using Pester;
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Management.Automation; // those types implement Pester configuration in a way that allows it to show information about each item // in the powershell console without making it difficult to use. there are two tricks being used: // - constructor taking IDictionary (most likely a hashtable) that will populate the object, // this allows the object to be constructed from a hashtable simply by casting to the type // both implicitly and explicitly, so the user does not have to care about what types are used // but will still get the benefit of the data annotation in the object. Usage is like this: // `$config.Debug = @{ WriteDebugMessages = $true; WriteDebugMessagesFrom = "Mock*" }`, which // will populate the config with the given values while keeping all other values to the default. // - to be able to assign values like this: `$config.Should.ErrorAction = 'Continue'` but still // get the documentation when accessing the property, we use implicit casting to get an instance of // StringOption, and then populate it from the option object that is already assigned to the property // // lastly most of the types go to Pester namespace to keep them from the global namespace because they are // simple to use by implicit casting, with the only exception of PesterConfiguration because that is helpful // to have in "type accelerator" form, but without the hassle of actually adding it as a type accelerator // that way you can easily do `[PesterConfiguration]::Default` and then inspect it, or cast a hashtable to it // // ⚠ DO NOT use auto properties or any of the new fancy syntax in this file, // PowerShell would not be able to compile it. DO USE nameof, it will be replaced on load. namespace Pester { internal static class Cloner { public static T ShallowClone<T>(T obj) where T : new() { var cfg = new T(); var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties().ToList(); foreach (var p in properties.Where(p => p.CanRead && p.CanWrite)) { var value = p.GetValue(obj); p.SetValue(cfg, value); } return cfg; } } internal static class Merger { public static T Merge<T>(T configuration, T @override) where T : new() { var cfg = new T(); var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties().ToList(); foreach (var p in properties.Where(p => p.CanRead && p.CanWrite)) { object value; var overrideValue = p.GetValue(@override); if (!((Option)overrideValue).IsOriginalValue()) { value = overrideValue; } else { value = p.GetValue(configuration); } p.SetValue(cfg, value); } return cfg; } } public abstract class Option { protected bool _isOriginalValue; public bool IsOriginalValue() { return _isOriginalValue; } } public abstract class Option<T> : Option { public Option(Option<T> option, T value) : this(option.Description, option.Default, value) { _isOriginalValue = false; } public Option(string description, T defaultValue, T value) { _isOriginalValue = true; Default = defaultValue; Value = value; Description = description; } public T Default { get; private set; } public string Description { get; private set; } public T Value { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("{0} ({1}, default: {2})", Description, Value, Default); } } public class StringOption : Option<string> { public StringOption(StringOption option, string value) : base(option, value) { } public StringOption(string description, string defaultValue) : base(description, defaultValue, defaultValue) { } public StringOption(string description, string defaultValue, string value) : base(description, defaultValue, value) { } public static implicit operator StringOption(string value) { return new StringOption(string.Empty, value, value); } } public class BoolOption : Option<bool> { public BoolOption(BoolOption option, bool value) : base(option, value) { } public BoolOption(string description, bool defaultValue) : base(description, defaultValue, defaultValue) { } public BoolOption(string description, bool defaultValue, bool value) : base(description, defaultValue, value) { } public static implicit operator BoolOption(bool value) { return new BoolOption(string.Empty, value, value); } } public class IntOption : Option<int> { public IntOption(IntOption option, int value) : base(option, value) { } public IntOption(string description, int defaultValue) : base(description, defaultValue, defaultValue) { } public