function Update-PhpCAInfo() { <# .Synopsis Initializes or updates the certification authority file for a PHP installation. .Description This command can be used to configure a PHP installation so that it will use an up-to-date list of valid certification authoriries. .Parameter Path The path of the PHP installation. If omitted we'll use the one found in the PATH environment variable. .Parameter CAPath The path of the CA file to be saved. If omitted, it will be saved as <PHP installation folder>\ssl\cacert.pem .Parameter CustomCAPath If you have a custom CA certificate, you can use this parameter to specify its path: it will be included with the list of the official CA certificates downloaded. .Parameter Source The source of the root CA certificates. It can be: - 'Curl' [default] to fetch the certificates from the cURL website ( - 'LocalMachine' to fetch the certificates from the Windows repository of the local machine - 'CurrentUser' to fetch the certificates from the Windows repository of the current user .Outputs bool #> [OutputType()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'The path of the PHP installation; if omitted we''ll use the one found in the PATH environment variable')] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [string] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, HelpMessage = 'The path of the CA file to be saved. If omitted, it will be saved as <PHP installation folder>\ssl\cacert.pem')] [ValidateNotNull()] [string] $CAPath = '', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2, HelpMessage = 'The path of a file that contains a custom CA certificate to be added to the official CA list')] [ValidateNotNull()] [string] $CustomCAPath = '', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3, HelpMessage = 'The source of the CA certificates')] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateSet('Curl', 'LocalMachine', 'CurrentUser')] [string] $Source = 'Curl' ) begin { } process { if ($null -eq $Path -or $Path -eq '') { $phpVersion = [PhpVersionInstalled]::FromEnvironmentOne() } else { $phpVersion = [PhpVersionInstalled]::FromPath($Path) } if ($null -eq $CustomCAPath -or $CustomCAPath -eq '') { $CustomCAPath = '' } elseif (-Not(Test-Path -Path $CustomCAPath -PathType Leaf)) { throw "Unable to find your custom CA file $CustomCAPath" } switch -Regex ($Source) { '^(LocalMachine|CurrentUser)$' { $cacertBytes = Get-CACertFromSystem -Source $Source } 'Curl' { $cacertBytes = Get-CACertFromCurl } } if ($CustomCAPath -ne '') { Write-Verbose "Appending custom CA file" $headerTitle = 'Custom CA from {0}' -f $CustomCAPath $headerTitle = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($headerTitle)) $header = "`n" + $headerTitle + "`n" + '=' * $headerTitle.Length + "`n" $stream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream try { $streamWriter = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.BinaryWriter -ArgumentList @($stream) try { $streamWriter.Write([byte[]]$cacertBytes) $streamWriter.Write([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($header)) $streamWriter.Write([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($CustomCAPath)) $streamWriter.Flush() $stream.Position = 0 $cacertBytes = $stream.ToArray() } finally { $streamWriter.Dispose() } } finally { $stream.Dispose() } } if ($null -eq $CAPath -or $CAPath -eq '') { $CAPath = Join-Path -Path $phpVersion.ActualFolder -ChildPath ssl | Join-Path -ChildPath cacert.pem } else { $CAPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($CAPath) } Write-Verbose "Saving CA file as $CAPath" $caFolder = Split-Path -LiteralPath $CAPath if (-Not(Test-Path -Path $caFolder -PathType Container)) { New-Item -Path $caFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge '6.0') { Set-Content -Path $CAPath -Value $cacertBytes -AsByteStream } else { Set-Content -Path $CAPath -Value $cacertBytes -Encoding Byte } $iniPath = $phpVersion.IniPath $iniValue = Get-PhpIniKey -Key 'curl.cainfo' -Path $iniPath if ($iniValue -eq $CAPath) { Write-Verbose "curl.cainfo did not require to be updated" } else { Set-PhpIniKey -Key 'curl.cainfo' -Value $CAPath -Path $iniPath Write-Verbose "curl.cainfo updated in php.ini" } $iniValue = Get-PhpIniKey -Key 'openssl.cafile' -Path $iniPath if ($iniValue -eq $CAPath) { Write-Verbose "openssl.cafile did not require to be updated" } else { Set-PhpIniKey -Key 'openssl.cafile' -Value $CAPath -Path $iniPath Write-Verbose "openssl.cafile updated in php.ini" } } end { } } |