
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<!-- Generated with EZOut 1.9.9: Install-Module EZOut or https://github.com/StartAutomating/EZOut -->

return $this

                        $thisParent = $this.Parent
while ($thisParent) {
    $thisParent = $thisParent.Parent

) | .&gt;PipeScript

                        $text = $this.Extent.ToString()
$previousToken = $null
$tokenCount = 0
@(foreach ($token in [Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($text, [ref]$null)) {
    Add-Member NoteProperty Text $text -Force -InputObject $token
    Add-Member NoteProperty PreviousToken $previousToken -Force -InputObject $token
    if ($token.Type -in 'Variable', 'String') {
        $realContent = $text.Substring($token.Start, $token.Length)
        Add-Member NoteProperty Content $realContent -Force -InputObject $token
    $previousToken = $token
                        $scriptText = $this.Extent.ToString()

# If the ScriptBlock had attributes, we'll add them to a special list of things that will be transpiled first.
# Find all AST elements within the script block.
$astList = @($this.FindAll({$true}, $false))

# At various points within transpilation, we will be skipping processing until a known end pointer. For now, set this to null.
$skipUntil = 0
# Keep track of the offset from a starting position as well, for the same reason.
$myOffset = 0

# Walk over each item in the abstract syntax tree.
:NextAstItem foreach ($item in $astList) {
    # If skipUntil was set,
    if ($skipUntil) {
        # find the space between now and the last known offset.
        try {
            $newOffset = $scriptText.IndexOf($item.Extent.Text, $myOffset)
            if ($newOffset -eq -1) { continue }
            $myOffset = $newOffset
        } catch {
            $ex =$_
            $null = $null
        if ($myOffset -lt $skipUntil) { # If this is before our skipUntil point
            continue # ignore this AST element.
        $skipUntil = $null # If we have reached our skipUntil point, let's stop skipping.
    # otherwise, find if any pipescripts match this AST

    $foundTranspilers = Get-Transpiler -CouldPipe $item -ValidateInput $item

    if ($foundTranspilers) {
        foreach ($transpiler in $foundTranspilers) {
                PSTypeName = 'PipeScript.Transpiler.Location'
                Transpiler =
                    if ($Transpiler.ExtensionInputObject.ResolvedCommand) {
                        @($Transpiler.ExtensionInputObject.ResolvedCommand) -ne $null
                    } else {
                AST = $item
        $start = $scriptText.IndexOf($item.Extent.Text, $myOffset) # determine the end of this AST element
        $end = $start + $item.Extent.Text.Length
        $skipUntil = $end # set SkipUntil
                        $Parameter = [Ordered]@{}
$ArgumentList = @()
# Collect all of the arguments of the attribute, in the order they were specified.
$argsInOrder = @(
    @($this.PositionalArguments) + @($this.NamedArguments) |
    Sort-Object { $_.Extent.StartOffset}

# Now we need to map each of those arguments into either named or positional arguments.
foreach ($attributeArg in $argsInOrder) {
    # Named arguments are fairly straightforward:
    if ($attributeArg -is [Management.Automation.Language.NamedAttributeArgumentAst]) {
        $argName = $attributeArg.ArgumentName
        $argAst = $attributeArg.Argument
        $parameter[$argName] =
            if ($argName -eq $argAst) { # If the argument is the name,
                $true # treat it as a [switch] parameter.
            # If the argument value was an ScriptBlockExpression
            else {
    } else {
        # If we are a positional parameter, for the moment:
        if ($parameter.Count) {
            # add it to the last named parameter.
            $parameter[@($parameter.Keys)[-1]] =
                @() + $parameter[@($parameter.Keys)[-1]] + $argAst
        } else {
            # Or add it to the list of string arguments.
            $ArgumentList +=

return $ArgumentList

                        $Parameter = [Ordered]@{}
# Collect all of the arguments of the attribute, in the order they were specified.
$argsInOrder = @(
    @($this.PositionalArguments) + @($this.NamedArguments) |
    Sort-Object { $_.Extent.StartOffset}

