
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
using namespace System.Collections
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Management

$script:ModuleConfig = @{
    # ExportAggressiveNames = $false
    Verbose = @{
        # OnEventA = $true
    TemplateFromCacheMe = $false
    ExportPrefix = @{
        Picky  = $True
        Pick   = $True
        Pk     = $true
        String = $True
        Function = $true
        ScriptBlock = $True
        ShortTypeNames = $True

function Picky.GetCommands {
    # quick summary of commands
    # @{
    # External =
    Get-Command -m Picky
        # WithInternal =
        # Get-Command Pk*
    # }
function pk.Assert.Truthy {

        # return a bool instead of throwing
        [Alias('TestOnly', 'AsError')]

    # if($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -match '\btest\b|\bis\b'){
        ( $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -match '\btest\b|\bis\b' ) -and
        ( $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -notmatch 'assert' )
        $AsBool = $True

    $isTruthy = [bool]$InputObject
    $IsNotTruthy = -not [bool]$InputObject

    if($AsBool) {
        if( $IsNot ) { return -not $IsTruthy }
        else { return $isTruthy}
    if( -not $isTruthy ) {
        <# paramName: #> 'InputObject',
        <# message: #> 'Was not truthy')

            # Error ambigous. Possible matches include: -EnumsAsStrings -EscapeHandling -ErrorAction -ErrorVariable."

        future info
        - [ ] ParameterMetadata ResolveParameter(string name);
        - [ ] DefaultParameterSet
        - [ ] ScriptBlock
        - [ ] CommandType

        - [ ] (Jsonify) => Options, Description, Noun, Verb, Name, ModuleName, Source, Version
        # , 'System.Void' # may throw

        # return a bool instead of throwing
        [Alias('TestOnly', 'AsError')]
    $test = $InputObject -is 'type'
    if($AsBool) { return $test }
    if(-not $test) {
        throw [ArgumentException]::new(
            <# message: #> 'Was not a typeInfo',
            <# paramName: #> 'InputObject' )
function pk.Assert.IsArray {

        # return a bool instead of throwing
        [Alias('TestOnly', 'AsError')]
    $tinfo = ( $InputObject )?.GetType()
    $test = [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::GetEnumerable(
        $InputObject) -is [object]

    if( $AsBool ) { return $test }
    if( -not $Test ) {
        throw [ArgumentException]::new(
            <# message: #> 'Was not an array. -not LangPrimitive::GetEnumerable',
            <# paramName: #> 'InputObject')
function pk.Assert.NotEmpty.List {

        # return a bool instead of throwing
        [Alias('TestOnly', 'AsError')]
    if( $MyInvocation.InvocationName -in @('pk.Test.NotTrueNull')) {
        $Asbool = $true

[hashtable]$script:Cache = @{}
# if($Script:ModuleConfig.VerboseJson_ArgCompletions) {
# (Join-Path (gi 'temp:\') 'CacheMeIfYouCan.ArgCompletions.log')
# | Join-String -op 'CacheMeIfYouCan: VerboseLogging for ArgCompletions is enabled at: '
# | write-warning
# }
$script:Color = @{
    MedBlue   = '#a4dcff'
    DimBlue   = '#7aa1b9'
    DimFg     = '#cbc199'
    DarkFg    = '#555759'
    DimGreen  = '#95d1b0'
    DimOrange = '#ce8d70'
    DimPurple = '#c586c0'
    Dim2Purple = '#c1a6c1'
    DimYellow = '#dcdcaa'
    MedGreen  = '#4cd189'
if($ModuleConfig.TemplateFromCacheMe) {
    function WriteFg {
        # Internal Ansi color wrapper
        param( [object]$Color )
        if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $Color ) ) { return }
        $PSStyle.Foreground.FromRgb( $Color )
    function WriteBg {
        # Internal Ansi color wrapper
        param( [object]$Color )
        if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $Color ) ) { return }
        $PSStyle.Background.FromRgb( $Color )
    function WriteColor {
        # Internal Ansi color wrapper
        if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $ColorFg ) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $ColorBg ) ) { return }
        @(  WriteFg $ColorFg
            WriteBg $ColorBg ) -join ''
function Picky.ScriptBlock.GetInfo {
        Quickly and easily grab properties and metadata for [ScriptBlock] types
        # use auto completion
        Pwsh> gcm 'DoWork'
            | Function.GetInfo ScriptBlock
            | ScriptBlock.GetInfo File
        gcm Prompt | Function.GetInfo ScriptBlock | SCriptBlock.getInfo PathWithLine
        gcm ScriptBlock.GetInfo | Function.GetInfo ScriptBlock | SCriptBlock.getInfo PathWithLine
        future info
        - [ ] other scriptblock/function types
        - [ ] DefaultParameterSet
        - [ ] (Jsonify) => Id, Ast, Module, Etc...


