function Describe { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a logical group of tests. .DESCRIPTION Creates a logical group of tests. All Mocks and TestDrive contents defined within a Describe block are scoped to that Describe; they will no longer be present when the Describe block exits. A Describe block may contain any number of Context and It blocks. .PARAMETER Name The name of the test group. This is often an expressive phrase describing the scenario being tested. .PARAMETER Fixture The actual test script. If you are following the AAA pattern (Arrange-Act-Assert), this typically holds the arrange and act sections. The Asserts will also lie in this block but are typically nested each in its own It block. Assertions are typically performed by the Should command within the It blocks. .PARAMETER Tag Optional parameter containing an array of strings. When calling Invoke-Pester, it is possible to specify a -Tag parameter which will only execute Describe blocks containing the same Tag. .EXAMPLE function Add-Numbers($a, $b) { return $a + $b } Describe "Add-Numbers" { It "adds positive numbers" { $sum = Add-Numbers 2 3 $sum | Should -Be 5 } It "adds negative numbers" { $sum = Add-Numbers (-2) (-2) $sum | Should -Be (-4) } It "adds one negative number to positive number" { $sum = Add-Numbers (-2) 2 $sum | Should -Be 0 } It "concatenates strings if given strings" { $sum = Add-Numbers two three $sum | Should -Be "twothree" } } .LINK It Context Invoke-Pester about_Should about_Mocking about_TestDrive #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $Name, [Alias('Tags')] [string[]] $Tag=@(), [Parameter(Position = 1)] [ValidateNotNull()] [ScriptBlock] $Fixture = $(Throw "No test script block is provided. (Have you put the open curly brace on the next line?)") ) if ($null -eq (& $SafeCommands['Get-Variable'] -Name Pester -ValueOnly -ErrorAction $script:IgnoreErrorPreference)) { # User has executed a test script directly instead of calling Invoke-Pester $Pester = New-PesterState -Path (& $SafeCommands['Resolve-Path'] .) -TestNameFilter $null -TagFilter @() -SessionState $PSCmdlet.SessionState $script:mockTable = @{} } DescribeImpl @PSBoundParameters -CommandUsed 'Describe' -Pester $Pester -DescribeOutputBlock ${function:Write-Describe} -TestOutputBlock ${function:Write-PesterResult} } function DescribeImpl { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $Name, [Alias('Tags')] $Tag=@(), [Parameter(Position = 1)] [ValidateNotNull()] [ScriptBlock] $Fixture = $(Throw "No test script block is provided. (Have you put the open curly brace on the next line?)"), [string] $CommandUsed = 'Describe', $Pester, [scriptblock] $DescribeOutputBlock, [scriptblock] $TestOutputBlock, [switch] $NoTestDrive ) Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName $CommandUsed if ($Pester.TestGroupStack.Count -eq 2) { if($Pester.TestNameFilter-and -not ($Pester.TestNameFilter | & $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { $Name -like $_ })) { #skip this test return } if($Pester.TagFilter -and @(& $SafeCommands['Compare-Object'] $Tag $Pester.TagFilter -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent).count -eq 0) {return} if($Pester.ExcludeTagFilter -and @(& $SafeCommands['Compare-Object'] $Tag $Pester.ExcludeTagFilter -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent).count -gt 0) {return} } else { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Tag')) { Write-Warning "${CommandUsed} '$Name': Tags are only effective on the outermost test group, for now." } } $Pester.EnterTestGroup($Name, $CommandUsed) if ($null -ne $DescribeOutputBlock) { & $DescribeOutputBlock $Name $CommandUsed } $testDriveAdded = $false try { try { if (-not $NoTestDrive) { if (-not (Test-Path TestDrive:\)) { New-TestDrive $testDriveAdded = $true } else { $TestDriveContent = Get-TestDriveChildItem } } Add-SetupAndTeardown -ScriptBlock $Fixture Invoke-TestGroupSetupBlocks do { $null = & $Fixture } until ($true) } finally { Invoke-TestGroupTeardownBlocks if (-not $NoTestDrive) { if ($testDriveAdded) { Remove-TestDrive } else { Clear-TestDrive -Exclude ($TestDriveContent | & $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -ExpandProperty FullName) } } } } catch { $firstStackTraceLine = $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage.Trim() -split "$([System.Environment]::NewLine)" | & $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -First 1 $Pester.AddTestResult("Error occurred in $CommandUsed block", "Failed", $null, $_.Exception.Message, $firstStackTraceLine, $null, $null, $_) if ($null -ne $TestOutputBlock) { & $TestOutputBlock $Pester.TestResult[-1] } } Exit-MockScope $Pester.LeaveTestGroup($Name, $CommandUsed) } # Name is now misleading; rename later. (Many files touched to change this.) function Assert-DescribeInProgress { param ($CommandName) if ($null -eq $Pester) { throw "The $CommandName command may only be used from a Pester test script." } } |