# session state bound functions that act as endpoints, # so the internal funtions can make their session state # consumption explicit and are testable (also prevents scrolling past # the whole documentation :D ) function Get-MockPlugin () { Pester.Runtime\New-PluginObject -Name "Mock" ` -EachBlockSetupStart { param($Context) $Context.Block.PluginData.Mock = @{ Hooks = @() CallHistory = @{} Behaviors = @{} } } -EachTestSetupStart { param($Context) $Context.Test.PluginData.Mock = @{ Hooks = @() CallHistory = @{} Behaviors = @{} } } -EachTestTeardownEnd { param($Context) # we are defining that table in the setup but the teardowns # need to be resilient, because they will run even if the setups # did not run # TODO: resolve this path safely $hooks = $Context.Test.PluginData.Mock.Hooks Remove-MockHook -Hooks $hooks } -EachBlockTeardownEnd { param($Context) # TODO: resolve this path safely $hooks = $Context.Block.PluginData.Mock.Hooks Remove-MockHook -Hooks $hooks } } function Mock { <# .SYNOPSIS Mocks the behavior of an existing command with an alternate implementation. .DESCRIPTION This creates new behavior for any existing command within the scope of a Describe or Context block. The function allows you to specify a script block that will become the command's new behavior. Optionally, you may create a Parameter Filter which will examine the parameters passed to the mocked command and will invoke the mocked behavior only if the values of the parameter values pass the filter. If they do not, the original command implementation will be invoked instead of a mock. You may create multiple mocks for the same command, each using a different ParameterFilter. ParameterFilters will be evaluated in reverse order of their creation. The last one created will be the first to be evaluated. The mock of the first filter to pass will be used. The exception to this rule are Mocks with no filters. They will always be evaluated last since they will act as a "catch all" mock. Mocks can be marked Verifiable. If so, the Assert-VerifiableMock command can be used to check if all Verifiable mocks were actually called. If any verifiable mock is not called, Should -InvokeVerifiable will throw an exception and indicate all mocks not called. If you wish to mock commands that are called from inside a script module, you can do so by using the -ModuleName parameter to the Mock command. This injects the mock into the specified module. If you do not specify a module name, the mock will be created in the same scope as the test script. You may mock the same command multiple times, in different scopes, as needed. Each module's mock maintains a separate call history and verified status. .PARAMETER CommandName The name of the command to be mocked. .PARAMETER MockWith A ScriptBlock specifying the behavior that will be used to mock CommandName. The default is an empty ScriptBlock. NOTE: Do not specify param or dynamicparam blocks in this script block. These will be injected automatically based on the signature of the command being mocked, and the MockWith script block can contain references to the mocked commands parameter variables. .PARAMETER Verifiable When this is set, the mock will be checked when Should -InvokeVerifiable is called. .PARAMETER ParameterFilter An optional filter to limit mocking behavior only to usages of CommandName where the values of the parameters passed to the command pass the filter. This ScriptBlock must return a boolean value. See examples for usage. .PARAMETER ModuleName Optional string specifying the name of the module where this command is to be mocked. This should be a module that _calls_ the mocked command; it doesn't necessarily have to be the same module which originally implemented the command. .EXAMPLE Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "A_File.TXT"} } Using this Mock, all calls to Get-ChildItem will return a hashtable with a FullName property returning "A_File.TXT" .EXAMPLE Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "A_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -and $Path.StartsWith($env:temp) } This Mock will only be applied to Get-ChildItem calls within the user's temp directory. .EXAMPLE Mock Set-Content {} -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "some_path" -and $Value -eq "Expected Value" } When this mock is used, if the Mock is never invoked and Should -InvokeVerifiable is called, an exception will be thrown. The command behavior will do nothing since the ScriptBlock is empty. .EXAMPLE Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "A_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -and $Path.StartsWith($env:temp\1) } Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "B_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -and $Path.StartsWith($env:temp\2) } Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "C_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -and $Path.StartsWith($env:temp\3) } Multiple mocks of the same command may be used. The parameter filter determines which is invoked. Here, if Get-ChildItem is called on the "2" directory of the temp folder, then B_File.txt will be returned. .EXAMPLE Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName="B_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "$env:temp\me" } Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName="A_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -and $Path.StartsWith($env:temp) } Get-ChildItem $env:temp\me Here, both mocks could apply since both filters will pass. A_File.TXT will be returned because it was the most recent Mock created. .EXAMPLE Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "B_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "$env:temp\me" } Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "A_File.TXT"} } Get-ChildItem c:\windows Here, A_File.TXT will be returned. Since no filter was specified, it will apply to any call to Get-ChildItem that does not pass another filter. .EXAMPLE Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "B_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "$env:temp\me" } Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "A_File.TXT"} } Get-ChildItem $env:temp\me Here, B_File.TXT will be returned. Even though the filterless mock was created more recently. This illustrates that filterless Mocks are always evaluated last regardless of their creation order. .EXAMPLE Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "A_File.TXT"} } -ModuleName MyTestModule Using this Mock, all calls to Get-ChildItem from within the MyTestModule module will return a hashtable with a FullName property returning "A_File.TXT" .EXAMPLE Get-Module -Name ModuleMockExample | Remove-Module New-Module -Name ModuleMockExample -ScriptBlock { function Hidden { "Internal Module Function" } function Exported { Hidden } Export-ModuleMember -Function Exported } | Import-Module -Force Describe "ModuleMockExample" { It "Hidden function is not directly accessible outside the module" { { Hidden } | Should -Throw } It "Original Hidden function is called" { Exported | Should -Be "Internal Module Function" } It "Hidden is replaced with our implementation" { Mock Hidden { "Mocked" } -ModuleName ModuleMockExample Exported | Should -Be "Mocked" } } This example shows how calls to commands made from inside a module can be mocked by using the -ModuleName parameter. .LINK Should Describe Context It about_Should about_Mocking #> # Mock [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$CommandName, [ScriptBlock]$MockWith = {}, [switch]$Verifiable, [ScriptBlock]$ParameterFilter, [string]$ModuleName, [string[]]$RemoveParameterType, [string[]]$RemoveParameterValidation ) if (Is-Discovery) { # this is to allow mocks in between Describe and It which is discouraged but common # and will make for an easier move to v5 return } if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock -Message "Setting up mock for$(if ($ModuleName) {" $ModuleName -"}) $CommandName." } $SessionState = $PSCmdlet.SessionState $null = Set-ScriptBlockHint -Hint "Unbound MockWith - Captured in Mock" -ScriptBlock $MockWith $null = if ($ParameterFilter) { Set-ScriptBlockHint -Hint "Unbound ParameterFilter - Captured in Mock" -ScriptBlock $ParameterFilter } $invokeMockCallBack = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Invoke-Mock', 'function') $mockData = Get-MockDataForCurrentScope $contextInfo = Resolve-Command $CommandName $ModuleName -SessionState $SessionState if ($contextInfo.IsMockBootstrapFunction) { if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock -Message "Mock resolves to an existing hook, will only define mock behavior." } $hook = $contextInfo.Hook } else { if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock -Message "Mock does not have a hook yet, creating a new one." } $hook = Create-MockHook -ContextInfo $contextInfo -InvokeMockCallback $invokeMockCallBack $mockData.Hooks += $hook } $behaviors = getOrUpdateValue $mockData.Behaviors $contextInfo.Command.Name ([System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]@()) $behavior = New-MockBehavior -ContextInfo $contextInfo -MockWith $MockWith -Verifiable:$Verifiable -ParameterFilter $ParameterFilter -Hook $hook if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock -Message "Adding a new $(if ($behavior.IsDefault) {"default"} else {"parametrized"}) behavior to $(if ($behavior.ModuleName) { " $($behavior.ModuleName) -"})$($behavior.CommandName)." } $behaviors.Add($behavior) } function Get-AllMockBehaviors { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $CommandName ) if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock "Getting all defined mock behaviors in this and parent scopes for command $CommandName." } # this is used for invoking mocks # in there we care about all mocks attached to the current test # or any of the mocks above it # this does not list mocks in other tests $currentTest = Get-CurrentTest $inTest = any $currentTest $behaviors = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]@() if ($inTest) { if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock "We are in a test. Finding all behaviors in this test." } $bs = tryGetValue $currentTest.PluginData.Mock.Behaviors $CommandName if ($null -ne $bs -and $bs.Count -gt 0) { if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock "Found behaviors for '$CommandName' in the test." } $bss = @(for ($i = $bs.Count - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--) { $bs[$i] }) $behaviors.AddRange($bss) } else { if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock "Found no behaviors for '$CommandName' in this test." } } } if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock "Finding all behaviors in this block and parents." } $block = Get-CurrentBlock Recurse-Up $block { param($b) # root block can't have mocks, and we also don't run the plugin setup for it so the Mock data are not setup there # so not running this code there makes the code simpler, and more correct because when the setup is not there we know # that something bad happened if (-not $b.IsRoot) { $bs = tryGetValue $b.PluginData.Mock.Behaviors $CommandName # for some reason 'any' fails with Arguments not match on this (posh 6.1.1 on windows), so I am inlining the check if ($null -ne $bs -or $bs.Count -ne 0) { if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock "Found behaviors for '$CommandName' in '$($b.Name)'." } $bss = @(for ($i = $bs.Count - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--) { $bs[$i] }) $behaviors.AddRange($bss) } } } if (none $behaviors) { if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock "No behaviors for '$CommandName' were found in this or any parent blocks." } } if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock -LazyMessage { "Found behaviors ($($behaviors.Count)) for '$CommandName': " foreach ($b in $behaviors) { "Body: { $($b.ScriptBlock.ToString().Trim()) }" "Filter: $(if ($b.Filter) { "{ $($b.Filter.ToString().Trim()) }" } else { '$null' })" "Verifiable: $($b.Verifiable)" } } } $behaviors } function Get-VerifiableBehaviors { [CmdletBinding()] param( ) if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock "Getting all verifiable mock behaviors in this scope." } $currentTest = Get-CurrentTest $inTest = any $currentTest $behaviors = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]@() if ($inTest) { if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock "We are in a test. Finding all behaviors in this test." } $bs = $currentTest.PluginData.Mock.Behaviors.Values if ($null -ne $bs -and $bs.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($b in $bs) { if ($b.Verifiable) { $behaviors.Add($b) } } } } $block = Get-CurrentBlock Recurse-Up $block { param($b) if (-not $b.IsRoot) { $bs = $b.PluginData.Mock.Behaviors.Values if ($null -ne $bs -or $bs.Count -ne 0) { foreach ($bb in $bs) { if ($bb.Verifiable) { $behaviors.Add($bb) } } } } } $behaviors } function Get-AssertMockTable { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Frame, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $CommandName, [String] $ModuleName ) # frame looks like this # [PSCustomObject]@{ # Scope = int # Frame = block | test # IsTest = bool # } $key = "$ModuleName||$CommandName" $scope = $Frame.Scope $inTest = $Frame.IsTest # this is used for assertions, in here we need to collect # all call histories for the given command in the scope. # if the scope number is bigger than 0 then we need all # in the whole scope including all its if ($inTest -and 0 -eq $scope) { # we are in test and we care only about the test scope, # this is easy, we just look for call history of the command $history = tryGetValue $Frame.Frame.PluginData.Mock.CallHistory $key if ($history) { return @{ "$key" = @($history) } } else { return @{ "$key" = @() } # TODO: This figures out if the mock was defined, when there were 0 calls, it adds overhead # and does not work with the current layout of hooks and history # $test = $Frame.Frame # $mockInTest = tryGetValue $test.PluginData.Mock.Hooks $key # if ($mockInTest) { # # the mock