function Language.ADA { <# .SYNOPSIS ADA Language Definition .DESCRIPTION Defines ADA within PipeScript. This allows ADA to be templated. Because ADA Scripts only allow single-line comments, this is done using a pair of comment markers. -- { or -- PipeScript{ begins a PipeScript block -- } or -- }PipeScript ends a PipeScript block .EXAMPLE Invoke-PipeScript { $AdaScript = ' with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Hello_World is begin -- { Uncommented lines between these two points will be ignored -- # Commented lines will become PipeScript / PowerShell. -- param($message = "hello world") -- "Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (`"$message`");" -- } end Hello_World; ' [OutputFile('.\HelloWorld.ps1.adb')]$AdaScript } Invoke-PipeScript .\HelloWorld.ps1.adb #> [ValidatePattern('\.ad[bs]$')] param() $this = $myInvocation.MyCommand if (-not $this.Self) { $languageDefinition = New-Module { param() $FilePattern = '\.ad[bs]$' # Any Language can be parsed with a series of regular expresssions. $startComment = '(?>(?<IsSingleLine>--)\s{0,}(?:PipeScript)?\s{0,}\{)' $endComment = '(?>--\s{0,}\}\s{0,}(?:PipeScript)?\s{0,})' # To support templates, a language has to declare `$StartPattern` and `$EndPattern`: $StartPattern = "(?<PSStart>${startComment})" $EndPattern = "(?<PSEnd>${endComment})" # A language can also declare a `$LinePattern`. If it does, any inline code that does not match this pattern will be skipped. # Using -LinePattern will skip any inline code not starting with -- $LinePattern = "^\s{0,}--\s{0,}" $LanguageName = 'ADA' Export-ModuleMember -Variable * -Function * -Alias * } -AsCustomObject $languageDefinition.pstypenames.clear() $languageDefinition.pstypenames.add("Language") $languageDefinition.pstypenames.add("Language.ADA") $[PSNoteProperty]::new('Self',$languageDefinition)) } $this.Self } |