if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 2) { return } Set-StrictMode -Version Latest Describe 'Testing Gerkin Step' { It 'Generates a function named "When" with mandatory name and test parameters' { $command = &(Get-Module Pester) { Get-Command When -Module Pester } $command | Should Not Be $null $parameter = $command.Parameters['Name'] $parameter | Should Not Be $null $parameter.ParameterType.Name | Should Be 'String' $attribute = $parameter.Attributes | Where-Object { $_.TypeId -eq [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute] } $isMandatory = $null -ne $attribute -and $attribute.Mandatory $isMandatory | Should Be $true $parameter = $command.Parameters['Test'] $parameter | Should Not Be $null $parameter.ParameterType.Name | Should Be 'ScriptBlock' $attribute = $parameter.Attributes | Where-Object { $_.TypeId -eq [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute] } $isMandatory = $null -ne $attribute -and $attribute.Mandatory $isMandatory | Should Be $true } It 'Generates aliases And, But, Given, Then for When' { $command = &(Get-Module Pester) { Get-Alias -Definition When | Select -Expand Name } $command | Should Be "And", "But", "Given", "Then" } It 'Populates the GherkinSteps module variable' { When "I Click" { } & ( Get-Module Pester ) { $GherkinSteps.Keys -eq "I Click" } | Should Be "I Click" } } |