
    Ensures Examples Work
    Ensures Examples work by turning each example into a test.

    Including a comment followed by 'should' will turn specific lines of the test into Pester should statements.
    This build is run condtionally, whenever the word "Example" is used in a commit message.

    # In a PipeScript *.Build.ps1 file, ValidatePattern will be checked against the last commit message.
    # This checks for the Pattern:
    # If the pattern is found, then the script will run.
    # If the pattern is not found, then the script will not run (and this will be written as a warning and noted in the build summary)
    # Order impacts the order in which commands run. A lower order will run sooner, a higher order will run later.
    # The default order is 0.
    -1kb # by indicating an Order of -1kb, we are really saying "run before most things"
# The name of the module containing examples
$ModuleName = 'PipeScript'

$moduleInfo = Get-Module $ModuleName

$commandsInModule = Get-Command -Module $moduleName

$commandsWithExamples = $commandsInModule | Where-Object { $_.Examples }

$examplePattern = [Regex]::new('(?<ws>[\s\r\n]{0,})\#\s(?<P>.+?(?=\z|Should))?Should\s(?<C>.+?)$', 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:05')

$testsDirectory = $moduleInfo | Split-Path | Join-Path -ChildPath Tests | Join-Path -ChildPath "Examples"

if (-not (Test-Path $testsDirectory)) {
    $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $testsDirectory

foreach ($commandShouldWork in $commandsWithExamples) {
    $exampleCounter = 0
    $exampleFileContent = 
    "describe '$($commandShouldWork)' {"
    foreach ($commandExample in $commandShouldWork.Examples) {
        try {
        " it '$commandShouldWork Example $($exampleCounter)' {"
            $examplePattern.Replace($commandExample, ' | ${P} Should ${C}')
        " }"
        } catch {
            $ex = $_
            # If for whatever reason the regex threw an exception, don't make a test out of this example.
    '') -join [Environment]::newLine

    $testFilePath = Join-Path $testsDirectory "$CommandShouldWork.examples.tests.ps1"
    $exampleFileContent | Set-Content $testFilePath
    Get-Item $testFilePath    