# Now we need to map each of those arguments into either named or positional arguments.
foreach ($attributeArg in $argsInOrder) {
    # Named arguments are fairly straightforward:
    if ($attributeArg -is [Management.Automation.Language.NamedAttributeArgumentAst]) {
        $argName = $attributeArg.ArgumentName
        $argAst = $attributeArg.Argument
        $parameter[$argName] =
            if ($argName -eq $argAst) { # If the argument is the name,
                $true # treat it as a [switch] parameter.
            # If the argument value was an ScriptBlockExpression
            else {
    } else {
        # If we are a positional parameter, for the moment:
        if ($parameter.Count) {
            # add it to the last named parameter.
            $parameter[@($parameter.Keys)[-1]] =
                @() + $parameter[@($parameter.Keys)[-1]] + $attributeArg.ConvertFromAst()

return $Parameter
    Resolves an Attribute to a CommandInfo
    Resolves an Attribute to one or more CommandInfo.
# Get the name of the transpiler.
$transpilerStepName =
    if ($this.TypeName.IsGeneric) {
    } else {
$decamelCase = [Regex]::new('(?&lt;=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])')
    # If a Transpiler exists by that name, it will be returned first.
    Get-Transpiler -TranspilerName $transpilerStepName
    # Then, any periods in the attribute name will be converted to slashes,
    $fullCommandName = $transpilerStepName -replace '\.','\' -replace
        '_','-' # and any underscores to dashes.

    # Then, the first CamelCased code will have a - injected in between the CamelCase.
    $fullCommandName = $decamelCase.Replace($fullCommandName, '-', 1)
    # Now we will try to find the command.
    $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($fullCommandName, 'All')
    Maps Natural Language Syntax to PowerShell Parameters
    Maps a statement in natural language syntax to a set of PowerShell parameters.

    All parameters will be collected.
    For the purposes of natural language processing ValueFromPipeline will be ignored.
    The order the parameters is declared takes precedence over Position attributes.
    Each potential command can be thought of as a simple sentence with (mostly) natural syntax
    command &lt;parametername&gt; ...&lt;parameterargument&gt; (etc)
    either more natural or PowerShell syntax should be allowed, for example:

    all functions can Quack {

    would map to the command all and the parameters -Function and -Can (with the arguments Quack and {"quack"})

    Assuming -Functions was a `[switch]` or an alias to a `[switch]`, it will match that `[switch]` and only that switch.

    If -Functions was not a `[switch]`, it will match values from that point.

    If the parameter type is not a list or PSObject, only the next parameter will be matched.

    If the parameter type *is* a list or an PSObject,
    or ValueFromRemainingArguments is present and no named parameters were found,
    then all remaining arguments will be matched until the next named parameter is found.
    _Aliasing is important_ when working with a given parameter.
    The alias, _not_ the parameter name, will be what is mapped in .Parameters.

# Because we want to have flexible open-ended arguments here, we do not hard-code any arguments.
# we parse them.
$IsRightToLeft = $false
$SpecificCommands = @()
$specificCommandNames = @()
for ($argIndex =0 ; $argIndex -lt $args.Count; $argIndex++) {
    $arg = $args[$argIndex]
    if ($arg -is [Management.Automation.CommandInfo]) {
        $SpecificCommands += $arg
        $specificCommandNames += $arg.Name
    if ($arg -match '^[-/]{0,2}(?:Is)?RightToLeft$') {
        # If -RightToLeft was passed
        $IsRightToLeft = $true

    $argCommands = @(
        $foundTranspiler = Get-Transpiler -TranspilerName $arg
        if ($foundTranspiler) {
            foreach ($transpiler in $foundTranspiler) {
                if ($transpiler.Validate($arg)) {
        } else {
            $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands($arg, 'All', $true)

    if ($argCommands) {
        $SpecificCommands += $argCommands

$mappedParameters = [Ordered]@{}
$sentence = [Ordered]@{
    Command = $null

$commandAst = $this
$commandElements = @($commandAst.CommandElements)
# If we are going right to left, reverse the command elements

if ($IsRightToLeft) {

$commandElements = # Walk thru each command element
    @(foreach ($element in $commandElements) {
        # If the element is an array literal, expand it
        if ($element -is [Management.Automation.Language.ArrayLiteralAst]) {
        } else {
            # otherwise, include it as is.

# Now we have all of the words in a sentence.
# We can still determine if an item in a list was in a list by inspecting it's parent.

$sentences = @()
if ($SpecificCommands) {
    $potentialCommands = $SpecificCommands
    $potentialCommandNames = @($SpecificCommands | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)
} else {

    # The first command element should be the name of the command.
    $firstCommandElement = $commandElements[0]
    $commandName = ''
    $potentialCommandNames = @()
    $potentialCommands =
        if ($firstCommandElement.Value -and $firstCommandElement.StringConstantType -eq 'BareWord') {
            $commandName = $firstCommandElement.Value
            $foundTranspiler = Get-Transpiler -TranspilerName $commandName
            if ($foundTranspiler) {
                foreach ($transpiler in $foundTranspiler) {
                    if ($transpiler.Validate($commandAst)) {
                        $potentialCommandNames += $commandName
            } else {
                foreach ($foundCmd in $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands($commandName, 'All', $true)) {
                    $potentialCommandNames += $commandName

    if (-not $potentialCommands) {
            PSTypeName = 'PipeScript.Sentence'
            Keyword = ''
            Command = $null
            Arguments = $commandElements[0..$commandElements.Length]

