

    .VERSION 1.4.0

    .GUID e870ebd8-e4d0-4de3-aea6-58a85d7b3200

    .AUTHOR Federico @last0x00 Lagrasta

    .DESCRIPTION This module tries to enumerate all the persistence methods implanted on a compromised machine. New techniques may take some time before they are implemented in this script, so don't assume that because the script didn't find anything the machine is clean.

    .COMPANYNAME @APTortellini

    .COPYRIGHT CC0 1.0 Universal

    .TAGS Windows Persistence Detection Blue Team







    This release contains a number of improvements as well as new persistence techniques. The output also contains member properties detailing if the binaries used are builtin binaries and/or LOLbins.



#Requires -RunAsAdministrator

function Find-AllPersistence
      Find-AllPersistence is PersistenceSniper's main function. All the other functions defined in it are used by Find-AllPersistence to gather information on potential persistence techniques implanted on the machines PersistenceSniper is run on.

      Enumerate all the persistence methods found on a machine and print them for the user to see.

      .PARAMETER ComputerName
      Optional, an array of computernames to run the script on.

      Optional, a CSV file to be taken as input and used to exclude from the output all the local persistences which match the ones in the CSV file itself.

      .PARAMETER IncludeHighFalsePositivesChecks
      Optional, a switch which forces PersistenceSniper to also call a number of functions with checks which are more difficult to filter and in turn cause a lot of false positives.
      .PARAMETER OutputCSV
      Optional, a CSV file to be used as output which will contain all the findings in a CSV format.

      Enumerate low false positive persistence techniques implanted on the local machine.

      $Persistences = Find-AllPersistence
      Enumerate low false positive persistence techniques implanted on the local machine and save them in Powershell variable for later processing.

      Find-AllPersistence -OutputCSV .\persistences.csv
      Enumerate low false positive persistence techniques implanted on the local machine and output to a CSV.

      Find-AllPersistence -DiffCSV .\persistences.csv
      Enumerate low false positive persistence techniques implanted on the local machine but show us only the persistences which are not in an input CSV.

      Find-AllPersistence -DiffCSV .\persistences.csv
      Enumerate low false positive persistence techniques implanted on the local machine but show us only the persistences which are not in an input CSV and output the results on another CSV.

      Find-AllPersistence -ComputerName @('', '') -IncludeHighFalsePositivesChecks -DiffCSV .\persistences.csv -OutputCSV .\findings.csv
      Enumerate all persistence techniques implanted on an array of remote machines but show only the persistences which are not in an input CSV and output the findings on a CSV.

      Find-AllPersistence -ComputerName (Get-Content computers.txt) -IncludeHighFalsePositivesChecks -DiffCSV .\persistences.csv -OutputCSV .\findings.csv
      Enumerate all persistence techniques implanted on an array of remote machines retrieved from a file containing one hostname per line but show only the persistences which are not in an input CSV and output the findings on a CSV.

      Find-AllPersistence -DiffCSV .\persistences.csv -OutputCSV .\findings.csv | Where-Object Classification -Like "MITRE ATT&CK T*"
      Enumerate all persistence techniques implanted on the local machine, filter out the ones in the persistences.csv file, save the results in findings.csv and output to console only the persistences which are classified under the MITRE ATT&CK framework.

    [Parameter(Position = 0)]
    $ComputerName = $null,
    [Parameter(Position = 1)]
    $DiffCSV = $null, 
    [Parameter(Position = 2)]
    [Parameter(Position = 3)]
    $OutputCSV = $null  
  $ScriptBlock = 
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    $VerbosePreference = $Using:VerbosePreference
    $hostname = ([Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($env:computerName)).HostName
    $script:psProperties = @('PSChildName', 'PSDrive', 'PSParentPath', 'PSPath', 'PSProvider')
    $script:persistenceObjectArray = [Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    $script:systemAndUsersHives = [Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    $systemHive = (Get-Item Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).PSpath
    $null = $systemAndUsersHives.Add($systemHive)
    $sids = Get-ChildItem Registry::HKEY_USERS 
    foreach($sid in $sids)
      $null = $systemAndUsersHives.Add($sid.PSpath)
    function New-PersistenceObject
        $Hostname = $null,

