]::New('$($dot.Name)', $secondDotArg)"
                    $PostProcess += $dot.Name
                # If we had an array of arguments, and both elements were ScriptBlocks
                elseif ($secondDotArg -is [Management.Automation.Language.ArrayLiteralAst] -and 
                    $secondDotArg.Elements.Count -eq 2 -and 
                    $secondDotArg.Elements[0] -is [Management.Automation.Language.ScriptBlockExpressionAst] -and
                    $secondDotArg.Elements[1] -is [Management.Automation.Language.ScriptBlockExpressionAst]
                ) {
                    # Then we will treat this as a settable script block
                    $PostProcess += $dot.Name
                    "[PSScriptProperty]::New('$($dot.Name)', $($secondDotArg.Elements[0]), $($secondDotArg.Elements[1]))"
                elseif (-not $restDotArgs) {
                    # Otherwise, if we only have one argument, use the expression directly
                } elseif ($restDotArgs) {
                    # Otherwise, if we had multiple values, create a list.
                        foreach ($otherDotArg in $restDotArgs) {
                    ) -join ','
            # If the dot chain's first argument is a ScriptBlock
            elseif ($firstDotArg -is [Management.Automation.Language.ScriptBlockExpressionAst]) 
                # Run that script block
                "& $($firstDotArg.Extent.ToString())"
            elseif ($firstDotArg -is [Management.Automation.Language.ParenExpressionAst]) {
                # If the first argument is a parenthesis, assume the contents to be method arguments
                $DotMethod -replace '\$MethodName', $dot.Name -replace '\(\$MethodArguments\)',$firstDotArg.ToString()
            else {
                # If the first argument is anything else, assume all remaining arguments to be method parameters.
                $DotMethod -replace '\$MethodName', $dot.Name -replace '\(\$MethodArguments\)',(
                    '(' + ($dot.Arguments -join ',') + ')'
        # Now we add the segment to the total script
        $NewScript +=            
            if (-not $isPropertyBag -and $DotChain.Length -eq 1 -and $thisSegement -notmatch '^\[PS') {
                # If the dot chain is a single item, and not part of a property bag, include it directly
                "$(' ' * ($indent - 4))$thisSegement"
            } else {
                $isPropertyBag = $true
                # Otherwise include this segment as a hashtable assignment with the correct indentation.
                $thisSegement = @($thisSegement -split '[\r\n]+' -ne '' -replace '$', (' ' * 8)) -join [Environment]::NewLine
$(' ' * $indent)'$($dot.Name.Replace("'","''"))' =
$(' ' * ($indent + 4))$thisSegement


    # If we were generating a property bag
    if ($isPropertyBag) {
        if ($WasPipedTo) { # and it was piped to
            # Add the start of the pipeline and the property bag start to the top of the script.
            $NewScript = @('& { process {') + ((' ' * $indent) + '$in = $this = $_') + $propertyBagStart + $NewScript 
        } else {
            # If it was not piped to, just add the start of the property bag
            $newScript = @($propertyBagStart) + $NewScript
    } elseif ($WasPipedTo)  {
        # If we were piped to (but were not a property bag)
        $indent -= 4
        # add the start of the pipeline to the top of the script.
        $newScript = @('& { process {') + ((' ' * $indent) + '$in = $this = $_') + $NewScript
    # If we were a property bag
    if ($isPropertyBag) {
        # close out the script
        $NewScript += ($(' ' * $indent) + '}')
        $indent -= 4

    # If there was post processing
    if ($PostProcess) {
        # Change the property bag start to assign it to a variable
        $NewScript = $newScript -replace ($propertyBagStart -replace '\W', '\$0'), "`$Out = $propertyBagStart"
        foreach ($post in $PostProcess) {
            # and change any [PSScriptProperty] or [PSScriptMethod] into a method on that object.
            $newScript += "`$Out.PSObject.Members.Add(`$out.$Post)"
        # Then output.
        $NewScript += '$Out'
    # If we were piped to
    if ($WasPipedTo) {   
        # close off the script.
        $NewScript += '} }'
    } else {
        # otherwise, make it a subexpression
        $NewScript = '$(' + ($NewScript -join [Environment]::NewLine) + ')'

    $NewScript = $NewScript -join [Environment]::Newline

    # Return the created script.
    $newScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($NewScript)

    if ($targetCommandAst -ne $CommandAst) {
        $newScriptBlock | Add-Member NoteProperty SkipUntil $commandSequence