$mappedParameters = [Ordered]@{}

if (-not $Script:SentenceWordCache) {
    $Script:SentenceWordCache = @{}

$potentialCommandIndex = -1
foreach ($potentialCommand in $potentialCommands) {
    $commandName = $potentialCommandName = $potentialCommandNames[$potentialCommandIndex]

    # Cache the potential parameters
    $potentialParameters = $potentialCommand.Parameters

    # Assume the current parameter is empty,
    $currentParameter = ''
    # the current parameter metadata is null,
    $currentParameterMetadata = $null
    # there is no current clause,
    $currentClause = @()
    # and there are no unbound parameters.
    $unboundParameters = @()
    $clauses = @()

    # Walk over each command element in a for loop (we may adjust the index when we match)
    for ($commandElementIndex = 1 ;$commandElementIndex -lt $commandElements.Count; $commandElementIndex++) {
        $commandElement = $CommandElements[$commandElementIndex]
        # by default, we assume we haven't found a parameter.
        $parameterFound = $false
        $barewordSequenece =
            @(for ($cei = $commandElementIndex; $cei -lt $commandElements.Count; $cei++) {
                if (
                    $commandElements[$cei] -isnot [Management.Automation.Language.StringConstantExpressionAst] -or
                    $commandElements[$cei].StringConstantType -ne 'Bareword'
                ) { break }

        # That assumption is quickly challenged if the AST type was CommandParameter
        if ($commandElement -is [Management.Automation.Language.CommandParameterAst]) {
            # If there were already clauses, finalize them before we start this clause
            if ($currentClause) {
                $clauses += [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
                    PSTypeName = 'PipeScript.Sentence.Clause'
                    Name = if ($currentParameter) { $currentParameter} else { '' }
                    ParameterName = if ($currentParameterMetadata) { $currentParameterMetadata.Name } else { '' }
                    Words = $currentClause

            $commandParameter = $commandElement
            # In that case, we know the name they want to use for the parameter
            $currentParameter = $commandParameter.ParameterName
            $currentClause = @($currentParameter)
            # We need to get the parameter metadata as well.
            $currentParameterMetadata =
                # If it was the real name of a parameter, this is easy
                if ($potentialCommand.Parameters[$currentParameter]) {
                    $parameterFound = $true
                else {
                    # Otherwise, we need to search each parameter for aliases.
                    foreach ($cmdParam in $potentialCommand.Parameters.Values) {
                        if ($cmdParam.Aliases -contains $currentParameter) {
                            $parameterFound = $true
            # If the parameter had an argument
            if ($commandParameter.Argument) {
                # Use that argument
                if ($mappedParameters[$currentParameter]) {
                    $mappedParameters[$currentParameter] = @($mappedParameters[$currentParameter]) + @(
                } else {
                    $mappedParameters[$currentParameter] = $commandParameter.Argument
                # and move onto the next element.
                $clauses += [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
                    PSTypeName = 'PipeScript.Sentence.Clause'
                    Name = if ($currentParameter) { $currentParameter} else { '' }
                    ParameterName = if ($currentParameterMetadata) { $currentParameterMetadata.Name } else { '' }
                    Words = $currentClause
                $currentParameter = ''
                $currentParameterMetadata = $null
                $currentClause = @()
            # Since we have found a parameter, we advance the index.
        # If the command element was a bareword, it could also be the name of a parameter
        elseif ($barewordSequenece) {
            # We need to know the name of the parameter as it was written.
            # However, we also want to allow --parameters and /parameters,
            $potentialParameterName = $barewordSequenece[0]
            # therefore, we will compare against the potential name without leading dashes or slashes.
            $potentialBarewordList =@(
                for (
                    $barewordSequenceIndex = $barewordSequenece.Length;
                    $barewordSequenceIndex -ge 0;
                ) {
                    $barewordSequenece[0..$barewordSequenceIndex] -join ' ' -replace '^[-/]{0,}'
            $dashAndSlashlessName = $potentialParameterName -replace '^[-/]{0,}'

            # If no parameter was found but a parameter has ValueFromRemainingArguments, we will map to that.
            $valueFromRemainingArgumentsParameter = $null

            # Walk over each potential parameter in the command
            foreach ($potentialParameter in $potentialParameters.Values) {
                $parameterFound = $(
                    # otherwise, we have to check each alias.
                    :nextAlias foreach ($potentialAlias in $potentialParameter.Aliases) {
                        if ($potentialBarewordList -contains $potentialAlias) {
                            $potentialParameterName = $potentialAlias
                    # If the parameter name matches,
                    if ($potentialBarewordList -contains $potentialParameter.Name) {
                        $true # we've found it,
                    } else {

