
function New-PipeScript {
        Creates new PipeScript.
        Creates new PipeScript and PowerShell ScriptBlocks.
        This allow you to create scripts dynamically.
        # Without any parameters, this will make an empty script block
        New-PipeScript # Should -BeOfType([ScriptBlock])
        # We can use -AutoParameter to automatically populate parameters:
        New-PipeScript -ScriptBlock { $x + $y} -AutoParameter
        # We can use -AutoParameter and -AutoParameterType to automatically make all parameters a specific type:
        New-PipeScript -ScriptBlock { $x, $y } -AutoParameter -AutoParameterType double
        # We can provide a -FunctionName to make a function.
        # New-PipeScript transpiles the scripts it generates, so this will also declare the function.
        New-PipeScript -ScriptBlock { Get-Random -Min 1 -Max 20 } -FunctionName ANumberBetweenOneAndTwenty
        ANumberBetweenOneAndTwenty # Should -BeLessThan 21
        # We can provide parameters as a dictionary.
        New-PipeScript -Parameter @{"foo"=@{
            Name = "foo"
            Help = 'Foobar'
            Attributes = "Mandatory","ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName"
            Aliases = "fubar"
            Type = "string"
        # We can provide parameters from .NET reflection.
        # We can provide additional parameter help with -ParameterHelp
        New-PipeScript -Parameter ([Net.HttpWebRequest].GetProperties()) -ParameterHelp @{
HTTP Accept.
HTTP Accept indicates what content types the web request will accept as a response.
        # If a .NET type has XML Documentation, this can generate parameter help.
        New-PipeScript -FunctionName New-TableControl -Parameter (
        ) -Process {
            New-Object Management.Automation.TableControl -Property $psBoundParameters
        } -Synopsis 'Creates a table control'
        Get-Help New-TableControl -Parameter *
        $CreatedCommands =
                [Management.Automation.DisplayEntry] |
                    New-PipeScript -Noun { $_.Name } -Verb New -Alias {
                        "Get-$($_.Name)", "Set-$($_.Name)"
                    } -Synopsis {
                        "Creates, Changes, or Gets $($_.Name)"
        New-TableControl -Headers @(
            New-TableControlColumnHeader -Label "First" -Alignment Left -Width 10
            New-TableControlColumnHeader -Label "Second" -Alignment Center -Width 20
            New-TableControlColumnHeader -Label "Third" -Alignment Right -Width 20
        ) -Rows @(
            New-TableControlRow -Columns @(
                New-TableControlColumn -DisplayEntry (
                    New-DisplayEntry First Property
                New-TableControlColumn -DisplayEntry (
                    New-DisplayEntry Second Property
                New-TableControlColumn -DisplayEntry (
                    New-DisplayEntry Third Property

    # An input object.
    # This can be anything, and in a few special cases, this can become the script.
    # If the InputObject is a `[ScriptBlock]`, this will be treated as if it was the -Process parameter.
    # If the InputObject is a `[Type]`, this will create a script to work with that type.
    # Defines one or more parameters for a ScriptBlock.
    # Parameters can be defined in a few ways:
    # * As a ```[Collections.Dictionary]``` of Parameters
    # * As the ```[string]``` name of an untyped parameter.
    # * As a ```[ScriptBlock]``` containing only parameters.
    # The dynamic parameter block.
        if ($_ -isnot [ScriptBlock]) { return $true }
        if ($_.Ast.DynamicParamBlock -or $_.Ast.BeginBlock -or $_.Ast.ProcessBlock) {
            throw "ScriptBlock should not have any named blocks"
        return $true    
        if ($_ -isnot [ScriptBlock]) { return $true }
        if ($_.Ast.ParamBlock.Parameters.Count) {
            throw "ScriptBlock should not have parameters"
        return $true    
    # The begin block.
        if ($_ -isnot [ScriptBlock]) { return $true }
        if ($_.Ast.DynamicParamBlock -or $_.Ast.BeginBlock -or $_.Ast.ProcessBlock) {
            throw "ScriptBlock should not have any named blocks"
        return $true    
        if ($_ -isnot [ScriptBlock]) { return $true }
        if ($_.Ast.ParamBlock.Parameters.Count) {
            throw "ScriptBlock should not have parameters"
