Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\Pester.Utility.psm1 -DisableNameChecking . $PSScriptRoot\..\Functions\Pester.SafeCommands.ps1 $state = [PSCustomObject] @{ # indicate whether or not we are currently # running in discovery mode se we can change # behavior of the commands appropriately Discovery = $false CurrentBlock = $null CurrentTest = $null Plugin = $null PluginConfiguration = $null TotalStopWatch = $null TestStopWatch = $null BlockStopWatch = $null FrameworkStopWatch = $null ExpandName = { param([string]$Name, [HashTable]$Data) $n = $Name foreach ($pair in $Data.GetEnumerator()) { $n = $n -replace "<$($pair.Key)>", "$($pair.Value)" } $n } } function Reset-TestSuiteState { # resets the module state to the default Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Resetting all state to default." $state.Discovery = $false $state.Plugin = $null $state.PluginConfiguration = $null $state.CurrentBlock = $null $state.CurrentTest = $null Reset-Scope Reset-TestSuiteTimer } function Reset-PerContainerState { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSTypeName("DiscoveredBlock")] $RootBlock ) Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Resetting per container state." $state.CurrentBlock = $RootBlock Reset-Scope } function Find-Test { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSTypeName("BlockContainer")][PSObject[]] $BlockContainer, [PSTypeName("Filter")] $Filter, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState ) Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope DiscoveryCore "Running just discovery." $found = Discover-Test -BlockContainer $BlockContainer -Filter $Filter -SessionState $SessionState foreach ($f in $found) { ConvertTo-DiscoveredBlockContainer -Block $f } } function ConvertTo-DiscoveredBlockContainer { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSTypeName("DiscoveredBlock")] $Block ) # takes a root block and converts it to a discovered block container # that we can publish from Find-Test, because keeping everything a block makes the internal # code simpler $container = $Block.BlockContainer $content = tryGetProperty $container Content $type = tryGetProperty $container Type # TODO: Add other properties that are relevant to found tests $b = $Block | &$SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -ExcludeProperty @( "Parent" "Name" "Tag" "First" "Last" "StandardOutput" "Passed" "Executed" "Path", "StartedAt", "Duration", "Aggregated*" ) -Property @( @{n = "Content"; e = {$content}} @{n = "Type"; e = {$type}}, @{n = "PSTypename"; e = {"DiscoveredBlockContainer"}} '*' ) $b } function ConvertTo-ExecutedBlockContainer { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSTypeName("DiscoveredBlock")] $Block ) # takes a root block and converts it to a executed block container # that we can publish from Invoke-Test, because keeping everything a block makes the internal # code simpler $container = $Block.BlockContainer $content = tryGetProperty $container Content $type = tryGetProperty $container Type $b = $Block | &$SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -ExcludeProperty @( "Parent" "Name" "Tag" "First" "Last" "StandardOutput" "Path" ) -Property @( @{n = "Content"; e = {$content}} @{n = "Type"; e = {$type}}, @{n = "PSTypename"; e = {"ExecutedBlockContainer"}} '*' ) $b } # endpoint for adding a block that contains tests # or other blocks function New-Block { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [String[]] $Tag = @(), # TODO: rename to FrameworkData to avoid confusion with Data (on TestObject)? but first look at how we use it, and if it makes sense [HashTable] $FrameworkData = @{}, [Switch] $Focus, [string] $Id ) Switch-Timer -Scope Framework $blockStartTime = $state.BlockStopWatch.Elapsed $overheadStartTime = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed Push-Scope -Scope (New-Scope -Name $Name -Hint Block) $path = Get-ScopeHistory | % Name Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Entering path $($path -join '.')" $block = $null $previousBlock = Get-CurrentBlock if (-not $previousBlock.FrameworkData.ContainsKey("PreviouslyGeneratedBlocks")) { $previousBlock.FrameworkData.Add("PreviouslyGeneratedBlocks", @{}) } $hasExternalId = -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Id) $Id = if (-not $hasExternalId) { $previouslyGeneratedBlocks = $previousBlock.FrameworkData.PreviouslyGeneratedBlocks Get-Id -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Previous $previouslyGeneratedBlocks } else { $Id } if (Is-Discovery) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope DiscoveryCore "Adding block $Name to discovered blocks" # the tests are identified based on the start position of their script block # so in case user generates tests (typically from foreach loop) # we are not able to distinguish between test generated during first iteration of the # loop and second iteration of the loop. this is not a problem for the discovery, but it # is problem for the run, because then we get ambiguous reference to a test # to avoid forcing the user to provide the id in cases where the list of things is the same # between discovery and run, we look at the latest test in this block and if it comes from the same # line we add one to the counter and use that as an implicit Id. # and since there can be multiple tests in the foreach, we add one item per test, and key # them by the position $FrameworkData.Add("PreviouslyGeneratedTests", @{}) $block = New-BlockObject -Name $Name -Path $path -Tag $Tag -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -FrameworkData $FrameworkData -Focus:$Focus -Id $Id # we attach the current block to the parent Add-Block -Block $block } if ($null -eq $block) { $block = Find-CurrentBlock -Block $previousBlock -Name $Name -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Id $Id } Set-CurrentBlock -Block $block try { if (Is-Discovery) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope DiscoveryCore "Discovering in body of block $Name" & $ScriptBlock Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope DiscoveryCore "Finished discovering in body of block $Name" } else { if (-not $block.ShouldRun) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Block is excluded from run, returning" return } $block.ExecutedAt = [DateTime]::Now $block.Executed = $true Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Executing body of block $Name" # TODO: no callbacks are provided because we are not transitioning between any states, # it might be nice to add a parameter to indicate that we run in the same scope # so we can avoid getting and setting the scope on scriptblock that already has that # scope, which is _potentially_ slow because of reflection, it would also allow # making the transition callbacks mandatory unless the parameter is provided $frameworkSetupResult = Invoke-ScriptBlock ` -OuterSetup @( if ($block.First) { $state.Plugin.OneTimeBlockSetup | selectNonNull } ) ` -Setup @( $state.Plugin.EachBlockSetup | selectNonNull ) ` -ScriptBlock {} ` -Context @{ Context = @{ # context that is visible to plugins Block = $block Test = $null Configuration = $state.PluginConfiguration } } if ($frameworkSetupResult.Success) { $result = Invoke-ScriptBlock ` -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock ` -OuterSetup $( if (-not (Is-Discovery)) { combineNonNull @( $previousBlock.EachBlockSetup $block.OneTimeTestSetup ) }) ` -OuterTeardown $( if (-not (Is-Discovery)) { combineNonNull @( $block.OneTimeTestTeardown $previousBlock.EachBlockTeardown ) } ) ` -Context @{ # context that is visible in user code Context = $block | &$SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -Property Name } ` -ReduceContextToInnerScope ` -OnUserScopeTransition { Switch-Timer -Scope Block } ` -OnFrameworkScopeTransition { Switch-Timer -Scope Framework } $block.Passed = $result.Success $block.StandardOutput = $result.StandardOutput $block.ErrorRecord = $result.ErrorRecord Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Finished executing body of block $Name" } $frameworkEachBlockTeardowns = @( $state.Plugin.EachBlockTeardown | selectNonNull ) $frameworkOneTimeBlockTeardowns = @( if ($block.Last) { $state.Plugin.OneTimeBlockTeardown | selectNonNull } ) # reverse the teardowns so they run in opposite order to setups [Array]::Reverse($frameworkEachBlockTeardowns) [Array]::Reverse($frameworkOneTimeBlockTeardowns) $frameworkTeardownResult = Invoke-ScriptBlock ` -ScriptBlock {} ` -Teardown $frameworkEachBlockTeardowns ` -OuterTeardown $frameworkOneTimeBlockTeardowns ` -Context @{ Context = @{ # context that is visible to plugins Block = $block Test = $null Configuration = $state.PluginConfiguration } } if (-not $frameworkSetupResult.Success -or -not $frameworkTeardownResult.Success) { & { # report framework failure $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' if ($frameworkSetupResult.ErrorRecord) { foreach ($e in $frameworkSetupResult.ErrorRecord) { & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Red ($e | out-string) & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Red ($e.ScriptStackTrace | out-string) } } if ($frameworkTeardownResult.ErrorRecord) { foreach ($e in $frameworkTeardownResult.ErrorRecord) { & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Red ($e | out-string) & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Red ($e.ScriptStackTrace | out-string) } } throw "framework fail" } } } } finally { $block.Duration = $state.BlockStopWatch.Elapsed - $blockStartTime $block.FrameworkDuration = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed - $overheadStartTime Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Leaving path $($path -join '.')" Set-CurrentBlock -Block $previousBlock $null = Pop-Scope Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Left block $Name" } } # endpoint for adding a test function New-Test { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [String[]] $Tag = @(), [HashTable] $Data = @{}, [String] $Id, [Switch] $Focus ) Switch-Timer -Scope Framework $testStartTime = $state.TestStopWatch.Elapsed $overheadStartTime = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Entering test $Name" Push-Scope -Scope (New-Scope -Name $Name -Hint Test) try { $path = Get-ScopeHistory | % Name Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Entering path $($path -join '.')" $hasExternalId = -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Id) if (-not $hasExternalId) { $PreviouslyGeneratedTests = (Get-CurrentBlock).FrameworkData.PreviouslyGeneratedTests if ($null -eq $PreviouslyGeneratedTests) { # TODO: this enables tests that are not in a block to run. those are outdated tests in my # test suite, so this should be imho removed later, and the tests rewritten $PreviouslyGeneratedTests = @{} } $Id = Get-Id -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Previous $PreviouslyGeneratedTests } # do this setup when we are running discovery if (Is-Discovery) { $test = New-TestObject -Name $Name -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Tag $Tag -Data $Data -Id $Id -Path $path -Focus:$Focus $test.FrameworkData.Runtime.Phase = 'Discovery' Add-Test -Test $test Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope DiscoveryCore "Added test '$Name'" } else { $test = Find-CurrentTest -Name $Name -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Id $Id $test.FrameworkData.Runtime.Phase = 'Execution' Set-CurrentTest -Test $test if (-not $test.ShouldRun) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Test is excluded from run, returning" return } $test.ExecutedAt = [DateTime]::Now $test.Executed = $true # TODO: overwrite the data captured during discovery with the data, # captured during execution, to make time sensitive data closer to the execution # this should be a good choice because even though the data should not generally change # when we for example do @{ Time = (Get-Date) } or load some counter, we should get the # data from the moment of execution, not from the moment of test discovery, which can # potentially be few seconds earlier. This also means that we should never identify tests # based on their names + data because the data can change. And also that we should not show # the data from the discovery when execution will follow (so it's not just a call to Find-Test) # This choice might need to be revisited $test.Data = $Data $test.ExpandedName = & $state.ExpandName -Name $test.Name -Data $Data $block = Get-CurrentBlock Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Running test '$Name'." # TODO: no callbacks are provided because we are not transitioning between any states, # it might be nice to add a parameter to indicate that we run in the same scope # so we can avoid getting and setting the scope on scriptblock that already has that # scope, which is _potentially_ slow because of reflection, it would also allow # making the transition callbacks mandatory unless the parameter is provided $frameworkSetupResult = Invoke-ScriptBlock ` -OuterSetup @( if ($test.First) { $state.Plugin.OneTimeTestSetup | selectNonNull } ) ` -Setup @( $state.Plugin.EachTestSetup | selectNonNull ) ` -ScriptBlock {} ` -Context @{ Context = @{ # context visible to Plugins Block = $block Test = $test Configuration = $state.PluginConfiguration } } if ($frameworkSetupResult.Success) { # invokes the body of the test $testInfo = $test | &$SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -Property Name, Path # user provided data are merged with Pester provided context # TODO: use PesterContext as the name, or some other better reserved name to avoid conflicts $context = @{ # context visible in test Context = $testInfo } Merge-Hashtable -Source $test.Data -Destination $context $eachTestSetups = CombineNonNull (Recurse-Up $Block { param ($b) $b.EachTestSetup } ) $eachTestTeardowns = CombineNonNull (Recurse-Up $Block { param ($b) $b.EachTestTeardown } ) $result = Invoke-ScriptBlock ` -Setup @( if (any $eachTestSetups) { # we collect the child first but want the parent to run first [Array]::Reverse($eachTestSetups) @( { $test.FrameworkData.Runtime.ExecutionStep = 'EachTestSetup' }) + @($eachTestSetups) } # setting the execution info here so I don't have to invoke change the # contract of Invoke-ScriptBlock to accept multiple -ScriptBlock, because # that is not needed, and would