Set-StrictMode -Version Latest function FunctionUnderTest { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $param1 ) return "I am a real world test" } function FunctionUnderTestWithoutParams([string]$param1) { return "I am a real world test with no params" } filter FilterUnderTest { $_ } function CommonParamFunction ( [string] ${Uncommon}, [switch] ${Verbose}, [switch] ${Debug}, [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference] ${ErrorAction}, [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference] ${WarningAction}, [System.String] ${ErrorVariable}, [System.String] ${WarningVariable}, [System.String] ${OutVariable}, [System.Int32] ${OutBuffer} ){ return "Please strip me of my common parameters. They are far too common." } Describe "When calling Mock on existing function" { Mock FunctionUnderTest { return "I am the mock test that was passed $param1"} $result = FunctionUnderTest "boundArg" It "Should rename function under test" { $renamed = (Test-Path function:PesterIsMocking_FunctionUnderTest) $renamed | Should Be $true } It "Should Invoke the mocked script" { $result | Should Be "I am the mock test that was passed boundArg" } } Describe "When the caller mocks a command Pester uses internally" { Mock Write-Host { } Context "Context run when Write-Host is mocked" { It "does not make extra calls to the mocked command" { Write-Host 'Some String' Assert-MockCalled 'Write-Host' -Exactly 1 } It "retains the correct mock count after the first test completes" { Assert-MockCalled 'Write-Host' -Exactly 1 } } } Describe "When calling Mock on existing cmdlet" { Mock Get-Process {return "I am not Get-Process"} $result=Get-Process It "Should Invoke the mocked script" { $result | Should Be "I am not Get-Process" } It 'Should not resolve $args to the parent scope' { { $args = 'From', 'Parent', 'Scope'; Get-Process SomeName } | Should Not Throw } } Describe 'When calling Mock on an alias' { $originalPath = $env:path try { # Our TeamCity server has a dir.exe on the system path, and PowerShell v2 apparently finds that instead of the PowerShell alias first. # This annoying bit of code makes sure our test works as intended even when this is the case. $dirExe = Get-Command dir -CommandType Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -ne $dirExe) { foreach ($app in $dirExe) { $parent = (Split-Path $app.Path -Parent).TrimEnd('\') $pattern = "^$([regex]::Escape($parent))\\?" $env:path = $env:path -split ';' -notmatch $pattern -join ';' } } Mock dir {return 'I am not dir'} $result = dir It 'Should Invoke the mocked script' { $result | Should Be 'I am not dir' } } finally { $env:path = $originalPath } } Describe 'When calling Mock on an alias that refers to a function Pester can''t see' { It 'Mocks the aliased command successfully' { # This function is defined in a non-global scope; code inside the Pester module can't see it directly. function orig {'orig'} New-Alias 'ali' orig ali | Should Be 'orig' { mock ali {'mck'} } | Should Not Throw ali | Should Be 'mck' } } Describe 'When calling Mock on a filter' { Mock FilterUnderTest {return 'I am not FilterUnderTest'} $result = 'Yes I am' | FilterUnderTest It 'Should Invoke the mocked script' { $result | Should Be 'I am not FilterUnderTest' } } Describe 'When calling Mock on an external script' { $ps1File = New-Item 'TestDrive:\tempExternalScript.ps1' -ItemType File -Force $ps1File | Set-Content -Value "'I am tempExternalScript.ps1'" Mock 'TestDrive:\tempExternalScript.ps1' {return 'I am not tempExternalScript.ps1'} <# # Invoking the script using its absolute path is not supported $result = TestDrive:\tempExternalScript.ps1 It 'Should Invoke the absolute-path-qualified mocked script using just the script name' { $result | Should Be 'I am not tempExternalScript.ps1' } $result = & TestDrive:\tempExternalScript.ps1 It 'Should Invoke the absolute-path-qualified mocked script using the command-invocation operator (&)' { $result | Should Be 'I am not tempExternalScript.ps1' } $result = . TestDrive:\tempExternalScript.ps1 It 'Should Invoke the absolute-path-qualified mocked script using dot source