Function Get-PhpActivatedExtension { <# .Synopsis Gets the list of non-builtin extensions enabled in a PHP installation. .Parameter PhpVersion The instance of PhpVersion for which you want the extensions. .Outputs System.Array .Example Get-PhpActivatedExtension -PhpVersion $phpVersion #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'The instance of PhpVersion for which you want the extensions')] [ValidateNotNull()] [PSObject]$PhpVersion ) Begin { $extensions = @() } Process { $builtinExtensions = @(Get-PhpBuiltinExtension -PhpVersion $PhpVersion) $executableParameters = @('-m') $executableResult = & $PhpVersion.ExecutablePath $executableParameters $lines = $executableResult | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch '^\s*$'} $alreadyExtensions = @{} $type = $null ForEach ($line in $lines) { If ($line -match '\[\s*PHP\s+Modules\s*\]') { $type = $Script:EXTENSIONTYPE_PHP } ElseIf ($line -match '\[\s*Zend\s+Modules\s*\]') { $type = $Script:EXTENSIONTYPE_ZEND } Else { If ($line -match '^\s*\[.*\]\s*$') { throw "Unrecognized 'php -m' line: $line" } If ($null -eq $type) { throw "Unexpected 'php -m' line: $line" } $extensionName = $line -replace '^\s+', '' -replace '\s+$', '' $extensionHandle = Get-PhpExtensionHandle -Name $extensionName $isBuiltin = $builtinExtensions | Where-Object { $_.Handle -eq $extensionHandle} If (-Not($isBuiltin)) { If ($alreadyExtensions.ContainsKey($extensionHandle)) { $alreadyExtensions[$extensionHandle].Type = $type } else { $extension = New-PhpExtension -Dictionary @{'Name' = $extensionName; 'Handle' = $extensionHandle; 'Type' = $type; 'State' = $Script:EXTENSIONSTATE_ENABLED} $alreadyExtensions[$extensionHandle] = $extension $extensions += $extension } } } } } End { $extensions } } |