        return $true    
    # The process block.
    # If a [ScriptBlock] is piped in and this has not been provided,
    # -Process will be mapped to that script.
    # The end block.
        if ($_ -isnot [ScriptBlock]) { return $true }
        if ($_.Ast.DynamicParamBlock -or $_.Ast.BeginBlock -or $_.Ast.ProcessBlock) {
            throw "ScriptBlock should not have any named blocks"
        return $true    
        if ($_ -isnot [ScriptBlock]) { return $true }
        if ($_.Ast.ParamBlock.Parameters.Count) {
            throw "ScriptBlock should not have parameters"
        return $true    
    # The script header.
    # If provided, will automatically create parameters.
    # Parameters will be automatically created for any unassigned variables.
    # The type used for automatically generated parameters.
    # By default, ```[PSObject]```.
    $AutoParameterType = [PSObject],
    # If provided, will add inline help to parameters.
    If set, will weakly type parameters generated by reflection.
    1. Any parameter type implements IList should be made a [PSObject[]]
    2. Any parameter that implements IDictionary should be made an [Collections.IDictionary]
    3. Booleans should be made into [switch]es
    4. All other parameter types should be [PSObject]

    [Alias('WeakType', 'WeakParameters', 'WeaklyTypedParameters', 'WeakProperties', 'WeaklyTypedProperties')]
    # The name of the function to create.
    # The verb of the function to create. This implies a -FunctionName.
    # The noun of the function to create. This implies a -FunctionName.
    # The type or namespace the function to create. This will be ignored if -FunctionName is not passed.
    # If the function type is not function or filter, it will be treated as a function namespace.
    $FunctionType = 'function',
    # A description of the script's functionality. If provided with -Synopsis, will generate help.
    # A short synopsis of the script's functionality. If provided with -Description, will generate help.
    # A list of examples to use in help. Will be ignored if -Synopsis and -Description are not passed.
    # A list of links to use in help. Will be ignored if -Synopsis and -Description are not passed.
    # A list of attributes to declare on the scriptblock.
    # A list of potential aliases for the command.
    # If set, will try not to create mandatory parameters.
    # If set, will not transpile the created code.
    # A Reference Object.
    # This can be used for properties that are provided from a JSON Schema or OpenAPI definition or some similar structure.
    # It will take a slash based path to a component or property and use that as it's value.
    begin {
        $ParametersToCreate    = [Ordered]@{}
        $parameterScriptBlocks = @()
        $allDynamicParameters  = @()
        $allBeginBlocks        = @()
        $allEndBlocks          = @()
        $allProcessBlocks      = @()
        $allHeaders            = @()
        ${?<EmptyParameterBlock>} = '^[\s\r\n]{0,}param\(' -replace '\)[\s\r\n]{0,}$'
        filter embedParameterHelp {
                    if ($_ -notmatch '^\s\<\#' -and $_ -notmatch '^\s\#') {
                        $commentLines = @($_ -split '(?>\r\n|\n)')
                        if ($commentLines.Count -gt 1) {
                            '<#' + [Environment]::NewLine + "$_".Trim() + [Environment]::newLine + '#>'
                        } else {
                            "# $_"
                    } else {
        filter psuedoTypeToRealType {
                    switch ($_) {
                        string { [string] }
                        integer { [int] }
                        number { [double]}
                        boolean { [switch] }
                        array { [PSObject[]] }
                        object { [PSObject] }
                        default {
                            if ($_ -as [type]) {
                                $_ -as [type]