IntOption(string description, int defaultValue, int value) : base(description, defaultValue, value) { } public static implicit operator IntOption(int value) { return new IntOption(string.Empty, value, value); } } public class DecimalOption : Option<decimal> { public DecimalOption(DecimalOption option, decimal value) : base(option, value) { } public DecimalOption(string description, decimal defaultValue) : base(description, defaultValue, defaultValue) { } public DecimalOption(string description, decimal defaultValue, decimal value) : base(description, defaultValue, value) { } public static implicit operator DecimalOption(decimal value) { return new DecimalOption(string.Empty, value, value); } } public class StringArrayOption : Option<string[]> { public StringArrayOption(StringArrayOption option, string[] value) : base(option, value) { } public StringArrayOption(string description, string[] defaultValue) : base(description, defaultValue, defaultValue) { } public StringArrayOption(string description, string[] defaultValue, string[] value) : base(description, defaultValue, value) { } public StringArrayOption(string[] value) : base("", new string[0], value) { } public StringArrayOption(string value) : base("", new string[0], new string[] { value }) { } public StringArrayOption(object[] value) : base("", new string[0], value.Cast<string>().ToArray()) { } public static implicit operator StringArrayOption(string[] value) { return new StringArrayOption(string.Empty, value, value); } public static implicit operator StringArrayOption(string value) { var array = new[] { value }; return new StringArrayOption(string.Empty, array, array); } } public class ScriptBlockArrayOption : Option<ScriptBlock[]> { public ScriptBlockArrayOption(ScriptBlockArrayOption option, ScriptBlock[] value) : base(option, value) { } public ScriptBlockArrayOption(string description, ScriptBlock[] defaultValue) : base(description, defaultValue, defaultValue) { } public ScriptBlockArrayOption(string description, ScriptBlock[] defaultValue, ScriptBlock[] value) : base(description, defaultValue, value) { } public ScriptBlockArrayOption(object[] value) : base("", new ScriptBlock[0], value.Cast<ScriptBlock>().ToArray()) { } public ScriptBlockArrayOption(ScriptBlock[] value) : base("", new ScriptBlock[0], value) { } public ScriptBlockArrayOption(ScriptBlock value) : this(new ScriptBlock[] { value }) { } public static implicit operator ScriptBlockArrayOption(ScriptBlock[] value) { return new ScriptBlockArrayOption(string.Empty, value, value); } public static implicit operator ScriptBlockArrayOption(ScriptBlock value) { var array = new[] { value }; return new ScriptBlockArrayOption(string.Empty, array, array); } } public abstract class ConfigurationSection { private string _description; public ConfigurationSection(string description) { _description = description; } public override string ToString() { return _description; } } internal static class DictionaryExtensions { public static T? GetValueOrNull<T>(this IDictionary dictionary, string key) where T : struct { return dictionary.Contains(key) ? dictionary[key] as T? : null; } public static T GetObjectOrNull<T>(this IDictionary dictionary, string key) where T : class { return dictionary.Contains(key) ? dictionary[key] as T : null; } public static IDictionary GetIDictionaryOrNull(this IDictionary dictionary, string key) { return dictionary.Contains(key) ? dictionary[key] as IDictionary : null; } public static T[] GetArrayOrNull<T>(this IDictionary dictionary, string key) where T : class { if (!dictionary.Contains(key)) return null; var value = dictionary[key]; if (value.GetType() == typeof(T[])) { return (T[])value; } if (value.GetType() == typeof(object[])) { try { return ((object[])value).Cast<T>().ToArray(); } catch { } } if (value.GetType() == typeof(T)) { return new T[] { (T)value }; } return null; } } public class ShouldConfiguration : ConfigurationSection { private StringOption _errorAction; public static ShouldConfiguration Default { get { return new ShouldConfiguration(); } } public static ShouldConfiguration ShallowClone(ShouldConfiguration configuration) { return Cloner.ShallowClone(configuration); } public ShouldConfiguration() : base("Should configuration.") { ErrorAction = new StringOption("Controls if Should throws on error. Use 'Stop' to throw on error, or 'Continue' to fail at