<# .SYNOPSIS Dynamically Defines Aliases .DESCRIPTION Can Dynamically Define Aliases. When uses in a parameter attribute, -Aliases will define a list of aliases. When used with a variable, [Aliases] will Set-Alias on each value in the variable. .EXAMPLE { $aliases = "Foo", "Bar", "Baz" [Aliases(Command="Get-Process")]$aliases } | .>PipeScript .Example { param( [Aliases(Aliases={ ([char]'a'..[char]'z') })] [string] $Drive ) } | .>PipeScript #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='AliasNames')] [Alias('SmartAlias','DynamicAlais')] param( # A list of aliases [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName='AliasNames')] [Alias('Alias')] [string[]] $Aliases, # If provided, will prefix each alias [string] $Prefix, # If provided, will add a suffix to each alias [string] $Suffix, # The command being aliased. This is only required when transpiling a variable. [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName='VariableExpressionAST')] [string] $Command, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='VariableExpressionAST')] [switch] $PassThru, # A VariableExpression. # If provided, this will be treated as the alias name or list of alias names. [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,ParameterSetName='VariableExpressionAST')] [Management.Automation.Language.VariableExpressionAST] $VariableAST ) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'VariableExpressionAST') { [ScriptBlock]::Create($({ @(foreach ($alias in @($aliasNames)) { Set-Alias "${Prefix}$alias${Suffix}" "$Command" -PassThru:$PassThru }) } -replace '\${Prefix}', $Prefix -replace '\${Suffix}', $Suffix -replace '\$Command', $Command -replace '\$AliasNames', "$variableAst" -replace '\$PassThru', ('$' + ($PassThru -as [bool])) )) } else { $aliasValues = @(foreach ($alias in $aliasNames) { "$(if ($Prefix) { $Prefix })$alias$(if ($Suffix) { $Suffix })" }) [scriptblock]::Create("[Alias('$($Aliases -join "','")')]param()") } } |