        [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromPipe',  ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 0 )]
        [Alias('Name', 'Func', 'Fn', 'Command', 'InObj', 'Obj', 'ScriptBlock', 'SB', 'E', 'Expression')]

        [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromPipe',  Position = 0 )]
        [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 1 )]
    # future: assert properties exist
    process {
        if($Null -eq $InputObject) { return }
        [ScriptBlock]$ObjAsSB = $InputObject

        if( $InputObject -isnot [ScriptBlock] ) {
            'Expected A <ScriptBlock | ... >. Actual: {0}' -f @(
            | Dotils.Write-DimText | Infa
                # | write-warning
        'InputType: {0}, Expected <ScriptBlock>' -f @(
        ) | write-verbose

        # if( -not $InputObject -isnot 'F')
        switch( $OutputKind ) {
            'Attributes' {
                # -is [List[Attribute]]
                $result  = $InputObject.Attributes
            'File' {
                # -is [string]
                $result  = $InputObject.File
            'Module' {
                # is [PSModuleInfo]
                $result  = $inputObject.Module
            'StartPosition' {
                # -is [PSToken]
                $result  = $InputObject.StartPosition
            'PathWithLine' {
                # -is [string]
                [PSToken]$Pos     = $InputObject.StartPosition
                [int]$StartLine   = $Pos.StartLine
                [int]$StartCol    = $Pos.StartColumn
                [int]$EndLine     = $Pos.EndLine # prop: NotYetUsed
                [int]$EndCol      = $Pos.EndColumn # prop: NotYetUsed
                [int]$Start       = $Pos.Start # prop: NotYetUsed
                [int]$Length      = $Pos.Length # prop: NotYetUsed
                [string]$FullName = $InputObject.File

                $result = '{0}:{1}:{2}' -f @(
            'Content' {
                $result = $InputObject.StartPosition.Content
            'Id' {
                # -is [Guid]
                $result  = $InputObject.Id
            'Ast' {
                # -is [Ast>]
                $result  = $InputObject.Ast
            default { throw "Unhandled OutputKind: $OutputKind" }

        $isBlank = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $result )
        if($isBlank -and $InputObject) {
            'Object exists but the attribute is blank'
                | Dotils.Write-DimText | Infa
        return $result

function Picky.Function.GetInfo {
        Quickly and easily grab properties and metadata for [CommandInfo], [FunctionInfo] etc
        # use auto completion
        Pwsh> gcm 'DoWork'
            | Function.GetInfo Parameters
        Gcm ConvertTo-Json
            | Function.GetInfo ResolveParameter -ResolveParameter 'e'
            # Error ambigous. Possible matches include: -EnumsAsStrings -EscapeHandling -ErrorAction -ErrorVariable."
        future info
        - [ ] ParameterMetadata ResolveParameter(string name);
        - [ ] DefaultParameterSet
        - [ ] ScriptBlock
        - [ ] CommandType
        - [ ] (Jsonify) => Options, Description, Noun, Verb, Name, ModuleName, Source, Version

        '[IDictionary[string, [Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata]]]',
        [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromPipe',  ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 0 )]
        [Alias('Name', 'Func', 'Fn', 'Command', 'InObj', 'Obj', 'ScriptBlock', 'SB')]

        [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromPipe',  Position = 0 )]
        [Parameter( ParameterSetName='FromParam', Position = 1 )]

        # Appears to resolve what parameters will resolve using a partial match
        # essentially: Name -like 'query*'
        # case-insensitive. Blank strings throw errors
        # also throws when value is ambigious
    process {
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ResolveParameter')) {
            if($OutputKind -ne 'ResolveParameter') { throw "Invalid OutputKind, must be ResolveParameter using ResolveParameter"}

        # future: assert properties exist
        if( $InputObject -isnot [CommandInfo] -and $InputObject -isnot [FunctionInfo]) {
            'Expected A <CommandInfo | FunctionInfo>. Actual: {0}' -f @(
            | Dotils.Write-DimText | Infa
                # | write-warning
        'InputType: {0}, Expected <CommandInfo|FunctionInfo>' -f @(
        ) | write-verbose

        # if( -not $InputObject -isnot 'F')
        if($Null -eq $InputObject) { return }
        switch( $OutputKind ) {

            'Attributes' {
                $result  = $Input.ScriptBlock.Attributes
            'ScriptBlock' {
                # -is [ScriptBlock]
                $result  = $Input.ScriptBlock
            'Module' {
                # is [PSModuleInfo]
                $result  = $input.Module
            'Parameters' {
                # -is [Dictionary<string, ParameterMetadata>]]
                $result  = $InputObject.Parameters
            'ParameterSets' {
                # -is [ReadOnlyCollection<CommandParameterSetInfo>]
                $result  = $InputObject.ParameterSets
            'ResolveParameter' {
                # -is [ParameterMetadata]
                $result  = $InputObject.ResolveParameter( $ResolveParameter )
            default { throw "Unhandled OutputKind: $OutputKind" }

