Set-StrictMode -Version Latest InModuleScope Pester { Describe "PesterBe" { It "returns true if the 2 arguments are equal" { Test-PositiveAssertion (PesterBe 1 1) } It "returns true if the 2 arguments are equal and have different case" { Test-PositiveAssertion (PesterBe "A" "a") } It "returns false if the 2 arguments are not equal" { Test-NegativeAssertion (PesterBe 1 2) } } Describe "PesterBeFailureMessage" { #the correctness of difference index value and the arrow pointing to the correct place #are not tested here thoroughly, but the behaviour was visually checked and is #implicitly tested by using the whole output in the following tests It "Returns nothing for two identical strings" { #this situation should actually never happen, as the code is called #only when the objects are not equal $string = "string" PesterBeFailureMessage $string $string | Should BeNullOrEmpty } It "Outputs less verbose message for two different objects that are not strings" { PesterBeFailureMessage 2 1 | Should Be "Expected: {1}`nBut was: {2}" } It "Outputs verbose message for two strings of different length" { PesterBeFailureMessage "actual" "expected" | Should Be "Expected string length 8 but was 6. Strings differ at index 0.`nExpected: {expected}`nBut was: {actual}`n-----------^" } It "Outputs verbose message for two different strings of the same length" { PesterBeFailureMessage "x" "y" | Should Be "String lengths are both 1. Strings differ at index 0.`nExpected: {y}`nBut was: {x}`n-----------^" } It "Replaces non-printable characters correctly" { PesterBeFailureMessage "`n`r`b`0`tx" "`n`r`b`0`ty" | Should Be "String lengths are both 6. Strings differ at index 5.`nExpected: {\n\r\b\0\ty}`nBut was: {\n\r\b\0\tx}`n---------------------^" } It "The arrow points to the correct position when non-printable characters are replaced before the difference" { PesterBeFailureMessage "123`n456" "123`n789" | Should Be "String lengths are both 7. Strings differ at index 4.`nExpected: {123\n789}`nBut was: {123\n456}`n----------------^" } It "The arrow points to the correct position when non-printable characters are replaced after the difference" { PesterBeFailureMessage "abcd`n123" "abc!`n123" | Should Be "String lengths are both 8. Strings differ at index 3.`nExpected: {abc!\n123}`nBut was: {abcd\n123}`n--------------^" } } } InModuleScope Pester { Describe "BeExactly" { It "passes if letter case matches" { 'a' | Should BeExactly 'a' } It "fails if letter case doesn't match" { 'A' | Should Not BeExactly 'a' } It "passes for numbers" { 1 | Should BeExactly 1 2.15 | Should BeExactly 2.15 } } Describe "PesterBeExactlyFailureMessage" { It "Writes verbose message for strings that differ by case" { PesterBeExactlyFailureMessage "a" "A" | Should Be "String lengths are both 1. Strings differ at index 0.`nExpected: {A}`nBut was: {a}`n-----------^" } } } |