
$Script:ReportStrings = DATA {
        StartMessage   = "Executing all tests in '{0}'"
        FilterMessage  = ' matching test name {0}'
        TagMessage     = ' with Tags {0}'
        MessageOfs     = "', '"

        CoverageTitle   = 'Code coverage report:'
        CoverageMessage = 'Covered {2:P2} of {3:N0} analyzed {0} in {4:N0} {1}.'
        MissedSingular  = 'Missed command:'
        MissedPlural    = 'Missed commands:'
        CommandSingular = 'Command'
        CommandPlural   = 'Commands'
        FileSingular    = 'File'
        FilePlural      = 'Files'

        Describe = 'Describing {0}'
        Script   = 'Executing script {0}'
        Context  = 'Context {0}'
        Margin   = ' '
        Timing   = 'Tests completed in {0}'

        # If this is set to an empty string, the count won't be printed
        ContextsPassed = ''
        ContextsFailed = ''

        TestsPassed       = 'Tests Passed: {0}, '
        TestsFailed       = 'Failed: {0}, '
        TestsSkipped      = 'Skipped: {0}, '
        TestsPending      = 'Pending: {0}, '
        TestsInconclusive = 'Inconclusive: {0} '

$Script:ReportTheme = DATA {
        Describe       = 'Green'
        DescribeDetail = 'DarkYellow'
        Context        = 'Cyan'
        ContextDetail  = 'DarkCyan'
        Pass           = 'DarkGreen'
        PassTime       = 'DarkGray'
        Fail           = 'Red'
        FailTime       = 'DarkGray'
        Skipped        = 'Yellow'
        Pending        = 'Gray'
        Inconclusive   = 'Gray'
        Incomplete     = 'Yellow'
        IncompleteTime = 'DarkGray'
        Foreground     = 'White'
        Information    = 'DarkGray'
        Coverage       = 'White'
        CoverageWarn   = 'DarkRed'

function Format-PesterPath ($Path, [String]$Delimiter) {
    # -is check is not enough for the arrays, the incoming value will likely be object[]
    # so we have to check if we can upcast to our required type

    if ($null -eq $Path)
    elseif ($Path -is [String])
    elseif ($Path -is [hashtable])
        # a well formed pester hashtable contains Path
    elseif ($null -ne ($path -as [hashtable[]]))
        ($path | foreach { $_.Path }) -join $Delimiter
    # needs to stay at the bottom because almost everything can be upcast to array of string
    elseif ($Path -as [String[]])
        $Path -join $Delimiter
function Write-PesterStart {
        [Parameter(mandatory=$true, valueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Path = '.'
    process {
        if(-not ( $pester.Show | Has-Flag 'All, Fails, Header')) { return }

        $OFS = $ReportStrings.MessageOfs

        $message = $ReportStrings.StartMessage -f (Format-PesterPath $Path -Delimiter $OFS)
        if ($PesterState.TestNameFilter) {
           $message += $ReportStrings.FilterMessage -f "$($PesterState.TestNameFilter)"
        if ($PesterState.TagFilter) {
           $message += $ReportStrings.TagMessage -f "$($PesterState.TagFilter)"

        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] $message -Foreground $ReportTheme.Foreground

function Write-Describe {
    param (
        [Parameter(mandatory=$true, valueFromPipeline=$true)]

        [string] $CommandUsed = 'Describe'
    process {
        if(-not ( $pester.Show | Has-Flag Describe)) { return }

        $margin = $ReportStrings.Margin * $pester.IndentLevel

        $Text = if($Describe.PSObject.Properties['Name'] -and $Describe.Name) {
            $ReportStrings.$CommandUsed -f $Describe.Name
        } else {
            $ReportStrings.$CommandUsed -f $Describe