the end of the test.", "Stop"); } public ShouldConfiguration(IDictionary configuration) : this() { if (configuration != null) { ErrorAction = configuration.GetObjectOrNull<string>("ErrorAction") ?? ErrorAction; } } public StringOption ErrorAction { get { return _errorAction; } set { if (_errorAction == null) { _errorAction = value; } else { _errorAction = new StringOption(_errorAction, value.Value); } } } } public class DebugConfiguration : ConfigurationSection { public static DebugConfiguration Default { get { return new DebugConfiguration(); } } public static DebugConfiguration ShallowClone(DebugConfiguration configuration) { return Cloner.ShallowClone(configuration); } public DebugConfiguration() : base("Debug configuration for Pester. ⚠ Use at your own risk!") { ShowFullErrors = new BoolOption("Show full errors including Pester internal stack.", false); WriteDebugMessages = new BoolOption("Write Debug messages to screen.", false); WriteDebugMessagesFrom = new StringOption("Write Debug messages from a given source, WriteDebugMessages must be set to true for this to work. You can use like wildcards to get messages from multiple sources, as well as * to get everything.", "*"); ShowNavigationMarkers = new BoolOption("Write paths after every block and test, for easy navigation in VSCode.", false); WriteVSCodeMarker = new BoolOption("Write VSCode marker for better integration with VSCode.", false); ReturnRawResultObject = new BoolOption("Returns unfiltered result object, this is for development only. Do not rely on this object for additional properties, non-public properties will be renamed without previous notice.", false); } public DebugConfiguration(IDictionary configuration) : this() { if (configuration != null) { ShowFullErrors = configuration.GetValueOrNull<bool>("ShowFullErrors") ?? ShowFullErrors; WriteDebugMessages = configuration.GetValueOrNull<bool>("WriteDebugMessages") ?? WriteDebugMessages; WriteDebugMessagesFrom = configuration.GetObjectOrNull<string>("WriteDebugMessagesFrom") ?? WriteDebugMessagesFrom; ShowNavigationMarkers = configuration.GetValueOrNull<bool>("ShowNavigationMarkers") ?? ShowNavigationMarkers; WriteVSCodeMarker = configuration.GetValueOrNull<bool>("WriteVSCodeMarker") ?? WriteVSCodeMarker; ReturnRawResultObject = configuration.GetValueOrNull<bool>("ReturnRawResultObject") ?? ReturnRawResultObject; } } private BoolOption _showFullErrors; private BoolOption _writeDebugMessages; private StringOption _writeDebugMessagesFrom; private BoolOption _showNavigationMarkers; private BoolOption _writeVsCodeMarker; private BoolOption _returnRawResultObject; public BoolOption ShowFullErrors { get { return _showFullErrors; } set { if (_showFullErrors == null) { _showFullErrors = value; } else { _showFullErrors = new BoolOption(_showFullErrors, value.Value); } } } public BoolOption WriteDebugMessages { get { return _writeDebugMessages; } set { if (_writeDebugMessages == null) { _writeDebugMessages = value; } else { _writeDebugMessages = new BoolOption(_writeDebugMessages, value.Value); } } } public StringOption WriteDebugMessagesFrom { get { return _writeDebugMessagesFrom; } set { if (_writeDebugMessagesFrom == null) { _writeDebugMessagesFrom = value; } else { _writeDebugMessagesFrom = new StringOption(_writeDebugMessagesFrom, value.Value); } } } public BoolOption ShowNavigationMarkers { get { return _showNavigationMarkers; } set { if (_showNavigationMarkers == null) { _showNavigationMarkers = value; } else { _showNavigationMarkers = new BoolOption(_showNavigationMarkers, value.Value); } } } public BoolOption WriteVSCodeMarker { get { return _writeVsCodeMarker; } set { if (_writeVsCodeMarker == null) { _writeVsCodeMarker = value; } else { _writeVsCodeMarker = new BoolOption(_writeVsCodeMarker, value.Value); } } } public BoolOption ReturnRawResultObject { get { return _returnRawResultObject; } set { if (_returnRawResultObject == null) { _returnRawResultObject = value; } else { _returnRawResultObject = new BoolOption(_returnRawResultObject, value.Value); } } } } public class CodeCoverageConfiguration : ConfigurationSection { private BoolOption _enabled; private StringOption _outputFormat; private StringOption _outputPath; private StringOption _outputEncoding; private StringArrayOption _path; private BoolOption _excludeTests; public static CodeCoverageConfiguration Default { get { return new