                # If we found the parameter
                if ($parameterFound) {
                    if ($currentClause) {
                        $clauses += [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
                            PSTypeName = 'PipeScript.Sentence.Clause'
                            Name = if ($currentParameter) { $currentParameter} else { '' }
                            ParameterName = if ($currentParameterMetadata) { $currentParameterMetadata.Name } else { '' }
                            Words = $currentClause

                    # keep track of of it and advance the index.
                    $currentParameter = $potentialParameterName
                    $currentParameterMetadata = $potentialParameter
                    if ($currentParameter -match '\s') {
                        $barewordCount = @($currentParameter -split '\s').Length
                        $currentClause = @($commandElements[$commandElementIndex..($commandElementIndex + $barewordCount - 1)])
                        $commandElementIndex += $barewordCount
                    } else {
                        $currentClause = @($commandElement)
                else {
                    # If we did not, check the parameter for .ValueFromRemainingArguments
                    foreach ($attr in $potentialParameter.Attributes) {
                        if ($attr.ValueFromRemainingArguments) {
                            $valueFromRemainingArgumentsParameter = $potentialParameter

        # If we have our current parameter, but it is a switch,
        if ($currentParameter -and $currentParameterMetadata.ParameterType -eq [switch]) {
            $mappedParameters[$currentParameter] = $true # set it
            if ($currentClause) {
                $clauses += [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
                    PSTypeName = 'PipeScript.Sentence.Clause'
                    Name = if ($currentParameter) { $currentParameter} else { '' }
                    ParameterName = if ($currentParameterMetadata) { $currentParameterMetadata.Name } else { '' }
                    Words = $currentClause
            $currentParameter = '' # and clear the current parameter.
            $currentClause = @()
        elseif ($currentParameter) {
            if ($mappedParameters.Contains($currentParameter) -and
                $currentParameterMetadata.ParameterType -ne [Collections.IList] -and
                $currentParameterMetadata.ParameterType -ne [PSObject] -and
                $currentParameterMetadata.ParameterType -ne [Object]
            ) {
                $clauses += [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
                    PSTypeName = 'PipeScript.Sentence.Clause'
                    Name = if ($currentParameter) { $currentParameter} else { '' }
                    ParameterName = if ($currentParameterMetadata) { $currentParameterMetadata.Name } else { '' }
                    Words = $currentClause
                $currentParameter = $null
                $currentParameterMetadata = $null
                $currentClause = @()

        # Refersh our $commandElement, as the index may have changed.
        $commandElement = $CommandElements[$commandElementIndex]

        # If we have a ValueFromRemainingArguments but no current parameter mapped
        if ($valueFromRemainingArgumentsParameter -and -not $currentParameter) {
            # assume the ValueFromRemainingArguments parameter is the current parameter.
            $currentParameter = $valueFromRemainingArgumentsParameter.Name
            $currentParameterMetadata = $valueFromRemainingArgumentsParameter
            $currentClause = @()

        $commandElementValue =
            if ($commandElement.Value -and
                $commandElement -isnot [Management.Automation.Language.ExpandableStringExpressionAst]) {
            elseif ($commandElement -is [Management.Automation.Language.ScriptBlockExpressionAst]) {
                [ScriptBlock]::Create($commandElement.Extent.ToString() -replace '^\{' -replace '\}$')
            else {

        # If we have a current parameter
        if ($currentParameter) {
            # Map the current element to this parameter.
            $mappedParameters[$currentParameter] =
                if ($mappedParameters[$currentParameter]) {
                    @($mappedParameters[$currentParameter]) + $commandElementValue
                } else {
            $currentClause += $commandElement
        } else {
            # otherwise add the command element to our unbound parameters.
            $unboundParameters += $commandElementValue
            $currentClause += $commandElement

    if ($currentClause) {
        $clauses += [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
            PSTypeName = 'PipeScript.Sentence.Clause'
            Name = if ($currentParameter) { $currentParameter} else { '' }
            ParameterName = if ($currentParameterMetadata) { $currentParameterMetadata.Name } else { '' }
            Words = $currentClause


    if ($potentialCommand -isnot [Management.Automation.ApplicationInfo] -and
        @($mappedParameters.Keys) -match '^[-/]') {
        $keyIndex = -1
        :nextParameter foreach ($mappedParamName in @($mappedParameters.Keys)) {
            $dashAndSlashlessName = $mappedParamName -replace '^[-/]{0,}'
            if ($potentialCommand.Parameters[$mappedParamName]) {
            } else {
                foreach ($potentialParameter in $potentialCommand.Parameters) {
                    if ($potentialParameter.Aliases -contains $mappedParamName) {
                        continue nextParameter
                $mappedParameters.Insert($keyIndex, $dashAndSlashlessName, $mappedParameters[$mappedParamName])