        filter oneOfTheseProperties {
                    foreach ($arg in $args) {
                        if ($_.$arg) { return $_.$arg }
        # Default 'NoEnd' to false.
        # We'll check this at the beginning of the end to make sure we need to run the code in the end block.
        $NoEnd = $false
    process {
        $myParameters = [Ordered]@{} + $psBoundParameters
        # If the input was a dictionary
        if ($InputObject -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
            # make it a custom object.
            $InputObject = [PSCustomObject]$InputObject            
            $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
            # Since we're too late to do a `[ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName]` binding to the parameters,
            # do it ourselves by walking over each parameter.
            :nextParameter foreach ($param in $myCmd.Parameters.Values) {
                if ($null -ne $inputObject.($param.Name)) { # If the -InputObject contains a parameter name
                    # bind it by setting the variable
                    $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($param.Name, $inputObject.($param.Name))
                else {
                    # Otherwise, check each of the aliases for this parameter
                    foreach ($paramAlias in $param.Aliases) {
                        # and if the -InputObject has that alias
                        if ($null -ne $inputObject.$paramAlias) {
                            # bind it by setting the variable.
                            $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($param.Name, $inputObject.$paramAlias)
                            continue nextParameter
        # If the inputobject is a [Type]
        if ($InputObject -is [Type]) {
            if (-not $myParameters['Parameter']) {
                $myParameters['Parameter'] = $parameter = @(
                        "InputObject"= @{
                        "ArgumentList" = @{
                        "PassThru" = @{
                            Name = 'PassThru'
            # If we didn't supply any script, make one.
            if (-not ($myParameters['Process'] -or 
                $myParameters['Begin'] -or 
                $myParameters['End'] -or 
            )) {                
                $myParameters['Attribute'] = '[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)]'
                $begin   = $myParameters['Begin'] = [scriptblock]::create(
                    "`$FunctionBaseType = [$($InputObject.FullName -replace '^\.System')]"
                $Process = $myParameters['Process'] = {
                    $invocationName = $MyInvocation.InvocationName
                    if ($invocationName -match '^(?>New|Add)') {
                        if ($FunctionBaseType::new.OverloadDefinitions -like '*()') {
                            $InputObject = $FunctionBaseType::new()
                        } elseif ($ArgumentList) {
                            $InputObject = $FunctionBaseType::new.Invoke($ArgumentList)
                        $invocationName = 'Set'
                        $PassThru = $true
                    switch -regex ($invocationName) {
                        "^Set" {
                            # If we're setting,
                            foreach ($in in $InputObject) {                                
                                foreach ($paramName in ([Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]$MyInvocation.MyCommand).Parameters.Keys) {
                                    # change any property on that object
                                    if (
                                        $paramName -ne 'InputObject' -and 
                                        $myParameters.Contains($paramName) -and 
                                    ) {
                                        $in.$paramName = $myParameters[$paramName]
                                if ($PassThru) {
                        default { 
                            foreach ($variable in Get-Variable) {
                                if ($variable.Value -is $FunctionBaseType) {
            # Here's a slight rub:
            # We'd like to be able to pipe multiple types in.
            # If that's the case, we want to return/declare multiple functions
            # So by calling ourselves recursively here, we can do that without moving all of the code from the end block
            New-PipeScript @myParameters
            $noEnd = $true
        if ($Synopsis) {
            if (-not $Description) { $Description = $Synopsis }
            function indentHelpLine {
                            foreach ($line in $args -split '(?>\r\n|\n)') {
                                (' ' * 4) + $line.TrimEnd()
            $helpHeader = @(
                indentHelpLine $Synopsis
                indentHelpLine $Description
                foreach ($helpExample in $Example) {
                    indentHelpLine $helpExample
                foreach ($helplink in $Link) {
                    indentHelpLine $helplink
            ) -join [Environment]::Newline
            $allHeaders += $helpHeader
        if ($Alias) {
            $allHeaders += "[Alias('$($alias -replace "'","''" -join "','")')]"