        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host']
        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] "${margin}${Text}" -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Describe
        # If the feature has a longer description, write that too
        if($Describe.PSObject.Properties['Description'] -and $Describe.Description) {
            $Describe.Description -split "$([System.Environment]::NewLine)" | ForEach {
                & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.Margin * ($pester.IndentLevel + 1)) $_ -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.DescribeDetail

function Write-Context {
    param (
        [Parameter(mandatory=$true, valueFromPipeline=$true)]
    process {
        if(-not ( $pester.Show | Has-Flag Context)) { return }
        $Text = if($Context.PSObject.Properties['Name'] -and $Context.Name) {
                $ReportStrings.Context -f $Context.Name
            } else {
                $ReportStrings.Context -f $Context

        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host']
        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.Margin + $Text) -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Context
        # If the scenario has a longer description, write that too
        if($Context.PSObject.Properties['Description'] -and $Context.Description) {
            $Context.Description -split "$([System.Environment]::NewLine)" | ForEach {
                & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] (" " * $ReportStrings.Context.Length) $_ -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.ContextDetail

function ConvertTo-PesterResult {
        [String] $Name,
        [Nullable[TimeSpan]] $Time,
        [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrorRecord

    $testResult = @{
        name = $Name
        time = $time
        failureMessage = ""
        stackTrace = ""
        ErrorRecord = $null
        success = $false
        result = "Failed"

    if(-not $ErrorRecord)
        $testResult.Result = "Passed"
        $testResult.success = $true
        return $testResult

    if ($ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorID -eq 'PesterAssertionFailed')
        # we use TargetObject to pass structured information about the error.
        $details = $ErrorRecord.TargetObject

        $failureMessage = $details.Message
        $file = $details.File
        $line = $details.Line
        $Text = $details.LineText
    elseif ($ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq 'PesterTestInconclusive')
        # we use TargetObject to pass structured information about the error.
        $details = $ErrorRecord.TargetObject

        $failureMessage = $details.Message
        $file = $details.File
        $line = $details.Line
        $text = $details.LineText

        $testResult.Result = 'Inconclusive'
        $failureMessage = $ErrorRecord.ToString()
        $file = $ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo.ScriptName
        $line = $ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
        $Text = $ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo.Line

    $testResult.failureMessage = $failureMessage
    $testResult.stackTrace = "at <ScriptBlock>, ${file}: line ${line}$([System.Environment]::NewLine)${line}: ${Text}"
    $testResult.ErrorRecord = $ErrorRecord

    return $testResult

function Remove-Comments ($Text)
    $text -replace "(?s)(<#.*#>)" -replace "\#.*"

function Write-PesterResult {
    param (
        [Parameter(mandatory=$true, valueFromPipeline=$true)]

    process {
        $quiet = $pester.Show -eq [Pester.OutputTypes]::None
        $OutputType = [Pester.OutputTypes] $TestResult.Result
        $writeToScreen = $pester.Show | Has-Flag $OutputType
        $skipOutput = $quiet -or (-not $writeToScreen)

        if ($skipOutput)

        $margin = $ReportStrings.Margin * ($pester.IndentLevel + 1)
        $error_margin = $margin + $ReportStrings.Margin
        $output = $
        $humanTime = Get-HumanTime $TestResult.Time.TotalSeconds

        if (-not ($OutputType | Has-Flag 'Default, Summary'))
            switch ($TestResult.Result)
                Passed {
                    & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Pass "$margin[+] $output " -NoNewLine
                    & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.PassTime $humanTime

                Failed {
                    & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Fail "$margin[-] $output " -NoNewLine
                    & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.FailTime $humanTime

                    if($pester.IncludeVSCodeMarker) {
                        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Fail $($TestResult.stackTrace -replace '(?m)^',$error_margin)
                        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Fail $($TestResult.failureMessage -replace '(?m)^',$error_margin)
                    else {
                        $TestResult.ErrorRecord |
                        ConvertTo-FailureLines |
                        foreach {$_.Message + $_.Trace} |
                        foreach { & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Fail $($_ -replace '(?m)^',$error_margin) }

                Skipped {
                    & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Skipped "$margin[!] $output $humanTime"

                Pending {
                    & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Pending "$margin[?] $output $humanTime"

                Inconclusive {
                    & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Inconclusive "$margin[?] $output $humanTime"

                    if ($testresult.FailureMessage) {
                        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Inconclusive $($TestResult.failureMessage -replace '(?m)^',$error_margin)