        $isBlank = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $result )
        if($isBlank -and $InputObject) {
            'Object exists but the attribute is blank'
                | Dotils.Write-DimText | Infa
        return $result

function Picky.String.GetCrumbs {
        Split a string into chunks.'
        GetStringCrumbs -InputText 'bat man 3.14 cat, n!-choose-r' -SplitBy '[ ]'
        [WordCrumb]::new( 'foo bar 3.14 cat!bat; bat cat-dog', '\W+' )
        $w1 = [WordCrumb]::new( 'foo bar 3.14 cat!bat; bat cat-dog')
        $w1.CrumbCount | Should -be 9
        $w1.String = 'foo bar! cat'
        $w1.CrumbCount | Should -be 3
        $w1.String = 'foo bar'
        $w1.CrumbCount | Should -be 2

        # 'GetStringCrumbs'

            "'[ ]'",
            "'[ ]+'"

    [WordCrumb]::new( $InputText, $SplitBy )
class WordCrumb {
        Example of a pwsh class with getters/setters that mutate the state
        modify properties 'c.String' or 'c.SplitBy'

    $Crumbs = @()

    $CrumbCount = 0

    hidden [string]

    $_SplitBy = '\W+'

    WordCrumb ( [string]$Text ) {
        $This.RawString  = $Text
        $This.Crumbs     = $Text -split $this._SplitBy
        $this.CrumbCount = $This.Crumbs.Count
    WordCrumb ( [string]$Text, [string]$SplitBy ) {
        $This.RawString  = $Text
        $this.Crumbs     = $Text -split $SplitBy
        $this._SplitBy    = $SplitBy
        $this.CrumbCount = $This.Crumbs.Count
    # rebuild
    [void] Update () { # aka Recalculate()
        # $this = [WordCrumb]::Parse( $This.RawString, $this._SplitBy )

        $new = [WordCrumb]::Parse( $This.RawString, $this._SplitBy )
        $this.Crumbs     = $New.Crumbs
        $this.CrumbCount = $new.CrumbCount
        $this.RawString  = $new.RawString
        $this._SplitBy   = $new.SplitBy
    static [WordCrumb] Parse( [string]$Text, [string]$SplitBy ) {
        return [WordCrumb]::New( $Text, $SplitBy )
$get_RawString = {
    return $this.RawString
$set_RawString = {
    param( [string]$NewText )
    $this.RawString = $NewText

$get_SplitBy = {
    return $this._SplitBy
$set_SplitBy = {
    param( [string]$SplitBy )
    $this._SplitBy = $SplitBy

$add_ScriptProperty = @{
      MemberType    = 'ScriptProperty'
      Force         = $true
      TypeName      = 'WordCrumb'
    # TypeConverter = '.'
    # TypeAdapter = '.'
    # TypeData = ''

$updateTypeDataSplat = @{
    MemberName  = 'String'
    Value       = $get_RawString
    SecondValue = $set_RawString
Update-TypeData @updateTypeDataSplat @add_ScriptProperty

$updateTypeDataSplat = @{
    MemberName  = 'SplitBy'
    Value       = $get_SplitBy
    SecondValue = $set_SplitBy
Update-TypeData @updateTypeDataSplat @add_ScriptProperty

[WordCrumb]::new( 'foo bar 3.14 cat!bat; bat cat-dog', '\W+' )
[WordCrumb]::new( 'foo bar 3.14 cat!bat; bat cat-dog')
$w1 = [WordCrumb]::new( 'foo bar 3.14 cat!bat; bat cat-dog')
$w1.CrumbCount | Should -be 9
$w1.String = 'foo bar! cat'
$w1.CrumbCount | Should -be 3
$w1.String = 'foo bar'
$w1.CrumbCount | Should -be 2
$w1.SplitBy = 'oo'
$w1.Crumbs | Should -BeExactly @('f', ' bar')

[List[object]]$ExportMemberPatterns = @(
    if( $ModuleConfig.ExportPrefix.String ) {
    if( $ModuleConfig.ExportPrefix.Function ) {
    if( $ModuleConfig.ExportPrefix.ScriptBlock ) {
    if( $ModuleConfig.ExportPrefix.Picky ) {
    if( $ModuleConfig.ExportPrefix.Pick ) {
    if( $ModuleConfig.ExportPrefix.Pk ) {

    | Join-String -op 'Picky::ExportMemberPatterns := ' -sep ', ' | Write-Verbose

Export-ModuleMember -Function @(
) -Alias @(
) -Variable @(