complicate figuring out in which session # state we should run. # this should run every time. { $test.FrameworkData.Runtime.ExecutionStep = 'Test' } ) ` -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock ` -Teardown @( if (any $eachTestTeardowns) { @( { $test.FrameworkData.Runtime.ExecutionStep = 'EachTestTeardown' }) + @($eachTestTeardowns) } ) ` -Context $context ` -ReduceContextToInnerScope ` -OnUserScopeTransition { Switch-Timer -Scope Test } ` -OnFrameworkScopeTransition { Switch-Timer -Scope Framework } ` -NoNewScope $test.FrameworkData.Runtime.ExecutionStep = 'Finished' $test.Passed = $result.Success $test.StandardOutput = $result.StandardOutput $test.ErrorRecord = $result.ErrorRecord $test.Duration = $state.TestStopWatch.Elapsed - $testStartTime $test.FrameworkDuration = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed - $overheadStartTime } $frameworkTeardownResult = Invoke-ScriptBlock ` -ScriptBlock {} ` -Teardown @( $state.Plugin.EachTestTeardown | selectNonNull ) ` -OuterTeardown @( if ($test.Last) { $state.Plugin.OneTimeTestTeardown | selectNonNull } ) ` -Context @{ Context = @{ # context visible to Plugins Test = $test Block = $block Configuration = $state.PluginConfiguration } } if (-not $frameworkTeardownResult.Success -or -not $frameworkTeardownResult.Success) { throw $frameworkTeardownResult.ErrorRecord[-1] } } } finally { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Leaving path $($path -join '.')" $state.CurrentTest = $null $null = Pop-Scope Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Left test $Name" } } function Get-Id { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Previous, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) # give every test or block implicit id (position), so when we generate and run # them from foreach we can pair them together, even though they are # on the same position in the file $currentLocation = $ScriptBlock.StartPosition.StartLine if (-not $Previous.ContainsKey($currentLocation)) { $previousItem = New-PreviousItemObject $Previous.Add($currentLocation, $previousItem) } else { $previousItem = $previous.$currentLocation } if (-not $previousItem.Any) { 0 } else { if ($previousItem.Location -eq $currentLocation) { $position = ++$previousItem.Counter [string] $position } } $previousItem.Any = $true # counter is mutated in place above # $previousItem.Counter $previousItem.Location = $currentLocation $previousItem.Name = $Name } # endpoint for adding a setup for each test in the block function New-EachTestSetup { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { (Get-CurrentBlock).EachTestSetup = $ScriptBlock } } # endpoint for adding a teardown for each test in the block function New-EachTestTeardown { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { (Get-CurrentBlock).EachTestTeardown = $ScriptBlock } } # endpoint for adding a setup for all tests in the block function New-OneTimeTestSetup { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { (Get-CurrentBlock).OneTimeTestSetup = $ScriptBlock } } # endpoint for adding a teardown for all tests in the block function New-OneTimeTestTeardown { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { (Get-CurrentBlock).OneTimeTestTeardown = $ScriptBlock } } # endpoint for adding a setup for each block in the current block function New-EachBlockSetup { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { (Get-CurrentBlock).EachBlockSetup = $ScriptBlock } } # endpoint for adding a teardown for each block in the current block function New-EachBlockTeardown { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { (Get-CurrentBlock).EachBlockTeardown = $ScriptBlock } } # endpoint for adding a setup for all blocks in the current block function New-OneTimeBlockSetup { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { (Get-CurrentBlock).OneTimeBlockSetup = $ScriptBlock } } # endpoint for adding a teardown for all clocks in the current block function New-OneTimeBlockTeardown { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { (Get-CurrentBlock).OneTimeBlockTeardown = $ScriptBlock } } function Get-CurrentBlock { [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) $state.CurrentBlock } function Get-CurrentTest { [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) $state.CurrentTest } function Set-CurrentBlock { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Block ) $state.CurrentBlock = $Block } function Set-CurrentTest { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Test ) $state.CurrentTest = $Test } function Add-Test { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSTypeName("DiscoveredTest")] $Test ) (Get-CurrentBlock).Tests += $Test } function New-TestObject { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Name, [String[]] $Path, [String[]] $Tag, [HashTable] $Data, [String] $Id, [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [Switch] $Focus ) New_PSObject -Type DiscoveredTest @{ Name = $Name Path = $Path Tag = $Tag Focus = [Bool]$Focus Data = $Data ExpandedName = $null Block = $null Executed = $false ExecutedAt = $null Passed = $false StandardOutput = $null ErrorRecord = @() First = $false Last = $false Exclude = $false ShouldRun = $false Duration = [timespan]::Zero FrameworkDuration = [timespan]::Zero Id = $Id ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock PluginData = @{} FrameworkData = @{ Runtime = @{ Phase = $null ExecutionStep = $null } } } } function New-BlockObject { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Name, [string[]] $Path, [string[]] $Tag, [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [HashTable] $FrameworkData = @{}, [HashTable] $PluginData = @{}, [Switch] $Focus, [String] $Id ) New_PSObject -Type DiscoveredBlock @{ Name = $Name Path = $Path Tag = $Tag ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock FrameworkData = $FrameworkData PluginData = $PluginData Focus = $Focus Id = $Id Tests = @() BlockContainer = $null Root = $null IsRoot = $null Parent = $null EachTestSetup = $null OneTimeTestSetup = $null EachTestTeardown = $null OneTimeTestTeardown = $null EachBlockSetup = $null OneTimeBlockSetup = $null EachBlockTeardown = $null OneTimeBlockTeardown = $null Blocks = @() Executed = $false Passed = $false First = $false Last = $false StandardOutput = $null ErrorRecord = @() ShouldRun = $false Exclude = $false ExecutedAt = $null Duration = [timespan]::Zero FrameworkDuration = [timespan]::Zero AggregatedDuration = [timespan]::Zero AggregatedPassed = $false } } function Add-Block { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSTypeName("DiscoveredBlock")] $Block ) $currentBlock = (Get-CurrentBlock) $Block.Parent = $currentBlock $currentBlock.Blocks += $Block } function Is-Discovery { $state.Discovery } function Discover-Test { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSTypeName("BlockContainer")][PSObject[]] $BlockContainer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState, $Filter ) & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Magenta "Starting test discovery in $(@($BlockContainer).Length) files." Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Discovery -Message "Starting test discovery in $(@($BlockContainer).Length) test containers." $state.Discovery = $true $found = foreach ($container in $BlockContainer) { & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Magenta "Discovering tests in $($container.Content)" Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Discovery "Discovering tests in $($container.Content)" # this is a block object that we add so we can capture # OneTime* and Each* setups, and capture multiple blocks in a # container $root = New-BlockObject -Name "Root" Reset-PerContainerState -RootBlock $root $null = Invoke-BlockContainer -BlockContainer $container -SessionState $SessionState [PSCustomObject]@{ Container = $container Block = $root } & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Magenta "Found $(@(View-Flat -Block $root).Count) tests" Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Discovery -LazyMessage { "Found $(@(View-Flat -Block $root).Count) tests" } Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope DiscoveryCore "Discovery done in this container." } & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Magenta "Processing discovery result objects, to set root, parents, filters etc." Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Discovery "Processing discovery result objects, to set root, parents, filters etc." # if any tests / block in the suite have -Focus parameter then all filters are disregarded # and only those tests / blocks should run $focusedTests = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]@() foreach ($f in $found) { Fold-Container -Container $f.Block ` -OnTest { # add all focused tests param($t) if ($t.Focus) { $focusedTests.Add($t.Path) } } ` -OnBlock { param($b) if ($b.Focus) { # add all tests in the current block, no matter if they are focused or not Fold-Block -Block $b -OnTest { param ($t) $focusedTests.Add($t.Path) } } } } if (any $focusedTests) { & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Magenta "There are some ($($focusedTests.Count)) focused tests '$($(foreach ($p in $focusedTests) { $p -join "." }) -join ",")' running just them." Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Discovery -LazyMessage { "There are some ($($focusedTests.Count)) focused tests '$($(foreach ($p in $focusedTests) { $p -join "." }) -join ",")' running just them." } $Filter = New-FilterObject -Path $focusedTests } foreach ($f in $found) { PostProcess-DiscoveredBlock -Block $f.Block -Filter $Filter -BlockContainer $f.Container -RootBlock $f.Block $f.Block } & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Magenta "Test discovery finished." Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Discovery "Test discovery finished." } function Run-Test { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSTypeName("DiscoveredBlock")][PSObject[]] $Block, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState ) $state.Discovery = $false foreach ($rootBlock in $Block) { if (-not $rootBlock.ShouldRun) { ConvertTo-ExecutedBlockContainer -Block $rootBlock continue } Reset-PerContainerState -RootBlock $rootBlock Switch-Timer -Scope Framework $blockStartTime = $state.BlockStopWatch.Elapsed $overheadStartTime = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed try { $rootBlock.Executed = $true $rootBlock.ExecutedAt = [DateTime]::now # TODO: run container setup here, and put "path" output to plugin if ("file" -eq $rootBlock.BlockContainer.Type) { & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Magenta "Running tests from '$($rootBlock.BlockContainer.Content)'" } $null = Invoke-BlockContainer -BlockContainer $rootBlock.BlockContainer -SessionState $SessionState $rootBlock.Passed = $true } catch { $rootBlock.Passed = $false $rootBlock.ErrorRecord += $_ # TODO: run container teardown here, and put this into plugin & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Red "Container '$($rootBlock.BlockContainer.Content)' failed with `n$($_ | out-string)" } $rootBlock.Duration = $state.BlockStopWatch.Elapsed - $blockStartTime $rootBlock.FrameworkDuration = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed - $overheadStartTime PostProcess-ExecutedBlock -Block $rootBlock ConvertTo-ExecutedBlockContainer -Block $rootBlock } } function Invoke-ScriptBlock { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [ScriptBlock[]] $OuterSetup, [ScriptBlock[]] $Setup, [ScriptBlock[]] $Teardown, [ScriptBlock[]] $OuterTeardown, $Context = @{}, # define data to be shared in only in the inner scope where e.g eachTestSetup + test run but not # in the scope where OneTimeTestSetup runs, on the other hand, plugins want context # in all scopes [Switch] $ReduceContextToInnerScope, # # setup, body and teardown will all run (be-dotsourced into) # # the same scope # [Switch] $SameScope, # will dot-source the wrapper scriptblock instead of invoking it # so in combination with the SameScope switch we are effectively # running the code in the current scope [Switch] $NoNewScope, [ScriptBlock] $OnUserScopeTransition = {}, [ScriptBlock] $OnFrameworkScopeTransition = {} ) # this is what the code below does # . $OuterSetup # & { # try { # # import setup to scope # . $Setup # # executed the test code in the same scope # . $ScriptBlock # } finally { # . $Teardown # } # } # . $OuterTeardown # a similar solution was $SessionState.PSVariable.Set('a', 10) # but that sets the variable for all "scopes" in the current # scope so the value persist after the original has run which # is not correct, $wrapperScriptBlock = { # THIS RUNS (MOST OF THE TIME) IN USER SCOPE, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU PUBLISH AND CONSUME! param($______parameters) try { if ($______parameters.ContextInOuterScope) { $______outerSplat = $______parameters.Context &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Setting context variables" foreach ($______current in $______outerSplat.GetEnumerator()) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Setting context variable '$($______current.Key)' with value '$($______current.Value)'" &$______parameters.New_Variable -Name $______current.Key -Value $______current.Value -Force #-Scope Local } $______current = $null } else { $______outerSplat = @{} } if ($null -ne $______parameters.OuterSetup -and $______parameters.OuterSetup.Length -gt 0) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running outer setups" foreach ($______current in $______parameters.OuterSetup) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running outer setup { $______current }" $______parameters.CurrentlyExecutingScriptBlock = $______current . $______current @______outerSplat } $______current = $null $______parameters.OuterSetup = $null &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Done running outer setups" } else { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "There are no outer setups" } & { try { # this is needed for nonewscope so we can do two different # teardowns while running this code in the middle again (which rewrites the teardown # value in the object), this way we save the first teardown and ressurect it right before # needing it if (-not ( &$______parameters.Test_Path 'Variable:$_________teardown2')) { $_________teardown2 = $______parameters.Teardown } if (-not $______parameters.ContextInOuterScope) { $______innerSplat = $______parameters.Context &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Setting context variables" foreach ($______current in $______innerSplat.GetEnumerator()) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Setting context variable '$($______current.Key)' with value '$($______current.Value)'" &$______parameters.New_Variable -Name $______current.Key -Value $______current.Value -Force #-Scope Local } $______current = $null } else { $______innerSplat = $______outerSplat } if ($null -ne $______parameters.Setup -and $______parameters.Setup.Length -gt 0) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running inner setups" foreach ($______current in $______parameters.Setup) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running inner setup { $______current }" $______parameters.CurrentlyExecutingScriptBlock = $______current . $______current @______innerSplat } $______current = $null $______parameters.Setup = $null &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Done running inner setups" } else { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "There are no inner setups" } &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running scriptblock { $______current }" $______parameters.CurrentlyExecutingScriptBlock = $______current . $______parameters.ScriptBlock @______innerSplat &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Done running scrtptblock" } catch { $______parameters.ErrorRecord += $_ &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Fail running setups or scriptblock" } finally { # this is needed for nonewscope so we can do two different # teardowns while running this code in the middle again (which rewrites the teardown # value in the object) if ((&$______parameters.Test_Path 'variable:_________teardown2')) { # soo we are running the one time test teadown in the same scope as # each block teardown and it overwrites it $______parameters.Teardown = $_________teardown2 &$______parameters.Remove_Variable _________teardown2 } if ($null -ne $______parameters.Teardown -and $______parameters.Teardown.Length -gt 0) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running inner teardowns" foreach ($______current in $______parameters.Teardown) { try { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running inner teardown { $______current }" $______parameters.CurrentlyExecutingScriptBlock = $______current . $______current @______innerSplat &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Done running inner teardown" } catch { $______parameters.ErrorRecord += $_ &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Fail running inner teardown" } } $______current = $null # nulling this variable is important when we run without new scope # then $______parameters.Teardown remains set and EachBlockTeardown # runs twice $______parameters.Teardown = $null &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Done running inner teardowns" } else { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "There are no inner teardowns" } } } } finally { if ($null -ne $______parameters.OuterTeardown -and $______parameters.OuterTeardown.Length -gt 0) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running outer teardowns" foreach ($______current in $______parameters.OuterTeardown) { try { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running outer teardown { $______current }" $______parameters.CurrentlyExecutingScriptBlock = $______current . $______current @______outerSplat &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Done running outer teardown" } catch { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Fail running outer teardown" $______parameters.ErrorRecord += $_ } } $______parameters.OuterTeardown = $null $______current = $null &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Done running outer teardowns" } else { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "There are no outer teardowns" } } } $flags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Instance,NonPublic' $SessionState = $ScriptBlock.GetType().GetProperty("SessionState", $flags).GetValue($ScriptBlock, $null) $SessionStateInternal = $SessionState.GetType().GetProperty('Internal', $flags).GetValue($SessionState, $null) # attach the original session state to the wrapper scriptblock # making it invoke in the same scope as $ScriptBlock $wrapperScriptBlock.GetType().GetProperty('SessionStateInternal', $flags).SetValue($wrapperScriptBlock, $SessionStateInternal, $null) $break = $true $err = $null try { $parameters = @{ ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock OuterSetup = $OuterSetup Setup = $Setup Teardown = $Teardown OuterTeardown = $OuterTeardown # SameScope = $SameScope CurrentlyExecutingScriptBlock = $null ErrorRecord = @() Context = $Context ContextInOuterScope = -not $ReduceContextToInnerScope WriteDebug = { param($Message) Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope "CoreRuntime" $Message } Test_Path = $SafeCommands['Test-Path'] New_Variable = $SafeCommands['New-Variable'] Remove_Variable = $SafeCommands['Remove-Variable'] } # here we are moving into the user scope if the provided # scriptblock was bound to user scope, so we want to take some actions # typically switching between user and framework timer. There are still tiny pieces of # framework code running in the scriptblock but we can safely ignore those becasue they are # just logging, so the time difference is miniscule. # The code might also run just in framework scope, in that case the callback can remain empty, # eg when we are invoking framework setup. & $OnUserScopeTransition do { $standardOutput = if ($NoNewScope) { . $wrapperScriptBlock $parameters } else { & $wrapperScriptBlock $parameters } # if the code reaches here we did not break $break = $false } while ($false) } catch { $err = $_ } & $OnFrameworkScopeTransition $errors = @( ($parameters.ErrorRecord + $err) | selectNonNull ) return New_PSObject -Type ScriptBlockInvocationResult @{ Success = 0 -eq $errors.Length ErrorRecord = $errors StandardOutput = $standardOutput Break = $break } } function Reset-TestSuiteTimer { if ($null -eq $state.TotalStopWatch) { $state.TotalStopWatch = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() } if ($null -eq $state.TestStopWatch) { $state.TestStopWatch = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() } if ($null -eq $state.BlockStopWatch) { $state.BlockStopWatch = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() } if ($null -eq $state.FrameworkStopWatch) { $state.FrameworkStopWatch = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() } $state.TotalStopWatch.Restart() $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Restart() $state.BlockStopWatch.Reset() $state.TestStopWatch.Reset() } function Switch-Timer { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet("Framework", "Block", "Test")] $Scope ) switch ($Scope) { "Framework" { # running in framework code adds time only to the overhead timer $state.TestStopWatch.Stop() $state.BlockStopWatch.Stop() $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Start() } "Block" { $state.TestStopWatch.Stop() $state.BlockStopWatch.Start() $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Stop() } "Test" { $state.TestStopWatch.Start() $state.BlockStopWatch.Stop() $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Stop() } default { throw [ArgumentException]"" } } } function Find-CurrentTest { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [String] $Id ) $block = Get-CurrentBlock # TODO: optimize this if too slow $testCanditates = @($block.Tests | where { $_.ScriptBlock.StartPosition.StartLine -eq $ScriptBlock.StartPosition.StartLine -and $_.Id -eq $Id }) if ($testCanditates.Length -eq 1) { $testCanditates[0] } elseif ($testCanditates.Length -gt 1) { throw "Found more than one test that starts on line $($ScriptBlock.StartPosition.StartLine) and has Id '$Id' (name: $Name). How is that possible are you putting all your code in one line?" } else { throw "Did not find the test '$($Name)' with Id '$Id' that starts on line $($ScriptBlock.StartPosition.StartLine), how is this possible?" } } function Find-CurrentBlock { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Block, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Id ) # TODO: optimize this if too slow $blockCanditates = @($block.Blocks | where { $_.ScriptBlock.StartPosition.StartLine -eq $ScriptBlock.StartPosition.StartLine -and $_.Id -eq $Id }) if ($blockCanditates.Length -eq 1) { $blockCanditates[0] } elseif ($blockCanditates.Length -gt 1) { throw "Found more than one block that starts on line $($ScriptBlock.StartPosition.StartLine) and has Id '$Id' (name: $Name). How is that possible are you putting all your code in one line?" } else { throw "Did not find the block '$($Name)' with Id '$Id' that starts on line $($ScriptBlock.StartPosition.StartLine), how is this possible?" } } function Test-ShouldRun { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Test, $Filter, $Hint ) # TODO: this filters both blocks and tests, the $Test parameter needs to be renamed # so the logic here is that you first try all exclude filters, and if any exludes then you return false # then you try all other filters and if then do not match you fall to the next one (giving it chance to ) # match other filters, then in the end you return true or null (maybe) to indicate whether there were any # filters at all # then the consuming code knows that when false returns the item was explicitly excluded, when null returns # you might include it when it is a block and some of its children should run, # or you exlude it when it is a test and you get false or null $anyIncludeFilters = $false $fullTestPath = $Test.Path -join "." if ($null -eq $Filter) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "($fullTestPath) $Hint is included, because there is no filter." return $true } # test is excluded when any of the exclude tags match $tagFilter = tryGetProperty $Filter ExcludeTag if (any $tagFilter) { foreach ($f in $tagFilter) { foreach ($t in $Test.Tag) { if ($t -like $f) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "($fullTestPath) $Hint is excluded, because it's tag '$t' matches exclude tag filter '$f'." return $false } } } } # test is included when it has tags and the any of the tags match $tagFilter = tryGetProperty $Filter Tag if (any $tagFilter) { $anyIncludeFilters = $true if (none $test.Tag) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "($fullTestPath) $Hint might be excluded, beause there is a tag filter $($tagFilter -join ", ") and the test has no tags." } else { foreach ($f in $tagFilter) { foreach ($t in $Test.Tag) { if ($t -like $f) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "($fullTestPath) $Hint is included, because it's tag '$t' matches tag filter '$f'." return $true } } } } } $allPaths = tryGetProperty $Filter Path | % { $_ -join '.' } if (any $allPaths) { $anyIncludeFilters = $true $include = $allPaths -contains $fullTestPath if ($include) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "($fullTestPath) $Hint is included, because it matches full path filter." return $true } else { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "($fullTestPath) $Hint might be excluded, because its full path does not match the path filter." } } if ($anyIncludeFilters) { # there were filters but the item did not match any of them # but also was not explicitly excluded $null } else { # there were no filters $true } } function Invoke-Test { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSTypeName("BlockContainer")][PSObject[]] $BlockContainer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState, $Filter, $Plugin, $PluginConfiguration ) $state.Plugin = $Plugin $state.PluginConfiguration = $PluginConfiguration # # TODO: this it potentially unreliable, because supressed errors are written to Error as well. And the errors are captured only from the caller state. So let's use it only as a useful indicator during migration and see how it works in production code. # # finding if there were any non-terminating errors during the run, user can clear the array, and the array has fixed size so we can't just try to detect if there is any difference by counts before and after. So I capture the last known error in that state and try to find it in the array after the run # $originalErrors = $SessionState.PSVariable.Get("Error").Value # $originalLastError = $originalErrors[0] # $originalErrorCount = $originalErrors.Count $found = Discover-Test -BlockContainer $BlockContainer -Filter $Filter -SessionState $SessionState # $errs = $SessionState.PSVariable.Get("Error").Value # $errsCount = $errs.Count # if ($errsCount -lt $originalErrorCount) { # # it would be possible to detect that there are 0 errors, in the array and continue, # # but this still indicates the user code is running where it should not, so let's throw anyway # throw "Test discovery failed. The error count ($errsCount) after running discovery is lower than the error count before discovery ($originalErrorCount). Is some of your code running outside Pester controlled blocks and it clears the `$error array by calling `$error.Clear()?" # } if ($originalErrorCount -lt $errsCount) { # probably the most usual case, there are more errors then there were before, # so some were written to the screen, this also runs when the user cleared the # array and wrote more errors than there originally were $i = $errsCount - $originalErrorCount } else { # there is equal amount of errors, the array was probabably full and so the original # error shifted towards the end of the array, we try to find it and see how many new # errors are there for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $errsLength; $i++) { if ([object]::referenceEquals($errs[$i], $lastError)) { break } } } if (0 -ne $i) { throw "Test discovery failed. There were $i non-terminating errors during test discovery. This indicates that some of your code is invoked outside of Pester controlled blocks and fails. No tests will be run." } Run-Test -Block $found -SessionState $SessionState } function PostProcess-DiscoveredBlock { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [PSTypeName("DiscoveredBlock")][PSObject] $Block, [PSTypeName("Filter")] $Filter, [PSTypeName("BlockContainer")] $BlockContainer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSTypeName("DiscoveredBlock")][PSObject] $RootBlock ) # traverses the block structure after a block was found and # link childs to their parents, filter blocks and tests to # determine which should run, and mark blocks and tests # as first or last to know when one time setups & teardowns should run $Block.IsRoot = $Block -eq $RootBlock $Block.Root = $RootBlock $Block.BlockContainer = $BlockContainer $Block.FrameworkData.PreviouslyGeneratedTests = @{} $Block.FrameworkData.PreviouslyGeneratedBlocks = @{} $tests = $Block.Tests # block should run when the result is $true, or $null but not when it $false # because $false means that the block was explicitly excluded from the run # but $null means that the block did not match the filter but still can have some # children that might match the filter $parentBlockIsExcluded = -not $Block.IsRoot -and $Block.Parent.Exclude $Block.Exclude = $blockIsExcluded = $parentBlockIsExcluded -or ($false -eq (Test-ShouldRun -Test $Block -Filter $Filter -Hint "Block")) $blockShouldRun = $false if (any $tests) { foreach ($t in $tests) { $t.Block = $Block # test should run when the result is $true, but not when it is $null or $false # because tests don't have any children, so not matching the filter means they should not run $t.ShouldRun = -not $blockIsExcluded -and ([bool] (Test-ShouldRun -Test $t -Filter $Filter -Hint "Test")) } if (-not $blockIsExcluded) { $testsToRun = $tests | where { $_.ShouldRun } if (any $testsToRun) { $testsToRun[0].First = $true $testsToRun[-1].Last = $true $blockShouldRun = $true } } } $childBlocks = $Block.Blocks $anyChildBlockShouldRun = $false if (any $childBlocks) { foreach ($cb in $childBlocks) { $cb.Parent = $Block PostProcess-DiscoveredBlock -Block $cb -Filter $Filter -BlockContainer $BlockContainer -RootBlock $RootBlock } $childBlocksToRun = $childBlocks | where { $_.ShouldRun } $anyChildBlockShouldRun = any $childBlocksToRun if ($anyChildBlockShouldRun) { $childBlocksToRun[0].First = $true $childBlocksToRun[-1].Last = $true } } $Block.ShouldRun = $blockShouldRun -or $anyChildBlockShouldRun } function PostProcess-ExecutedBlock { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [PSTypeName("DiscoveredBlock")][PSObject[]] $Block ) # traverses the block structure after a block was executed and # and sets the failures correctly so the aggreagatted failures # propagate towards the root so if a child test fails it's block # aggregated result should be marked as failed process { foreach ($b in $Block) { $thisBlockFailed = -not $b.Passed $tests = $b.Tests $anyTestFailed = any ($tests | where { $_.Executed -and -not $_.Passed }) $testDuration = sum $tests 'Duration' ([TimeSpan]::Zero) $childBlocks = $b.Blocks $anyChildBlockFailed = $false $aggregatedChildDuration = [TimeSpan]::Zero if (any $childBlocks) { foreach ($cb in $childBlocks) { PostProcess-ExecutedBlock -Block $cb } $aggregatedChildDuration = sum $childBlocks 'AggregatedDuration' ([TimeSpan]::Zero) $anyChildBlockFailed = any ($childBlocks | where { $_.Executed -and -not $_.Passed }) } $b.AggregatedPassed = -not ($thisBlockFailed -or $anyTestFailed -or $anyChildBlockFailed) $b.AggregatedDuration = $b.Duration + $testDuration + $aggregatedChildDuration } } } function Where-Failed { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Block ) $Block | View-Flat | Where { -not $_.Passed } } function View-Flat { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Block ) begin { $tests = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]@() } process { # TODO: normally I would output to pipeline but in fold there is accumulator and so it does not output foreach ($b in $Block) { Fold-Container $b -OnTest { param($t) $tests.Add($t) } } } end { $tests } } function flattenBlock ($Block, $Accumulator) { $Accumulator += $Block if ($Block.Blocks.Length -eq 0) { return $Accumulator } foreach ($bl in $Block.Blocks) { flattenBlock -Block $bl -Accumulator $Accumulator } $Accumulator } function New-FilterObject { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [String[][]] $Path, [String[]] $Tag, [String[]] $ExcludeTag ) New_PSObject -Type "Filter" -Property @{ Path = $Path Tag = $Tag ExcludeTag = $ExcludeTag } } function New-PluginObject { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Name, [Hashtable] $Configuration, [ScriptBlock] $OneTimeBlockSetup, [ScriptBlock] $EachBlockSetup, [ScriptBlock] $OneTimeTestSetup, [ScriptBlock] $EachTestSetup, [ScriptBlock] $EachTestTeardown, [ScriptBlock] $OneTimeTestTeardown, [ScriptBlock] $EachBlockTeardown, [ScriptBlock] $OneTimeBlockTeardown ) New_PSObject -Type "Plugin" @{ Configuration = $Configuration OneTimeBlockSetup = $OneTimeBlockSetup EachBlockSetup = $EachBlockSetup OneTimeTestSetup = $OneTimeTestSetup EachTestSetup = $EachTestSetup EachTestTeardown = $EachTestTeardown OneTimeTestTeardown = $OneTimeTestTeardown EachBlockTeardown = $EachBlockTeardown OneTimeBlockTeardown = $OneTimeBlockTeardown } } function Invoke-BlockContainer { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] # relaxing the type here, I need it to have two forms and # PowerShell cannot do that probably # [PSTypeName("BlockContainer"] | [PSTypeName("DiscoveredBlockContainer")] $BlockContainer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState ) switch ($BlockContainer.Type) { "ScriptBlock" { & $BlockContainer.Content } "File" { Invoke-File -Path $BlockContainer.Content.PSPath -SessionState $SessionState } default { throw [System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException]"" } } } function New-BlockContainerObject { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "ScriptBlock")] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Path")] [String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "File")] [System.IO.FileInfo] $File ) $type, $content = switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "ScriptBlock" { "ScriptBlock", $ScriptBlock } "Path" { "File", (Get-Item $Path) } "File" { "File", $File } default { throw [System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException]"" } } New_PSObject -Type "BlockContainer" @{ Type = $type Content = $content } } function New-DiscoveredBlockContainerObject { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSTypeName('BlockContainer')] $BlockContainer, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSTypeName('DiscoveredBlock')][PSObject[]] $Block ) New_PSObject -Type "DiscoveredBlockContainer" @{ Type = $BlockContainer.Type Content = $BlockContainer.Content # I create a Root block to keep the discovery unaware of containers, # but I don't want to publish that root block because it contains properties # that do not make sense on container level like Name and Parent, # so here we don't want to take the root block but the blocks inside of it # and copy the rest of the meaningful properties Blocks = $Block.Blocks } } function Invoke-File { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState ) $sb = { param ($p) . $($p; Remove-Variable -Scope Local -Name p) } $flags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Instance,NonPublic' $SessionStateInternal = $SessionState.GetType().GetProperty('Internal', $flags).GetValue($SessionState, $null) # attach the original session state to the wrapper scriptblock # making it invoke in the caller session state $sb.GetType().GetProperty('SessionStateInternal', $flags).SetValue($sb, $SessionStateInternal, $null) # dot source the caller bound scriptblock which imports it into user scope & $sb $Path } function Import-Dependency { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Dependency, # [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState ) if ($Dependency -is [ScriptBlock]) { . $Dependency } else { # when importing a file we need to # dot source it into the user scope, the path has # no bound session state, so simply dot sourcing it would # import it into module scope # instead we wrap it into a scriptblock that we attach to user # scope, and dot source the file, that will import the functions into # that script block, and then we dot source it again to import it # into the caller scope, effectively defining the functions there $sb = { param ($p) . $($p; Remove-Variable -Scope Local -Name p) } $flags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Instance,NonPublic' $SessionStateInternal = $SessionState.GetType().GetProperty('Internal', $flags).GetValue($SessionState, $null) # attach the original session state to the wrapper scriptblock # making it invoke in the caller session state $sb.GetType().GetProperty('SessionStateInternal', $flags).SetValue($sb, $SessionStateInternal, $null) # dot source the caller bound scriptblock which imports it into user scope . $sb $Dependency } } function Add-FrameworkDependency { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Dependency ) # adds dependency that is dotsourced during discovery & execution # this should be rarely needed, but is useful when you wrap Pester pieces # into your own functions, and want to have them available during both # discovery and execution Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Adding framework dependency '$Dependency'" Import-Dependency -Dependency $Dependency -SessionState $SessionState } function Add-Dependency { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Dependency, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState ) # adds dependency that is dotsourced after discovery and before execution if (-not (Is-Discovery)) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Adding run-time dependency '$Dependency'" Import-Dependency -Dependency $Dependency -SessionState $SessionState } } function Add-FreeFloatingCode { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) # runs piece of code during execution, useful for backwards compatibility # when you have stuff laying around inbetween describes and want to run it # only during execution and not twice. works the same as Add-Dependency, but I name # it differently because this is a bad-practice mitigation tool and should probably # write a warning to make you use Before* blocks instead if (-not (Is-Discovery)) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Invoking free floating piece of code" Import-Dependency $ScriptBlock } } function New-ParametrizedTest () { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [String[]] $Tag = @(), [HashTable[]] $Data = @{}, [Switch] $Focus, [String] $Id ) Switch-Timer -Scope Framework $counter = 0 $hasExternalId = -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Id) foreach ($d in $Data) { # no when there is no external id we rely on the internal # logic to do it's test duplication prevention thing, # otherwise we attach our id, so the user can provide their own external ids # this would fail when the count of the test cases would change between discovery # and run, so this might need an option to provide explicit ids for the test cases if the logic # here proves to be not sufficient $innerId = if (-not $hasExternalId) { $null } else { "$Id-$(($counter++))" } New-Test -Id $innerId -Name $Name -Tag $Tag -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Data $d -Focus:$Focus } } function Recurse-Up { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $InputObject, [ScriptBlock] $Action ) $i = $InputObject $level = 0 while ($null -ne $i) { &$Action $i $level-- $i = $i.Parent } } function New-PreviousItemObject { param () New_PSObject -Type 'PreviousItemInfo' @{ Any = $false Location = 0 Counter = 0 # just for debugging, not being able to use the name to identify tests, because of # potential expanding variables in the names, is the whole reason the position of the # sb is used Name = $null } } Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\stack.psm1 -DisableNameChecking # initialize internal state Reset-TestSuiteState Export-ModuleMember -Function @( # the core stuff I am mostly sure about 'Reset-TestSuiteState' 'New-Block' 'New-Test' 'New-ParametrizedTest' 'New-EachTestSetup' 'New-EachTestTeardown' 'New-OneTimeTestSetup' 'New-OneTimeTestTeardown' 'New-EachBlockSetup' 'New-EachBlockTeardown' 'New-OneTimeBlockSetup' 'New-OneTimeBlockTeardown' 'Add-Dependency' 'Add-FrameworkDependency' 'Add-FreeFloatingCode' 'Invoke-Test', 'Find-Test', # here I have doubts if that is too much to expose 'Get-CurrentTest' 'Get-CurrentBlock' 'Recurse-Up', 'Is-Discovery' # those are quickly implemented to be useful for demo 'Where-Failed' 'View-Flat' # those need to be refined and probably wrapped to something # that is like an object builder 'New-FilterObject' 'New-PluginObject' 'New-BlockContainerObject' ) # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIcVgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIcRzCCHEMCAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMGkGCisGAQQB # gjcCAQSgWzBZMDQGCisGAQQBgjcCAR4wJgIDAQAABBAfzDtgWUsITrck0sYpfvNR # AgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQUUMByHB5IXBj2Q5W1LU1TQWr3 # ag2ggheFMIIFDjCCA/agAwIBAgIQAkpwj7JyQh8pn8abOhJIUDANBgkqhkiG9w0B # AQsFADByMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlnaUNlcnQgSW5jMRkwFwYD # VQQLExB3d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMTEwLwYDVQQDEyhEaWdpQ2VydCBTSEEyIEFz # c3VyZWQgSUQgQ29kZSBTaWduaW5nIENBMB4XDTE4MTEyNzAwMDAwMFoXDTE5MTIw # MjEyMDAwMFowSzELMAkGA1UEBhMCQ1oxDjAMBgNVBAcTBVByYWhhMRUwEwYDVQQK # DAxKYWt1YiBKYXJlxaExFTATBgNVBAMMDEpha3ViIEphcmXFoTCCASIwDQYJKoZI # hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKgBHbFhyeivpcxqohppsNGucvZvAyvg3gKT # M1B6EpI18C6NN7FXWTPym9ffe1kS5ZeYDKW98NcOBArm28mdgip6WcUQ0qMt9lI8 # EsTa4Ohlkj/AYYUdgh96zgIl/V+MIO3JVAY3OwkWjkfDKVbzrNG5IcO5yKfwnt8/ # a238OS/VlFNsNELGW7XIQBD/rKrEDY8JZReIrkz6sGdba+3OcXBClp513JFniVgD # vOXo2RDUqtnpFuCdsthe8hWXtpbcjIpFykLzNcNA+2GIbwbBG5XKXsN0ZJsbrWVA # RiwNoDN+Fh3pe5rxGVfMDHdXt1I0KpJbFlGB4P7Sy2Mh5CTwRyUCAwEAAaOCAcUw # ggHBMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFFrEuXsqCqOl6nEDwGD5LfZldQ5YMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSw # +E81VeF9HSgNxUARWWqXFWZrZjAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCB4AwEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYI # KwYBBQUHAwMwdwYDVR0fBHAwbjA1oDOgMYYvaHR0cDovL2NybDMuZGlnaWNlcnQu # 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