using namespace System.Collections.Generic using namespace System.Collections using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language using namespace System.Management.Automation using namespace System.Management $script:ModuleConfig = @{ Verbose = @{ # OnEventA = $true } TemplateFromCacheMe = $false ExportPrefix = @{ Picky = $True Pick = $True Pk = $true String = $True Function = $true ScriptBlock = $True ShortTypeNames = $True } } function Picky.Text.IsEmpty { <# .SYNOPSIS Super simple, is it an empty string or null, optionally allow whitespace #> [Alias( 'pk.Text.IsEmpty', 'pk.IsEmptyStr', 'Picky.IsEmptyStr' )] [OutputType('boolean')] param( [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)] $TextContent, [switch]$OrWhitespace ) if($OrWhitespace) { return [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $TextContent ) } return [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $TextContent) } function Picky.Text.Where-IsNotEmpty { [Alias( 'Pk.Text.IsNotEmpty' # 'Pk.?NotEmpty', # 'Pk.?!Empty', # 'pk.Where-IsNotEmpty', # # if enable crazy aliases: # '?IsNot-Blank', # 'Picky.?NotBlank', # 'Picky.!Blank', # 'Pk.!Blank', # 'Picky!Blank', # 'Pk!Blank', # 'Pk.?NotBlank' )] param( [switch]$OrWhitespace ) process { if( Picky.Text.IsEmpty $_ -OrWhitespace:$OrWhitespace ) { return } $_ } } function util.Write-DimText { <# .SYNOPSIS # sugar for dim gray text, .EXAMPLE # pipes to 'less', nothing to console on close get-date | util.Write-DimText | less # nothing pipes to 'less', text to console get-date | util.Write-DimText -PSHost | less .EXAMPLE > gci -Name | util.Write-DimText | Join.UL > 'a'..'e' | util.Write-DimText | Join.UL #> [OutputType('String')] # [Alias('util.Write-DimText')] param( # write host explicitly [switch]$PSHost ) $ColorDefault = @{ ForegroundColor = 'gray60' BackgroundColor = 'gray20' } if($PSHost) { return $Input | Pansies\write-host @colorDefault } return $Input | New-Text @colorDefault | % ToString } # function Picky. function Picky.GetCommands { # quick summary of commands # @{ # External = Get-Command -m Picky # WithInternal = # Get-Command Pk* # } } function Picky.TestBools { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if a bunch of bools are all true, or any true, or none true, or all null, or all blank, etc... .DESCRIPTION There are 4 main conditions All, None, Any, First And a few operands True, False, Null, NotNull Blank, NotBlank .NOTES Naming wise, SomeTrue vs AnyTrue ? #> [OutputType('bool')] [Alias( 'Pk.TestBools', # base alias for consistency but not used 'Pk.AnyTrue', 'Pk.SomeTrue', 'Pk.AnyFalse', 'Pk.SomeFalse', 'Pk.AnyNull', 'Pk.SomeNull', 'Pk.AnyNotNull', 'Pk.SomeNotNull', 'Pk.AnyBlank', 'Pk.SomeBlank', 'Pk.AnyNotBlank', 'Pk.SomeNotBlank', 'Pk.FirstTrue', 'Pk.FirstFalse', 'Pk.FirstNull', 'Pk.FirstNotNull', 'Pk.FirstBlank', 'Pk.FirstNotBlank', 'Pk.AllTrue', 'Pk.AllFalse', 'Pk.AllNull', 'Pk.AllNotNull', 'Pk.AllBlank', 'Pk.AllNotBlank', 'Pk.NoneTrue', 'Pk.NoneFalse', 'Pk.NoneNull', 'Pk.NoneNotNull', 'Pk.NoneBlank', 'Pk.NoneNotBlank', # 'Picky.TestBools', # base alias for consistency but not used 'Picky.AnyTrue', 'Picky.SomeTrue', 'Picky.AnyFalse', 'Picky.SomeFalse', 'Picky.AnyNull', 'Picky.SomeNull', 'Picky.AnyNotNull', 'Picky.SomeNotNull', 'Picky.AnyBlank', 'Picky.SomeBlank', 'Picky.AnyNotBlank', 'Picky.SomeNotBlank', 'Picky.FirstTrue', 'Picky.FirstFalse', 'Picky.FirstNull', 'Picky.FirstNotNull', 'Picky.FirstBlank', 'Picky.FirstNotBlank', 'Picky.AllTrue', 'Picky.AllFalse', 'Picky.AllNull', 'Picky.AllNotNull', 'Picky.AllBlank', 'Picky.AllNotBlank', 'Picky.NoneTrue', 'Picky.NoneFalse', 'Picky.NoneNull', 'Picky.NoneNotNull', 'Picky.NoneBlank', 'Picky.NoneNotBlank' )] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [object[]] $InputObject, # output the $filter_* variables as a hashtable [ValidateScript({throw 'nyi'})] [switch]$PassThru, # write errors, or throw, rather than returning bools [ValidateScript({throw 'nyi'})] [Alias('Strict', 'ErrorOnFail')] [switch]$Assert ) begin { $AliasName = $MyInvocation.InvocationName -replace '^(Picky|Pk)\.', '' -replace '^Some', 'Any' $CompareMode = $AliasName [List[Object]] $tests = @() } process { $tests.AddRange( @( $InputObject )) $CompareMode | Join-String -op 'Alias: ' | util.Write-DimText | Write-verbose } end { $full_list = $Tests $filter_TrueList = @($Tests) -eq $true $filter_FalseList = @($Tests) -eq $False $filter_NullList = @($Tests) -eq $null $filter_NotNullList = @($Tests) -ne $null $filter_BlankList = @( $tests ).Where({ [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) }) $filter_NotBlankList = @( $tests ).Where({ [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) }) switch( $CompareMode ) { 'AnyTrue' { $filter_TrueList.count -gt 0 break } 'AllTrue' { ($filter_TrueList.count -gt 0) -and ($filter_TrueList.count -eq $full_list.count) break } 'AllFalse' { ($filter_falseList.count -gt 0) -and ($filter_falseList.count -eq $full_list.count) break } 'NoneNull' { $filter_NullList.count -eq 0 } 'NoneTrue' { $filter_TrueList.count -eq 0 } 'NoneFalse' { $filter_FalseList.count -eq 0 } default { throw "Uhandled compare mode: $CompareMode !"} } } } # [hashtable]$script:Cache = @{} # if($Script:ModuleConfig.VerboseJson_ArgCompletions) { # (Join-Path (gi 'temp:\') 'CacheMeIfYouCan.ArgCompletions.log') # | Join-String -op 'CacheMeIfYouCan: VerboseLogging for ArgCompletions is enabled at: ' # | write-warning # } $script:Color = @{ MedBlue = '#a4dcff' DimBlue = '#7aa1b9' DimFg = '#cbc199' DarkFg = '#555759' DimGreen = '#95d1b0' DimOrange = '#ce8d70' DimPurple = '#c586c0' Dim2Purple = '#c1a6c1' DimYellow = '#dcdcaa' MedGreen = '#4cd189' } if($ModuleConfig.TemplateFromCacheMe) { function WriteFg { # Internal Ansi color wrapper param( [object]$Color ) if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $Color ) ) { return } $PSStyle.Foreground.FromRgb( $Color ) } function WriteBg { # Internal Ansi color wrapper param( [object]$Color ) if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $Color ) ) { return } $PSStyle.Background.FromRgb( $Color ) } function WriteColor { # Internal Ansi color wrapper param( [object]$ColorFg, [object]$ColorBg ) if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $ColorFg ) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $ColorBg ) ) { return } @( WriteFg $ColorFg WriteBg $ColorBg ) -join '' } } function Picky.Find-Member { <# .SYNOPSIS This filters members. it does not filter objects. filtering objects is Picky.Find-Object / -Member/Picky.Find-Object #> # [OutputType('memberset class')] param() throw 'NYI, see Picky.Where-Object' } function Picky.Where-Object { <# .SYNOPSIS This filters objects based on their members. it does not filter properies. filtering properties is Picky.Find-Member/Picky.Find-Object #> [Alias( # # experimenting with alternate alias styles # # pk.WhereMember is a command that uses this command, or is itself it? # 'Picky.FindMember', # 'Picky.Member.Is', # 'Picky.String?', # 'String.Test', # 'pk.String?', # 'pk.Str?' )] [OutputType('Object')] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='FromPipe')] [Alias( 'pk.Where-Object', 'pk.Where-Member', 'pk.Test-Object', 'pk.?Obj', 'pk-?', 'pk.WhereObj?', 'pk.?WhereObj', 'pk?Obj', 'pk.Obj?' )] param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromPipe', ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )] [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 0 )] [AllowNull()] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [object[]] $InputObject, # Do these properties exist on an object. testing existence, even if they are null # [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromPipe', Position = 0 )] # [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 1 )] [Alias( 'HasProp', 'Exists', 'Has')] [Parameter()] [string[]] $PropertyName, # propety does not even exist on the type/object [Alias( 'NotHasProp', 'NoProp', 'DoesNotExist', 'MissingProp', 'Missing', 'HasNone', 'NotExist')] [string[]] $MissingProperty, [Alias( 'NotEmpty', 'IsNotEmpty', 'IsNotBlank', 'NotIsBlank')] [Parameter()] [string[]] $NotBlank, # does exist, but it's blankable # does this property exist, and it's blankable? # future: distinguish empty vs blank [Parameter()] [Alias( 'HasBlank', 'HasEmpty', 'Empty', 'IsEmpty', 'IsBlank', 'Blank')] [string[]] $BlankProp ) process { $tests = foreach( $CurObj in $InputObject ) { $InObj = $InputObject $toKeep = $false $outerTests = @( if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PropertyName')) { $toKeep = Picky.Test-Object -in $CurObj -PropertyName $PropertyName $toKeep break } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MissingProperty')) { $toKeep = Picky.Test-Object -in $CurObj -MissingProperty $MissingProperty $toKeep break } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NotBlank')) { $toKeep = Picky.Test-Object -in $CurObj -NotBlank $NotBlank $toKeep break } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('BlankProp')) { $toKeep = Picky.Test-Object -in $CurObj -BlankProp $BlankProp $toKeep break } ).Where({ $true -eq $_ }, 'first') if ($Tests.Count -gt 0) { $Tests } else { $false } continue } } } function Picky.Type.GetInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Quickly and easily grab properties and metadata from types .EXAMPLE Pwsh> .notes future info - [ ] other scriptblock/function types - [ ] DefaultParameterSet - [ ] (Jsonify) => Id, Ast, Module, Etc... #> [Alias( 'Type.GetInfo', 'pk.Type', 'pk.Tinfo' )] [OutputType( 'PSModuleInfo' )] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='FromPipe')] param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromPipe', ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 0 )] [Alias('Name', 'Type', 'TypeInfo', 'InObj', 'Obj')] [object]$InputObject, [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromPipe', Position = 0 )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 1 )] [ValidateSet( 'Name', 'Namespace', 'ShortName', 'ShortNamespace' )] [string]$OutputKind = 'ShortName', [int]$MinCrumbCount = 0, [switch]$PassThru ) # future: assert properties exist process { if($Null -eq $InputObject) { return } # [ScriptBlock]$ObjAsSB = $InputObject if($InputObject -is [type]) { $tinfo = $InputObject } elseif ($InputObject -is [string]){ $tinfo = $InputObject -as [type] } else { $tinfo = $InputObject.GetType() } if(! $tinfo) { throw "InvalidState: Tinfo was null!"} # this is to ensure namespace is never blank # except system is always removed $clampNamespaceMinCount = [Math]::Clamp( $MinCrumbCount, 1, 9999) $meta = [ordered]@{ ShortName = $InputObject | Dotils.Format-ShortType -MinNamespaceCrumbCount $clampNamespaceMinCount # previously was: $MinCrumbCount ShortNamespace = $InputObject | Dotils.Format-ShortNamespace -MinCount $MinCrumbCount Name = $tinfo.Name Namespace = $Tinfo.Namespace SourceObj = $InputObject #?? "`u{2400}" Tinfo = $tinfo #?? "`u{2400}" # HasGenericArgs = $Tinfo.isGeneric # Name = $InputObject | Dotils.Format-ShortType # Namespace = $InputObject | Dotils.Format-ShortNamespace -MinCount 1 } if($PassThru) { return [pscustomobject]$Meta } switch( $OutputKind ) { 'Name' { # -is [List[Attribute]] $result = $Tinfo.Name break } 'Namespace' { # -is [string] $result = $Tinfo.Namespace break } 'ShortNamespace' { $result = $Tinfo | Dotils.Format-ShortNamespace -MinCount $MinCrumbCount break } 'ShortName' { $result = $Tinfo | Dotils.Format-ShortType -MinNamespaceCrumbCount $MinCrumbCount break } } $isBlank = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $result ) if($isBlank -and $InputObject) { 'Object exists but the attribute is blank' | util.Write-DimText | util.Write-Information } return $result } } <# param( # Appears to resolve what parameters will resolve using a partial match # essentially: Name -like 'query*' # case-insensitive. Blank strings throw errors # also throws when value is ambigious [Parameter()] [String]$ResolveParameter ) #> function Picky.String.EndsWith { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias( 'Picky.Str.EndsWith', 'pk.Str.EndsWith', 'Str.EndsWith' )] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('Str', 'Text', 'InStr', 'Content')] [string] $InputText, [Parameter()] [string] $SubString, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ParamStringCompareType' )] [Alias('CompareType', 'Type')] [System.StringComparison] $ComparisonType, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ParamCaseSensitive')] [Alias('AsCS', 'CS', 'CaseSensitive', 'UsingCS')] [switch] $UsingCaseSensitive, # this function only accepts culture when using ignoreCase version [ArgumentCompletions( "'en-us'", "'de-de'", '(Get-Culture ''es'')' )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'UsingCaseSensitive')] [CultureInfo]$Culture = [CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture ) process { <# implements all overloads cases: EndsWith( str: value ) EndsWith( str: value, StringComparison: comparisonType ) EndsWith( str: value, bool: ignoreCase, CultureInfo: culture ) EndsWith( char value ) #> if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComparisonType')){ return $InputText.EndsWith( <# values #> $SubString, <# StringComparison #> $ComparisonType ) } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Culture')){ return $InputText.EndsWith( <# value #> $SubString, <# ignoreCase #> $UsingCaseSensitive, <# Culture #> $Culture ) } # neither