
    decorate transpiler
    Applies one or more typenames to an object.
    By 'decorating' the object with a typename, this enables use of the extended type system.
        $v = [PSCustomObject]@{}

[Alias('PSTypeName', 'Management.Automation.PSTypeName', 'System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName')]
# The variable decoration will be applied to.
[Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName='VariableAST', ValueFromPipeline)]

# The TypeName(s) used to decorate the object.

# If set, will output the object after it has been decorated

# If set, will clear any underlying typenames.

process {
    if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'VariableAST') {
        $variableText = $VariableAst.Extent.ToString()
                if ($clear) {
                    $variableText + ".pstypenames.clear()"
                foreach ($tn in $TypeName) {
                    $stn = $tn.Replace("'","''")
                    $variableText + ".pstypenames.add('$stn')"
                if ($PassThru) {
            ) -join [Environment]::NewLine