was defined in it but it was not called in this scope # return @{ # "$key" = @() # } # } # else { # # try finding the mock definition in upper scopes, because it was not found in the current test # $mockInBlock = Recurse-Up $test.Block { # param ($b) # if ((tryGetProperty $b.PluginData Mock) -and (tryGetProperty $b.PluginData.Mock Hooks)) { # tryGetValue $b.PluginData.Mock.Hooks $key # } # } # if (none $mockInBlock) { # throw "Could not find any mock definition for $CommandName$(if ($ModuleName) { " from module $ModuleName"})." # } # else { # # the mock was defined in some upper scope but it was not called in this it # return @{ # "$key" = @() # } # } #} } } # this is harder, we have scope and we are in a block, we need to look # in this block and any child for mock calls $currentBlock = if ($inTest) { $Frame.Frame.Block } else { $Frame.Frame } if ($inTest) { # we are in test but we only inspect blocks, so getting current block automatically # makes us in scope 1, so if we got 1 from the parameter we need to translate it to 0 $scope -= 1 } if ($scope -eq 0) { # in scope 0 the current block is the base block $block = $currentBlock } elseif ($scope -eq 1) { # in scope 1 it is the parent $block = if (any $currentBlock.Parent) { $currentBlock.Parent } else { $currentBlock } } else { # otherwise we just walk up as many scopes as needed until # we reach the desired scope, or the root of the tree, the above ifs could # be replaced by this, but they are easier to write and use for the most common # cases # TODO: another ad-hoc implementation of Recurse-Up $i = $currentBlock $level = $scope - 1 while ($level -gt 0 -and (any $i.Parent)) { $level-- $i = $i.Parent } $block = $i } # we have our block so we need to collect all the history for the given mock $history = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]@() $addToHistory = { param($b) $mockData = tryGetProperty $b.pluginData Mock if ($mockData) { $callHistory = tryGetProperty $mockData CallHistory if ($callHistory) { $v = tryGetValue $callHistory $key if (any $v) { $history.AddRange(@($v)) } } } } Fold-Block -Block $Block -OnBlock $addToHistory -OnTest $addToHistory if (0 -eq $history.Count) { # we did not find any calls, is the mock even defined? # TODO: should we look in the scope and the upper scopes for the mock or just assume 0 calls were done? return @{ "$key" = @() } } return @{ "$key" = @($history) } } function Get-MockDataForCurrentScope { [CmdletBinding()] param( ) # this returns a mock table based on location, that we # then use to add the mock into, keep in mind that what we # pass must be a reference, so the data can be written in this # table $location = $currentTest = Get-CurrentTest $inTest = any $currentTest if (-not $inTest) { $location = $currentBlock = Get-CurrentBlock } if (none @($currentTest, $currentBlock)) { throw "I am neither in a test or a block, where am I?" } if (-not $location.PluginData.Mock) { throw "Mock data are not setup for this scope, what happened?" } if ($inTest) { if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock "We are in a test. Returning mock table from test scope." } } else { if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock "We are in a block, one time setup or similar. Returning mock table from test block." } } $location.PluginData.Mock } function Assert-VerifiableMock { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks if all verifiable Mocks has been called at least once. THIS COMMAND IS OBSOLETE AND WILL BE REMOVED SOMEWHERE DURING v5 LIFETIME, USE Should -InvokeVerifiable INSTEAD. #> # Should does not accept a session state, so invoking it directly would # make the assertion run from inside of Pester module, we move it to the # user scope instead an run it from there to keep the scoping correct # for this compatibility adapter [CmdletBinding()]param() $sb = { Should -InvokeVerifiable } Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $sb -SessionState $PSCmdlet.SessionState & $sb } function Should-InvokeVerifiable { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks if any Verifiable Mock has not been invoked. If so, this will throw an exception. .DESCRIPTION This can be used in tandem with the -Verifiable switch of the Mock function. Mock can be used to mock the behavior of an existing command and optionally take a -Verifiable switch. When Should -InvokeVerifiable is called, it checks to see if any Mock marked Verifiable has not been invoked. If any mocks have been found that specified -Verifiable and have not been invoked, an exception will be thrown. .EXAMPLE Mock Set-Content {} -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "some_path" -and $Value -eq "Expected