    $sentence =
            PSTypeName = 'PipeScript.Sentence'
            Keyword = $potentialCommandName
            Command = $potentialCommand
            Clauses = $clauses
            Parameters = $mappedParameters
            Arguments = $unboundParameters
    $sentences+= $sentence
                        $parameterAstType = [Management.Automation.Language.CommandParameterAst]
for (
    $commandElementIndex = 1
    $commandElementIndex -lt $this.CommandElements.Count
    $commandElement = $this.CommandElements[$commandElementIndex]
    $nextElement = $this.CommandElements[$commandElementIndex + 1]
    if ($commandElement -is $parameterAstType) {
        if (-not $commandElement.Argument -and
            $nextElement -and
            $nextElement -isnot $parameterAstType) {
    } else {
                        $this.Parent.IsAssigned -as [bool]

                        ($this.Parent -is [Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst]) -and
($this.Parent.PipelineElements.Count -gt 1)

                        if ($this.Parent -isnot [Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst]) { return $false }
$this.Parent.PipelineElements.IndexOf($this) -lt ($this.Parent.PipelineElements.Count - 1)

                        if ($this.Parent -isnot [Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst]) { return $false }
$this.Parent.PipelineElements.IndexOf($this) -gt 0

                        $commandAst = $this
$NamedParameters = [Ordered]@{}
$parameterAstType = [Management.Automation.Language.CommandParameterAst]

for (
    $commandElementIndex = 1
    $commandElementIndex -lt $commandAst.CommandElements.Count
    $commandElement = $commandAst.CommandElements[$commandElementIndex]
    $nextElement = $commandAst.CommandElements[$commandElementIndex + 1]
    if ($commandElement -is $parameterAstType) {
        if ($commandElement.Argument) {
            $NamedParameters[$commandElement.ParameterName] =
        } elseif ($nextElement -and $nextElement -isnot $parameterAstType) {
            $NamedParameters[$commandElement.ParameterName] =
        } else {
            $NamedParameters[$commandElement.ParameterName] = $true

                        if ($this.Parent -isnot [Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst]) { return $null }

                        if ($this.Parent -isnot [Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst]) { return $null }

$commandName = $this.CommandElements[0].ToString()
$foundTranspiler = Get-Transpiler -TranspilerName $commandName
if ($foundTranspiler) {
    foreach ($transpiler in $foundTranspiler) {
        if ($transpiler.Validate($this)) {
} else {
    $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands($commandName, 'All', $true)


                        # and extract the difference between the parent and the start of the block
$offsetDifference = $this.Extent.StartOffset - $this.Parent.Extent.StartOffset
# (this is where the header and help reside)
# try to strip off leading braces and whitespace
$this.Parent.Extent.ToString().Substring(0, $offsetDifference) -replace '^[\r\n\s]{0,}\{'
                        @(foreach ($parameter in $this.Parameters) {
                        $isBindable = $false
foreach ($attr in $this.Attributes) {
    $reflectedType = $attr.TypeName.GetReflectionType()
    if ((-not $reflectedType) -or
        $reflectedType -notin [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute],
        [ComponentModel.ComplexBindingPropertiesAttribute]) {
    $positionalArguments = @(
        foreach ($positionalParameter in $attr.PositionalArguments) {
    $realAttribute =
        if ($positionalArguments) {
        } else {
    foreach ($namedArgument in $attr.NamedArguments) {
        if ($namedArgument.ArgumentName -eq 'Name') {
            $realAttribute.$($namedArgument.ArgumentName) = $namedArgument.Argument.Value

                        foreach ($attr in $this.Attributes) {
    $reflectedType = $attr.TypeName.GetReflectionType()
    if ($reflectedType -ne [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]) {
    foreach ($namedArgument in $attr.NamedArguments) {
        if ($namedArgument.ArgumentName -ne 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName') {
        if ($namedArgument.Argument -and $namedArgument.Argument.Value) {
            return $true
        } elseif (-not $namedArgument.Argument) {
            return $true

return $false
                        $isBindable = $false
foreach ($attr in $this.Attributes) {
    $reflectedType = $attr.TypeName.GetReflectionType()
    if ($reflectedType -ne [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute]) {
        if ($reflectedType -eq [ComponentModel.BindableAttribute]) {
            if ($attr.PositionalArguments.Value -eq $false) {
                return ''
            } else {
                $isBindable = $true
    foreach ($positionalParameter in $attr.PositionalArguments) {
        return $positionalParameter.Value

    foreach ($namedArgument in $attr.NamedArguments) {
        if ($namedArgument.ArgumentName -eq 'Name') {
            return $namedArgument.Argument.Value

