<Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04">
<Obj RefId="0"> <TN RefId="0"> <T>Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSGetItemInfo</T> <T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T> <T>System.Object</T> </TN> <MS> <S N="Name">Pester</S> <Version N="Version">3.0.2</Version> <S N="Description">Pester provides a framework for running BDD style Tests to execute and validate PowerShell commands inside of PowerShell and offers a powerful set of Mocking Functions that allow tests to mimic and mock the functionality of any command inside of a piece of powershell code being tested. Pester tests can execute any command or script that is accesible to a pester test file. This can include functions, Cmdlets, Modules and scripts. Pester can be run in ad hoc style in a console or it can be integrated into the Build scripts of a Continuous Integration system.</S> <S N="Author">Pester Team</S> <Obj N="CompanyName" RefId="1"> <TN RefId="1"> <T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T> <T>System.Object</T> </TN> </Obj> <S N="Copyright">Copyright (c) 2014 by Pester Team, licensed under Apache 2.0 License.</S> <S N="PublishedDate">10/11/2014 5:34:22 PM -04:00</S> <S N="LicenseUri">http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0</S> <S N="ProjectUri">https://github.com/pester/Pester</S> <S N="IconUri">http://pesterbdd.com/images/Pester.png</S> <S N="Tags">powershell unit testing bdd tdd mocking</S> <Nil N="ReleaseNotes" /> <Nil N="RequiredModules" /> <S N="RepositorySourceLocation">https://msconfiggallery.cloudapp.net/api/v2/</S> <S N="Repository">PSGallery</S> <S N="OneGetProvider">NuGet</S> </MS> </Obj> </Objs> |