class PhpVersion : System.IComparable { <# The version of PHP, without the RC state #> [string] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)] $Version <# The number of the release candidate, if any #> [Nullable[int]] $RC <# the version of PHP, possibly including the RC state #> [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [string] $FullVersion <# A string used to display the details of the version #> [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [string] $DisplayName <# A System.Version to be used to compare PHP versions #> [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Version] hidden $ComparableVersion <# The architecture, x86 or x64 #> [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateSet('x86', 'x64')] [string] $Architecture <# Is this version thread-safe? #> [ValidateNotNull()] [bool] $ThreadSafe <# The version of the Visual C++ Redistributables required by this PHP version #> [ValidateNotNull()] [int] $VCVersion <# Initialize the instance. Keys for $data: - Version: required - RC: optional - Architecture: required - ThreadSafe: required - VCVersion: required #> hidden PhpVersion([hashtable] $data) { $this.Version = $data.Version if ($data.ContainsKey('RC') -and $data.RC -ne '') { $this.RC = [int] $data.RC } else { $this.RC = $null } $dv = $this.Version $cv = $this.Version if ($null -eq $this.RC) { $cv += '.9999' } else { $dv += 'RC' + $this.RC $cv += '.' + $this.RC } $this.FullVersion = $dv $this.ComparableVersion = [System.Version] $cv $this.Architecture = $data.Architecture $this.ThreadSafe = $data.ThreadSafe $this.VCVersion = $data.VCVersion $dn = 'PHP ' + $this.FullVersion + ' ' + $this.Architecture if ($this.Architecture -eq $Script:ARCHITECTURE_32BITS) { $dn += ' (32-bit)' } elseif ($this.Architecture -eq $Script:ARCHITECTURE_64BITS) { $dn += ' (64-bit)' } if ($this.ThreadSafe) { $dn += ' Thread-Safe' } else { $dn += ' Non-Thread-Safe' } $this.DisplayName = $dn } [int] CompareTo($that) { if (-Not($that -is [PhpVersion])) { throw "A PhpVersion instance can be compared only to another PhpVersion instance" } if ($this.ComparableVersion -lt $that.ComparableVersion) { $cmp = -1 } elseif ($this.ComparableVersion -gt $that.ComparableVersion) { $cmp = 1 } else { if ($this.Architecture -gt $that.Architecture) { $cmp = -1 } elseif ($this.Architecture -lt $that.Architecture) { $cmp = -1 } else { if ($this.ThreadSafe -and -Not $that.ThreadSafe) { $cmp = -1 } elseif ($that.ThreadSafe -and -Not $this.ThreadSafe) { $cmp = 1 } else { $cmp = 0 } } } return $cmp } } class PhpVersionDownloadable : PhpVersion { <# The state of the release #> [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [string] $ReleaseState <# The URL where the PHP version ZIP archive can be downloaded from #> [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [string] $DownloadUrl <# Initialize the instance. Keys for $data: the ones of PhpVersion plus: - ReleaseState: required - DownloadUrl: required #> hidden PhpVersionDownloadable([hashtable] $data) : base($data) { $this.ReleaseState = $data.ReleaseState $this.DownloadUrl = $data.DownloadUrl } } class PhpVersionInstalled : PhpVersion { <# The folder where PHP is installed (always set) #> [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [string] $Folder <# The folder where PHP is installed (always set) - May be different from Folder if Folder is a junction #> [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [string] hidden $ActualFolder <# The full path of php.exe (always set) #> [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [string] $ExecutablePath <# The full path of php.ini (always set) #> [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [string] hidden $IniPath <# The default path where the PHP extensions are stored (empty string if not set) #> [ValidateNotNull()] [string] $ExtensionsPath <# Initialize the instance. Keys for $data: the ones of PhpVersion plus: - ActualFolder: required - ExecutablePath: required - IniPath: required - ExtensionsPath: optional #> hidden PhpVersionInstalled([hashtable] $data) : base($data) { $this.Folder = (Split-Path -LiteralPath $data.ExecutablePath).TrimEnd([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar) $this.ActualFolder = $data.ActualFolder.TrimEnd([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar) $this.ExecutablePath = $data.ExecutablePath $this.IniPath = $data.IniPath if ($data.ContainsKey('ExtensionsPath') -and $null -ne $data.ExtensionsPath) { $this.ExtensionsPath = $data.ExtensionsPath } else { $this.ExtensionsPath = '' } } [PhpVersionInstalled] static FromPath([string] $Path) { $directorySeparator = [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar $data = @{} $item = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Path if ($item -is [System.IO.FileInfo]) { if ($item.Extension -ne '.exe') { return [PhpVersionInstalled]::FromPath($item.DirectoryName) } $directory = $item.Directory $data.ExecutablePath = $item.FullName } elseif ($item -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { $directory = $item $data.ExecutablePath = Join-Path -Path $item.FullName -ChildPath 'php.exe' if (-Not(Test-Path -LiteralPath $data.ExecutablePath -PathType Leaf)) { throw "Unable to find php.exe in $Path" } } else { throw "Unrecognized PHP path: $Path" } $directoryPath = $directory.FullName.TrimEnd($directorySeparator) + $directorySeparator $actualDirectoryPath = $null if ($directory.Target -and $directory.Target.Count -gt 0 -and $directory.Target[0]) { try { $actualDirectoryPath = (Get-Item -LiteralPath $directory.Target[0]).FullName.TrimEnd($directorySeparator) + $directorySeparator } catch { Write-Debug $_ } } if (-Not($actualDirectoryPath)) { $actualDirectoryPath = $directoryPath } $data.ActualFolder = $actualDirectoryPath.TrimEnd($directorySeparator) $executableResult = & $data.ExecutablePath @('-n', '-r', 'echo PHP_VERSION, ''@'', PHP_INT_SIZE * 8;') if (-Not($executableResult)) { throw "Failed to execute php.exe: $LASTEXITCODE" } $match = $executableResult | Select-String -Pattern '^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(?:RC(\d+))?@(\d+)$' $data.Version = $match.Matches.Groups[1].Value $data.RC = $match.Matches.Groups[2].Value $data.Architecture = Get-Variable -Scope Script -ValueOnly -Name $('ARCHITECTURE_' + $match.Matches.Groups[3].Value + 'BITS') $executableResult = & $data.ExecutablePath @('-i') $match = $executableResult | Select-String -CaseSensitive -Pattern '^[ \t]*Thread Safety\s*=>\s*(\w+)' $data.ThreadSafe = $match.Matches.Groups[1].Value -eq 'enabled' $match = $executableResult | Select-String -CaseSensitive -Pattern '^[ \t]*Compiler\s*=>\s*MSVC([\d]{1,2})' if ($null -eq $match) { if ([System.Version]$data.Version -le [System.Version]'5.2.9999') { $data.VCVersion = 6 } else { throw 'Failed to recognize VCVersion' } } else { $data.VCVersion = $match.Matches.Groups[1].Value } $match = $executableResult | Select-String -CaseSensitive -Pattern '^[ \t]*Loaded Configuration File\s*=>\s*([\S].*[\S])\s*$' $data.IniPath = '' if ($match) { $data.IniPath = $match.Matches.Groups[1].Value if ($data.IniPath -eq '(none)') { $data.IniPath = '' } else { $data.IniPath = $data.IniPath -replace '/',$directorySeparator $data.IniPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($actualDirectoryPath, $data.IniPath) $data.IniPath = $data.IniPath -replace [regex]::Escape("$directorySeparator.$directorySeparator"),$directorySeparator } } if ($data.IniPath -eq '') { $data.IniPath = Join-Path -Path $actualDirectoryPath -ChildPath 'php.ini' } elseif ($directoryPath -ne $actualDirectoryPath -and $data.IniPath -imatch ('^' + [regex]::Escape($directoryPath) + '.+')) { $data.IniPath = $data.IniPath -ireplace ('^' + [regex]::Escape($directoryPath)),$actualDirectoryPath } $match = $executableResult | Select-String -CaseSensitive -Pattern '^[ \t]*extension_dir\s*=>\s*([\S].*[\S])\s*=>' $data.ExtensionsPath = '' if ($match) { $data.ExtensionsPath = $match.Matches.Groups[1].Value if ($data.ExtensionsPath -eq '(none)') { $data.ExtensionsPath = '' } else { $data.ExtensionsPath = $data.ExtensionsPath -replace '/',$directorySeparator $data.ExtensionsPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($actualDirectoryPath, $data.ExtensionsPath) $data.ExtensionsPath = $data.ExtensionsPath -replace [regex]::Escape("$directorySeparator.$directorySeparator"),$directorySeparator } } return [PhpVersionInstalled]::new($data) } [PhpVersionInstalled[]] static FromEnvironment() { $result = @() $envPath = $env:Path if ($null -ne $envPath -and $envPath -ne '') { $donePaths = @{} $envPaths = $envPath -split [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator foreach ($path in $envPaths) { if ($path -ne '') { $ep = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath 'php.exe' if (Test-Path -Path $ep -PathType Leaf) { $ep = (Get-Item -LiteralPath $ep).FullName $key = $ep.ToLowerInvariant() if (-Not($donePaths.ContainsKey($key))) { $donePaths[$key] = $true $result += [PhpVersionInstalled]::FromPath($ep) } } } } } return $result } [PhpVersionInstalled] static FromEnvironmentOne() { $found = [PhpVersionInstalled]::FromEnvironment() if ($found.Count -eq 0) { throw "No PHP versions found in the current PATHs: use the -Path argument to specify the location of installed PHP" } if ($found.Count -gt 1) { throw "Multiple PHP versions found in the current PATHs: use the -Path argument to specify the location of installed PHP" } return $found[0] } } |