Value"} { ...some code that never calls Set-Content some_path -Value "Expected Value"... } Should -InvokeVerifiable This will throw an exception and cause the test to fail. .EXAMPLE Mock Set-Content {} -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "some_path" -and $Value -eq "Expected Value"} Set-Content some_path -Value "Expected Value" Should -InvokeVerifiable This will not throw an exception because the mock was invoked. #> $behaviors = @(Get-VerifiableBehaviors) Should-InvokeVerifiableInternal -Behaviors $behaviors } Add-ShouldOperator -Name InvokeVerifiable ` -InternalName Should-InvokeVerifiable ` -Test ${function:Should-InvokeVerifiable} function Assert-MockCalled { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks if a Mocked command has been called a certain number of times and throws an exception if it has not. THIS COMMAND IS OBSOLETE AND WILL BE REMOVED SOMEWHERE DURING v5 LIFETIME, USE Should -Invoke INSTEAD. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ParameterFilter')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string]$CommandName, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [int]$Times = 1, [ScriptBlock]$ParameterFilter = {$True}, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExclusiveFilter', Mandatory = $true)] [scriptblock] $ExclusiveFilter, [string] $ModuleName, [string] $Scope = 0, [switch] $Exactly ) # Should does not accept a session state, so invoking it directly would # make the assertion run from inside of Pester module, we move it to the # user scope instead an run it from there to keep the scoping correct # for this compatibility adapter $sb = { param ($__params__p) Should -Invoke @__params__p } Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $sb -SessionState $PSCmdlet.SessionState & $sb $PSBoundParameters } function Should-Invoke { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks if a Mocked command has been called a certain number of times and throws an exception if it has not. .DESCRIPTION This command verifies that a mocked command has been called a certain number of times. If the call history of the mocked command does not match the parameters passed to Should -Invoke, Should -Invoke will throw an exception. .PARAMETER CommandName The mocked command whose call history should be checked. .PARAMETER ModuleName The module where the mock being checked was injected. This is optional, and must match the ModuleName that was used when setting up the Mock. .PARAMETER Times The number of times that the mock must be called to avoid an exception from throwing. .PARAMETER Exactly If this switch is present, the number specified in Times must match exactly the number of times the mock has been called. Otherwise it must match "at least" the number of times specified. If the value passed to the Times parameter is zero, the Exactly switch is implied. .PARAMETER ParameterFilter An optional filter to qualify which calls should be counted. Only those calls to the mock whose parameters cause this filter to return true will be counted. .PARAMETER ExclusiveFilter Like ParameterFilter, except when you use ExclusiveFilter, and there were any calls to the mocked command which do not match the filter, an exception will be thrown. This is a convenient way to avoid needing to have two calls to Should -Invoke like this: Should -Invoke SomeCommand -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $something -eq $true } Should -Invoke SomeCommand -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $something -ne $true } .PARAMETER Scope An optional parameter specifying the Pester scope in which to check for calls to the mocked command. For RSpec style tests, Should -Invoke will find all calls to the mocked command in the current Context block (if present), or the current Describe block (if there is no active Context), by default. Valid values are Describe, Context and It. If you use a scope of Describe or Context, the command will identify all calls to the mocked command in the current Describe / Context block, as well as all child scopes of that block. For Gherkin style tests, Should -Invoke will find all calls to the mocked command in the current Scenario block or the current Feature block (if there is no active Scenario), by default. Valid values for Gherkin style tests are Feature and Scenario. If you use a scope of Feature or Scenario, the command will identify all calls to the mocked command in the current Feature / Scenario block, as well as all child scopes of that block. .EXAMPLE C:\PS>Mock Set-Content {} {... Some Code ...} C:\PS>Should -Invoke Set-Content This will throw an exception and cause the test to fail if Set-Content is not called in Some Code. .EXAMPLE C:\PS>Mock Set-Content -parameterFilter {$path.StartsWith("$env:temp\")} {... Some Code ...