
    Validates if an object is one or more types.
    Validates if an object is one or more types.
    This allows for a single parameter to handle multiple potential types.
    } | .>PipeScript
    {"hello world"} |
        Invoke-PipeScript -ScriptBlock {

    1 |
        Invoke-PipeScript -ScriptBlock {


# The name of one or more types.
# Types can either be a .NET types of .PSTypenames
# TypeNames will be treated first as real types, then as exact matches, then as wildcards, and then as regular expressions.

# The variable that will be validated.

# Determine the list of real types at this point in time
$realTypes = 
    @(foreach ($tn in $typeName) {
        if ($tn -as [type]) {
            $tn -as [type]

# If all of the types are .NET types
if ($realTypes.Length -eq $TypeName.Length) {
    $checkTypes = @"
`$validTypeList = [$($realTypes -join '],[')]
 + {

$thisType = $_.GetType()
$IsTypeOk =
    $(@( foreach ($validType in $validTypeList) {
        if ($_ -as $validType) {

} else {

    $checkTypes = @"
`$validTypeList = '$($typeName -join "','")'
 + {
$thisType = @(
    if ($_.GetType) {
$IsTypeOk = 
    $(@(foreach ($validTypeName in $validTypeList) {
        $realType = $validTypeName -as [type]
        foreach ($Type in $thisType) {
            if ($Type -is [type]) {
                if ($realType) {
                    $realType -eq $type -or
                    $type.IsSubClassOf($realType) -or
                    ($realType.IsInterface -and $type.GetInterface($realType))
                } else {
                    $type.Name -eq $realType -or 
                    $type.Fullname -eq $realType -or 
                    $type.Fullname -like $realType -or $(
                        ($realType -as [regex]) -and 
                        $type.Name -match $realType -or $type.Fullname -match $realType
            } else {
                $type -eq $realType -or 
                $type -like $realType -or (
                    ($realType -as [regex]) -and 
                    $type -match $realType
    }) -eq $true) -as [bool]
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Parameter') {
if (-not `$isTypeOk) {
    throw "Unexpected type '`$(@(`$thisType)[0])'. Must be '$($typeName -join "','")'."
return `$true
    if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Parameter') {
    } else {
        '$' + $VariableAST.variablePath.ToString()