if ($isBindable) {
    return $this.Name.VariablePath.ToString()
} else {
    return ''
                        foreach ($attr in $this.Attributes) {
    $reflectedType = $attr.TypeName.GetReflectionType()
    if ($reflectedType -ne [ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute]) {
    foreach ($positionalParameter in $attr.PositionalArguments) {
        return $positionalParameter.Value

    foreach ($namedArgument in $attr.NamedArguments) {
        if ($namedArgument.ArgumentName -eq 'DisplayName') {
            return $namedArgument.Argument.Value

return $this.Name.VariablePath.ToString()
                        foreach ($attr in $this.Attributes) {
    $reflectedType = $attr.TypeName.GetReflectionType()
    if ($reflectedType -ne [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]) {
    foreach ($namedArgument in $attr.NamedArguments) {
        if ($namedArgument.ArgumentName -ne 'ValueFromPipeline') {
        if ($namedArgument.Argument -and $namedArgument.Argument.Value) {
            return $true
        } elseif (-not $namedArgument.Argument) {
            return $true

return $false
                        foreach ($attr in $this.Attributes) {
    $reflectedType = $attr.TypeName.GetReflectionType()
    if ($reflectedType -ne [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]) {
    foreach ($namedArgument in $attr.NamedArguments) {
        if ($namedArgument.ArgumentName -ne 'ValueFromRemainingArguments') {
        if ($namedArgument.Argument -and $namedArgument.Argument.Value) {
            return $true
        } elseif (-not $namedArgument.Argument) {
            return $true

return $false
                        $parameter = $this
$parameterIndex = $parameter.Parent.Parameters.IndexOf($this)

if ($parameterIndex -eq 0) { # For the first parameter
    $parentExtent = $parameter.Parent.Extent.ToString()
    # This starts after the first parenthesis.
    $afterFirstParens = $parentExtent.IndexOf('(') + 1
    # and goes until the start of the parameter.
        $parameter.Extent.StartOffset -
            $parameter.Parent.Extent.StartOffset -
                $afterFirstParens) -replace '^[\s\r\n]+'
    # (don't forget to trim leading whitespace)
} else {
    # for every other parameter it is the content between parameters.
    $lastParameter = $parameter.Parent.Parameters[$parameterIndex - 1]
    $relativeOffset = $lastParameter.Extent.EndOffset + 1 - $parameter.Parent.Extent.StartOffset
    $distance = $parameter.Extent.StartOffset - $lastParameter.Extent.EndOffset - 1
    # (don't forget to trim leading whitespace and commas)
    $parameter.Parent.Extent.ToString().Substring($relativeOffset,$distance) -replace '^[\,\s\r\n]+'

                        $metadata = [Ordered]@{}

foreach ($attr in $this.Attributes) {
    $reflectedType = $attr.TypeName.GetReflectionType()
    if ($reflectedType -ne [Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute]) {
    $key, $value =
        foreach ($positionalParameter in $attr.PositionalArguments) {

    foreach ($namedArgument in $attr.NamedArguments) {
        if ($namedArgument.ArgumentName -eq 'Key') {
            $key = $namedArgument.Argument.Value
        elseif ($namedArgument.ArgumentName -eq 'Value') {
            $value = $namedArgument.Argument.Value
    if (-not $metadata[$key]) {
        $metadata[$key] = $value
    } else {
        $metadata[$key] = @($metadata[$key]) + $value

return $metadata
                        @(foreach ($attr in $this.Attributes) {
    $reflectedType = $attr.TypeName.GetReflectionType()
    if ($reflectedType -ne [Alias]) {
    foreach ($positionalParameter in $attr.PositionalArguments) {

    foreach ($namedArgument in $attr.NamedArguments) {
        if ($namedArgument.ArgumentName -eq 'AliasNames') {

                        $parameterSetNames = @(foreach ($attr in $this.Attributes) {
    $reflectedType = $attr.TypeName.GetReflectionType()
    if ($reflectedType -ne [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]) {
    foreach ($namedArgument in $attr.NamedArguments) {
        if ($namedArgument.ArgumentName -eq 'ParameterSetName') {

if ($parameterSetNames) {
    $parameterSetNames -as [string[]]
} else {
    "__AllParameterSets" -as [string[]]
                        $positions = @(
:nextAttribute foreach ($attr in $this.Attributes) {
    $reflectedType = $attr.TypeName.GetReflectionType()
    if ($reflectedType -ne [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]) {
    foreach ($namedArgument in $attr.NamedArguments) {
        if ($namedArgument.ArgumentName -eq 'Position') {
            continue nextAttribute

if ($positions.Length -gt 1) {
    $positions -as [int[]]
} elseif ($positions) {
} else {
                        $this.Parent -and
$this.Parent.GetType().Name -in 'AssignmentStatementAST', 'HashtableAST'

