Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\TypeClass\TypeClass.psm1 -DisableNameChecking function Format-Collection ($Value, [switch]$Pretty) { $Limit = 10 $separator = ', ' if ($Pretty){ $separator = ",`n" } #$count = $Value.Count #$trimmed = $count -gt $Limit '@('+ (($Value | Select -First $Limit | % { Format-Nicely -Value $_ -Pretty:$Pretty }) -join $separator ) + <# $(if ($trimmed) {' +' + [string]($count-$limit)}) + #> ')' } function Format-Object ($Value, $Property, [switch]$Pretty) { if ($null -eq $Property) { $Property = $Value.PSObject.Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name } $valueType = Get-ShortType $Value $valueFormatted = ([string]([PSObject]$Value | Select-Object -Property $Property)) if ($Pretty) { $margin = " " $valueFormatted = $valueFormatted ` -replace '^@{',"@{`n$margin" ` -replace '; ',";`n$margin" ` -replace '}$',"`n}" ` } $valueFormatted -replace "^@", $valueType } function Format-Null { '$null' } function Format-String ($Value) { if ('' -eq $Value) { return '<empty>' } "'$Value'" } function Format-Date ($Value) { $Value.ToString('o') } function Format-Boolean ($Value) { '$' + $Value.ToString().ToLower() } function Format-ScriptBlock ($Value) { '{' + $Value + '}' } function Format-Number ($Value) { [string]$Value } function Format-Hashtable ($Value) { $head = '@{' $tail = '}' $entries = $Value.Keys | sort | foreach { $formattedValue = Format-Nicely $Value.$_ "$_=$formattedValue" } $head + ( $entries -join '; ') + $tail } function Format-Dictionary ($Value) { $head = 'Dictionary{' $tail = '}' $entries = $Value.Keys | sort | foreach { $formattedValue = Format-Nicely $Value.$_ "$_=$formattedValue" } $head + ( $entries -join '; ') + $tail } function Format-Nicely ($Value, [switch]$Pretty) { if ($null -eq $Value) { return Format-Null -Value $Value } if ($Value -is [bool]) { return Format-Boolean -Value $Value } if ($Value -is [string]) { return Format-String -Value $Value } if ($Value -is [DateTime]) { return Format-Date -Value $Value } if ($value -is [Type]) { return '['+ (Format-Type -Value $Value) + ']' } if (Is-DecimalNumber -Value $Value) { return Format-Number -Value $Value } if (Is-ScriptBlock -Value $Value) { return Format-ScriptBlock -Value $Value } if (Is-Value -Value $Value) { return $Value } if (Is-Hashtable -Value $Value) { # no advanced formatting of objects in the first version, till I balance it return [string]$Value #return Format-Hashtable -Value $Value } if (Is-Dictionary -Value $Value) { # no advanced formatting of objects in the first version, till I balance it return [string]$Value #return Format-Dictionary -Value $Value } if (Is-Collection -Value $Value) { return Format-Collection -Value $Value -Pretty:$Pretty } # no advanced formatting of objects in the first version, till I balance it return [string]$Value # Format-Object -Value $Value -Property (Get-DisplayProperty $Value) -Pretty:$Pretty } function Sort-Property ($InputObject, [string[]]$SignificantProperties, $Limit = 4) { $properties = @($InputObject.PSObject.Properties | where { $_.Name -notlike "_*"} | select -expand Name | sort) $significant = @() $rest = @() foreach ($p in $properties) { if ($significantProperties -contains $p) { $significant += $p } else { $rest += $p } } #todo: I am assuming id, name properties, so I am just sorting the selected ones by name. (@($significant | sort) + $rest) | Select -First $Limit } function Get-DisplayProperty ($Value) { Sort-Property -InputObject $Value -SignificantProperties 'id','name' } function Get-ShortType ($Value) { if ($null -ne $value) { $type = Format-Type $Value.GetType() # PSCustomObject serializes to the whole type name on normal PS but to # just PSCustomObject on PS Core $type ` -replace "^System\." ` -replace "^Management\.Automation\.PSCustomObject$","PSObject" ` -replace "^PSCustomObject$","PSObject" ` -replace "^Object\[\]$","collection" ` } else { Format-Type $null } } function Format-Type ([Type]$Value) { if ($null -eq $Value) { return '<none>' } [string]$Value } Export-ModuleMember -Function @( 'Format-Collection' 'Format-Object' 'Format-Null' 'Format-Boolean' 'Format-String' 'Format-Date' 'Format-ScriptBlock' 'Format-Number' 'Format-Hashtable' 'Format-Dictionary' 'Format-Type' 'Format-Nicely' 'Get-DisplayProperty' 'Get-ShortType' ) |