function New-Extension { <# .Synopsis Creates an Extension .Description Creates an Extension .Example New-Extension -ExtensionName MyExtension -CommandName New-Extension -ScriptBlock { [ValidateScript({return $true})] param() "Hello World" } .Link Get-Extension .Notes At this time, New-Extension assumes that it is not generating an indented script. #> param( # The name of the extension [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Name')] [string] $ExtensionName, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ScriptContents', 'Definition')] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, # One or more commands being extended. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $CommandName, # The extension module. If provided, this will have to prefix the ExtensionNameRegex [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $ExtensionModule, # A collection of Extension Parameters. # The key is the name of the parameter. The value is any parameter type or attributes. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Collections.IDictionary] $ExtensionParameter = [Ordered]@{}, # A collection of Extension Parameter Help. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Collections.IDictionary] $ExtensionParameterHelp = [Ordered]@{}, # The type of the extension command. By default, this is a script. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateSet('Script','Function', 'Filter')] [string] $ExtensionCommandType = 'Script', # The synopsis used for the extension. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $ExtensionSynopsis = 'Script', # Any help links for the extension. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $ExtensionLink, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $ExtensionExample ) dynamicParam { $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand Get-Extension -CommandName $myCmd -DynamicParameter # Get any extensions to New-Extension } process { # New-Extension works by combining several script blocks together into one output. # Therefore, we start by creating a few lists to keep track of all of the combined parts of the final script. $combinedBegin = @() $combinedParam = @() $combinedProcess = @() $combinedEnd = @() #region Run Extensions # Next, we create a copy of the bound parameters $myParams = @{} + $PSBoundParameters # and use it to see which extensions we -CouldRun. $couldRunExtensions = Get-Extension -CouldRun -CommandName $myCmd -Parameter $myParams # If we could run any extensions, run them and assign their output. $ExtensionOutput = if ($couldRunExtensions) { $couldRunExtensions | Get-Extension -Run } $combinedExtensionOutput = # Walk over each extension that ran. foreach ($extOut in $ExtensionOutput) { # If the extension signaled it was done, output directly. if ($extOut.Done) { $extOut.ExtensionOutput; continue } # Otherwise, walk over each output from the extension. foreach ($extOutItem in $extOut.ExtensionOutput) { if ($extOutItem -is [ScriptBlock]) { # If the output was a ScriptBlock, combine it's parts. $extOutAst = $extOut.ExtensionOutput.Ast $combinedParam += $extOutItem.ParamBlock $combinedBegin += $extOutItem.BeginBlock.Statements $combinedProcess += $extOutItem.ProcessBlock.Statements $combinedEnd += $extOutItem.EndBlock.Statements } if ($extOutItem -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { # If the output was a dictionary # walk thru the dictionary foreach ($extKey in $extOutItem.GetEnumerator()) { # (skip any keys that are not parameters of this function). if (-not $myCmd.Parameters[$extKey.Key]) { continue } # If the parameter was an array, add the value to the array. if ($myCmd.Parameters[$extKey.Key].ParameterType.IsSubclassOf([Array])) { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set( $extKey.Key, $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($extKey.Key).Value + $extKey.Value ) } # If it the parameter and value were dictionaries elseif ($myCmd.Parameters[$extKey.Key].ParameterType.GetInterface([Collections.IDictionary]) -and $extKey.Value -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { # update the dictionary (overwriting values where found) $dict = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($extKey.Key).Value foreach ($kv in $extKey.Value.GetEnumerator()) { $dict[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value } } else { # Otherwise, overwrite the parameter value. $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($extKey.Key, $extKey.Value) } } } } } # If there was direct extension output, return it. if ($combinedExtensionOutput) { return $combinedExtensionOutput } #endregion Run Extensions #region construct Script if ($ExtensionParameter.Count) { # If extension parameters were passed, construct a parameter block for each foreach ($ep in $ExtensionParameter.GetEnumerator()) { $paramLines = @( 'param(' " " + $ep.Value " `$$($ep.Key -replace '^\$')" ')' ) $paramScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($paramLines -join [Environment]::NewLine) $combinedParam += $paramScriptBlock.Ast.ParamBlock # and then add them to the combined output. } } if ($ScriptBlock) { # If a -ScriptBlock was passed $ast = $ScriptBlock.Ast if ($ast.Body) { $ast= $ast.Body } # add it's parts to the combined output. $combinedParam += $ast.ParamBlock $combinedBegin += $ast.BeginBlock.Statements $combinedProcess += $ast.ProcessBlock.Statements $combinedEnd += $ast.EndBlock.Statements } $extensionLines = @( # If the extension command type was function or filter, write that first if ($ExtensionCommandType -in 'Function', 'Filter') { $ExtensionCommandType -in 'Function', 'Filter' $ExtensionCommandType.ToLower() + " $ExtensionName" + '{' } # If the extension synopsis and description were provided, add help. if ($ExtensionSynopsis -and $extensionDescription) { "<#" ".SYNOPSIS" $ExtensionSynopsis ".DESCRIPTION" $ExtensionDescription if ($extensionExample) { # If there were examples, include them. foreach ($example in $extensionExample) { ".EXAMPLE" $example } } if ($extensionLink) { # If there were links, include them. foreach ($extLink in $extensionLink) { ".LINK" $extLink } } "#>" } if ($CommandName) { # If one or more command names have provided foreach ($extCmdName in $CommandName) { $extVerb, $extNoun = $extCmdName -split '-' if (-not $extNoun) { $extNoun = ' '} # add a cmdlet attribute "[Management.Automation.Cmdlet('$extVerb','$extNoun')]" } } if ($combinedParam) { # If any combined params have attributes foreach ($combined in $combinedParam) { if ($combinedParam.Attributes) { foreach ($attr in $combinedParam.Attributes) { $attr.Extent.ToString() # include them before the param block. } } } } # Start the param block "param(" if ($combinedParam) { @(foreach ($combined in $combinedParam) { # Include any existing parameters foreach ($parameter in $combined.parameters) { $parameterName = $parameter.Name.VariablePath.ToString() @( # If the parameter had help, include it if ($ExtensionParameterHelp[$parameterName]) { $lineCount = @([Regex]::Matches($ExtensionParameterHelp[$parameterName], '\n')).Count if ($lineCount) { # (multiline help goes in block comments, "<#" $ExtensionParameterHelp[$parameterName] "#>" } else { # singleline help goes in line comments) "# " + $ExtensionParameterHelp[$parameterName] } } $parameter.Extent.ToString() ) -join [Environment]::NewLine } }) -join (',' + ([Environment]::NewLine * 2)) } ")" if ($combinedBegin) { # If there were begin blocks, "begin {" # create a begin block @(foreach ($combined in $combinedBegin) { "$combined" # combine the statements with two newlines. }) -join ([Environment]::NewLine * 2) "}" # and close the block. } if ($combinedProcess) { # If there were process blocks "process {" # create a process block @(foreach ($combined in $combinedProcess) { "$combined" # combine the statements with two newlines. }) -join ([Environment]::NewLine * 2) "}" # and close the block. } if ($combinedEnd) { # If there were end blcoks declared $beginOrProcess = $combinedParam -or $combinedBegin if ($beginOrProcess) { # create an end block (if there was a begin or process block), "end {" } @(foreach ($combined in $combinedEnd) { "$combined" # combine all of the statements with two newlines }) -join ([Environment]::NewLine * 2) if ($beginOrProcess) { "}" # and close the block (if needed). } } # If the command type was a function or a filter, close the command. if ($ExtensionCommandType -in 'Function', 'Filter') { $ExtensionCommandType -in 'Function', 'Filter' '}' } ) # Combine all of the lines, and voila, new extension. $ExtensionScript = $extensionLines -join [Environment]::NewLine $ExtensionScript #endregion construct Script } } |