                    & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Inconclusive $($TestResult.stackTrace -replace '(?m)^',$error_margin)

                default {
                    # TODO: Add actual Incomplete status as default rather than checking for null time.
                    if($null -eq $TestResult.Time) {
                        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Incomplete "$margin[?] $output " -NoNewLine
                        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.IncompleteTime $humanTime

function Write-PesterReport {
    param (
        [Parameter(mandatory=$true, valueFromPipeline=$true)]
    if(-not ($PesterState.Show | Has-Flag Summary)) { return }

    & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.Timing -f (Get-HumanTime $PesterState.Time.TotalSeconds)) -Foreground $ReportTheme.Foreground

    $Success, $Failure = if($PesterState.FailedCount -gt 0) {
                            $ReportTheme.Foreground, $ReportTheme.Fail
                         } else {
                            $ReportTheme.Pass, $ReportTheme.Information
    $Skipped = if($PesterState.SkippedCount -gt 0) { $ReportTheme.Skipped } else { $ReportTheme.Information }
    $Pending = if($PesterState.PendingCount -gt 0) { $ReportTheme.Pending } else { $ReportTheme.Information }
    $Inconclusive = if($PesterState.InconclusiveCount -gt 0) { $ReportTheme.Inconclusive } else { $ReportTheme.Information }

    Try {
        $PesterStatePassedScenariosCount = $PesterState.PassedScenarios.Count
    Catch {
        $PesterStatePassedScenariosCount = 0

    Try {
        $PesterStateFailedScenariosCount = $PesterState.FailedScenarios.Count
    Catch {
        $PesterStateFailedScenariosCount = 0

    if($ReportStrings.ContextsPassed) {
        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.ContextsPassed -f $PesterStatePassedScenariosCount) -Foreground $Success -NoNewLine
        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.ContextsFailed -f $PesterStateFailedScenariosCount) -Foreground $Failure
    if($ReportStrings.TestsPassed) {
        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.TestsPassed -f $PesterState.PassedCount) -Foreground $Success -NoNewLine
        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.TestsFailed -f $PesterState.FailedCount) -Foreground $Failure -NoNewLine
        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.TestsSkipped -f $PesterState.SkippedCount) -Foreground $Skipped -NoNewLine
        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.TestsPending -f $PesterState.PendingCount) -Foreground $Pending -NoNewLine
        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.TestsInconclusive -f $PesterState.InconclusiveCount) -Foreground $Inconclusive

function Write-CoverageReport {
    param ([object] $CoverageReport)

    if ($null -eq $CoverageReport -or ($pester.Show -eq [Pester.OutputTypes]::None) -or $CoverageReport.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed -eq 0)

    $totalCommandCount = $CoverageReport.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed
    $fileCount = $CoverageReport.NumberOfFilesAnalyzed
    $executedPercent = ($CoverageReport.NumberOfCommandsExecuted / $CoverageReport.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed).ToString("P2")

    $command = if ($totalCommandCount -gt 1) { $ReportStrings.CommandPlural } else { $ReportStrings.CommandSingular }
    $file = if ($fileCount -gt 1) { $ReportStrings.FilePlural } else { $ReportStrings.FileSingular }

    $commonParent = Get-CommonParentPath -Path $CoverageReport.AnalyzedFiles
    $report = $CoverageReport.MissedCommands | & $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -Property @(
        @{ Name = 'File'; Expression = { Get-RelativePath -Path $_.File -RelativeTo $commonParent } }