        if ($Attribute) {
            $allHeaders += $Attribute
        # If -Parameter was passed, we will need to define parameters.
        if ($parameter) {
            # We may also effectively want to recurse thru these values
            # (that is, a parameter can imply the existence of other parameters)
            # So, instead of going thru a normal list, we're putting everything into a queue
            $parameterQueue = [Collections.Queue]::new(@($parameter))
            $parameterList  = [Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]::new()
            foreach ($param in $parameter) {
                $null = $parameterList.Add($param)    
            while ($parameterList.Count) {
                $param = $parameterList[0]
                # this will end up populating an [Ordered] dictionary, $parametersToCreate.
                # However, for ease of use, -Parameter can be very flexible.
                # The -Parameter can be a dictionary of parameters.
                if ($Param -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
                    $parameterType = ''
                    # If it is, walk thur each parameter in the dictionary
                    foreach ($EachParameter in $Param.GetEnumerator()) {
                        # Continue past any parameters we already have
                        if ($ParametersToCreate.Contains($EachParameter.Key)) {
                        # If the parameter is a string and the value is not a variable
                        if ($EachParameter.Value -is [string] -and $EachParameter.Value -notlike '*$*') {
                            $parameterName = $EachParameter.Key
                            $ParametersToCreate[$EachParameter.Key] =
                                    if ($parameterHelp -and $parameterHelp[$eachParameter.Key]) {
                                        $parameterHelp[$eachParameter.Key] | embedParameterHelp
                                    $parameterAttribute = "[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]"
                                    '$' + $parameterName
                                ) -ne ''
                        # If the value is a string and the value contains variables
                        elseif ($EachParameter.Value -is [string]) {
                            # embed it directly.
                            $ParametersToCreate[$EachParameter.Key] = $EachParameter.Value
                        # If the value is a ScriptBlock
                        elseif ($EachParameter.Value -is [ScriptBlock]) {
                            # Embed it
                            $ParametersToCreate[$EachParameter.Key] =
                                # If there was a param block on the script block
                                if ($EachParameter.Value.Ast.ParamBlock) {
                                    # embed the parameter block (except for the param keyword)
                                    $EachParameter.Value.Ast.ParamBlock.Extent.ToString() -replace
                                } else {
                                    # Otherwise
                                    '[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]' + (
                                    $EachParameter.Value.ToString() -replace
                                        "\`$$($eachParameter.Key)[\s\r\n]$" -replace # Replace any trailing variables
                                        ${?<EmptyParameterBlock>}  # then replace any empty param blocks.
                        # If the value was an array
                        elseif ($EachParameter.Value -is [Object[]]) {
                            $ParametersToCreate[$EachParameter.Key] = # join it's elements by newlines
                                $EachParameter.Value -join [Environment]::Newline
                        elseif ($EachParameter.Value -is [Collections.IDictionary] -or 
                            $EachParameter.Value -is [PSObject]) {
                            # This is the "easy" way to specify a lot of advanced properties:
                            # A hashtable of hashtables/PSObjects, where the keys are made as convenient and exhaustive as possible:
                            $parameterMetadata = $EachParameter.Value
                            $parameterName = $EachParameter.Key
                            if ($parameterMetadata.Name) {
                                $parameterName = $parameterMetadata.Name
                            $parameterAttributeParts = @()
                            $ParameterOtherAttributes = @()
                            # Attributes can be in .Attribute/.Attributes
                            $attrs = @($parameterMetadata | oneOfTheseProperties Attribute Attributes)
                            # Aliases can be in .Alias/.Aliases
                            [string[]]$aliases = @($parameterMetadata | oneOfTheseProperties Alias Aliases)