chosen, so default to ignoreinvariant, optionally case sensitive $ComparisonType = if($CaseSensitive) { [StringComparison]::InvariantCulture } else{ [StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase } return $InputText.EndsWith( <# values #> $SubString, <# StringComparison #> $ComparisonType ) } } function Picky.String.Clamp { <# .SYNOPSIS Truncate strings within limits, and without out-of-bounds errors #> [OutputType('String')] [Alias( 'Picky.Str.Clamp', 'Str.Clamp', 'Pk.Str.Clamp' )] param( # text to split [string]$InputText = '', # which position to end at. negative values are relative # the end of the string # used by SubString(0, RelPos) after safely clamping it [int]$RelativePos ) if($RelativePos -lt 0) { $finalPos = $InputText.Length + $RelativePos } else { $finalPos = $RelativePos } # Clamp: 10, 0, 3 => 3 # 'abc'.Substring(0, 3) => 'abc' $ClampedLen = [Math]::Clamp( $FinalPos, 0, $InputText.Length) $InputText.Substring( <# startIndex: #> 0, <# length: #> $ClampedLen) } function Picky.String.Test { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests a string's attributes or states. a different function is used to filter strings conditionally Picky.String.Select .LINK Picky.String.SelectBy .LINK https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/#General_Category_Values .LINK https://unicode.org/reports/tr18/ .LINK https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Regular_expressions/Unicode_character_class_escape .link https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/character-classes-in-regular-expressions#word-character-w #> [Alias( # experimenting with alternate alias styles 'Picky.Test-String', 'Picky.String.Is', 'Picky.String?', 'String.Test', 'pk.String?', 'pk.Str?' )] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='FromPipe')] [OutputType('String')] param( [Alias( 'InputObject', 'Text', 'In', 'InObj','InStr', 'Content', 'Line' )] [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromPipe', ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )] [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 0 )] [AllowNull()] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [object] $InputText, # Potentially use $InputText as an object so that I can test object before coercion # [string]$InputText, [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromPipe', Position = 0 )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 1 )] [ValidateSet( 'Blank', 'Empty', 'TrueNull', 'TrueEmptyStr', 'ControlChars', 'Whitespace', 'Not.Whitespace', 'Len', 'CodepointLen', 'Invisible', 'Letter', 'NotLetter', 'Word', 'Not.Word', 'Surrogate', 'Not.Surrogate', 'Separator' # 'Nullable', )] [Alias('Test', 'IsA?','Is?', 'If', 'Where', 'When')] [string[]] $TestKind ) process { $InObj = $InputObject $IsTrueNull = $null -eq $InObj $IsText = $InObj -is [string] [string]$Text = $InObj $IsTrueEmptyString = $IsText -and $InObj.Length -eq 0 switch($TestKind) { 'Word' { $Text -match '^\w$' ; continue; } 'Not.Word' { $Text -match '^\W$' ; continue; } 'Letter' { $Text -match '^\p{L}$' ; continue; } 'Not.Letter' { $Text -match '^\P{L}$' ; continue; } 'TrueNull' { $IsTrueNull ; continue; } 'TrueEmptyStr' { $IsTrueEmptyString ; continue; } 'Blank' { [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $Text ) ; continue; } 'Empty' { [String]::IsNullOrEmpty( $Text ) ; continue; } 'Surrogate' { $text -match '\^p{Cs}$' ; continue; } 'Not.Surrogate' { $text -match '\^P{Cs}$' ; continue; } 'ControlChar' { $text -match '\^p{C}$' ; continue; } 'Not.ControlChar' { $text -match '\^P{C}$' ; continue; } 'Whitespace' { $Text -match '^\s$' ; continue; } 'Not.Whitespace' { $Text -match '^\S$' ; continue; } 'Invisible' { $Text -match '^\p{Z}$' ; continue; } 'Not.Invisible' { $Text -match '^\P{Z}$' ; continue; } 'Separator' { $Text -match '^\p{Z}$' ; continue; } 'Len' { $Text.Length ; continue; } 'CodepointLen' { @($Text.EnumerateRunes()).count ; continue; } default { throw "UnhandledTestKind: $TestKind "} } } } function Picky.String.GetInfo { [Alias( 'String.GetInfo', 'pk.String', 'pk.Str' )] [OutputType('String')] param( [Alias( 'InputObject', 'Text', 'In', 'InObj','InStr', 'Content', 'Line' )] [AllowNull()] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromPipe', ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 0 )] [string]$InputText, [ValidateScript({throw 'nyi'})] [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromPipe', Position = 0 )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 1 )] [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Default')] [string]$OutputKind ) begin {} process { [string]$InStr = $InputText [pscustomobject]@{ PSTypeName = 'picky.String.InfoRecord' IsBlank = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $InStr ) IsNullable = [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $InStr ) IsMultiLine = ($InStr -split '\r?