    & $SafeCommands['Write-Host']
    & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] $ReportStrings.CoverageTitle -Foreground $ReportTheme.Coverage

    if ($CoverageReport.MissedCommands.Count -gt 0)
        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.CoverageMessage -f $command, $file, $executedPercent, $totalCommandCount, $fileCount) -Foreground $ReportTheme.CoverageWarn
        if ($CoverageReport.MissedCommands.Count -eq 1)
            & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] $ReportStrings.MissedSingular -Foreground $ReportTheme.CoverageWarn
        } else {
            & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] $ReportStrings.MissedPlural -Foreground $ReportTheme.CoverageWarn
        $report | & $SafeCommands['Format-Table'] -AutoSize | & $SafeCommands['Out-Host']
    } else {
        & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.CoverageMessage -f $command, $file, $executedPercent, $totalCommandCount, $fileCount) -Foreground $ReportTheme.Coverage

function ConvertTo-FailureLines
    param (
        [Parameter(mandatory=$true, valueFromPipeline=$true)]
    process {
        $lines = & $script:SafeCommands['New-Object'] psobject -Property @{
            Message = @()
            Trace = @()

        ## convert the exception messages
        $exception = $ErrorRecord.Exception
        $exceptionLines = @()

        while ($exception)
            $exceptionName = $exception.GetType().Name
            $thisLines = $exception.Message.Split([string[]]($([System.Environment]::NewLine),"\n","`n"), [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
            if ($ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId -ne 'PesterAssertionFailed')
                $thisLines[0] = "$exceptionName`: $($thisLines[0])"
            $exceptionLines += $thisLines
            $exception = $exception.InnerException
        $lines.Message += $exceptionLines
        if ($ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq 'PesterAssertionFailed')
            $lines.Message += "$($ErrorRecord.TargetObject.Line)`: $($ErrorRecord.TargetObject.LineText)".Split([string[]]($([System.Environment]::NewLine),"\n","`n"),  [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)

        if ( -not ($ErrorRecord | & $SafeCommands['Get-Member'] -Name ScriptStackTrace) )
            if ($ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorID -eq 'PesterAssertionFailed')
                $lines.Trace += "at line: $($ErrorRecord.TargetObject.Line) in $($ErrorRecord.TargetObject.File)"
                $lines.Trace += "at line: $($ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber) in $($ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo.ScriptName)"
            return $lines

        ## convert the stack trace if present (there might be none if we are raising the error ourselves)
        # todo: this is a workaround see
        if ($null -ne $ErrorRecord.ScriptStackTrace) {
            $traceLines = $ErrorRecord.ScriptStackTrace.Split([Environment]::NewLine, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)

        $count = 0

        # omit the lines internal to Pester

        If ((GetPesterOS) -ne 'Windows') {

            [String]$pattern1 = '^at (Invoke-Test|Context|Describe|InModuleScope|Invoke-Pester), .*/Functions/.*.ps1: line [0-9]*$'
            [String]$pattern2 = '^at Should<End>, .*/Functions/Assertions/Should.ps1: line [0-9]*$'
            [String]$pattern3 = '^at Assert-MockCalled, .*/Functions/Mock.ps1: line [0-9]*$'
            [String]$pattern4 = '^at Invoke-Assertion, .*/Functions/.*.ps1: line [0-9]*$'
            [String]$pattern5 = '^at (<ScriptBlock>|Invoke-Gherkin.*), (<No file>|.*/Functions/.*.ps1): line [0-9]*$'
        Else {

            [String]$pattern1 = '^at (Invoke-Test|Context|Describe|InModuleScope|Invoke-Pester), .*\\Functions\\.*.ps1: line [0-9]*$'
            [String]$pattern2 = '^at Should<End>, .*\\Functions\\Assertions\\Should.ps1: line [0-9]*$'
            [String]$pattern3 = '^at Assert-MockCalled, .*\\Functions\\Mock.ps1: line [0-9]*$'
            [String]$pattern4 = '^at Invoke-Assertion, .*\\Functions\\.*.ps1: line [0-9]*$'
            [String]$pattern5 = '^at (<ScriptBlock>|Invoke-Gherkin.*), (<No file>|.*\\Functions\\.*.ps1): line [0-9]*$'

        foreach ( $line in $traceLines )
            if ( $line -match $pattern1 )
            $count ++
        $lines.Trace += $traceLines |
            & $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -First $count |
            & $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] {
                $_ -notmatch $pattern2 -and
                $_ -notmatch $pattern3 -and
                $_ -notmatch $pattern4 -and
                $_ -notmatch $pattern5

        return $lines