                            # Help can be in .Help/.Description/.Synopsis/.Summary
                            [string]$parameterHelpText = 
                                $parameterMetadata | oneOfTheseProperties Help Description Synopsis Summary
                            # Bindings can be in .Binding/.Bindings/.DefaultBinding/.DefaultBindingProperty.
                            $Bindings = @(
                                $parameterMetadata | oneOfTheseProperties Binding Bindings DefaultBinding DefaultBindingProperty
                            # Ambient values can be in .AmbientValue/.CoerceValue
                            $AmbientValue = @(
                                $parameterMetadata | oneOfTheseProperties AmbientValue CoerceValue
                            # Metadata can be in .Metadata/.ReflectionMetadata/.ParameterMetadata
                            $parameterMetadataProperties = @(
                                $parameterMetadata | oneOfTheseProperties Metadata ReflectionMetadata ParameterMetadata
                            # Valid Values can be found in .ValidValue/.ValidValues/.ValidateSet
                            $parameterValidValues = @(
                                $parameterMetadata | oneOfTheseProperties ValidValue ValidValues ValidateSet
                            $parameterValidPattern = @(
                                $parameterMetadata | oneOfTheseProperties ValidatePattern Pattern Regex
                            # Default values can be found in .DefaultValue/.Default
                            $parameterDefaultValue = @(
                                $parameterMetadata | oneOfTheseProperties DefaultValue Default
                            $aliasAttribute = @(foreach ($aka in $aliases) {
                                $aka -replace "'","''"                            
                            }) -join "','"
                            if ($aliasAttribute) {
                                $aliasAttribute = "[Alias('$aliasAttribute')]"
                            if ($parameterValidValues) {
                                $attrs += "[ValidateSet('$($parameterValidValues -replace "'","''" -join "','")')]"    
                            if ($parameterValidPattern) {
                                $attrs += "[ValidatePattern('$($parameterValidPattern -replace "'","''")')]"    
                            if ($Bindings) {
                                foreach ($bindingProperty in $Bindings) {
                                    $attrs += "[ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('$bindingProperty')]"
                            if ($parameterMetadataProperties) {
                                foreach ($pmdProp in $parameterMetadataProperties) {
                                    if ($pmdProp -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
                                        foreach ($mdKv in $pmdProp.GetEnumerator()) {
                                            $attrs += "[Reflection.AssemblyMetadata('$($mdKv.Key)', '$($mdKv.Value -replace "',''")')]"
                            if ($AmbientValue) {
                                foreach ($ambient in $AmbientValue) {
                                    if ($ambient -is [scriptblock]) {
                                        $attrs += "[ComponentModel.AmbientValue({$ambient})]"
                            foreach ($attr in $attrs) {
                                if ($attr -notmatch '^\[') {
                                    $parameterAttributeParts += $attr
                                } else {
                                    $ParameterOtherAttributes += $attr
                            if (
                                ($parameterMetadata.Mandatory -or $parameterMetadata.required) -and 
                                ($parameterAttributeParts -notmatch 'Mandatory') -and 
                                -not $NoMandatory) {
                                $parameterAttributeParts = @('Mandatory') + $parameterAttributeParts
                            $parameterType = $parameterMetadata | oneOfTheseProperties Type ParameterType                            
                            $ParametersToCreate[$parameterName] = @(
                                if ($ParameterHelpText) {
                                    $ParameterHelpText | embedParameterHelp
                                if ($parameterAttributeParts) {
                                    "[Parameter($($parameterAttributeParts -join ','))]"
                                if ($aliasAttribute) {
                                if ($ParameterOtherAttributes) {
                                $PsuedoType = $parameterType | psuedoTypeToRealType
                                if ($PsuedoType) {
                                    $parameterType = $PsuedoType
                                    switch ($parameterType) {
                                        [bool] { [switch]}
                                        [array] { [PSObject[]] }
                                        [object] { [PSObject] }
                                    if ($parameterType -eq [bool]) {
                                    elseif ($parameterType -eq [array]) {
                                    else {
                                        if ($WeaklyTyped) {
                                            if ($parameterType.GetInterface -and 
                                                $parameterType.GetInterface([Collections.IDictionary])) {
                                            elseif ($parameterType.GetInterface -and 
                                                $parameterType.GetInterface([Collections.IList])) {
                                            else {
                                        } else {
                                            if ($parameterType.IsGenericType -and
                                                $parameterType.GetInterface -and 
                                                $parameterType.GetInterface(([Collections.IList])) -and
                                                $parameterType.GenericTypeArguments.Count -eq 1
                                            ) {
                                                "[$($parameterType.GenericTypeArguments[0].Fullname -replace '^System\.')[]]"
                                            } else {
                                                "[$($parameterType.FullName -replace '^System\.')]"
