InModuleScope -ModuleName Pester -ScriptBlock { Describe 'Has-Flag' -Fixture { It 'Returns true when setting and value are the same' { $setting = [Pester.OutputTypes]::Passed $value = [Pester.OutputTypes]::Passed $value | Has-Flag $setting | Should Be $true } It 'Returns false when setting and value are the different' { $setting = [Pester.OutputTypes]::Passed $value = [Pester.OutputTypes]::Failed $value | Has-Flag $setting | Should Be $false } It 'Returns true when setting contains value' { $setting = [Pester.OutputTypes]::Passed -bor [Pester.OutputTypes]::Failed $value = [Pester.OutputTypes]::Passed $value | Has-Flag $setting | Should Be $true } It 'Returns false when setting does not contain the value' { $setting = [Pester.OutputTypes]::Passed -bor [Pester.OutputTypes]::Failed $value = [Pester.OutputTypes]::Summary $value | Has-Flag $setting | Should Be $false } It 'Returns true when at least one setting is contained in value' { $setting = [Pester.OutputTypes]::Passed -bor [Pester.OutputTypes]::Failed $value = [Pester.OutputTypes]::Summary -bor [Pester.OutputTypes]::Failed $value | Has-Flag $setting | Should Be $true } It 'Returns false when none of settings is contained in value' { $setting = [Pester.OutputTypes]::Passed -bor [Pester.OutputTypes]::Failed $value = [Pester.OutputTypes]::Summary -bor [Pester.OutputTypes]::Describe $value | Has-Flag $setting | Should Be $false } } Describe 'Default OutputTypes' -Fixture { It 'Fails output type contains all except passed' { $expected = [Pester.OutputTypes]'Default, Failed, Pending, Skipped, Inconclusive, Describe, Context, Summary, Header' [Pester.OutputTypes]::Fails | Should Be $expected } It 'All output type contains all flags' { $expected = [Pester.OutputTypes]'Default, Passed, Failed, Pending, Skipped, Inconclusive, Describe, Context, Summary, Header' [Pester.OutputTypes]::All | Should Be $expected } } } $thisScriptRegex = [regex]::Escape($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) Describe 'ConvertTo-PesterResult' { $getPesterResult = InModuleScope Pester { ${function:ConvertTo-PesterResult} } Context 'failed tests in Tests file' { #the $script scriptblock below is used as a position marker to determine #on which line the test failed. $errorRecord = $null try{'something' | should be 'nothing'}catch{ $errorRecord=$_} ; $script={} $result = & $getPesterResult 0 $errorRecord It 'records the correct stack line number' { $result.Stacktrace | should match "${thisScriptRegex}: line $($script.startPosition.StartLine)" } It 'records the correct error record' { $result.ErrorRecord -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] | Should be $true $result.ErrorRecord.Exception.Message | Should match 'Expected: {nothing}' } } It 'Does not modify the error message from the original exception' { $object = New-Object psobject $message = 'I am an error.' Add-Member -InputObject $object -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ThrowSomething -Value { throw $message } $errorRecord = $null try { $object.ThrowSomething() } catch { $errorRecord = $_ } $pesterResult = & $getPesterResult 0 $errorRecord $pesterResult.FailureMessage | Should Be $errorRecord.Exception.Message } Context 'failed tests in another file' { $errorRecord = $null $testPath = Join-Path $TestDrive test.ps1 $escapedTestPath = [regex]::Escape($testPath) Set-Content -Path $testPath -Value "`r`n'One' | Should Be 'Two'" try { & $testPath } catch { $errorRecord = $_ } $result = & $getPesterResult 0 $errorRecord It 'records the correct stack line number' { $result.Stacktrace | should match "${escapedTestPath}: line 2" } It 'records the correct error record' { $result.ErrorRecord -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] | Should be $true $result.ErrorRecord.Exception.Message | Should match 'Expected: {Two}' } } } |