
    Creates Proxy Commands
    Generates a Proxy Command for an underlying PowerShell or PipeScript command.
    .\ProxyCommand.psx.ps1 -CommandName Get-Process
        function [ProxyCommand<'Get-Process'>]GetProcessProxy {}
    } | .>PipeScript
    .>ProxyCommand -CommandName Get-Process -RemoveParameter *
    Invoke-PipeScript -ScriptBlock {[ProxyCommand('Get-Process')]param()}
    Invoke-PipeScript -ScriptBlock {
        function Get-MyProcess {
    } | .>PipeScript

# The ScriptBlock that will become a proxy command. This should be empty, since it is ignored.

# The name of the command being proxied.

# If provided, will remove any number of parameters from the proxy command.

# Any default parameters for the ProxyCommand.

$resolvedCommand = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($CommandName, 'Alias,Function,Cmdlet')
if (-not $resolvedCommand) {
    Write-Error "Could not resolve -CommandName '$CommandName'"

$commandMetadata = [Management.Automation.CommandMetadata]$resolvedCommand

if ($RemoveParameter) {    
    $toRemove = @(
        foreach ($paramName in $commandMetadata.Parameters.Keys) {
            if ($RemoveParameter -contains $paramName) {
            } else {
                foreach ($rp in $RemoveParameter) {
                    if ($paramName -like $rp) {

    $null = foreach ($tr in $toRemove) {

$proxyCommandText = [Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::Create($commandMetadata)

if ($DefaultParameter) {
    $toSplat = "@'
$(ConvertTo-Json $DefaultParameter -Depth 100)

$insertPoint = $proxyCommandText.IndexOf('$scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters }')
$proxyCommandText = $proxyCommandText.Insert($insertPoint,@"
        `$_DefaultParameters = ConvertFrom-Json $toSplat
        foreach (`$property in `$ {
            `$psBoundParameters[`$property.Name] = `$property.Value
            if (`$property.Value -is [string] -and `$property.Value.StartsWith('`$')) {
                `$psBoundParameters[`$property.Name] = `$executionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Get(`$property.Value.Substring(1)).Value

