
function It {
Validates the results of a test inside of a Describe block.

The It command is intended to be used inside of a Describe or Context Block.
If you are familiar with the AAA pattern (Arrange-Act-Assert), the body of
the It block is the appropriate location for an assert. The convention is to
assert a single expectation for each It block. The code inside of the It block
should throw a terminating error if the expectation of the test is not met and
thus cause the test to fail. The name of the It block should expressively state
the expectation of the test.

In addition to using your own logic to test expectations and throw exceptions,
you may also use Pester's Should command to perform assertions in plain language.

An expressive phsae describing the expected test outcome.

The script block that should throw an exception if the
expectation of the test is not met.If you are following the
AAA pattern (Arrange-Act-Assert), this typically holds the

function Add-Numbers($a, $b) {
    return $a + $b

Describe "Add-Numbers" {
    It "adds positive numbers" {
        $sum = Add-Numbers 2 3
        $sum | Should Be 5

    It "adds negative numbers" {
        $sum = Add-Numbers (-2) (-2)
        $sum | Should Be (-4)

    It "adds one negative number to positive number" {
        $sum = Add-Numbers (-2) 2
        $sum | Should Be 0

    It "concatenates strings if given strings" {
        $sum = Add-Numbers two three
        $sum | Should Be "twothree"


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ScriptBlock] $test = $(Throw "No test script block is provided. (Have you put the open curly brace on the next line?)")

    Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName It


    $PesterException = $null
        $null = & $test
    } catch {
        $PesterException = $_

    $Result = Get-PesterResult -Test $Test -Exception $PesterException
    $Pester.AddTestResult($, $Result.Success, $null, $result.failuremessage, $result.StackTrace )
    $Pester.testresult[-1] | Write-PesterResult


function Get-PesterResult {
    param([ScriptBlock] $Test, $Time, $Exception)
    $testResult = @{
        name = $name
        time = $time
        failureMessage = ""
        stackTrace = ""
        success = $false

    if(-not $exception)
        $testResult.success = $true
        if ($exception.FullyQualifiedErrorID -eq 'PesterAssertionFailed')
            $failureMessage = $exception.exception.message
            $file = $test.File
            $line = if ( $exception.ErrorDetails.message -match "\d+$" )  { $matches[0] }
        else {
            $failureMessage = $exception.ToString()
            $file = $Exception.InvocationInfo.ScriptName
            $line = $Exception.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber

        $testResult.failureMessage = $failureMessage -replace "Exception calling", "Assert failed on"
        $testResult.stackTrace = "at line: $line in $file"
    return $testResult