
using namespace System

function Picky.GetCommands {
    # quick summary of commands
    # @{
    # External =
    Get-Command -m Picky
        # WithInternal =
        # Get-Command Pk*
    # }
function pk.Assert.Truthy {
        # 'pk.Test.Truthy',
        # 'pk.Assert.Truthy',

        # return a bool instead of throwing
        [Alias('TestOnly', 'AsError')]

    # if($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -match '\btest\b|\bis\b'){
        ( $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -match '\btest\b|\bis\b' ) -and
        ( $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -notmatch 'assert' )
        $AsBool = $True

    $isTruthy = [bool]$InputObject
    $IsNotTruthy = -not [bool]$InputObject

    if($AsBool) {
        if( $IsNot ) { return -not $IsTruthy }
        else { return $isTruthy}
    if( -not $isTruthy ) {
        <# paramName: #> 'InputObject',
        <# message: #> 'Was not truthy')

function pk.Assert.IsTypeInfo {
    # [Alias(
    # # 'Is.Tinfo',
    # # 'Is?Tinfo',
    # # 'pk.Is.TypeInfo',
    # # 'pk.Is.Tinfo'
    # )]
        # , 'System.Void' # may throw

        # return a bool instead of throwing
        [Alias('TestOnly', 'AsError')]
    $test = $InputObject -is 'type'
    if($AsBool) { return $test }
    if(-not $test) {
        throw [ArgumentException]::new(
            <# message: #> 'Was not a typeInfo',
            <# paramName: #> 'InputObject' )
function pk.Assert.IsArray {

        # return a bool instead of throwing
        [Alias('TestOnly', 'AsError')]
    $tinfo = ( $InputObject )?.GetType()
    $test = [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::GetEnumerable(
        $InputObject) -is [object]

    if( $AsBool ) { return $test }
    if( -not $Test ) {
        throw [ArgumentException]::new(
            <# message: #> 'Was not an array. -not LangPrimitive::GetEnumerable',
            <# paramName: #> 'InputObject')
function pk.Assert.NotEmpty.List {

        # return a bool instead of throwing
        [Alias('TestOnly', 'AsError')]
    if( $MyInvocation.InvocationName -in @('pk.Test.NotTrueNull')) {
        $Asbool = $true

function pk.Assert.NotTrueNull {

        # anything

        # return a bool instead of throwing
        [Alias('TestOnly', 'AsError')]
    if( $MyInvocation.InvocationName -in @('pk.Test.NotTrueNull')) {
        $Asbool = $true
    $isNull = $Null -eq $InputObject
    if( $AsBool ) {
        return $IsNull

    if( $IsNull ) {

        throw [System.ArgumentNullException]::new(
        <# paramName: #> 'InputObject',
        <# message: #> 'Was Null')

# this function will create a new object with specific keys from the input object
function Picky.SelectBy-Keys {
        Select properties of objects, or keys for dictionaries, based on key names, dropping other properties
        - [ ] select by regex
        - [ ] select by condition: blank/whitespace/truenull/trueemptystr


        [Alias('Keys', 'Include')]

        # mandatory else errors
        [Alias('Keys', 'Include')]
    write-warning 'wip: validate /w tests'

    # create a new ordered dictionary object
    $selected = [ordered]@{}

    # iterate over each key name
    foreach($key in $KeyName) {

        # if the key name exists in the input object
        if($InputObject.psobject.properties.name -contains $key) {

            # add the key and associated value to the new object
            $selected.Add($key, $InputObject.$key)

    # if there are required keys
    if($RequiredKeys) {

        # iterate over each required key
        foreach($key in $RequiredKeys) {

            # if the key name exists in the input object
            if($InputObject.psobject.properties.name -contains $key) {

                # add the key and associated value to the new object
                $selected.Add($key, $InputObject.$key)

            # if the key name does not exist in the input object
            else {

                # throw an error message
                $msg = "Required key '$key' not found in input object."
                throw $msg

    # return the new object
    return $selected

function Picky.Add.IndexProp {
        add an index property to each object in the chain, starting at 0
        not performant, modify psobject directly
        gci ~
            | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | .Add.IndexProp
            | Sort-Object Name | ft Name, Index, LastWriteTime

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    begin {
        [List[Object]]$items = @()
        $Index = 0
    process {
        $items.AddRange(@( $InputObject ))
    end {
        $Items | %{
            $addMemberSplat = @{
                InputObject = $_
                NotePropertyName = 'Index'
                NotePropertyValue = $Index++
                Force = $true
                PassThru = $true
                ErrorAction = 'ignore'
            Add-Member @addMemberSplat

function TryDropParams {
    # drop the standard default CmdletBinding parameter names
    throw 'nyi'