                                elseif ($parameterType) {
                                    "[PSTypeName('$($parameterType -replace '^System\.')')]"                                                                        
                                '$' + ($parameterName -replace '^$') + $(
                                    if ($parameterDefaultValue) {                                        
                                        if ($parameterDefaultValue -is [scriptblock]) {
                                            if ($parameterType -eq [scriptblock]) {
                                                "= {$ParameterDefaultValue}"
                                            } else {
                                                "= `$($ParameterDefaultValue)"
                                        } elseif ($parameterDefaultValue -is [string]) {
                                            "= `$('$($parameterDefaultValue -replace "'","''")')"
                                        } elseif ($parameterDefaultValue -is [bool] -or $parameterDefaultValue -is [switch]) {
                                            "= `$$($parameterDefaultValue -as [bool])"
                            ) -join [Environment]::newLine
                # If the parameter was a string
                elseif ($Param -is [string])
                    # treat it as parameter name
                    $ParametersToCreate[$Param] =
                        if ($parameterHelp -and $parameterHelp[$Param]) {
                            $parameterHelp[$Param] | embedParameterHelp
                        ) -join [Environment]::NewLine
                # If the parameter is a [ScriptBlock]
                elseif ($Param -is [scriptblock])
                    # add it to a list of parameter script blocks.
                    $parameterScriptBlocks +=
                        if ($Param.Ast.ParamBlock) {
                elseif ($param -is [Management.Automation.CommandInfo] -or
                    $param -is [Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]) {
                    if ($param -isnot [Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]) {
                        $param = $param -as [Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]
                    if ($param) {
                        $proxyParamBlock = [Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::GetParamBlock($param)
                        $proxyParamBlock = $proxyParamBlock -replace '\$\{(?<N>\w+)\}','$$${N}'
                        if ($NoMandatory) {
                            $proxyParamBlock = $proxyParamBlock -replace 'Mandatory=\$true', 'Mandatory=$$false'
                        $parameterScriptBlocks +=
                            [scriptblock]::Create(("param(" +
                            $proxyParamBlock +
                # If the -Parameter was provided via reflection
                elseif ($Param -is [Reflection.PropertyInfo] -or
                    $Param -as [Reflection.PropertyInfo[]] -or
                    $Param -is [Reflection.ParameterInfo] -or
                    $Param -as [Reflection.ParameterInfo[]] -or
                    $Param -is [Reflection.MethodInfo] -or
                    $Param -as [Reflection.MethodInfo[]]
                ) {
                    # Find an XML documentation file for the type, if available
                    if (-not $Script:FoundXmlDocsForAssembly) {
                        $Script:FoundXmlDocsForAssembly = @{}
                    if (-not $Script:FoundXmlDocsForType) {
                        $Script:FoundXmlDocsForType = @{}
                    $declaringType = $param.DeclaringType
                    $declaringAssembly = $param.DeclaringType.Assembly
                    if (-not $Script:FoundXmlDocsForAssembly[$declaringAssembly]) {
                        $likelyXmlLocation = $declaringAssembly.Location -replace '\.dll$', '.xml'
                        if (Test-Path $likelyXmlLocation) {
                            $Script:FoundXmlDocsForAssembly[$declaringAssembly] = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($likelyXmlLocation) -as [xml]
                    if ($Script:FoundXmlDocsForAssembly[$declaringAssembly] -and 
                        -not $Script:FoundXmlDocsForType[$declaringType]) {
                        $Script:FoundXmlDocsForType[$declaringType] =
                            foreach ($node in $Script:FoundXmlDocsForAssembly[$declaringAssembly].SelectNodes("//member")) {