\n').count -gt 1 # Original = $InStr Content = $InStr | Join-String -sep '' FirstLine = $InStr -split '\r?\n' | Select -first 1 LengthChars = $InStr.Length LengthRunes = @($InStr.EnumerateRunes()).Count FormatCC = $InStr | Format-ControlChar } } } class PropertyCompareRecord { [string]$PropertyName [string]$CompareKind [bool]$Result [Object]$Object } function Picky.Test-Object { <# .SYNOPSIS .NOTES naming note: To Filter or test, try pk.obj? -has Prop1, Prop2 To Assert, use pk.Obj! -has Prop1, Prop2 #> [OutputType('PropertyCompareRecord', 'Boolean')] [CmdletBinding()] [Alias( 'pk.Test-Object', 'pk.Obj' )] param( [Parameter( Position = 0 )] [object[]] $InputObject, # Do these properties exist on an object. testing existence, even if they are null [Parameter()] [Alias('HasProp', 'Exists', 'Has')] [string[]] $PropertyName, [Parameter()] # propety does not even exist on the type/object [Alias('NotHasProp', 'NoProp', 'DoesNotExist', 'MissingProp', 'Missing', 'HasNone', 'NotExist')] [string[]] $MissingProperty, [Parameter()] [Alias('NotEmpty', 'IsNotEmpty', 'IsNotBlank', 'NotIsBlank')] [string[]] $NotBlank, # does exist, but it's blankable # does this property exist, and it's blankable? # future: distinguish empty vs blank [Parameter()] [Alias('HasBlank', 'HasEmpty', 'Empty', 'IsEmpty', 'IsBlank', 'Blank')] [string[]] $BlankProp ) end { [List[PropertyCompareRecord]]$CmpSummary = @() foreach($Name in $PropertyName ){ [bool]$result = $InputObject.Properties.Name -contains $Name $cmpSummary.Add( [PropertyCompareRecord]@{ Object = $InputObject PropertyName = $Name CompareKind = 'Exists' # 'PropertyExists' Result = $result }) } foreach($Name in $MissingProperty ){ [bool]$result = $InputObject.Properties.Name -notcontains $Name $cmpSummary.Add( [PropertyCompareRecord]@{ Object = $InputObject PropertyName = $Name CompareKind = 'Missing' # 'PropretyMissing' Result = $result }) } foreach($Name in $BlankProp ){ [bool]$exists = $InputObject.Properties.Name -Contains $Name $curValue = ($InputObject.psobject.properties)?[ $Name ].Value [bool]$isBlank = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $curValue ) [bool]$Result = $exists -and $IsBlank $cmpSummary.Add( [PropertyCompareRecord]@{ Object = $InputObject PropertyName = $Name CompareKind = 'Blank' # 'PropertyBlank' Result = $result }) } foreach($Name in $NotBlank ){ [bool]$exists = $InputObject.Properties.Name -Contains $Name $curValue = ($InputObject.psobject.properties)?[ $Name ].Value [bool]$isNotBlank = -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $curValue ) [bool]$Result = $exists -and $IsNotBlank $cmpSummary.Add( [PropertyCompareRecord]@{ Object = $InputObject PropertyName = $Name CompareKind = 'NotBlank' # 'PropertyNotBlank' Result = $result }) } return $cmpSummary } } function Picky.ScriptBlock.GetInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Quickly and easily grab properties and metadata for [ScriptBlock] types .EXAMPLE # use auto completion Pwsh> gcm 'DoWork' | Function.GetInfo ScriptBlock | ScriptBlock.GetInfo File .EXAMPLE gcm Prompt | Function.GetInfo ScriptBlock | SCriptBlock.getInfo PathWithLine H:\data\2023\dotfiles.2023\pwsh\src\Invoke-MinimalInit.ps1:161:1 gcm ScriptBlock.GetInfo | Function.GetInfo ScriptBlock | SCriptBlock.getInfo PathWithLine H:\data\2023\pwsh\PsModules\Picky\Picky\Picky.psm1:65:1 .LINK Picky\Function.GetInfo .LINK Picky\ScriptBlock.GetInfo .notes future info - [ ] other scriptblock/function types - [ ] DefaultParameterSet - [ ] (Jsonify) => Id, Ast, Module, Etc... #> [Alias( 'ScriptBlock.GetInfo', 'pk.ScriptBlock', 'pk.Sb' )] [OutputType( 'PSModuleInfo' )] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='FromPipe')] param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromPipe', ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 0 )] [Alias('Name', 'Func', 'Fn', 'Command', 'InObj', 'Obj', 'ScriptBlock', 'SB', 'E', 'Expression')] [object]$InputObject, [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromPipe', Position = 0 )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 