<# .SYNOPSIS PipeScript Function Transpiler .DESCRIPTION Transpiles Function Definitions. #> param( # An abstract syntax tree function definition. [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName='FunctionAst',ValueFromPipeline)] [Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] $FunctionDefinition ) process { $TranspilerSteps = @() $realFunctionName = $functionDefinition.Name if ($FunctionDefinition.Name -match '\W(?<Name>\w+)$' -or $FunctionDefinition.Name -match '^(?<Name>[\w-]+)\W') { $TranspilerSteps = @([Regex]::new(' ^\s{0,} (?<BalancedBrackets> \[ # An open bracket (?> # Followed by... [^\[\]]+| # any number of non-bracket character OR \[(?<Depth>)| # an open bracket (in which case increment depth) OR \](?<-Depth>) # a closed bracket (in which case decrement depth) )*(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0. \] # followed by a closing bracket ){0,} ', 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace','00:00:00.1').Match($FunctionDefinition.Name).Groups["BalancedBrackets"]) if ($TranspilerSteps ) { $transpilerStepsEnd = $TranspilerSteps[-1].Start + $transpilerSteps[-1].Length $realFunctionName = $functionDefinition.Name.Substring($transpilerStepsEnd) } } $inlineParameters = if ($FunctionDefinition.Parameters) { "($($FunctionDefinition.Parameters.Transpile() -join ','))" } else { '' } $partialCommands = @( if ($realFunctionName -notmatch 'partial\p{P}') { if (-not $script:PartialCommands) { $script:PartialCommands = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands('Partial*', 'Function,Alias',$true) } $partialCommands = @(foreach ($partialFunction in $script:PartialCommands) { # Only real partials should be considered. if ($partialFunction -notmatch 'partial\p{P}') { continue } # Partials should not combine with other partials. $partialName = $partialFunction.Name -replace '^Partial\p{P}' if ( ( # If there's a slash in the name, treat it as a regex $partialName -match '/' -and $realFunctionName -match ($partialName -replace '/') ) -or ( # If there's a slash * or ?, treat it as a wildcard $partialName -match '[\*\?]' -and $realFunctionName -like $partialName ) -or ( # otherwise, treat it as an exact match. $realFunctionName -eq $partialName ) ) { $partialFunction } }) # If there were any partial commands if ($partialCommands) { # sort them by rank and name. $partialCommands | Sort-Object Rank, Name } }) $newFunction = @( if ($FunctionDefinition.IsFilter) { "filter", $realFunctionName, $inlineParameters, '{' -ne '' -join ' ' } else { "function", $realFunctionName, $inlineParameters, '{' -ne '' -join ' ' } # containing the transpiled funciton body. $transpiledFunctionBody = [ScriptBlock]::Create(($functionDefinition.Body.Extent -replace '^{' -replace '}$')) | .>Pipescript -Transpiler $transpilerSteps # If there were not partial commands, life is easy, we just return the transpiled ScriptBlock if (-not $partialCommands) { $transpiledFunctionBody } else { # If there were any partial commands, @( $transpiledFunctionBody # we join them with the transpiled code. $alreadyIncluded = [Ordered]@{} # Keep track of what we've included. foreach ($partialCommand in $partialCommands) { # and go over each partial command if ($alreadyIncluded["$partialCommand"]) { continue } # and get it's ScriptBlock if ($partialCommand.ScriptBlock) { $partialCommand.ScriptBLock } elseif ($partialCommand.ResolvedCommand) { # (if it's an Alias, keep resolving until we can't resolve anymore). $resolvedAlias = $partialCommand.ResolvedCommand while ($resolvedAlias -is [Management.Automation.AliasInfo]) { $resolvedAlias = $resolvedAlias.ResolvedCommand } if ($resolvedAlias.ScriptBlock) { $resolvedAlias.ScriptBlock } } # Then mark the command as included, just in case. $alreadyIncluded["$partialCommand"] = $true } ) | # Take all of the combined input and pipe in into Join-PipeScript Join-PipeScript -Transpile } "}" ) # Create a new script block $transpiledFunction = [ScriptBlock]::Create($newFunction -join [Environment]::NewLine) Import-PipeScript -ScriptBlock $transpiledFunction -NoTranspile # Create an event indicating that a function has been transpiled. $null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier PipeScript.Function.Transpiled -MessageData ([PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{ PSTypeName = 'PipeScript.Function.Transpiled' FunctionDefinition = $FunctionDefinition ScriptBlock = $transpiledFunction }) # Output the transpiled function. $transpiledFunction } |