notation' { $result | Should Be 'I am not tempExternalScript.ps1' } #> Push-Location TestDrive:\ try { $result = tempExternalScript.ps1 It 'Should Invoke the mocked script using just the script name' { $result | Should Be 'I am not tempExternalScript.ps1' } $result = & tempExternalScript.ps1 It 'Should Invoke the mocked script using the command-invocation operator' { #the command invocation operator is (&). Moved this to comment because it breaks the contionuous builds. #there is issue for this on GH $result | Should Be 'I am not tempExternalScript.ps1' } $result = . tempExternalScript.ps1 It 'Should Invoke the mocked script using dot source notation' { $result | Should Be 'I am not tempExternalScript.ps1' } <# # Invoking the script using only its relative path is not supported $result = .\tempExternalScript.ps1 It 'Should Invoke the relative-path-qualified mocked script' { $result | Should Be 'I am not tempExternalScript.ps1' } #> } finally { Pop-Location } Remove-Item $ps1File -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Describe 'When calling Mock on an application command' { Mock schtasks.exe {return 'I am not schtasks.exe'} $result = schtasks.exe It 'Should Invoke the mocked script' { $result | Should Be 'I am not schtasks.exe' } } Describe "When calling Mock in the Describe block" { Mock Out-File {return "I am not Out-File"} It "Should mock Out-File successfully" { $outfile = "test" | Out-File "TestDrive:\testfile.txt" $outfile | Should Be "I am not Out-File" } } Describe "When calling Mock on existing cmdlet to handle pipelined input" { Mock Get-ChildItem { if($_ -eq 'a'){ return "AA" } if($_ -eq 'b'){ return "BB" } } $result = '' "a", "b" | Get-ChildItem | % { $result += $_ } It "Should process the pipeline in the mocked script" { $result | Should Be "AABB" } } Describe "When calling Mock on existing cmdlet with Common params" { Mock CommonParamFunction $result=[string](Get-Content function:\CommonParamFunction) It "Should strip verbose" { $result.contains("`${Verbose}") | Should Be $false } It "Should strip Debug" { $result.contains("`${Debug}") | Should Be $false } It "Should strip ErrorAction" { $result.contains("`${ErrorAction}") | Should Be $false } It "Should strip WarningAction" { $result.contains("`${WarningAction}") | Should Be $false } It "Should strip ErrorVariable" { $result.contains("`${ErrorVariable}") | Should Be $false } It "Should strip WarningVariable" { $result.contains("`${WarningVariable}") | Should Be $false } It "Should strip OutVariable" { $result.contains("`${OutVariable}") | Should Be $false } It "Should strip OutBuffer" { $result.contains("`${OutBuffer}") | Should Be $false } It "Should not strip an Uncommon param" { $result.contains("`${Uncommon}") | Should Be $true } } Describe "When calling Mock on non-existing function" { try{ Mock NotFunctionUnderTest {return} } Catch { $result=$_ } It "Should throw correct error" { $result.Exception.Message | Should Be "Could not find command NotFunctionUnderTest" } } Describe 'When calling Mock, StrictMode is enabled, and variables are used in the ParameterFilter' { Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $result = $null $testValue = 'test' try { Mock FunctionUnderTest { 'I am the mock' } -ParameterFilter { $param1 -eq $testValue } } catch { $result = $_ } It 'Does not throw an error when testing the parameter filter' { $result | Should Be $null } It 'Calls the mock properly' { FunctionUnderTest $testValue | Should Be 'I am the mock' } It 'Properly asserts the mock was called when there is a variable in the parameter filter' { Assert-MockCalled FunctionUnderTest -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter { $param1 -eq $testValue } } } Describe "When calling Mock on existing function without matching bound params" { Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "fake results"} -parameterFilter {$param1 -eq "test"} $result=FunctionUnderTest "badTest" It "Should redirect to real function" { $result | Should Be "I am a real world test" } } Describe "When calling Mock on existing function with matching bound params" { Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "fake