<# .SYNOPSIS Validates Property Names .DESCRIPTION Validates that an object has one or more property names. .Example { param( [ValidatePropertyName(PropertyName='a','b')] $InputObject ) } | .>PipeScript .EXAMPLE [PSCustomObject]@{a='a';b='b'} | .> { param( [ValidatePropertyName(PropertyName='a','b')] [vfp] $InputObject ) $InputObject } .EXAMPLE @{a='a'} | .> { param( [ValidatePropertyName(PropertyName='a','b')] [vfp] $InputObject ) $InputObject } #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Parameter')] [Alias('ValidatePropertyNames')] param( # The property names being validated. [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [string[]] $PropertyName, # A variable expression. # If this is provided, will apply a ```[ValidateScript({})]``` attribute to the variable, constraining future values. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline,ParameterSetName='VariableExpressionAST')] [Management.Automation.Language.VariableExpressionAST] $VariableAST ) process { $checkPropertyNames = { $foundProperties = @( foreach ($propName in $PropertyNames) { if ($inObject -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { $inObject.Contains($propName) } elseif ($inObject.psobject) { $null -ne $[$propName] } else { $false } } ) $missingProperties = @( for ($propertyIndex = 0; $propertyIndex -lt $propertyNames.Length; $propertyIndex++) { if (-not $foundProperties[$propertyIndex]) { $PropertyNames[$propertyIndex] } }) } [ScriptBlock]::Create(@" [ValidateScript({ `$propertyNames = '$($PropertyName -join "','")' `$inObject = `$_ $checkPropertyNames if (`$MissingProperties) { throw "Missing Properties: `$(`$missingProperties -join ',')" } return `$true })] $( if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Parameter') { 'param()' } else { '$' + $VariableAST.variablePath.ToString() } ) "@) } |