1 )] [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet( 'Attributes', 'File', 'Module', 'Content', 'StartPosition', 'Id', 'PathWithLine', 'Ast' )] [string]$OutputKind ) # future: assert properties exist process { if($Null -eq $InputObject) { return } [ScriptBlock]$ObjAsSB = $InputObject if( $InputObject -isnot [ScriptBlock] ) { 'Expected A <ScriptBlock | ... >. Actual: {0}' -f @( $InputObject.GetType().Name ) | util.Write-DimText | Infa # | write-warning } 'InputType: {0}, Expected <ScriptBlock>' -f @( $InputObject.GetType().Name ) | write-verbose # if( -not $InputObject -isnot 'F') switch( $OutputKind ) { 'Attributes' { # -is [List[Attribute]] $result = $InputObject.Attributes break } 'File' { # -is [string] $result = $InputObject.File break } 'Module' { # is [PSModuleInfo] $result = $inputObject.Module break } 'StartPosition' { # -is [PSToken] $result = $InputObject.StartPosition break } 'PathWithLine' { # -is [string] [PSToken]$Pos = $InputObject.StartPosition # refactor: this is almost a duplicate of Picky.ScriptExtent.GetInfo, but not 100% [int]$StartLine = $Pos.StartLine [int]$StartCol = $Pos.StartColumn [int]$EndLine = $Pos.EndLine # prop: NotYetUsed [int]$EndCol = $Pos.EndColumn # prop: NotYetUsed [int]$Start = $Pos.Start # prop: NotYetUsed [int]$Length = $Pos.Length # prop: NotYetUsed [string]$FullName = $InputObject.File $result = '{0}:{1}:{2}' -f @( $FullName $StartLine $StartCOl ) break } 'Content' { $result = $InputObject.StartPosition.Content } 'Id' { # -is [Guid] $result = $InputObject.Id break } 'Ast' { # -is [Ast>] $result = $InputObject.Ast break } default { throw "Unhandled OutputKind: $OutputKind" } } $isBlank = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $result ) if($isBlank -and $InputObject) { 'Object exists but the attribute is blank' | util.Write-DimText | Infa } return $result } } function Picky.Function.GetInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Quickly and easily grab properties and metadata for [CommandInfo], [FunctionInfo] etc .EXAMPLE # use auto completion Pwsh> gcm 'DoWork' | Function.GetInfo Parameters .LINK Picky\Function.GetInfo .LINK Picky\ScriptBlock.GetInfo .LINK Gcm ConvertTo-Json | Function.GetInfo ResolveParameter -ResolveParameter 'e' # Error ambigous. Possible matches include: -EnumsAsStrings -EscapeHandling -ErrorAction -ErrorVariable." .notes future info - [ ] ParameterMetadata ResolveParameter(string name); - [ ] DefaultParameterSet - [ ] ScriptBlock - [ ] CommandType - [ ] (Jsonify) => Options, Description, Noun, Verb, Name, ModuleName, Source, Version #> [Alias( 'Function.GetInfo', 'pk.Function', 'pk.Func', 'pk.fn' )] [OutputType( 'ScriptBlock', 'PSModuleInfo', '[IDictionary[string, [Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata]]]', '[Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection[Management.Automation.CommandParameterSetInfo]]', 'Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata' )] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='FromPipe')] param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromPipe', ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 0 )] [Alias('Name', 'Func', 'Fn', 'Command', 'InObj', 'Obj', 'ScriptBlock', 'SB')] [object]$InputObject, [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromPipe', Position = 0 )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 1 )] [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet( 'Attributes', 'ScriptBlock', 'Module', 'Parameters', 'ResolveParameter', 'ParameterSets' )] [string]$OutputKind, # Appears to resolve what parameters will resolve using a partial match # essentially: Name -like 'query*' # case-insensitive. Blank strings throw errors # also throws when value is ambigious [Parameter()] [String]$ResolveParameter ) process { if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ResolveParameter')) { if($OutputKind -ne 'ResolveParameter') { throw "Invalid OutputKind, must be ResolveParameter using ResolveParameter"} } # future: assert properties exist if( $InputObject -isnot [CommandInfo] -and $InputObject -isnot [FunctionInfo]) { 'Expected A <CommandInfo | FunctionInfo>. Actual: {0}' -f @( $InputObject.GetType().Name ) | util.Write-DimText | Infa # | write-warning } 'InputType: {0}, Expected <CommandInfo|FunctionInfo>' -f @( $InputObject.GetType().Name ) | write-verbose # if( -not $InputObject -isnot 'F') if($Null -eq $InputObject) { return } switch( $OutputKind ) { 