                                if ($node.Name -like "*$($declaringType.FullName)*") {
                    # check to see if it's a method
                    if ($Param -is [Reflection.MethodInfo] -or
                        $Param -as [Reflection.MethodInfo[]]) {
                        $Param = @(foreach ($methodInfo in $Param) {
                            $methodInfo.GetParameters() # if so, reflect the method's parameters
                    # Walk over each parameter and turn it into a dictionary of dictionaries
                    $propertiesToParameters = [Ordered]@{}
                    foreach ($prop in $Param) {
                        # If it is a property info that cannot be written, skip.
                        if ($prop -is [Reflection.PropertyInfo] -and -not $prop.CanWrite) { continue }
                        # Determine the reflected parameter type.
                        $paramType =
                            if ($prop.ParameterType) {
                            } elseif ($prop.PropertyType) {
                            } else {
                        $NewParamName = $prop.Name
                        $NewParameterInfo = [Ordered]@{
                            Name = $NewParamName
                            Attribute = @('ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName')
                            ParameterType = $paramType
                        if ($ParameterHelp -and $ParameterHelp[$prop.Name]) {
                            $NewParameterInfo.Help = $ParameterHelp[$prop.Name]
                        } elseif ($Script:FoundXmlDocsForType[$declaringType]) {
                            $lookingForString = @("$prop" -split ' ')[-1]
                            $foundXmlDocsForProp = foreach ($docXmlNode in $Script:FoundXmlDocsForType[$declaringType]) {
                                if ($docXmlNode.Name.EndsWith($lookingForString)) {
                            if ($foundXmlDocsForProp -and $foundXmlDocsForProp.Summary -is [string]) {
                                $NewParameterInfo.Help = $foundXmlDocsForProp.Summary
                                $null = $null
                        $propertiesToParameters[$NewParamName] = $NewParameterInfo                        
                elseif ($Param -is [PSObject]) {
                    $paramIsReference = $param.'$ref'
                    if ($paramIsReference -and $ReferenceObject) {
                        $ptr = $ReferenceObject
                        $objectPath = $paramIsReference -replace '^#' -replace '^/' -split '[/\.]' -ne ''
                        foreach ($op in $objectPath) {
                            $ptr = $ptr.$op
                        if ($ptr) {
                    # If there's a parameter name and schema, we can turn this into something useful.
                    if ($param.Name -and $param.schema) {
                        $newParameterInfo = [Ordered]@{name=$param.Name}
                        if ($param.description) {
                            $newParameterInfo.Description = $param.Description
                        if ($param.schema.type) {
                            $newParameterInfo.ParameterType = $param.schema.type | psuedoTypeToRealType
                        if (($param.required -or $param.Mandatory) -and -not $NoMandatory) {
                            $newParameterInfo.Mandatory = $true
                        $parameterList.Insert(0, [Ordered]@{$param.Name=$newParameterInfo})
