Set-StrictMode -Version Latest Describe 'Testing Describe' { It 'Has a non-mandatory fixture parameter which throws the proper error message if missing' { $command = Get-Command Describe -Module Pester $command | Should Not Be $null $parameter = $command.Parameters['Fixture'] $parameter | Should Not Be $null # Some environments (Nano/CoreClr) don't have all the type extensions $attribute = $parameter.Attributes | Where-Object { $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute] } $isMandatory = $null -ne $attribute -and $attribute.Mandatory $isMandatory | Should Be $false { Describe Bogus } | Should Throw 'No test script block is provided' } } InModuleScope Pester { Describe 'Describe - Implementation' { # Function / mock used for call history tracking and assertion purposes only. function MockMe { param ($Name) } Mock MockMe Context 'Handling errors in the Fixture' { $testState = New-PesterState -Path $TestDrive # This is necessary for now, Describe code assumes that filters should only apply at a stack depth of # "2". ("1" being the Tests.ps1 script that's active.) $testState.EnterTestGroup('Mocked Script', 'Script') $blockWithError = { throw 'Bad stuff happened!' MockMe } It 'Does not rethrow terminating exceptions from the Fixture block' { { DescribeImpl -Pester $testState -Name 'A test' -Fixture $blockWithError -NoTestDrive } | Should Not Throw } It 'Adds a failed test result when errors occur in the Describe block' { $testState.TestResult.Count | Should Not Be 0 $testState.TestResult[-1].Passed | Should Be $false $testState.TestResult[-1].Name | Should Be 'Error occurred in Describe block' $testState.TestResult[-1].FailureMessage | Should Be 'Bad stuff happened!' } It 'Does not attempt to run the rest of the Describe block after the error occurs' { Assert-MockCalled MockMe -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 0 } } Context 'Calls to the output blocks' { $testState = New-PesterState -Path $TestDrive # This is necessary for now, Describe code assumes that filters should only apply at a stack depth of # "2". ("1" being the Tests.ps1 script that's active.) $testState.EnterTestGroup('Mocked Script', 'Script') $describeOutput = { MockMe -Name Describe } $testOutput = { MockMe -Name Test } It 'Calls the Describe output block once, and does not call the test output block when no errors occur' { $block = { $null = $null } DescribeImpl -Pester $testState -Name 'A test' -Fixture $block -DescribeOutputBlock $describeOutput -TestOutputBlock $testOutput -NoTestDrive Assert-MockCalled MockMe -Exactly 0 -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'Test' } -Scope It Assert-MockCalled MockMe -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'Describe' } -Scope It } It 'Calls the Describe output block once, and the test output block once if an error occurs.' { $block = { throw 'up' } DescribeImpl -Pester $testState -Name 'A test' -Fixture $block -DescribeOutputBlock $describeOutput -TestOutputBlock $testOutput -NoTestDrive Assert-MockCalled MockMe -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'Test' } -Scope It Assert-MockCalled MockMe -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'Describe' } -Scope It } } Context 'Test Name Filter' { $testState = New-PesterState -Path $TestDrive -TestNameFilter '*One*', 'Test Two' # This is necessary for now, Describe code assumes that filters should only apply at a stack depth of # "2". ("1" being the Tests.ps1 script that's active.) $testState.EnterTestGroup('Mocked Script', 'Script') $testBlock = { MockMe } $cases = @( @{ Name = 'TestOneTest'; Description = 'matches a wildcard' } @{ Name = 'Test Two'; Description = 'matches exactly' } @{ Name = 'test two'; Description = 'matches ignoring case' } ) It -TestCases $cases 'Calls the test block when the test name <Description>' { param ($Name) DescribeImpl -Name $Name -Pester $testState -Fixture $testBlock -NoTestDrive Assert-MockCalled MockMe -Scope It -Exactly 1 } It 'Does not call the test block when the test name doesn''t match a filter' { DescribeImpl -Name 'Test On' -Pester $testState -Fixture $testBlock -NoTestDrive DescribeImpl -Name 'Two' -Pester $testState -Fixture $testBlock -NoTestDrive DescribeImpl -Name 'Bogus' -Pester $testState -Fixture $testBlock -NoTestDrive Assert-MockCalled MockMe -Scope It -Exactly 0 } } Context 'Tags Filter' { $testState = New-PesterState -Path $TestDrive -TagFilter 'One', '*Two*' # This is necessary for now, Describe code assumes that filters should only apply at a stack depth of # "2". ("1" being the Tests.ps1 script that's active.) $testState.EnterTestGroup('Mocked Script', 'Script') $testBlock = { MockMe } $cases = @( @{ Tags = 'One'; Description = 'matches the first tag exactly' } @{ Tags = '*Two*'; Description = 'matches the second tag exactly' } @{ Tags = 'One', '*Two'; Description = 'matches both tags exactly' } @{ Tags = 'one'; Description = 'matches the first tag ignoring case' } @{ Tags = '*two*'; Description = 'matches the second tag ignoring case' } ) It -TestCases $cases 'Calls the test block when the tag filter <Description>' { param ($Tags) DescribeImpl -Name 'Blah' -Tags $Tags -Pester $testState -Fixture $testBlock -NoTestDrive Assert-MockCalled MockMe -Scope It -Exactly 1 } It 'Does not call the test block when the test tags don''t match the pester state''s tags.' { # Unlike the test name filter, tags are literal matches and not interpreted as wildcards. DescribeImpl -Name 'Blah' -Tags 'TestTwoTest' -Pester $testState -Fixture $testBlock -NoTestDrive Assert-MockCalled MockMe -Scope It -Exactly 0 } } # Testing nested Describe is probably not necessary here; that's covered by PesterState.Tests.ps1 and $pester.EnterDescribe(). } } |