Set-StrictMode -Version Latest InModuleScope Pester { Describe 'Get-PesterResult' { } Describe 'It - Implementation' { $testState = New-PesterState -Path $TestDrive It 'Throws an error if It is called outside of Describe' { $scriptBlock = { ItImpl -Pester $testState 'Tries to enter a test without entering a Describe first' { } } $scriptBlock | Should Throw 'The It command may only be used inside a Describe block.' } $testState.EnterDescribe('Mocked Describe') # We call EnterTest() directly here because if we actually nest calls to ItImpl, the outer call will catch the error we're trying to # verify with Should Throw. (Another option would be to nest the ItImpl calls, and look for a failed test result in $testState.) $testState.EnterTest('Outer Test') It 'Throws an error if you try to enter It from inside another It' { $scriptBlock = { ItImpl -Pester $testState 'Enters the second It' { } } $scriptBlock | Should Throw 'You already are in It, you cannot enter It twice' } $testState.LeaveTest() It 'Throws an error if you fail to pass in a test block' { $scriptBlock = { ItImpl -Pester $testState 'Some Name' } $scriptBlock | Should Throw 'No test script block is provided. (Have you put the open curly brace on the next line?)' } It 'Does not throw an error if It is called inside a Describe, and adds a successful test result.' { $scriptBlock = { ItImpl -Pester $testState 'Enters an It block inside a Describe' { } } $scriptBlock | Should Not Throw $testState.TestResult[-1].Passed | Should Be $true $testState.TestResult[-1].ParameterizedSuiteName | Should BeNullOrEmpty } It 'Does not throw an error if the -Pending switch is used, and no script block is passed' { $scriptBlock = { ItImpl -Pester $testState 'Some Name' -Pending } $scriptBlock | Should Not Throw } It 'Does not throw an error if the -Skip switch is used, and no script block is passed' { $scriptBlock = { ItImpl -Pester $testState 'Some Name' -Skip } $scriptBlock | Should Not Throw } It 'Creates a pending test for an empty (whitespace and comments only) script block' { $scriptBlock = { # Single-Line comment <# Multi- Line- Comment #> } { ItImpl -Pester $testState 'Some Name' $scriptBlock } | Should Not Throw $testState.TestResult[-1].Result | Should Be 'Pending' } It 'Adds a failed test if the script block throws an exception' { $scriptBlock = { ItImpl -Pester $testState 'Enters an It block inside a Describe' { throw 'I am a failed test' } } $scriptBlock | Should Not Throw $testState.TestResult[-1].Passed | Should Be $false $testState.TestResult[-1].ParameterizedSuiteName | Should BeNullOrEmpty $testState.TestResult[-1].FailureMessage | Should Be 'I am a failed test' } $script:counterNameThatIsReallyUnlikelyToConflictWithAnything = 0 It 'Calls the output script block for each test' { $outputBlock = { $script:counterNameThatIsReallyUnlikelyToConflictWithAnything++ } ItImpl -Pester $testState 'Does something' -OutputScriptBlock $outputBlock { } ItImpl -Pester $testState 'Does something' -OutputScriptBlock $outputBlock { } ItImpl -Pester $testState 'Does something' -OutputScriptBlock $outputBlock { } $script:counterNameThatIsReallyUnlikelyToConflictWithAnything | Should Be 3 } Remove-Variable -Scope Script -Name counterNameThatIsReallyUnlikelyToConflictWithAnything Context 'Parameterized Tests' { # be careful about variable naming here; with InModuleScope Pester, we can create the same types of bugs that the v3 # scope isolation fixed for everyone else. (Naming this variable $testCases gets hidden later by parameters of the # same name in It.) $cases = @( @{ a = 1; b = 1; expectedResult = 2} @{ a = 1; b = 2; expectedResult = 3} @{ a = 5; b = 4; expectedResult = 9} @{ a = 1; b = 1; expectedResult = 'Intentionally failed' } ) $suiteName = 'Adds <a> and <b> to get <expectedResult>. <Bogus> is not a parameter.' ItImpl -Pester $testState -Name $suiteName -TestCases $cases { param ($a, $b, $expectedResult) ($a + $b) | Should Be $expectedResult } It 'Creates test result records with the ParameterizedSuiteName property set' { for ($i = -1; $i -ge -4; $i--) { $testState.TestResult[$i].ParameterizedSuiteName | Should Be $suiteName } } It 'Expands parameters in parameterized test suite names' { for ($i = -1; $i -ge -4; $i--) { $expectedName = "Adds $($cases[$i]['a']) and $($cases[$i]['b']) to get $($cases[$i]['expectedResult']). <Bogus> is not a parameter." $testState.TestResult[$i].Name | Should Be $expectedName } } It 'Logs the proper successes and failures' { $testState.TestResult[-1].Passed | Should Be $false for ($i = -2; $i -ge -4; $i--) { $testState.TestResult[$i].Passed | Should Be $true } } } } Describe 'Get-OrderedParameterDictionary' { $_testScriptBlock = { param ( $1, $c, $0, $z, $a, ${Something.Really/Weird } ) } $hashtable = @{ '1' = 'One' '0' = 'Zero' z = 'Z' a = 'A' c = 'C' 'Something.Really/Weird ' = 'Weird' } $dictionary = Get-OrderedParameterDictionary -ScriptBlock $_testScriptBlock -Dictionary $hashtable It 'Reports keys and values in the same order as the param block' { ($dictionary.Keys -join ',') | Should Be '1,c,0,z,a,Something.Really/Weird ' ($dictionary.Values -join ',') | Should Be 'One,C,Zero,Z,A,Weird' } } Describe 'Remove-Comments' { It 'Removes single line comments' { Remove-Comments -Text 'code #comment' | Should Be 'code ' } It 'Removes multi line comments' { Remove-Comments -Text 'code <#comment comment#> code' | Should Be 'code code' } } } $thisScriptRegex = [regex]::Escape($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) Describe 'Get-PesterResult' { $getPesterResult = InModuleScope Pester { ${function:Get-PesterResult} } It 'records the correct stack line number of failed tests in the Tests file' { #the $script scriptblock below is used as a position marker to determine #on which line the test failed. $errorRecord = $null try{'something' | should be 'nothing'}catch{ $errorRecord=$_} ; $script={} $result = & $getPesterResult 0 $errorRecord $result.Stacktrace | should match "at line: $($script.startPosition.StartLine) in $thisScriptRegex" } It 'Does not modify the error message from the original exception' { $object = New-Object psobject $message = 'I am an error.' Add-Member -InputObject $object -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ThrowSomething -Value { throw $message } $errorRecord = $null try { $object.ThrowSomething() } catch { $errorRecord = $_ } $pesterResult = & $getPesterResult 0 $errorRecord $pesterResult.FailureMessage | Should Be $errorRecord.Exception.Message } It 'records the correct stack line number of failed tests in another file' { $errorRecord = $null $testPath = Join-Path $TestDrive test.ps1 $escapedTestPath = [regex]::Escape($testPath) Set-Content -Path $testPath -Value "`r`n'One' | Should Be 'Two'" try { & $testPath } catch { $errorRecord = $_ } $result = & $getPesterResult 0 $errorRecord $result.Stacktrace | should match "at line: 2 in $escapedTestPath" } } |