CodeCoverageConfiguration(); } } public static CodeCoverageConfiguration ShallowClone(CodeCoverageConfiguration configuration) { return Cloner.ShallowClone(configuration); } public CodeCoverageConfiguration() : base("CodeCoverage configuration.") { Enabled = new BoolOption("Enable CodeCoverage.", false); OutputFormat = new StringOption("Format to use for code coverage report. Possible values: JaCoCo", "JaCoCo"); OutputPath = new StringOption("Path relative to the current directory where code coverage report is saved.", "coverage.xml"); OutputEncoding = new StringOption("Encoding of the output file.", "UTF8"); Path = new StringArrayOption("Directories or files to be used for codecoverage, by default the Path(s) from general settings are used, unless overridden here.", new string[0]); ExcludeTests = new BoolOption("Exclude tests from code coverage. This uses the TestFilter from general configuration.", true); } public CodeCoverageConfiguration(IDictionary configuration) : this() { if (configuration != null) { Enabled = configuration.GetValueOrNull<bool>("Enabled") ?? Enabled; OutputFormat = configuration.GetObjectOrNull<string>("OutputFormat") ?? OutputFormat; OutputPath = configuration.GetObjectOrNull<string>("OutputPath") ?? OutputPath; OutputEncoding = configuration.GetObjectOrNull<string>("OutputEncoding") ?? OutputEncoding; Path = configuration.GetArrayOrNull<string>("Path") ?? Path; ExcludeTests = configuration.GetValueOrNull<bool>("ExcludeTests") ?? ExcludeTests; } } public BoolOption Enabled { get { return _enabled; } set { if (_enabled == null) { _enabled = value; } else { _enabled = new BoolOption(_enabled, value.Value); } } } public StringOption OutputFormat { get { return _outputFormat; } set { if (_outputFormat == null) { _outputFormat = value; } else { _outputFormat = new StringOption(_outputFormat, value.Value); } } } public StringOption OutputPath { get { return _outputPath; } set { if (_outputPath == null) { _outputPath = value; } else { _outputPath = new StringOption(_outputPath, value.Value); } } } public StringOption OutputEncoding { get { return _outputEncoding; } set { if (_outputEncoding == null) { _outputEncoding = value; } else { _outputEncoding = new StringOption(_outputEncoding, value.Value); } } } public StringArrayOption Path { get { return _path; } set { if (_path == null) { _path = value; } else { _path = new StringArrayOption(_path, value.Value); } } } public BoolOption ExcludeTests { get { return _excludeTests; } set { if (_excludeTests == null) { _excludeTests = value; } else { _excludeTests = new BoolOption(_excludeTests, value.Value); } } } } public class TestResultConfiguration : ConfigurationSection { private BoolOption _enabled; private StringOption _outputFormat; private StringOption _outputPath; private StringOption _testSuiteName; private StringOption _outputEncoding; public static TestResultConfiguration Default { get { return new TestResultConfiguration(); } } public static TestResultConfiguration ShallowClone(TestResultConfiguration configuration) { return Cloner.ShallowClone(configuration); } public TestResultConfiguration() : base("TestResult configuration.") { Enabled = new BoolOption("Enable TestResult.", false); OutputFormat = new StringOption("Format to use for test result report. Possible values: NUnit2.5", "NUnit2.5"); OutputPath = new StringOption("Path relative to the current directory where test result report is saved.", "testResults.xml"); OutputEncoding = new StringOption("Encoding of the output file.", "UTF8"); TestSuiteName = new StringOption("Set the name assigned to the root 'test-suite' element.", "Pester"); } public TestResultConfiguration(IDictionary configuration) : this() { if (configuration != null) { Enabled = configuration.GetValueOrNull<bool>("Enabled") ?? Enabled; OutputFormat = configuration.GetObjectOrNull<string>("OutputFormat") ?? OutputFormat; OutputPath = configuration.GetObjectOrNull<string>("OutputPath") ?? OutputPath; OutputEncoding = configuration.GetObjectOrNull<string>("OutputEncoding") ?? OutputPath; TestSuiteName = configuration.GetObjectOrNull<string>("TestSuiteName") ?? TestSuiteName; } } public BoolOption Enabled { get { return _enabled; } set { if (_enabled == null) { _enabled = value; } else { _enabled = new BoolOption(_enabled, value.Value); } } } public StringOption OutputFormat { get { return _outputFormat; } set { if (_outputFormat == null) { _outputFormat = value; } else { _outputFormat = new StringOption(_outputFormat, value.Value); } } } public StringOption OutputPath { get { return _outputPath; } set { if (_outputPath == null) { _outputPath = value; } else { _outputPath = new StringOption(_outputPath, value.Value); } } } public StringOption OutputEncoding { get { return _outputEncoding; } set { if (_outputEncoding == null) { _outputEncoding = value; } else { _outputEncoding = new StringOption(_outputEncoding, value.Value); } } } public StringOption TestSuiteName { get { return _testSuiteName; } set { if (_testSuiteName == null) { _testSuiteName = value; } else { _testSuiteName = new StringOption(_testSuiteName, value.Value); } } } } public class RunConfiguration : ConfigurationSection { private BoolOption _exit; private StringArrayOption _path; private StringArrayOption _excludePath; private ScriptBlockArrayOption _scriptBlock; private StringOption _testExtension; public static RunConfiguration Default { get { return new RunConfiguration(); } } public static RunConfiguration ShallowClone(RunConfiguration configuration) { return Cloner.ShallowClone(configuration); } public RunConfiguration(IDictionary configuration) : this() { if (configuration != null) { Exit = configuration.GetValueOrNull<bool>("Exit") ?? Exit; Path = configuration.GetArrayOrNull<string>("Path") ?? Path; ExcludePath = configuration.GetArrayOrNull<string>("ExcludePath") ?? ExcludePath; ScriptBlock = configuration.GetArrayOrNull<ScriptBlock>("ScriptBlock") ?? ScriptBlock; TestExtension = configuration.GetObjectOrNull<string>("TestExtension") ?? TestExtension; } } public RunConfiguration() : base("Run configuration.") { Exit = new BoolOption("Exit with non-zero exit code when the test run fails.", false); Path = new StringArrayOption("Directories to be searched for tests, paths directly to test files, or combination of both.", new string[] { "." }); ExcludePath = new StringArrayOption("Directories or files to be excluded from the run.", new string[0]); ScriptBlock = new ScriptBlockArrayOption("ScriptBlocks containing tests to be executed.", new ScriptBlock[0]); TestExtension = new StringOption("Filter used to identify test files.", ".Tests.ps1"); } public BoolOption Exit { get { return _exit; } set { if (_exit == null) { _exit = value; } else { _exit = new BoolOption(_exit, value.Value); } } } public StringArrayOption Path { get { return _path; } set { if (_path == null) { _path = value; } else { _path = new StringArrayOption(_path, value.Value); } } } public StringArrayOption ExcludePath { get { return _excludePath; } set { if (_excludePath == null) { _excludePath = value; } else { _excludePath = new StringArrayOption(_excludePath, value.Value); } } } public ScriptBlockArrayOption ScriptBlock { get { return _scriptBlock; } set { if (_scriptBlock == null) { _scriptBlock = value; } else { _scriptBlock = new ScriptBlockArrayOption(_scriptBlock, value.Value); } } } public StringOption TestExtension { get { return _testExtension; } set { if (_testExtension == null) { _testExtension = value; } else { _testExtension = new StringOption(_testExtension, value.Value); } } } } public class FilterConfiguration : ConfigurationSection { private StringArrayOption _tag; private StringArrayOption _excludeTag; private StringArrayOption _line; private StringArrayOption _name; public static FilterConfiguration Default { get { return new FilterConfiguration(); } } public static FilterConfiguration ShallowClone(FilterConfiguration configuration) { return Cloner.ShallowClone(configuration); } public FilterConfiguration(IDictionary configuration) : this() { if (configuration != null) { Tag = configuration.GetArrayOrNull<string>("Tag") ?? Tag; ExcludeTag = configuration.GetArrayOrNull<string>("ExcludeTag") ?? ExcludeTag; Line = configuration.GetArrayOrNull<string>("Line") ?? Line; Name = configuration.GetArrayOrNull<string>("Name") ?? Name; } } public FilterConfiguration() : base("Filter configuration") { Tag = new StringArrayOption("Tags of Describe, Context or It to be run.", new string[0]); ExcludeTag = new StringArrayOption("Tags of Describe, Context or It to be excluded from the run.", new string[0]); Line = new StringArrayOption(@"Filter by file and scriptblock start line, useful to run parsed tests programatically to avoid problems with expanded names. Example: 