        # If there is header content,
        if ($header) {
            $allHeaders += $Header
        # dynamic parameters,
        if ($DynamicParameter) {
            $allDynamicParameters += $DynamicParameter
        # begin,
        if ($Begin) {
            $allBeginBlocks += $begin
        if ($InputObject -is [scriptblock] -and -not $myParameters['Process']) {
            $process = $InputObject
        # process,
        if ($process) {
            if ($process.BeginBlock -or 
                $process.ProcessBlock -or 
                $process.DynamicParameterBlock -or 
                $Process.ParamBlock) {
                if ($process.DynamicParameterBlock) {
                    $allDynamicParameters += $process.DynamicParameterBlock
                if ($process.ParamBlock) {
                    $parameterScriptBlocks += $Process
                if ($Process.BeginBlock) {
                    $allBeginBlocks += $Process.BeginBlock -replace ${?<EmptyParameterBlock>}
                if ($process.ProcessBlock) {
                    $allProcessBlocks += $process.ProcessBlock
                if ($process.EndBlock) {
                    $allEndBlocks += $Process.EndBlock -replace ${?<EmptyParameterBlock>}
            } else {
                $allProcessBlocks += $process -replace ${?<EmptyParameterBlock>}
        # or end blocks.
        if ($end) {
            # accumulate them.
            $allEndBlocks += $end
        # If -AutoParameter was passed
        if ($AutoParameter) {
            # Find all of the variable expressions within -Begin, -Process, and -End
            $variableDefinitions = $Begin, $Process, $End |
                Where-Object { $_ } |
                Search-PipeScript -AstType VariableExpressionAST |
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty Result
            foreach ($var in $variableDefinitions) {
                # Then, see where those variables were assigned
                $assigned = $var.GetAssignments()
                # (if they were assigned, keep moving)
                if ($assigned) { continue }
                # If there were not assigned
                $varName = $var.VariablePath.userPath.ToString()
                # add it to the list of parameters to create.
                $ParametersToCreate[$varName] = @(
                    "[$($AutoParameterType.FullName -replace '^System\.')]"
                    ) -join [Environment]::NewLine
    end {
        if ($NoEnd) { return }
        # Take all of the accumulated parameters and create a parameter block
        $newParamBlock =
            "param(" + [Environment]::newLine +
            $(@(foreach ($toCreate in $ParametersToCreate.GetEnumerator()) {
                $toCreate.Value -join [Environment]::NewLine
            }) -join (',' + [Environment]::NewLine)) +
            [Environment]::NewLine +
        # If any parameters were passed in as ```[ScriptBlock]```s,
        if ($parameterScriptBlocks) {
            $parameterScriptBlocks += [ScriptBlock]::Create($newParamBlock)
            # join them with the new parameter block.
            $newParamBlock = $parameterScriptBlocks | Join-PipeScript -IncludeBlockType param
        # If we did not provide a function name,
        if ((-not $FunctionName) -and 
            $verb -and $noun # and we provided a verb and a noun
        ) {
            $FunctionName = "$Verb-$Noun" # set the function name.
        # If we provided a -FunctionName, we'll be declaring a function.
        $functionDeclaration =
            # If the -FunctionType is function or filter
            if ($functionName -and $functionType -in 'function', 'filter') {
                # we declare it naturally.
                "$functionType $FunctionName {"
            } elseif ($FunctionName) {
                # Otherwise, we declare it as a command namespace
                "$functionType function $functionName {"
                # (which means we have to transpile).
                $NoTranspile = $false
        # Create the script block by combining together the provided parts.
        $ScriptToBe = "$(if ($functionDeclaration) { "$functionDeclaration"})
$($allHeaders -join [Environment]::Newline)
$(if ($allDynamicParameters) {
    @(@("dynamicParam {") + $allDynamicParameters + '}') -join [Environment]::Newline
$(if ($allBeginBlocks) {
    @(@("begin {") + $allBeginBlocks + '}') -join [Environment]::Newline
$(if ($allProcessBlocks) {
    @(@("process {") + $allProcessBlocks + '}') -join [Environment]::Newline
$(if ($allEndBlocks -and -not $allBeginBlocks -and -not $allProcessBlocks) {
    $allEndBlocks -join [Environment]::Newline
} elseif ($allEndBlocks) {
    @(@("end {") + $allEndBlocks + '}') -join [Environment]::Newline
$(if ($functionDeclaration) { '}'})

        $createdScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($ScriptToBe)
        # If -NoTranspile was passed,
        if ($createdScriptBlock -and $NoTranspile) {
            $createdScriptBlock # output the script as-is
        } elseif ($createdScriptBlock) { # otherwise
            $createdScriptBlock | .>PipeScript # output the transpiled script.