Push-Location $PSScriptRoot describe Piecemeal { beforeAll { $extScript = { <# .Synopsis Basic Extension .Description This is about as basic of an extension as you can have #> } | Set-Content .\01.ext.ps1 $extWithParams = { <# .Synopsis Simple Extension .Description This just has one parameter, $int, and it outputs $int #> param( [int]$Int ) $int } | Set-Content .\02.ext.ps1 $extForCmdlet = { <# .Synopsis Cmdlet Extension .Description This extension extends a particular cmdlet #> [Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Get","Extension")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int]$Int ) $int } | Set-Content .\03.ext.ps1 } context 'Get-Extension' { it '-ExtensionPath' { $extensionList = Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd $extensionList[0] | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Synopsis | Should -BeLike "Basic Extension*" $extensionList[1] | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Synopsis | Should -BeLike "Simple Extension*" $extensionList[2] | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Synopsis | Should -BeLike "Cmdlet Extension*" } it '-CommandName' { Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -CommandName Get-Extension | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Synopsis -First 1 | Should -BeLike "Cmdlet Extension*" } it '-DynamicParameter' { Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -CommandName Get-Extension -DynamicParameter | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Keys -First 1 | Should -Be "Int" } it '-NoMandatoryDynamicParameter' { Get-Extension -ExtensionPath $pwd -CommandName Get-Extension -DynamicParameter -NoMandatoryDynamicParameter | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Values -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Attributes | Where-Object Position -GE 0 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Mandatory | Should -Be $false } } context 'Install-Piecemeal' { it '-ExtensionModule' { Install-Piecemeal -ExtensionModule TestModule -ExtensionModuleAlias tm -ExtensionTypeName Test.Extension | Invoke-Expression Get-Command Get-TestModuleExtension } } afterAll { Get-ChildItem -Path $pwd -Filter *.ext.ps1 | Remove-Item } } Pop-Location |