
function Install-Piecemeal
        Installs Piecemeal
        Installs Piecemeal into a module.

        This enables extensibility within the module.
        This returns a modified Get-Extension
        Install-Piecemeal -ExtensionModule RoughDraft -ExtensionModuleAlias rd -ExtensionTypeName RoughDraft.Extension

    # The name of the module that is being extended.

    # The verbs to install. By default, installs Get.
    $Verb = @('Get'),

    # One or more aliases used to refer to the module being extended.

    # If provided, will override the default extension name regular expression
    # (by default '(extension|ext|ex|x)\.ps1$' )
    $ExtensionPattern = '(?<!-)(extension|ext|ex|x)\.ps1$',

    # The type name to add to an extension. This can be used to format the extension.

    # The noun used for any extension commands.

    # If set, will require a [Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()] to be considered an extension.

    # If set, will require a [Management.Automation.Cmdlet] attribute to be considered an extension.
    # This attribute can associate the extension with one or more commands.

    # The output path.
    # If provided, contents will be written to the output path with Set-Content
    # Otherwise, contents will be returned.

    begin {
        $myModule        = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module
        ${?<CurlyBrace>} = [Regex]::new('{(?<TrailingWhitespace>\s{0,})(?<Newline>[\r\n]{0,})?(?<Indent>\s{0,})?','Multiline')
        ${?<Indent>}     = [Regex]::new('^\s{0,}', 'Multiline,RightToLeft')

    process {
        $myParams = [Ordered]@{} + $PSBoundParameters
        $myOutput = [Text.StringBuilder]::new()
        # Walk over each command this module exports.
        foreach ($exported in $myModule.ExportedCommands.Values) {
            # If the command is not a verb we're exporting, skip it.
            if ($exported.Verb -notin $Verb) { continue }

            # Copy the original text
            $commandString = $exported.ScriptBlock.Ast.ToString()
            # get the tokens (which have comments)
            $commandTokens = [Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($commandString, [ref]$null)
            # and get the parameters from the abstract syntax tree.
            $paramsAst = $exported.ScriptBlock.Ast.FindAll({param($ast) $ast -is [Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst]}, $true)

            # Create a collection of default parameters and their values.
            # We will declare these as variables within the copy of the function.
            $defaultParameters = [Ordered]@{}

            $skipParameters = @( # Next, make a list of parameters we will skip
                foreach ($statement in $paramsAst) {
                    # (any parameters declared by this function).
                    if ($statement.Name.VariablePath.UserPath -and
                    ) {

            # Now we start modifying the script
            $lengthChange = 0 # (keeping track of how much we change the length)
            #region Extract Skipped Parameters
            foreach ($skipParam in $skipParameters) {
                # Keep track of what we're skipping
                $toSkip       = $skipParam.Extent
                if ($skipParam.DefaultValue) { # If it had a default value
                    $defaultParameters["$($skipParam.Name)"] = "$($skipParam.DefaultValue)" # save it for later.
                # Determine the figure out the length of the removal, according to the AST.
                $removeLength = $toSkip.EndOffset - $toSkip.StartOffset
                # If the parameter we're removing was immediately followed by a comma
                $immediatelyFollowedBy = $commandString[$toSkip.StartOffset + $removeLength - $lengthChange]
                if ($immediatelyFollowedBy -eq ',') {
                    $removeLength += 1 # adjust the removed length
                # Find all of the tokens that came before this point
                $beforeTokens = @($commandTokens | Where-Object Start -lt $toSkip.StartOffset)
                for ($i = -1; $i -gt -$beforeTokens.Length; $i--) {
                    # we'll also want to remove any newlines or comments above the parameter
                    if ($beforeTokens[$i].Type -notin 'Comment','Newline') {

                # Adjust the pointer accordingly
                $realStart     = $beforeTokens[$i - 1].Start + $beforeTokens[$i - 1].Length + 1
                $removeLength += $toSkip.StartOffset - $realStart

