Push-Location $PSScriptRoot describe Piecemeal { beforeAll { { <# .Synopsis Basic Extension .Description This is about as basic of an extension as you can have #> } | Set-Content .\01.ext.ps1 { <# .Synopsis Simple Extension .Description This just has one parameter, $int, and it outputs $int #> [Reflection.AssemblyMetaData("Rank",2)] param( [int]$Int ) $int } | Set-Content .\02.ext.ps1 { <# .Synopsis Cmdlet Extension .Description This extension extends a particular cmdlet #> [Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Get","Extension")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int]$Int ) $int } | Set-Content .\03.ext.ps1 { <# .Synopsis Cmdlet Extension .Description This extension extends any cmdlet whose name starts with g #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Management.Automation.Cmdlet('^g',"Extension")] [int]$Int ) $int } | Set-Content .\04.ext.ps1 { [ValidateSet('a','aa')] [ValidatePattern('a{1,}')] [ValidateScript({if ($_ -like 'a*' -and $_ -notlike 'aa*') { return $true } else { return $false }})] param() } | Set-Content .\05.ext.ps1 { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Foo')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName='Foo')] [string] $Foo, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName='Bar')] [string] $Bar ) } | Set-Content .\06.ext.ps1 { <# .SYNOPSIS .DESCRIPTION #> param( [string] $Foo, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $Bar ) begin { 'foo' } process { $bar } end { $foo } } | Set-Content .\07.ext.ps1 { <# .Synopsis Noun-oriented pipeline aware process command .Description Takes a process by pipeline input and then runs a given command. #> [ValidateScript({ return $true })] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [Diagnostics.Process] $Process, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Get','Stop')] [string] $Verb ) process { $Process | & $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand("$action-Process") } } | Set-Content .\08.ext.ps1 { <# .Synopsis Testing binding with a custom typename .Description Testing binding with a custom PSTypename attribute #> [ValidateScript({ return $true })] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [PSTypeName('My.Custom.TypeName')] $MyCustomTypeName ) process { $MyCustomTypeName } } | Set-Content .\09.ext.ps1 } context 'Get-Extension' { it '-ExtensionPath' { $extensionList = Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd # Results without a rank will come alphabetically $extensionList[0] | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Synopsis | Should -BeLike "Basic Extension*" $extensionList[1] | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Synopsis | Should -BeLike "Cmdlet Extension*" # SimpleExtension has a rank, to test this aspect of Piecemeal. $extensionList[-1] | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Synopsis | Should -BeLike "Simple Extension*" } it '-CommandName' { Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -CommandName Get-Extension | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Synopsis -First 1 | Should -BeLike "Cmdlet Extension*" } it '-DynamicParameter' { Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -CommandName Get-Extension -DynamicParameter | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Keys -First 1 | Should -Be "Int" } it '-NoMandatoryDynamicParameter' { Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -CommandName Get-Extension -DynamicParameter -NoMandatoryDynamicParameter | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Values -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Attributes | Where-Object Position -GE 0 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Mandatory | Should -Be $false } it 'Can exclude parameters if they are not for the right command' { $x = Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd | Where-Object Name -like 04* $x | Get-Extension -DynamicParameter -CommandName Get-Extension | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Keys | Select-Object -First 1 | Should -Be "int" $x | Get-Extension -DynamicParameter -CommandName New-Extension | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count | Should -Be 0 } it 'Can -ValidateInput' { $ev = $null Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -ExtensionName 05* -Like -ValidateInput c -ErrorVariable ev -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should -Be $null Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -ExtensionName 05* -Like -ValidateInput c -ErrorVariable ev -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -AllValid | Should -Be $null $ev | ForEach-Object { $_ | Should -BeLike "*'c'*'a'*" } Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -ExtensionName 05* -Like -ValidateInput aa -ErrorVariable ev -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -AllValid | Should -Be $null $ev | ForEach-Object { $_ | Should -BeLike "*'aa'*" } Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -ExtensionName 05* -Like -ValidateInput a | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Should -BeLike 05* } it 'Can -ValidateInput, -CouldRun, and -CouldPipe in one call' { $ext = Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -ExtensionName 08* -Like -CouldRun -Parameter @{Verb='Get'} -CouldPipe (Get-Process -id $pid) -ValidateInput 1 $ext.ExtensionCommand.DisplayName | Should -belike 08* } it 'Can -CouldPipe when a parameter defines a PSTypeName' { $ext = Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -ExtensionName 09* -Like -CouldPipe ([PSCustomObject]@{PSTypeName='My.Custom.Typename'}) $ext | Should -not -be $null $ext = Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -ExtensionName 09* -Like -CouldPipe ([PSCustomObject]@{PSTypeName='Not.My.Custom.Typename'}) $ext | Should -be $null } it 'Will respect parameter validation attributes' { $ext = Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -ExtensionName 08* -Like -CouldRun -Parameter @{Verb='BadVerb'} -CouldPipe (Get-Process -id $pid) $ext | Should -be $null } it 'Can keep the parameter set when getting -DynamicParameter' { $dp = Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -ExtensionName 06* -Like -DynamicParameter $dp.Values | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Attributes | Where-Object ParameterSetName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ParameterSetName | Should -Match 'Foo|Bar' Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -ExtensionName 06* -Like -CouldRun -Parameter @{"foo"="foo"} | Should -Not -Be $null Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -ExtensionName 06* -Like -CouldRun -Parameter @{"bar"="bar"} | Should -Not -Be $null Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -ExtensionName 06* -Like -CouldRun -Parameter @{"foog"="foo"} | Should -Be $null } it 'Can use a -SteppablePipeline' { $sp = Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -ExtensionName 07* -Like -SteppablePipeline -Parameter @{foo='foo'} $sp.Begin($true) $sp.Process([PSCustomObject]@{Bar='bar'}) | Should -Be @('Foo','Bar') $sp.End() | Should -be 'Foo' } } context 'New-Extension' { it 'Creates extensions' { New-Extension -ScriptBlock { "hello world$(if ($n) {$n})" } -CommandName Get-Foo -ExtensionParameter @{ "N"="[int]" } | Invoke-Expression | Should -be "hello world" } } context 'Install-Piecemeal' { it 'Installs extensions for a given module' { Install-Piecemeal -ExtensionModule TestModule -ExtensionModuleAlias tm -ExtensionTypeName Test.Extension | Invoke-Expression Get-Command Get-TestModuleExtension } it 'Can install with a custom -ExtensionNoun' { Install-Piecemeal -ExtensionNoun MyExt -ExtensionModule MyModule | Invoke-Expression Get-Command Get-MyExt } it "Can install with -Verb 'New','Get'" { Install-Piecemeal -ExtensionNoun MyExtTest -Verb New, Get -ExtensionModule MyModule | Invoke-Expression New-MyExtTest -ScriptBlock { "hello world"} | Invoke-Expression | Should -Be "Hello world" } } afterAll { Get-ChildItem -Path $pwd -Filter *.ext.ps1 | Remove-Item } } Pop-Location |