} C:\PS>Should -Invoke Set-Content 2 { $path -eq "$env:temp\test.txt" } This will throw an exception if some code calls Set-Content on $path=$env:temp\test.txt less than 2 times .EXAMPLE C:\PS>Mock Set-Content {} {... Some Code ...} C:\PS>Should -Invoke Set-Content 0 This will throw an exception if some code calls Set-Content at all .EXAMPLE C:\PS>Mock Set-Content {} {... Some Code ...} C:\PS>Should -Invoke Set-Content -Exactly 2 This will throw an exception if some code does not call Set-Content Exactly two times. .EXAMPLE Describe 'Should -Invoke Scope behavior' { Mock Set-Content { } It 'Calls Set-Content at least once in the It block' { {... Some Code ...} Should -Invoke Set-Content -Exactly 0 -Scope It } } Checks for calls only within the current It block. .EXAMPLE Describe 'Describe' { Mock -ModuleName SomeModule Set-Content { } {... Some Code ...} It 'Calls Set-Content at least once in the Describe block' { Should -Invoke -ModuleName SomeModule Set-Content } } Checks for calls to the mock within the SomeModule module. Note that both the Mock and Should -Invoke commands use the same module name. .EXAMPLE Should -Invoke Get-ChildItem -ExclusiveFilter { $Path -eq 'C:\' } Checks to make sure that Get-ChildItem was called at least one time with the -Path parameter set to 'C:\', and that it was not called at all with the -Path parameter set to any other value. .NOTES The parameter filter passed to Should -Invoke does not necessarily have to match the parameter filter (if any) which was used to create the Mock. Should -Invoke will find any entry in the command history which matches its parameter filter, regardless of how the Mock was created. However, if any calls to the mocked command are made which did not match any mock's parameter filter (resulting in the original command being executed instead of a mock), these calls to the original command are not tracked in the call history. In other words, Should -Invoke can only be used to check for calls to the mocked implementation, not to the original. #> # Should -Invoke [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ParameterFilter')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string]$CommandName, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [int]$Times = 1, [ScriptBlock]$ParameterFilter = {$True}, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExclusiveFilter', Mandatory = $true)] [scriptblock] $ExclusiveFilter, [string] $ModuleName, [string] $Scope = 0, [switch] $Exactly, # built-in variables [object] $ActualValue, [switch] $Negate, [string] $Because, [Management.Automation.SessionState] $CallerSessionState ) if ($null -ne $ActualValue) { if ($ActualValue -is [string]) { $CommandName = $ActualValue } else { throw "Should -Invoke does not take pipeline input or ActualValue." } } # Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName Should -Invoke if ('Describe', 'Context', 'It' -notcontains $Scope -and $Scope -notmatch "^\d+$") { throw "Parameter Scope must be one of 'Describe', 'Context', 'It' or a non-negative number." } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Negate")) { $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Negate") } $isNumericScope = $Scope -match "^\d+$" $currentTest = Get-CurrentTest $inTest = any $currentTest $currentBlock = Get-CurrentBlock $frame = if ($isNumericScope) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Scope = $Scope Frame = if ($inTest) { $currentTest } else { $currentBlock } IsTest = $inTest } } else { if ($Scope -eq 'It') { if ($inTest) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Scope = 0 Frame = $currentTest IsTest = $true } } else { throw "Assertion is placed outside of an It block, but -Scope It is specified." } } else { # we are not looking for an It scope, so we are looking for a block scope # blocks can be chained arbitrarily, so we need to walk up the tree looking # for the first match # TODO: this is ad-hoc implementation of folding the tree of parents # make the normal fold work better, and replace this $i = $currentBlock $level = 0 while ($null -ne $i) { if ($Scope -eq $i.FrameworkData.CommandUsed) { if ($inTest) { # we are in a test but we looked up the scope based on the block # so we need to add 1 to the scope, because the block is scope 1 for us $level++ } [PSCustomObject]@{ Scope = $level Frame = if ($inTest) { $currentTest } else { $currentBlock } IsTest = $inTest } break } $level++ $i = $i.Parent } } } $SessionState = $CallerSessionState $contextInfo = Resolve-Command $CommandName $ModuleName -SessionState $SessionState $resolvedModule = if ($contextInfo.IsFromRequestedModule) { $contextInfo.ModuleName } else { $null } $resolvedCommand = $contextInfo.Command.Name $mockTable = Get-AssertMockTable -Frame $frame -CommandName $resolvedCommand -ModuleName $resolvedModule tryRemoveKey $PSBoundParameters Scope tryRemoveKey $PSBoundParameters ModuleName tryRemoveKey $PSBoundParameters CommandName tryRemoveKey $PSBoundParameters ActualValue tryRemoveKey $PSBoundParameters Negate tryRemoveKey $PSBoundParameters CallerSessionState $result = Should-InvokeInternal @PSBoundParameters ` -ContextInfo $contextInfo ` -MockTable $mockTable ` -SessionState $SessionState return $result } Add-ShouldOperator -Name Invoke ` -InternalName Should-Invoke ` -Test ${function:Should-Invoke} function Invoke-Mock { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $CommandName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable] $MockCallState, [string] $ModuleName, [hashtable] $BoundParameters = @{}, [object[]] $ArgumentList = @(), [object] $CallerSessionState, [ValidateSet('Begin', 'Process', 'End')] [string] $FromBlock, [object] $InputObject, $Hook ) if ($PesterDebugPreference.WriteDebugMessages) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Mock "Mock for $CommandName was invoked from block $FromBlock." } # this function is called by the mock bootstrap function, so every implementer # should implement this (but I keep it separate from the core function so I can # test without dependency on scopes) $allBehaviors = Get-AllMockBehaviors -CommandName $CommandName if (Test-NullOrWhiteSpace $ModuleName) { $ModuleName = $null } $fromModule = any $ModuleName $moduleBehaviors = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]@() $nonModuleBehaviors = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]@() foreach ($b in $allBehaviors) { # sort behaviors into behaviors for the selected module # other modules and no-modules # the behaviors for other modules we don't care about so we # don't collect them if ($fromModule) { if ($ModuleName -eq $b.ModuleName) { $moduleBehaviors.Add($b) } } if ($null -eq $b.ModuleName) { $nonModuleBehaviors.Add($b) } } # if any behaviors exist for this module, use them. Otherwise use the non module behaviors $detectedModule, $behaviors = if (any $moduleBehaviors) { $ModuleName, $moduleBehaviors } else {$null, $nonModuleBehaviors} $callHistory = (Get-MockDataForCurrentScope).CallHistory Invoke-MockInternal @PSBoundParameters -Behaviors $behaviors -CallHistory $callHistory } function Assert-RunInProgress { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $CommandName ) if (Is-Discovery) { throw "$CommandName can run only during Run, but not during Discovery." } } # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIcVgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIcRzCCHEMCAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMGkGCisGAQQB # gjcCAQSgWzBZMDQGCisGAQQBgjcCAR4wJgIDAQAABBAfzDtgWUsITrck0sYpfvNR # AgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQU6uqVdud/8zsjjQBeZEtfo2bR # XH2ggheFMIIFDjCCA/agAwIBAgIQAkpwj7JyQh8pn8abOhJIUDANBgkqhkiG9w0B # AQsFADByMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlnaUNlcnQgSW5jMRkwFwYD # VQQLExB3d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMTEwLwYDVQQDEyhEaWdpQ2VydCBTSEEyIEFz # c3VyZWQgSUQgQ29kZSBTaWduaW5nIENBMB4XDTE4MTEyNzAwMDAwMFoXDTE5MTIw # MjEyMDAwMFowSzELMAkGA1UEBhMCQ1oxDjAMBgNVBAcTBVByYWhhMRUwEwYDVQQK # DAxKYWt1YiBKYXJlxaExFTATBgNVBAMMDEpha3ViIEphcmXFoTCCASIwDQYJKoZI # hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKgBHbFhyeivpcxqohppsNGucvZvAyvg3gKT # M1B6EpI18C6NN7FXWTPym9ffe1kS5ZeYDKW98NcOBArm28mdgip6WcUQ0qMt9lI8 # EsTa4Ohlkj/AYYUdgh96zgIl/V+MIO3JVAY3OwkWjkfDKVbzrNG5IcO5yKfwnt8/ # a238OS/VlFNsNELGW7XIQBD/rKrEDY8JZReIrkz6sGdba+3OcXBClp513JFniVgD # vOXo2RDUqtnpFuCdsthe8hWXtpbcjIpFykLzNcNA+2GIbwbBG5XKXsN0ZJsbrWVA # RiwNoDN+Fh3pe5rxGVfMDHdXt1I0KpJbFlGB4P7Sy2Mh5CTwRyUCAwEAAaOCAcUw # ggHBMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFFrEuXsqCqOl6nEDwGD5LfZldQ5YMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSw # +E81VeF9HSgNxUARWWqXFWZrZjAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCB4AwEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYI # KwYBBQUHAwMwdwYDVR0fBHAwbjA1oDOgMYYvaHR0cDovL2NybDMuZGlnaWNlcnQu # Y29tL3NoYTItYXNzdXJlZC1jcy1nMS5jcmwwNaAzoDGGL2h0dHA6Ly9jcmw0LmRp # Z2ljZXJ0LmNvbS9zaGEyLWFzc3VyZWQtY3MtZzEuY3JsMEwGA1UdIARFMEMwNwYJ # YIZIAYb9bAMBMCowKAYIKwYBBQUHAgEWHGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNv # bS9DUFMwCAYGZ4EMAQQBMIGEBggrBgEFBQcBAQR4MHYwJAYIKwYBBQUHMAGGGGh0 # dHA6Ly9vY3NwLmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNvbTBOBggrBgEFBQcwAoZCaHR0cDovL2NhY2Vy # 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