<# .SYNOPSIS Declares a namespaced alias .DESCRIPTION Declares an alias in a namespace. Namespaces are used to logically group functionality in a way that can be efficiently queried. .EXAMPLE . { PipeScript.Template alias .\Transpilers\Templates\*.psx.ps1 }.Transpile() #> [Reflection.AssemblyMetaData('Order', -10)] [ValidateScript({ # This only applies to a command AST $cmdAst = $_ -as [Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst] if (-not $cmdAst) { return $false } # It must have at least 3 elements. if ($cmdAst.CommandElements.Count -lt 3) { return $false } # The second element must be 'alias'. if ($cmdAst.CommandElements[1].Value -ne 'alias') { return $false } return $true })] param( # The CommandAST that will be transformed. [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst] $CommandAst ) process { $namespace, $null, $locations = $CommandAst.CommandElements $namespaceSeparatorPattern = [Regex]::new('[\p{P}]{1,}','RightToLeft') $namespaceSeparator = $namespaceSeparatorPattern.Match($namespace).Value # If there was no punctuation, the namespace separator will be a '.' if (-not $namespaceSeparator) {$namespaceSeparator = '.'} # If the pattern was empty brackets `[]`, make the separator `[`. elseif ($namespaceSeparator -eq '[]') { $namespaceSeparator = '[' } # If the pattern was `<>`, make the separator `<`. elseif ($namespaceSeparator -eq '<>') { $namespaceSeparator = '<' } $namespace = $namespace -replace "$namespaceSeparatorPattern$" $locationsEmbed = '"' + $($locations -replace '"','`"' -join '","') + '"' [ScriptBlock]::Create(" `$aliasNamespace = '$($namespace -replace "'","''")' `$aliasNamespaceSeparator = '$namespaceSeparator' `$aliasesToCreate = [Ordered]@{} foreach (`$aliasNamespacePattern in $locationsEmbed) { " + { $commandsToAlias = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands($aliasNamespacePattern, 'All', $true) if ($commandsToAlias) { foreach ($commandToAlias in $commandsToAlias) { $aliasName = $aliasNamespace, $commandToAlias.Name -join $aliasNamespaceSeparator $aliasesToCreate[$aliasName] = $commandsToAlias } } if (Test-Path $aliasNamespacePattern) { foreach ($fileToAlias in (Get-ChildItem -Path $aliasNamespacePattern)) { $aliasName = $aliasNamespace, $fileToAlias.Name -join $aliasNamespaceSeparator $aliasesToCreate[$aliasName] = $fileToAlias.FullName } } } + " } " + { foreach ($toCreateAlias in $aliasesToCreate.GetEnumerator()) { $aliasName, $aliasedTo = $toCreateAlias.Key, $toCreateAlias.Value if ($aliasNamespaceSeparator -match '(?>\[|\<)$') { if ($matches.0 -eq '[') { $aliasName += ']' } elseif ($matches.0 -eq '<') { $aliasName += '>' } } Set-Alias $aliasName $commandToAlias } }) } |