                # Remove the content
                $changed = $commandString.Remove(
                    $realStart - $lengthChange,

                # Keep track of how much was removed
                $lengthChange += $removeLength

                # And update the command
                $commandString = $changed
            #endregion Extract Skipped Parameters

            $insertIntoBlock = # We will insert parameters into the the first block that will run.
                foreach ($blockName in 'DynamicParam', 'Begin', 'Process', 'End') {
                    if ($exported.ScriptBlock.Ast.Body."${blockName}Block") {
                        $exported.ScriptBlock.Ast.Body."${blockName}Block"; break

            # Our pointer starts at the beginning of the block (minus what we've removed, plus the name of the block's length)
            $insertPoint = $insertIntoBlock.Extent.StartOffset - $lengthChange + "$($insertIntoBlock.BlockKind.Length)"
            # We find the next curly brace
            $foundCurly  = ${?<CurlyBrace>}.Match($commandString, $insertPoint)
            $indentLevel = 0
            if ($foundCurly.Success) {
                $insertPoint = $foundCurly.Index  + $foundCurly.Length # then adjust our insertion point by this
                $indentLevel = ${?<Indent>}.Match($commandString, $insertPoint).Length # determine the indent
                $insertPoint -= $indentLevel # and then subtract it so we're inserting at the beginning of the line.

            # Walk over each parameter passed in.
            foreach ($myParam in $myParams.GetEnumerator()) {
                $defaultParameters["`$$($myParam.Key)"] =  # and assign them a default value.
                    if ($null -ne ($myParam.Value -as [float])) {
                    } elseif ($myParam.Value -is [Array]) {
                        "'$(@(foreach ($v in $myParam.Value) { "$v".Replace("'","''") }) -join "','")'"
                    else {

            $insertion = # Then, take all parameters that would be exported by the command
                @(foreach ($defaultParam in $defaultParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
                    if (-not $exported.Parameters.($defaultParam.Key -replace '^\$')) { continue }
                    # and put one declaration per line.
                    "$(' ' * $indentLevel)$($defaultParam.Key) = $($defaultParam.Value)"
                }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
            # Add one more newline so that the original text is still indented.
            $insertion += [Environment]::NewLine

            $extensionCommandReplacement =
                if ($ExtensionNoun) {
                } elseif ($ExtensionModule) {
                } else {

            $extensionVariableReplacer =
                if ($ExtensionNoun) {
                } elseif ($ExtensionModule) {
                } else {

            $otherDashReplacment = "-$(
                if ($ExtensionNoun) {
                } elseif ($ExtensionModule) {
                } else {

            $newCommand = $commandString.Insert($insertPoint, $insertion) -replace # Finally, we insert the default values
                "($($exported.Verb))-($($exported.Noun))", $extensionCommandReplacement -replace # change the name
                '\$script:Extensions', $extensionVariableReplacer -replace # change the inner variable references,
                " Extensions ", " $ExtensionModule Extensions " -replace # and update likely documentation mentions
                "-Extension", $otherDashReplacment

            $null = $myOutput.AppendLine($newCommand)

        $myOutput =
            if (-not $NoLogo) {
                $installInstructions =
                    "Install-Module $($myModule.Name) -Scope CurrentUser"
                    "$([Environment]::NewLine)# Import-Module $($myModule.Name) -Force"
                    "$([Environment]::NewLine)# $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
                    $(if ($myParams.Verb) {"-Verb $($verb -join ',')"})
                    @(foreach ($kv in $myParams.GetEnumerator()) {
                        if ($kv.Value -is [switch] -and $kv.Value) {
                        } elseif ($kv.Value -is [string]) {
                            "-$($kv.Key) '$($kv.Value)'"
                        } elseif ($kv.Value -is [string[]]) {
                            "-$($kv.Key) '$($kv.Value -join "','")'"
                    }) | Sort-Object
                    ) -join ' '
                $logo = @(
                ) -join ' '
                $null = $myOutput.Insert(0, ("#region $logo" + [Environment]::NewLine + "# $installInstructions" + [Environment]::NewLine))
                $null = $myOutput.AppendLine("#endregion $logo")
            } else {

        if ($OutputPath) {
            $myOutput | Set-Content -Path $OutputPath
        } else {