
describe 'Protocol.OpenAPI' {
    it 'Protocol.OpenAPI Example 1' {
        # We can easily create a command that talks to a single REST api described in OpenAPI.
        Import-PipeScript {
            function Get-GitHubIssue

        Get-GitHubIssue -Owner StartAutomating -Repo PipeScript
    it 'Protocol.OpenAPI Example 2' {
        # We can also make a general purpose command that talks to every endpoint in a REST api.
        Import-PipeScript {
            function GitHubApi

        GitHubApi '/zen'
    it 'Protocol.OpenAPI Example 3' {
        # We can also use OpenAPI as a command. Just pass a URL, and get back a script block.
        openapi https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openai/openai-openapi/master/openapi.yaml#/models/get
    it 'Protocol.OpenAPI Example 4' {
        $TranspiledOpenAPI = { openapi https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openai/openai-openapi/master/openapi.yaml#/models/get } |
        & $TranspiledOpenAPI |  Should -BeOfType ([ScriptBlock])