'C:\tests\file1.Tests.ps1:37'", new string[0]); Name = new StringArrayOption("Full name of test with -like wildcards, joined by dot. Example: '*.describe Get-Item.test1'", new string[0]); } public StringArrayOption Tag { get { return _tag; } set { if (_tag == null) { _tag = value; } else { _tag = new StringArrayOption(_tag, value.Value); } } } public StringArrayOption ExcludeTag { get { return _excludeTag; } set { if (_excludeTag == null) { _excludeTag = value; } else { _excludeTag = new StringArrayOption(_excludeTag, value.Value); } } } public StringArrayOption Line { get { return _line; } set { if (_line == null) { _line = value; } else { _line = new StringArrayOption(_line, value.Value); } } } public StringArrayOption Name { get { return _name; } set { if (_name == null) { _name = value; } else { _name = new StringArrayOption(_name, value.Value); } } } } public class OutputConfiguration : ConfigurationSection { private StringOption _verbosity; public static OutputConfiguration Default { get { return new OutputConfiguration(); } } public static OutputConfiguration ShallowClone(OutputConfiguration configuration) { return Cloner.ShallowClone(configuration); } public OutputConfiguration(IDictionary configuration) : this() { if (configuration != null) { Verbosity = configuration.GetObjectOrNull<string>("Verbosity") ?? Verbosity; } } public OutputConfiguration() : base("Output configuration") { Verbosity = new StringOption("The verbosity of output, options are Normal, None.", "Normal"); } public StringOption Verbosity { get { return _verbosity; } set { if (_verbosity == null) { _verbosity = value; } else { _verbosity = new StringOption(_verbosity, value.Value); } } } } } public class PesterConfiguration { public static PesterConfiguration Default { get { return new PesterConfiguration(); } } public static PesterConfiguration ShallowClone(PesterConfiguration configuration) { var cfg = Default; cfg.Run = RunConfiguration.ShallowClone(configuration.Run); cfg.Filter = FilterConfiguration.ShallowClone(configuration.Filter); cfg.CodeCoverage = CodeCoverageConfiguration.ShallowClone(configuration.CodeCoverage); cfg.TestResult = TestResultConfiguration.ShallowClone(configuration.TestResult); cfg.Should = ShouldConfiguration.ShallowClone(configuration.Should); cfg.Debug = DebugConfiguration.ShallowClone(configuration.Debug); cfg.Output = OutputConfiguration.ShallowClone(configuration.Output); return cfg; } public static PesterConfiguration Merge(PesterConfiguration configuration, PesterConfiguration @override) { var cfg = Default; cfg.Run = Merger.Merge(configuration.Run, @override.Run); cfg.Filter = Merger.Merge(configuration.Filter, @override.Filter); cfg.CodeCoverage = Merger.Merge(configuration.CodeCoverage, @override.CodeCoverage); cfg.TestResult = Merger.Merge(configuration.TestResult, @override.TestResult); cfg.Should = Merger.Merge(configuration.Should, @override.Should); cfg.Debug = Merger.Merge(configuration.Debug, @override.Debug); cfg.Output = Merger.Merge(configuration.Output, @override.Output); return cfg; } public PesterConfiguration(IDictionary configuration) { if (configuration != null) { Run = new RunConfiguration(configuration.GetIDictionaryOrNull("Run")); Filter = new FilterConfiguration(configuration.GetIDictionaryOrNull("Filter")); CodeCoverage = new CodeCoverageConfiguration(configuration.GetIDictionaryOrNull("CodeCoverage")); TestResult = new TestResultConfiguration(configuration.GetIDictionaryOrNull("TestResult")); Should = new ShouldConfiguration(configuration.GetIDictionaryOrNull("Should")); Debug = new DebugConfiguration(configuration.GetIDictionaryOrNull("Debug")); Output = new OutputConfiguration(configuration.GetIDictionaryOrNull("Output")); } } public PesterConfiguration() { Run = new RunConfiguration(); Filter = new FilterConfiguration(); CodeCoverage = new CodeCoverageConfiguration(); TestResult = new TestResultConfiguration(); Should = new ShouldConfiguration(); Debug = new DebugConfiguration(); Output = new OutputConfiguration(); } public RunConfiguration Run { get; set; } public FilterConfiguration Filter { get; set; } public CodeCoverageConfiguration CodeCoverage { get; set; } public TestResultConfiguration TestResult { get; set; } public ShouldConfiguration Should { get; set; } public DebugConfiguration Debug { get; set; } public OutputConfiguration Output { get; set; } } |