                        if ($this.Source -match '\.psx\.ps1{0,1}$') {
elseif ($this.Source -match "\.ps1{0,1}\.(?&lt;ext&gt;[^.]+$)") {
elseif ($this.Source -match '(?&lt;=(?&gt;^|\.))build\.ps1$') {
elseif (($this.Source -match '\.[^\.\\/]+\.ps1$')) {
elseif ($this.Source) {
else {

                        $potentialTemplatePaths =
        $this.Source -replace '\.ps1$', '.ps.ps1'
        $this.Source -replace '\.ps1$', '.ps1.ps1'

foreach ($potentialTemplatePath in $potentialTemplatePaths ) {
    if (Test-Path $potentialTemplatePath) {
        return (Get-PipeScript -PipeScriptPath $potentialTemplatePath)

                        if (-not $this.Keyword) {
    throw "Sentence lacks a keyword"

if (-not $this.Command) {
    throw "Sentence has no command"

$parameters = $this.Parameters
$arguments = $this.Arguments

if (-not $parameters -and -not $arguments) {
    &amp; $this.Command
elseif (-not $arguments) {
    &amp; $this.Command @parameters
elseif (-not $parameters) {
    &amp; $this.Command @arguments
else {
    &amp; $this.Command @arguments @parameters

                        $TranspilerErrors = @()
$TranspilerWarnings = @()

$ErrorsAndWarnings = @{ErrorVariable='TranspilerErrors';WarningVariable='TranspilerWarnings'}
$this | .&gt;PipeScript @ErrorsAndWarnings

if ($TranspilerErrors) {
    $failedMessage = (@(
        "$($TranspilerErrors.Count) error(s)"
        if ($transpilerWarnings) {
            "$($TranspilerWarnings.Count) warning(s)"
    ) -join ',') + (@(
        foreach ($transpilerError in $TranspilerErrors) {
            "$($transpilerError | Out-String)"
    ) -join [Environment]::Newline)
    throw $failedMessage
elseif ($TranspilerWarnings) {
    foreach ($TranspilerWarning in $TranspilerWarnings) {
        Write-Warning "$TranspilerWarning "



                        [ScriptBlock]::create($this -replace '^\{' -replace '\}$')


                        [ScriptBlock]::create($this -replace '^\{' -replace '\}$')


                        $requirement = $this
    @(if ($requirement.RequirementPSVersion) {
        "#requires -Version $($requirement.RequirementPSVersion)"
    if ($requirement.IsElevationRequired) {
        "#requires -RunAsAdministrator"
    if ($requirement.RequiredModules) {
        "#requires -Module $(@(foreach ($reqModule in $requirement.RequiredModules) {
            if ($reqModule.Version -or $req.RequiredVersion -or $req.MaximumVersion) {
                '@{' + $(@(foreach ($prop in $reqModule.PSObject.Properties) {
                    if (-not $prop.Value) { continue }
                    if ($prop.Name -in 'Name', 'Version') {
                    } elseif ($prop.Name -eq 'RequiredVersion') {
                    } else {
                }) -join ';') + '}'
            } else {
        }) -join ',')"
    if ($requirement.RequiredAssemblies) {
        "#requires -Assembly $($requirement.RequiredAssemblies -join ',')"
    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
                        if (-not $this.TypeName.IsGeneric) { return @() }
@(foreach ($typeName in $this.TypeName.GenericArguments ) {
    if ($TypeName.IsGeneric) { continue }
    if (-not $TypeName.IsArray) {


function TypeConstraintToArguments (
) {
    begin {
        $TypeNameArgs = @()
        $TypeNameParams = [Ordered]@{}
    process {

        if ($TypeName.IsGeneric) {
            $TypeNameParams[$typeName.TypeName.Name] =
                $typeName.GenericArguments |
        } elseif (-not $TypeName.IsArray) {
            $TypeNameArgs += $TypeName.Name
    end {
        if ($TypeNameParams.Count) {
        } elseif ($TypeNameArgs) {

if (-not $this.TypeName.IsGeneric) { return @{} }
foreach ($arg in @($this.TypeName.GenericArguments | TypeConstraintToArguments)) {
    if ($arg -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {

    Resolves an TypeConstraintAST to a CommandInfo
    Resolves an TypeConstraintAST to one or more CommandInfo Objects.
# Get the name of the transpiler.
$transpilerStepName =
    if ($this.TypeName.IsGeneric) {
    } else {
$decamelCase = [Regex]::new('(?&lt;=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])')
    # If a Transpiler exists by that name, it will be returned first.
    Get-Transpiler -TranspilerName $transpilerStepName
    # Then, any periods in the attribute name will be converted to slashes,
    $fullCommandName = $transpilerStepName -replace '\.','\' -replace
        '_','-' # and any underscores to dashes.