'Attributes' { $result = $InputObject.ScriptBlock.Attributes break } 'ScriptBlock' { # -is [ScriptBlock] $result = $InputObject.ScriptBlock break } 'Module' { # is [PSModuleInfo] $result = $InputObject.Module break } 'Parameters' { # -is [Dictionary<string, ParameterMetadata>]] $result = $InputObject.Parameters break } 'ParameterSets' { # -is [ReadOnlyCollection<CommandParameterSetInfo>] $result = $InputObject.ParameterSets break } 'ResolveParameter' { # -is [ParameterMetadata] $result = $InputObject.ResolveParameter( $ResolveParameter ) break } default { throw "Unhandled OutputKind: $OutputKind" } } $isBlank = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $result ) if($isBlank -and $InputObject) { 'Object exists but the attribute is blank' | util.Write-DimText | Infa } return $result } } function Picky.String.GetCrumbs { <# .SYNOPSIS Split a string into chunks.' .EXAMPLE GetStringCrumbs -InputText 'bat man 3.14 cat, n!-choose-r' -SplitBy '[ ]' .EXAMPLE [WordCrumb]::new( 'foo bar 3.14 cat!bat; bat cat-dog', '\W+' ) .EXAMPLE $w1 = [WordCrumb]::new( 'foo bar 3.14 cat!bat; bat cat-dog') $w1.CrumbCount | Should -be 9 $w1.String = 'foo bar! cat' $w1.CrumbCount | Should -be 3 $w1.String = 'foo bar' $w1.CrumbCount | Should -be 2 #> [Alias( 'Picky.String.Crumbs', 'String.GetCrumbs', 'pk.Str.Crumbs', 'Pick-WordCrumbs' # 'GetStringCrumbs' )] param( [string]$InputText, [ArgumentCompletions( '\W+', '\b', '\s+', '\s', "'[ ]'", "'[ ]+'" )] [string]$SplitBy ) [WordCrumb]::new( $InputText, $SplitBy ) } function util.Write-Information { <# .SYNOPSIS sugar for : obj | Write-information -infa 'continue' #> [Alias( 'util.Infa' )] param( [switch]$WithoutInfaContinue ) if($WithoutInfaContinue) { $Input | Write-Information return } $Input | Write-Information -infa 'continue' } function Picky.Object.FirstN { <# .SYNOPSIS select the first N objects, or lines of text .EXAMPLE Pwsh> Get-ChildItem -recurse . | Pk.FirstN 2 .EXAMPLE Pwsh> docker help | Pk.FirstN 10 ## outputs: Usage: docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND A self-sufficient runtime for containers Common Commands: run Create and run a new container from an image exec Execute a command in a running container ps List containers build Build an image from a Dockerfile .NOTES - some of the Text.*, like this, aren't hardcoded to string - future: Pass StringBuilder around? - future: Offset so you say say -2, or +3 index relative the match #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias( 'Pk.FirstN','Picky.FirstN', 'Pk.Text.FirstN', 'Picky.Text.FirstN', 'Pk.TakeN', 'Pk.Text.TakeN', 'Picky.Text.TakeN' )] [CmdletBinding()] param( # filtering regex [Alias('FirstN', 'N', 'Len')] [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)] [int]$TakeCount, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [object[]]$TextContent ) begin { $ShouldTake = $false $linesProcessed = 0 } process { foreach($Line in $TextContent) { $linesProcessed++ if($linesProcessed -gt $TakeCount) { $shouldTake = $true continue } if(-not $ShouldTake) { $Line } } } end { if($TakeCount -gt $LinesProcessed) { 'TakeCount is greater than the number of lines in the input: FirstN: {0}, Parsed: {1}' -f @( $TakeCount, $LinesProcessed ) | write-verbose } } } function Picky.Text.SkipBeforeMatch { <# .SYNOPSIS ignores all text until you reach the first match, output remaining rows wait until a flag, ignoring output before ti .NOTES - future: Pass StringBuilder around? - future: Offset so you say say -2, or +3 index relative the match .EXAMPLE Pwsh> docker --help | Picky.Text.SkipBeforeMatch -BeforePattern '^Commands' -IncludeMatch | Picky.Text.SkipAfterMatch -AfterPattern '^Global Options' ## outputs Commands: attach Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container commit Create a new image from a container's changes cp Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem create Create a new container diff Inspect changes to files or directories on a container's filesystem events Get real time events from the server export Export a container's filesystem as a tar archive #> [Alias( 'Picky.Text.SkipUntilMatch', 'Pk.Text.SkipBeforeMatch', 'Pk.SkipBeforeMatch', 'Pk.Text.SkipUntilMatch', 'Pk.SkipBeforeMatch', 'Pk.AfterMatch' )] [CmdletBinding()] param( # filtering regex [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)] [Alias('Regex', 'Re', 'Pattern', 'Condition', 'Filter', 'Until')] [string]$BeforePattern, [Alias('Lines', 