function Get-Php() { <# .Synopsis Get the details about installed PHP versions. .Description Get the details a PHP version installed in a specific location, or in all the PHP installations found in the current environment PATH. .Parameter Path Get the details about PHP installed in this location. If omitted we'll look for PHP installed in the current PATH. .Outputs System.Array #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'The path where PHP is installed')] [string] $Path ) Begin { $result = @() } Process { If ($null -ne $Path -and $Path -ne '') { $result += Get-PhpVersionFromPath -Path $Path } Else { $envPath = $env:Path If ($null -ne $envPath) { $donePaths = @{} $pathSeparator = [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator ForEach ($pathFromEnv in @($envPath.Split($pathSeparator))) { $executablePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($pathFromEnv, 'php.exe') If (Test-Path -Path $executablePath -PathType Leaf) { $executablePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($executablePath) $key = $executablePath.ToLowerInvariant() If (-Not($donePaths.ContainsKey($key))) { $donePaths[$key] = $true $result += Get-PhpVersionFromPath -Path $executablePath } } } } } } End { $result } } |