function Aspect.GroupObjectByTypeName { <# .SYNOPSIS Groups objects by type name .DESCRIPTION Groups objects by the first of their `.pstypenames` .EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem | Aspect.GroupByTypeName #> [Alias('Aspect.GroupByTypeName')] param(<# One or More InputObjects #>[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][PSObject[]]$InputObject) begin {$groupedByTypeName = [Ordered]@{}} process { foreach ($inObj in $InputObject) { $pstypeName = $inObj.pstypenames[0] if (-not $groupedByTypeName[$pstypeName]) { $groupedByTypeName[$pstypeName] = [Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]::new() } $groupedByTypeName[$pstypeName].Add($inObj) } } end {$groupedByTypeName} } function Aspect.GroupObjectByType { <# .SYNOPSIS Groups objects by types .DESCRIPTION Groups objects by objects by their .NET type .EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem | Aspect.GroupByType #> [Alias('Aspect.GroupByType')] param(<# One or More Input Objects #>[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][PSObject[]]$InputObject) begin {$groupedByType = [Ordered]@{}} process { foreach ($inObj in $InputObject) { $dotNetType = $inObj.GetType() if (-not $groupedByType[$dotNetType]) { $groupedByType[$dotNetType] = [Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]::new() } $groupedByType[$dotNetType].Add($inObj) } } end { $groupedByType } } |