<# .Synopsis GitHub Action for Piecemeal .Description GitHub Action for Piecemeal. This will: * Import Piecemeal * Run all *.Piecemeal.ps1 files beneath the workflow directory * Run a .PiecemealScript parameter Any files changed can be outputted by the script, and those changes can be checked back into the repo. Make sure to use the "persistCredentials" option with checkout. #> param( # A PowerShell Script that uses Piecemeal. # Any files outputted from the script will be added to the repository. # If those files have a .Message attached to them, they will be committed with that message. [string] $PiecemealScript, # If set, will not process any files named *.Piecemeal.ps1 [switch] $SkipPiecemealPS1, # The name of the module for which types and formats are being generated. # If not provided, this will be assumed to be the name of the root directory. [string] $ModuleName, # If provided, will commit any remaining changes made to the workspace with this commit message. # If no commit message is provided, changes will not be committed. [string] $CommitMessage, # The user email associated with a git commit. [string] $UserEmail, # The user name associated with a git commit. [string] $UserName ) "::group::Parameters" | Out-Host [PSCustomObject]$PSBoundParameters | Format-List | Out-Host "::endgroup::" | Out-Host $gitHubEvent = if ($env:GITHUB_EVENT_PATH) { [IO.File]::ReadAllText($env:GITHUB_EVENT_PATH) | ConvertFrom-Json } else { $null } @" ::group::GitHubEvent $($gitHubEvent | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100) ::endgroup:: "@ | Out-Host if ($env:GITHUB_ACTION_PATH) { $PiecemealModulePath = Join-Path $env:GITHUB_ACTION_PATH 'Piecemeal.psd1' if (Test-path $PiecemealModulePath) { Import-Module $PiecemealModulePath -Force -PassThru | Out-String } else { throw "Piecemeal not found" } } elseif (-not (Get-Module Piecemeal)) { throw "Action Path not found" } "::notice title=ModuleLoaded::Piecemeal Loaded from Path - $($PiecemealModulePath)" | Out-Host $anyFilesChanged = $false $processScriptOutput = { process { $out = $_ $outItem = Get-Item -Path $out -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $fullName, $shouldCommit = if ($out -is [IO.FileInfo]) { $out.FullName, (git status $out.Fullname -s) } elseif ($outItem) { $outItem.FullName, (git status $outItem.Fullname -s) } if ($shouldCommit) { git add $fullName if ($out.Message) { git commit -m "$($out.Message)" } elseif ($out.CommitMessage) { git commit -m "$($out.CommitMessage)" } elseif ($gitHubEvent.head_commit.message) { git commit -m "$($gitHubEvent.head_commit.message)" } $anyFilesChanged = $true } $out } } if (-not $UserName) { $UserName = $env:GITHUB_ACTOR } if (-not $UserEmail) { $UserEmail = "$" } git config --global $UserEmail git config --global $UserName if (-not $env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE) { throw "No GitHub workspace" } git pull | Out-Host $PiecemealScriptStart = [DateTime]::Now if ($PiecemealScript) { Invoke-Expression -Command $PiecemealScript | . $processScriptOutput | Out-Host } $PiecemealScriptTook = [Datetime]::Now - $PiecemealScriptStart "::set-output name=PiecemealScriptRuntime::$($PiecemealScriptTook.TotalMilliseconds)" | Out-Host $PiecemealPS1Start = [DateTime]::Now $PiecemealPS1List = @() if (-not $SkipPiecemealPS1) { $PiecemealFiles = @( Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE | Where-Object Name -Match '\.Piecemeal\.ps1$') if ($PiecemealFiles) { $PiecemealFiles| ForEach-Object { $PiecemealPS1List += $_.FullName.Replace($env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE, '').TrimStart('/') $PiecemealPS1Count++ "::notice title=Running::$($_.Fullname)" | Out-Host . $_.FullName | . $processScriptOutput | Out-Host } } } $PiecemealPS1EndStart = [DateTime]::Now $PiecemealPS1Took = [Datetime]::Now - $PiecemealPS1Start "::set-output name=PiecemealPS1Count::$($PiecemealPS1List.Length)" | Out-Host "::set-output name=PiecemealPS1Files::$($PiecemealPS1List -join ';')" | Out-Host "::set-output name=PiecemealPS1Runtime::$($PiecemealPS1Took.TotalMilliseconds)" | Out-Host if ($CommitMessage -or $anyFilesChanged) { if ($CommitMessage) { dir $env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE -Recurse | ForEach-Object { $gitStatusOutput = git status $_.Fullname -s if ($gitStatusOutput) { git add $_.Fullname } } git commit -m $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($CommitMessage) } $checkDetached = git symbolic-ref -q HEAD if (-not $LASTEXITCODE) { "::notice::Pushing Changes" | Out-Host git push "Git Push Output: $($gitPushed | Out-String)" } else { "::notice::Not pushing changes (on detached head)" | Out-Host $LASTEXITCODE = 0 exit 0 } } |