'InputObject')] [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [object[]]$TextContent, # default setting ignores the line that matched. this includes it. [switch]$IncludeMatch ) begin { $ShouldSkip = $true } process { foreach($Line in $TextContent) { if($Line -match $BeforePattern) { $ShouldSkip = $false if($IncludeMatch){ $Line } continue } if( -not $SHouldSkip) { $Line } } } end {} } function Picky.Text.SkipAfterMatch { <# .SYNOPSIS collects text until a pattern is matched, ignores remaining lines .NOTES - future: Pass StringBuilder around? - future: Offset so you say say -2, or +3 index relative the match #> [Alias( 'Picky.Text.BeforeMatch', 'Pk.BeforeMatch', 'Pk.SkipAfter', 'Pk.SkipAfterMatch', 'Pk.Text.BeforeMatch', 'Pk.Text.UntilMatch', 'Pk.Text.TakeUntilMatch', 'Picky.Text.TakeBeforeMatch', 'Picky.Text.TakeUntilMatch', 'Picky.Text.UntilMatch', 'Pk.Text.SkipAfterMatch' )] [CmdletBinding()] param( # filtering regex [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)] [Alias('Regex', 'Re', 'Pattern', 'Condition', 'Filter', 'After')] [string]$AfterPattern, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [object[]]$TextContent, # default setting ignores the line that matched. this includes it. [switch]$IncludeMatch ) begin { $ShouldSkip = $false } process { foreach($Line in $TextContent) { # if( Picky.Text.IsEmpty $line -OrWhitespace:$false ) { continue } if($Line -match $AfterPattern) { $ShouldSkip = $true if($IncludeMatch) { $Line } continue } if( -not $ShouldSkip) { $Line } } } end {} } ### bottom before classes class WordCrumb { <# .DESCRIPTION Example of a pwsh class with getters/setters that mutate the state modify properties 'c.String' or 'c.SplitBy' #> [string[]] $Crumbs = @() [int] $CrumbCount = 0 hidden [string] $RawString [string] $_SplitBy = '\W+' WordCrumb ( [string]$Text ) { $This.RawString = $Text $This.Crumbs = $Text -split $this._SplitBy $this.CrumbCount = $This.Crumbs.Count } WordCrumb ( [string]$Text, [string]$SplitBy ) { $This.RawString = $Text $this.Crumbs = $Text -split $SplitBy $this._SplitBy = $SplitBy $this.CrumbCount = $This.Crumbs.Count } # rebuild [void] Update () { # aka Recalculate() # $this = [WordCrumb]::Parse( $This.RawString, $this._SplitBy ) $new = [WordCrumb]::Parse( $This.RawString, $this._SplitBy ) $this.Crumbs = $New.Crumbs $this.CrumbCount = $new.CrumbCount $this.RawString = $new.RawString $this._SplitBy = $new.SplitBy } static [WordCrumb] Parse( [string]$Text, [string]$SplitBy ) { return [WordCrumb]::New( $Text, $SplitBy ) } } $get_RawString = { return $this.RawString } $set_RawString = { param( [string]$NewText ) $this.RawString = $NewText $this.Update() } $get_SplitBy = { return $this._SplitBy } $set_SplitBy = { param( [string]$SplitBy ) $this._SplitBy = $SplitBy $this.Update() } $add_ScriptProperty = @{ MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Force = $true TypeName = 'WordCrumb' # TypeConverter = '.' # TypeAdapter = '.' # TypeData = '' } $updateTypeDataSplat = @{ MemberName = 'String' Value = $get_RawString SecondValue = $set_RawString } Update-TypeData @updateTypeDataSplat @add_ScriptProperty $updateTypeDataSplat = @{ MemberName = 'SplitBy' Value = $get_SplitBy SecondValue = $set_SplitBy } Update-TypeData @updateTypeDataSplat @add_ScriptProperty <# [WordCrumb]::new( 'foo bar 3.14 cat!bat; bat cat-dog', '\W+' ) [WordCrumb]::new( 'foo bar 3.14 cat!bat; bat cat-dog') $w1 = [WordCrumb]::new( 'foo bar 3.14 cat!bat; bat cat-dog') $w1.CrumbCount | Should -be 9 $w1.String = 'foo bar! cat' $w1.CrumbCount | Should -be 3 $w1.String = 'foo bar' $w1.CrumbCount | Should -be 2 $w1.SplitBy = 'oo' $w1.Crumbs | Should -BeExactly @('f', ' bar') #> [List[object]]$ExportMemberPatterns = @( if( $ModuleConfig.ExportPrefix.ShortTypeNames ) { 'pk.Str*' 'pk.Func*' 'pk.fn*' 'pk.Sb*' 'pk.Type*' 'pk.Tinfo*' } if( $ModuleConfig.ExportPrefix.String ) { 'String.*' '*-String*' 'Str.*' '*-Str*' } if( $ModuleConfig.ExportPrefix.Function ) { 'Function.*' '*-Function*' } if( $ModuleConfig.ExportPrefix.ScriptBlock ) { 'ScriptBlock.*' '*-ScriptBlock*' } if( $ModuleConfig.ExportPrefix.Picky ) { 'Picky.*' '*-Picky*' } if( $ModuleConfig.ExportPrefix.Pick ) { 'Pick.*' '*-Pick*' } if( $ModuleConfig.ExportPrefix.Pk ) { 'Pk.*' '*-Pk*' } ) $ExportMemberPatterns | Join-String -op 'Picky::ExportMemberPatterns := ' -sep ', ' | Write-Verbose Export-ModuleMember -Function @( $ExportMemberPatterns ) -Alias @( $ExportMemberPatterns ) -Variable @( $ExportMemberPatterns 'Picky_*' 'PK_*' ) |