function Get-PhpAvailableVersion { <# .Synopsis Gets the list of available versions. .Parameter State The release state (can be 'Release', 'Archive', 'QA', or 'Snapshot'). .Parameter Reload Force the reload of the list. .Outputs System.Array .Example Get-PhpAvailableVersion -State Release #> [OutputType([psobject[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'The release state (can be ''Release'' or ''Archive'' or ''QA'' or ''Snapshot'')')] [ValidateSet('Release', 'QA', 'Archive', 'Snapshot')] [string]$State, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Force the reload of the list')] [switch]$Reload ) begin { $result = $null } process { $listVariableName = "AVAILABLEVERSIONS_$State".ToUpper() if (-Not $Reload) { $result = Get-Variable -Name $listVariableName -ValueOnly -Scope Script } if ($null -eq $result) { $result = @() $urlList = Get-Variable -Name "URL_LIST_$State" -ValueOnly -Scope Script switch ($State) { $Script:RELEASESTATE_SNAPSHOT { function Get-ArtifactFlag([bool]$threadSafe, [string][ValidateSet('x86', 'x64')]$architecture) { if ($architecture -eq 'x86') { if ($threadSafe) { return 1 } return 2 } if ($threadSafe) { return 4 } return 8 } Write-Verbose "Fetching snapshots version list from $urlList" foreach ($versionLink in (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $urlList -Verbose:$false).Links) { if (-not($versionLink | Get-Member -Name 'HREF')) { continue } $match = $versionLink.Href | Select-String -Pattern '/(master|php-\d+\.\d+)/?$' if ($null -eq $match) { continue } $versionSlug = $match.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value $snapshotsUrl = [Uri]::new([Uri]$urlList, $versionLink.Href).AbsoluteUri.TrimEnd('/') <# Now we parse the rXXXXXX folders, starting from the last one. We look for PHP .zip files in each folder, looking for the 4 versions (thread safe/non threadsafe, x86/x64). Once we find all the 4 versions, we stop parsing the rXXXXXX folders. #> $missingArtifactFlags = 0 $missingArtifactFlags = $missingArtifactFlags -bor (Get-ArtifactFlag $false 'x86') $missingArtifactFlags = $missingArtifactFlags -bor (Get-ArtifactFlag $false 'x64') $missingArtifactFlags = $missingArtifactFlags -bor (Get-ArtifactFlag $true 'x86') $missingArtifactFlags = $missingArtifactFlags -bor (Get-ArtifactFlag $true 'x64') Write-Verbose "Fetching snapshots build list for $versionSlug from $snapshotsUrl" $buildLinks = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$snapshotsUrl/" -Verbose:$false).Links for ($buildLinkIndex = $buildLinks.Count - 1; $buildLinkIndex -ge 0 -and $missingArtifactFlags -ne 0; $buildLinkIndex--) { $buildLink = $buildLinks[$buildLinkIndex] if (-not($buildLink | Get-Member -Name 'HREF')) { continue } $match = $buildLink.Href | Select-String -Pattern '/(r[0-9a-f]{7,})/?$' if ($null -eq $match) { continue } $artifactsUrl = [Uri]::new([Uri]"$snapshotsUrl/", $buildLink.Href).AbsoluteUri.TrimEnd('/') Write-Verbose "Fetching snapshots artifact list from $artifactsUrl" foreach ($artifactsLink in (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$artifactsUrl/" -Verbose:$false).Links) { if (-not($artifactsLink | Get-Member -Name 'HREF')) { continue } $artifactUrl = [Uri]::new([Uri]"$artifactsUrl/", $artifactsLink.HREF).AbsoluteUri if (-not($artifactUrl -match $Script:RX_ZIPARCHIVE_SNAPSHOT)) { continue } $artifactVersion = Get-PhpVersionFromUrl -Url $artifactUrl -ReleaseState $State $artifactFlag = Get-ArtifactFlag $artifactVersion.ThreadSafe $artifactVersion.Architecture if (($artifactFlag -band $missingArtifactFlags) -eq 0) { continue } $result += $artifactVersion $missingArtifactFlags = $missingArtifactFlags -band -bnot $artifactFlag } } } if ($true) { $result += Get-PhpVersionFromUrl -Url '' -ReleaseState $State $result += Get-PhpVersionFromUrl -Url '' -ReleaseState $State $result += Get-PhpVersionFromUrl -Url '' -ReleaseState $State $result += Get-PhpVersionFromUrl -Url '' -ReleaseState $State } } default { Set-NetSecurityProtocolType $webResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $urlList foreach ($link in $webResponse.Links | Where-Object -Property 'Href' -Match ('/' + $Script:RX_ZIPARCHIVE + '$')) { $result += Get-PhpVersionFromUrl -Url $link.Href -ReleaseState $State -PageUrl $urlList } } } Set-Variable -Scope Script -Name $listVariableName -Value $result -Force } } end { $result } } |