results"} -parameterFilter {$param1 -eq "badTest"} $result=FunctionUnderTest "badTest" It "Should return mocked result" { $result | Should Be "fake results" } } Describe "When calling Mock on existing function without matching unbound arguments" { Mock FunctionUnderTestWithoutParams {return "fake results"} -parameterFilter {$param1 -eq "test" -and $args[0] -eq 'notArg0'} $result=FunctionUnderTestWithoutParams -param1 "test" "arg0" It "Should redirect to real function" { $result | Should Be "I am a real world test with no params" } } Describe "When calling Mock on existing function with matching unbound arguments" { Mock FunctionUnderTestWithoutParams {return "fake results"} -parameterFilter {$param1 -eq "badTest" -and $args[0] -eq 'arg0'} $result=FunctionUnderTestWithoutParams "badTest" "arg0" It "Should return mocked result" { $result | Should Be "fake results" } } Describe 'When calling Mock on a function that has no parameters' { function Test-Function { } Mock Test-Function { return $args.Count } It 'Sends the $args variable properly with 2+ elements' { Test-Function 1 2 3 4 5 | Should Be 5 } It 'Sends the $args variable properly with 1 element' { Test-Function 1 | Should Be 1 } It 'Sends the $args variable properly with 0 elements' { Test-Function | Should Be 0 } } Describe "When calling Mock on cmdlet Used by Mock" { Mock Set-Item {return "I am not Set-Item"} Mock Set-Item {return "I am not Set-Item"} $result = Set-Item "mypath" -value "value" It "Should Invoke the mocked script" { $result | Should Be "I am not Set-Item" } } Describe "When calling Mock on More than one command" { Mock Invoke-Command {return "I am not Invoke-Command"} Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "I am the mock test"} $result = Invoke-Command {return "yes I am"} $result2 = FunctionUnderTest It "Should Invoke the mocked script for the first Mock" { $result | Should Be "I am not Invoke-Command" } It "Should Invoke the mocked script for the second Mock" { $result2 | Should Be "I am the mock test" } } Describe 'When calling Mock on a module-internal function.' { New-Module -Name TestModule { function InternalFunction { 'I am the internal function' } function PublicFunction { InternalFunction } function PublicFunctionThatCallsExternalCommand { Start-Sleep 0 } Export-ModuleMember -Function PublicFunction, PublicFunctionThatCallsExternalCommand } | Import-Module -Force New-Module -Name TestModule2 { function InternalFunction { 'I am the second module internal function' } function InternalFunction2 { 'I am the second module, second function' } function PublicFunction { InternalFunction } function PublicFunction2 { InternalFunction2 } Export-ModuleMember -Function PublicFunction, PublicFunction2 } | Import-Module -Force It 'Should fail to call the internal module function' { { TestModule\InternalFuncTion } | Should Throw } It 'Should call the actual internal module function from the public function' { TestModule\PublicFunction | Should Be 'I am the internal function' } Context 'Using Mock -ModuleName "ModuleName" "CommandName" syntax' { Mock -ModuleName TestModule InternalFunction { 'I am the mock test' } It 'Should call the mocked function' { TestModule\PublicFunction | Should Be 'I am the mock test' } Mock -ModuleName TestModule Start-Sleep { } It 'Should mock calls to external functions from inside the module' { PublicFunctionThatCallsExternalCommand Assert-MockCalled -ModuleName TestModule Start-Sleep -Exactly 1 } Mock -ModuleName TestModule2 InternalFunction -ParameterFilter { $args[0] -eq 'Test' } { "I'm the mock who's been passed parameter Test" } It 'Should only call mocks within the same module' { TestModule2\PublicFunction | Should Be 'I am the second module internal function' } Mock -ModuleName TestModule2 InternalFunction2 { InternalFunction 'Test' } It 'Should call mocks from inside another mock' { TestModule2\PublicFunction2 | Should Be "I'm the mock who's been passed parameter Test" } } Remove-Module TestModule -Force Remove-Module TestModule2 -Force } Describe "When Applying multiple Mocks on a single command" { Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "I am the first mock test"} -parameterFilter {$param1 -eq "one"} Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "I am the Second mock test"} -parameterFilter {$param1 -eq "two"} $result = FunctionUnderTest "one" $result2= FunctionUnderTest "two" It "Should Invoke the mocked script for the first Mock" { $result | Should Be "I am the first mock test" } It "Should Invoke the mocked script for the second Mock" { $result2 | Should Be "I am the Second mock test" } } Describe "When Applying multiple Mocks with filters on a single command where both qualify" { Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "I am the first mock test"} -parameterFilter {$param1.Length -gt 0 } Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "I am the Second mock test"} -parameterFilter {$param1 -gt 1 } $result = FunctionUnderTest "one" It "The last Mock should win" { $result | Should Be "I am the Second mock test" } } Describe "When Applying multiple Mocks on a single command where one has no filter" { Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "I am the first mock test"} -parameterFilter {$param1 -eq "one"} Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "I am the paramless mock test"} Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "I am the Second mock test"} -parameterFilter {$param1 -eq "two"} $result = FunctionUnderTest "one" $result2= FunctionUnderTest "three" It "The parameterless mock is evaluated last" { $result | Should Be "I am the first mock test" } It "The parameterless mock will be applied if no other wins" { $result2 | Should Be "I am the paramless mock test" } } Describe "When Creating a Verifiable Mock that is not called" { Context "In the test script's scope" { Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "I am a verifiable test"} -Verifiable -parameterFilter {$param1 -eq "one"} FunctionUnderTest "three" | Out-Null try { Assert-VerifiableMocks } Catch { $result=$_ } It "Should throw" { $result.Exception.Message | Should Be "`r`n Expected FunctionUnderTest to be called with `$param1 -eq `"one`"" } } Context "In a module's scope" { New-Module -Name TestModule -ScriptBlock { function ModuleFunctionUnderTest { return 'I am the function under test in a module' } } | Import-Module -Force Mock -ModuleName TestModule ModuleFunctionUnderTest {return "I am a verifiable test"} -Verifiable -parameterFilter {$param1 -eq "one"} TestModule\ModuleFunctionUnderTest "three" | Out-Null try { Assert-VerifiableMocks } Catch { $result=$_ } It "Should throw" { $result.Exception.Message | Should Be "`r`n Expected ModuleFunctionUnderTest in module TestModule to be called with `$param1 -eq `"one`"" } Remove-Module TestModule -Force } } Describe "When Creating a Verifiable Mock that is called" { Mock FunctionUnderTest -Verifiable -parameterFilter {$param1 -eq "one"} FunctionUnderTest "one" It "Assert-VerifiableMocks Should not throw" { { Assert-VerifiableMocks } | Should Not Throw } } Describe "When Calling Assert-MockCalled 0 without exactly" { Mock FunctionUnderTest {} FunctionUnderTest "one" try { Assert-MockCalled FunctionUnderTest 0 } Catch { $result=$_ } It "Should throw if mock was called" { $result.Exception.Message | Should Be "Expected FunctionUnderTest to be called 0 times exactly but was called 1 times" } It "Should not throw if mock was not called" { Assert-MockCalled FunctionUnderTest 0 { $param1 -eq "stupid" } } } Describe "When Calling Assert-MockCalled with exactly" { Mock FunctionUnderTest {} FunctionUnderTest "one" FunctionUnderTest "one" try { Assert-MockCalled FunctionUnderTest -exactly 3 } Catch { $result=$_ } It "Should throw if mock was not called the number of times specified" { $result.Exception.Message | Should Be "Expected FunctionUnderTest to be called 3 times exactly but was called 2 times" } It "Should not throw if mock was called the number of times specified" { Assert-MockCalled FunctionUnderTest -exactly 2 { $param1 -eq "one" } } } Describe "When Calling Assert-MockCalled without exactly" { Mock FunctionUnderTest {} FunctionUnderTest "one" FunctionUnderTest "one" try { Assert-MockCalled FunctionUnderTest 3 } Catch { $result=$_ } It "Should throw if mock was not called atleast the number of times specified" { $result.Exception.Message | Should Be "Expected FunctionUnderTest to be called at least 3 times but was called 2 times" } It "Should not throw if mock was called at least the number of times specified" { Assert-MockCalled FunctionUnderTest } It "Should not throw if mock was called at exactly the number of times specified" { Assert-MockCalled FunctionUnderTest 2 { $param1 -eq "one" } } } Describe "Using Pester Scopes (Describe,Context,It)" { Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "I am the first mock test"} -parameterFilter {$param1 -eq "one"} Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "I am the paramless mock test"} Context "When in the first context" { It "should mock Describe scoped paramles mock" { FunctionUnderTest | should be "I am the paramless mock test" } It "should mock Describe scoped single param mock" { FunctionUnderTest "one" | should be "I am the first mock test" } } Context "When in the second context" { It "should mock Describe scoped paramles mock again" { FunctionUnderTest | should be "I am the paramless mock test" } It "should mock Describe scoped single param mock again" { FunctionUnderTest "one" | should be "I am the first mock test" } } Context "When using mocks in both scopes" { Mock FunctionUnderTestWithoutParams {return "I am the other function"} It "should mock Describe scoped mock." { FunctionUnderTest | should be "I am the paramless mock test" } It "should mock Context scoped mock." { FunctionUnderTestWithoutParams | should be "I am the other function" } } Context "When context hides a describe mock" { Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "I am the context mock"} Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "I am the parameterized context mock"} -parameterFilter {$param1 -eq "one"} It "should use the context paramles mock" { FunctionUnderTest | should be "I am the context mock" } It "should use the context parameterized mock" { FunctionUnderTest "one" | should be "I am the parameterized context mock" } } Context "When context no longer hides a describe mock" { It "should use the describe mock" { FunctionUnderTest | should be "I am the paramless mock test" } It "should use the describe parameterized mock" { FunctionUnderTest "one" | should be "I am the first mock test" } } Context 'When someone calls Mock from inside an It block' { Mock FunctionUnderTest { return 'I am the context mock' } It 'Sets the mock' { Mock FunctionUnderTest { return 'I am the It mock' } } It 'Leaves the mock active in the parent scope' { FunctionUnderTest | Should Be 'I am the It mock' } } } Describe 'Testing mock history behavior from each scope' { function MockHistoryChecker { } Mock MockHistoryChecker { 'I am the describe mock.' } Context 'Without overriding the mock in lower scopes' { It "Reports that zero calls have been made to in the describe scope" { Assert-MockCalled MockHistoryChecker -Exactly 0 -Scope Describe } It 'Calls the describe mock' { MockHistoryChecker | Should Be 'I am the describe mock.' } It "Reports that zero calls have been made in an It block, after a context-scoped call" { Assert-MockCalled MockHistoryChecker -Exactly 0 -Scope It } It "Reports one Context-scoped call" { Assert-MockCalled MockHistoryChecker -Exactly 1 } It "Reports one Describe-scoped call" { Assert-MockCalled MockHistoryChecker -Exactly 1 -Scope Describe } } Context 'After exiting the previous context' { It 'Reports zero context-scoped calls in the new context.' { Assert-MockCalled MockHistoryChecker -Exactly 0 } It 'Reports one describe-scoped call from the previous context' { Assert-MockCalled MockHistoryChecker -Exactly 1 -Scope Describe } } Context 'While overriding mocks in lower scopes' { Mock MockHistoryChecker { 'I am the context mock.' } It 'Calls the context mock' { MockHistoryChecker | Should Be 'I am the context mock.' } It 'Reports one context-scoped call' { Assert-MockCalled MockHistoryChecker -Exactly 1 } It 'Reports two describe-scoped calls, even when