Function Remove-PhpFromSwitcher { <# .Synopsis Removes a PHP installation from the PHP Switcher. .Parameter Name The symbolic name of the PHP installation to be removed from the PHP Switcher. If no symbolic name exists with this name, nothing occurs. .Parameter Force Force removing the PHP installation from the PHP Switcher even if it is the currently active one. .Example Initialize-PhpSwitcher C:\PHP Add-PhpToSwitcher 5.6 C:\PHP5.6 Add-PhpToSwitcher 7.2 C:\PHP7.2 Remove-PhpFromSwitcher 5.6 #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'The symbolic name of the PHP installation to be removed from the PHP Switcher')] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [string]$Name, [switch]$Force ) Begin { } Process { $switcher = Get-PhpSwitcher if ($null -eq $switcher) { Throw 'PHP Switcher is not initialized: you can initialize it with the Initialize-PhpSwitcher command' } If ($switcher.Targets.ContainsKey($Name)) { If (-Not($Force)) { If (Test-Path -LiteralPath $switcher.Alias -PathType Container) { $aliasItem = Get-Item -LiteralPath $switcher.Alias If ($aliasItem.LinkType -eq 'Junction') { $aliasTarget = [string]$aliasItem.Target $dsc = [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar if ($aliasTarget.TrimEnd($dsc) -eq $switcher.Targets[$Name].TrimEnd($dsc)) { Throw "$Name is the currently active version for the PHP Switcher. Use -Force to remove it anyway." } } } } $switcher.Targets.Remove($Name) Set-PhpManagerConfigurationKey -Key 'PHP_SWITCHER' -Value $switcher -Scope $switcher.Scope } } End { } } |