<# .SYNOPSIS Core Protocol Transpiler .DESCRIPTION Enables the transpilation of protocols. `````` is a valid command. So is ```get```. So is ```MyCustomProtocol:// -Parameter value```. This transpiler enables commands in protocol format to be transpiled. .NOTES This transpiler will match any command whose first or second element contains ```://``` .EXAMPLE .> -ScriptBlock { } .EXAMPLE .> -ScriptBlock { $userName = 'StartAutomating' https://$GitHubApi/users/$UserName } .EXAMPLE .> -ScriptBlock { $env:GitUserName = 'StartAutomating'$env:GitUserName } #> [ValidateScript({ $commandAst = $_ if ($commandAst.CommandElements -and $commandAst.CommandElements[0].Value -match '://') { return $true } if ($commandAst.CommandElements.Count -ge 2 -and $commandAst.CommandElements[1].Value -match '://') { return $true } return $false })] [Reflection.AssemblyMetaData('Order', -1)] param( # The Command Abstract Syntax Tree. [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst] $CommandAst ) process { $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand [string]$CommandMethod = '' [string]$commandName = if ($CommandAst.CommandElements[0].Value -match '://') { $CommandAst.CommandElements[0].Value } else { $commandMethod = $CommandAst.CommandElements[0].Value $CommandAst.CommandElements[1].Value } $commandUri = if ($commandName -as [uri]) { $commandName -as [uri] } else { $commandName -replace '\*(?=[:/])','' -replace '\$(.+)\:','$1__' -replace '\$','__' -as [uri] } if (-not $commandUri) { $PSCmdlet.WriteError( [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new( [exception]::new("Could not convert '$commandName' to a [uri]"), 'CommandName.Not.Uri', 'SyntaxError', $CommandAst ) ) return } $commandAstSplat = @{ CommandAST = $commandAst } if ($commandMethod) { $commandAstSplat.Method = $commandMethod } $foundTranspiler = Get-Transpiler -CouldPipe $commandUri -ValidateInput $CommandAst -CouldRun -Parameter $commandAstSplat if (-not $foundTranspiler) { Write-Error "Could not find a transpiler for $commandAst" return } foreach ($found in $foundTranspiler) { $params = $found.ExtensionParameter if ("$($found.ExtensionCommand.ScriptBlock)" -eq "$($myCmd.ScriptBlock)") { continue } $transpilerOutput = & $found.ExtensionCommand @params if ($transpilerOutput) { $transpilerOutput; break } } } |