    # Then, the first CamelCased code will have a - injected in between the CamelCase.
    $fullCommandName = $decamelCase.Replace($fullCommandName, '-', 1)
    # Now we will try to find the command.
    $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($fullCommandName, 'All')
                        # Most variables we will not know the value of until we have run.
# the exceptions to the rule are: $true, $false, and $null
if ($this.variablePath.userPath -in 'true', 'false', 'null') {
} else {

    Gets assignments of a variable
    Searches the abstract syntax tree for assignments of the variable.
        $x = 1
        $y = 2
        $x * $y
        [int]$x, [int]$y = 1, 2
        $x * $y
        param($x, $y)
        $x * $y

$astVariableName = "$this"
$variableFoundAt = @{}
foreach ($parent in $this.GetLineage()) {
        $IsAssignment =
                $ast -is [Management.Automation.Language.AssignmentStatementAst] -and
                    $leftAst -is [Management.Automation.Language.VariableExpressionAST] -and
                    $leftAst.Extent.ToString() -eq $astVariableName
                }, $false)
            ) -or (
                $ast -is [Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst] -and
                $ast.Name.ToString() -eq $astVariableName

        if ($IsAssignment -and -not $variableFoundAt[$ast.Extent.StartOffset]) {
            $variableFoundAt[$ast.Extent.StartOffset] = $ast
    }, $false)

    Gets a Variable's Likely Type
    Determines the type of a variable.

    This looks for the closest assignment statement and uses this to determine what type the variable is likely to be.
    Subject to revision and improvement. While this covers many potential scenarios, it does not always
        [int]$x = 1
        $y = 2
        $x + $y
        $x = Get-Process
        $x + $y
if ($this.VariablePath.userPath -eq 'psBoundParmeters') {
    return [Management.Automation.PSBoundParametersDictionary]
$assignments = $this.GetAssignments()
$closestAssignment = $assignments[0]

# Our easiest scenario is that the variable is assigned in a parameter
if ($closestAssignment -is [Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst]) {
    # If so, the .StaticType will give us our variable type.
    return $closestAssignment.StaticType

# Our next simple scenario is that the closest assignment is declaring a hashtable
if ($closestAssignment.Right.Expression -is [Management.Automation.Language.HashtableAst]) {
    return [hashtable]

# The left can be a convert expression.
if ($closestAssignment.Left -is [Management.Automation.Language.ConvertExpressionAst]) {
    # If the left was [ordered]
    if ($closestAssignment.Left.Type.Tostring() -eq '[ordered]') {
        return [Collections.specialized.OrderedDictionary] # return an OrderedDictionary
    } else {
        # If the left side's type can be reflected
        $reflectedType = $closestAssignment.Left.Type.TypeName.GetReflectionType()
        if ($reflectedType) {
            return $reflectedType # return it.
        else {
            # otherwise, return the left's static type.
            return $closestAssignment.Left.StaticType

# Determine if the left side is multiple assignment
$isMultiAssignment =$closestAssignment.Left -is [Management.Automation.Language.ArrayLiteralAst]

# If the left side is not multiple assignment, but the right side is an array
if (-not $isMultiAssignment -and
    $closestAssignment.Right.Expression -is [Management.Automation.ArrayExpressionAst]) {
    # then the object is an array.
    return [Object[]]

# Next, if the right as a convert expression
if ($closestAssignment.Right.Expression -is [Management.Automation.Language.ConvertExpressionAst]) {
    # If it was '[ordered]'
    if ($closestAssignment.Right.Expression.Type.Tostring() -eq '[ordered]') {
        # return an ordered dictionary
        return [Collections.specialized.OrderedDictionary]
    } else {
        # Otherwise, see if we have a reflected type.
        $reflectedType = $closestAssignment.Right.Expression.Type.TypeName.GetReflectionType()
        if ($reflectedType) {
            return $reflectedType # If we do, return it.
        else {
            # If we don't, return the static type of the expression
            return $closestAssignment.Right.Expression.StaticType

# The right side could be a pipeline
if ($closestAssignment.Right -is [Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst]) {
    # If so, walk backwards thru the pipeline
    for ($pipelineElementIndex = $closestAssignment.Right.PipelineElements.Count - 1;
        $pipelineElementIndex -ge 0;
        $pipelineElementIndex--) {
        $commandInfo = $closestAssignment.Right.PipelineElements[$pipelineElementIndex].ResolvedCommand
        # If the command had an output type, return it.
        if ($commandInfo.OutputType) {
            return $commandInfo.OutputType.Type

# If we don't know, return nothing