one is an override mock in a lower scope' { Assert-MockCalled MockHistoryChecker -Exactly 2 -Scope Describe } It 'Calls an It-scoped mock' { Mock MockHistoryChecker { 'I am the It mock.' } MockHistoryChecker | Should Be 'I am the It mock.' } It 'Reports 2 context-scoped calls' { Assert-MockCalled MockHistoryChecker -Exactly 2 } It 'Reports 3 describe-scoped calls' { Assert-MockCalled MockHistoryChecker -Exactly 3 -Scope Describe } } It 'Reports 3 describe-scoped calls using the default scope in a Describe block' { Assert-MockCalled MockHistoryChecker -Exactly 3 } } Describe "Using a single no param Describe" { Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "I am the describe mock test"} Context "With a context mocking the same function with no params"{ Mock FunctionUnderTest {return "I am the context mock test"} It "Should use the context mock" { FunctionUnderTest | should be "I am the context mock test" } } } Describe 'Dot Source Test' { # This test is only meaningful if this test file is dot-sourced in the global scope. If it's executed without # dot-sourcing or run by Invoke-Pester, there's no problem. function TestFunction { Test-Path -Path 'Test' } Mock Test-Path { } $null = TestFunction It "Calls the mock with parameter 'Test'" { Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq 'Test' } } It "Doesn't call the mock with any other parameters" { Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Exactly 0 -ParameterFilter { $Path -ne 'Test' } } } Describe 'Mocking Cmdlets with dynamic parameters' { $mockWith = { if (-not $CodeSigningCert) { throw 'CodeSigningCert variable not found, or set to false!' } } Mock Get-ChildItem -MockWith $mockWith -ParameterFilter { [bool]$CodeSigningCert } It 'Allows calls to be made with dynamic parameters (including parameter filters)' { { Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\ -CodeSigningCert } | Should Not Throw Assert-MockCalled Get-ChildItem } } Describe 'Mocking functions with dynamic parameters' { # Get-Greeting sample function borrowed and modified from Bartek Bielawski's # blog at function Get-Greeting { [CmdletBinding()] param ( $Name ) DynamicParam { if ($Name -cmatch '\b[a-z]') { $Attributes = New-Object Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $Attributes.ParameterSetName = "__AllParameterSets" $Attributes.Mandatory = $false $AttributeCollection = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Attribute] $AttributeCollection.Add($Attributes) $Dynamic = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('Capitalize', [switch], $AttributeCollection) $ParamDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $ParamDictionary.Add("Capitalize", $Dynamic) $ParamDictionary } } end { if($PSBoundParameters.Capitalize) { $Name = [regex]::Replace( $Name, '\b\w', { $args[0].Value.ToUpper() } ) } "Welcome $Name!" } } $mockWith = { if (-not $Capitalize) { throw 'Capitalize variable not found, or set to false!' } } Mock Get-Greeting -MockWith $mockWith -ParameterFilter { [bool]$Capitalize } It 'Allows calls to be made with dynamic parameters (including parameter filters)' { { Get-Greeting -Name lowercase -Capitalize } | Should Not Throw Assert-MockCalled Get-Greeting } Context 'When a variable with the same name as a dynamic parameter exists in a parent scope' { $Capitalize = $false It 'Still sets the parameter variable properly in the parameter filter and mock body' { { Get-Greeting -Name lowercase -Capitalize } | Should Not Throw Assert-MockCalled Get-Greeting -Scope It } } } Describe 'Mocking Cmdlets with dynamic parameters in a module' { New-Module -Name TestModule { function PublicFunction { Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\ -CodeSigningCert } } | Import-Module -Force $mockWith = { if (-not $CodeSigningCert) { throw 'CodeSigningCert variable not found, or set to false!' } } Mock Get-ChildItem -MockWith $mockWith -ModuleName TestModule -ParameterFilter { [bool]$CodeSigningCert } It 'Allows calls to be made with dynamic parameters (including parameter filters)' { { TestModule\PublicFunction } | Should Not Throw Assert-MockCalled Get-ChildItem -ModuleName TestModule } Remove-Module TestModule -Force } Describe 'Mocking functions with dynamic parameters in a module' { New-Module -Name TestModule { function PublicFunction { Get-Greeting -Name lowercase -Capitalize } $script:DoDynamicParam = $true # Get-Greeting sample function borrowed and modified from Bartek Bielawski's # blog at function Get-Greeting { [CmdletBinding()] param ( $Name ) DynamicParam { # This check is here to make sure the mocked version can still work if the # original function's dynamicparam block relied on script-scope variables. if (-not $script:DoDynamicParam) { return } if ($Name -cmatch '\b[a-z]') { $Attributes = New-Object Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $Attributes.ParameterSetName = "__AllParameterSets" $Attributes.Mandatory = $false $AttributeCollection = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Attribute] $AttributeCollection.Add($Attributes) $Dynamic = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('Capitalize', [switch], $AttributeCollection) $ParamDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $ParamDictionary.Add("Capitalize", $Dynamic) $ParamDictionary } } end { if($PSBoundParameters.Capitalize) { $Name = [regex]::Replace( $Name, '\b\w', { $args[0].Value.ToUpper() } ) } "Welcome $Name!" } } } | Import-Module -Force $mockWith = { if (-not $Capitalize) { throw 'Capitalize variable not found, or set to false!' } } Mock Get-Greeting -MockWith $mockWith -ModuleName TestModule -ParameterFilter { [bool]$Capitalize } It 'Allows calls to be made with dynamic parameters (including parameter filters)' { { TestModule\PublicFunction } | Should Not Throw Assert-MockCalled Get-Greeting -ModuleName TestModule } Remove-Module TestModule -Force } Describe 'DynamicParam blocks in other scopes' { New-Module -Name TestModule1 { $script:DoDynamicParam = $true function DynamicParamFunction { [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) DynamicParam { if ($script:DoDynamicParam) { Get-MockDynamicParameters -CmdletName Get-ChildItem -Parameters @{ Path = [string[]]'Cert:\' } } } end { 'I am the original function' } } } | Import-Module -Force New-Module -Name TestModule2 { function CallingFunction { DynamicParamFunction -CodeSigningCert } function CallingFunction2 { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateScript({ [bool](DynamicParamFunction -CodeSigningCert) })] [string] $Whatever ) } } | Import-Module -Force Mock DynamicParamFunction { if ($CodeSigningCert) { 'I am the mocked function' } } -ModuleName TestModule2 It 'Properly evaluates dynamic parameters when called from another scope' { CallingFunction | Should Be 'I am the mocked function' } It 'Properly evaluates dynamic parameters when called from another scope when the call is from a ValidateScript block' { CallingFunction2 -Whatever 'Whatever' } Remove-Module TestModule1 -Force Remove-Module TestModule2 -Force } Describe 'Parameter Filters and Common Parameters' { function Test-Function { [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) } Mock Test-Function { } -ParameterFilter { $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue' } It 'Applies common parameters correctly when testing the parameter filter' { { Test-Function -Verbose } | Should Not Throw Assert-MockCalled Test-Function Assert-MockCalled Test-Function -ParameterFilter { $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue' } } } Describe "Mocking Get-ItemProperty" { Mock Get-ItemProperty { New-Object -typename psobject -property @{ Name = "fakeName" } } It "Does not fail with NotImplementedException" { Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Key\" -Name "Property" | Select -ExpandProperty Name | Should Be fakeName } } Describe 'When mocking a command with parameters that match internal variable names' { function Test-Function { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string] $ArgumentList, [int] $FunctionName, [double] $ModuleName ) } Mock Test-Function { return 'Mocked!' } It 'Should execute the mocked command successfully' { { Test-Function } | Should Not Throw Test-Function | Should Be 'Mocked!' } } |