        $Technique = $null, 

        $Classification = $null, 

        $Path = $null, 

        $Value = $null, 

        $AccessGained = $null,
        $Note = $null,
        $Reference = $null,
        $Signature = $null ,
        $IsBuiltinBinary = $false,
        $IsLolbin = $false
      $PersistenceObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
        'Hostname'               = $Hostname
        'Technique'            = $Technique
        'Classification'     = $Classification
        'Path'                 = $Path
        'Value'                = $Value
        'Access Gained'     = $AccessGained
        'Note'                 = $Note
        'Reference'            = $Reference
        'Signature'              = Find-CertificateInfo (Get-ExecutableFromCommandLine $Value)
        'IsBuiltinBinary'    = Get-IfBuiltinBinary (Get-ExecutableFromCommandLine $Value)
        'IsLolbin'              = Get-IfLolBin (Get-ExecutableFromCommandLine $Value)
      return $PersistenceObject
    function Get-IfLolBin
      # To get an updated list of lolbins
      # curl | grep -E "bin-name\">(.*)\.exe<" -o | cut -d ">" -f 2 | cut -d "<" -f 1
      foreach($lolbin in ($lolbins)){
        $exe = Split-Path -path $executable -Leaf
        if ($exe.ToUpper() -eq ($lolbin)) {
          return $true
      return $false

    function Get-IfBuiltinBinary
      try {
        $authenticode = Get-AuthenticodeSignature $executable
          return $true
          return $false
      catch { 
        return $false
    function Find-CertificateInfo
      try {
        $authenticode = Get-AuthenticodeSignature $executable
        $formattedString = [string]::Format("Status = {0}, Subject = {1}",$authenticode.Status, $authenticode.SignerCertificate.Subject)
        return $formattedString
      catch { 
        return "Unknown error occurred"
    function Get-ExecutableFromCommandLine 
      $pathName = $pathName -Replace '"'
      $match = [regex]::Match($pathName, '[A-Za-z0-9\s]+\.(exe|dll|ocx|cmd|bat|ps1)')
        # Grab Index from the [regex]::Match() result
        $Index = $Match.Index

        # Substring using the index we obtained above
        $ThingsBeforeMatch = $pathName.Substring(0, $Index)
        $path = "$ThingsBeforeMatch$match"
        Write-Host $pathName
        $path = $null
      if((Test-Path -Path $path -PathType leaf) -eq $false)
        $path = (Get-Command $path).Source
      return $path
    function Get-IfSafeExecutable
      $exePath = Get-ExecutableFromCommandLine $executable
      if((Get-IfBuiltinBinary $exePath) -and -not (Get-IfLolBin $exePath) )
        return $true
        return $false
    function Get-IfSafeLibrary
      if((Get-IfBuiltinBinary $dllFullPath) -eq $true)
        return $true
        return $false

    function Get-RunAndRunOnce
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting Run properties..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $runProps = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" 
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found properties under $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)'s Run key which deserve investigation!"
          foreach ($prop in (Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $runProps))
            } # skip the property if it's powershell built-in property
            $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $runProps.PSPath
            $propPath += '\' + $prop.Name
            $currentHive = Convert-Path -Path $hive
            if(($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20'))
              $access = 'System'
              $access = 'User'
            #$exePath = Get-ExecutableFromPath($runProps.($prop.Name))
            if(Get-IfSafeExecutable $runProps.($prop.Name))
            $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Registry Run Key' -Classification 'MITRE ATT&CK T1547.001' -Path $propPath -Value $runProps.($prop.Name) -AccessGained $access -Note 'Executables in properties of the key (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run are run when the user logs in.' -Reference '' 
            $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting RunOnce properties..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $runOnceProps = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" 
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found properties under $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)'s RunOnce key which deserve investigation!"
          foreach ($prop in (Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $runOnceProps))
            } # skip the property if it's powershell built-in property
            $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $runOnceProps.PSPath
            $propPath += '\' + $prop.Name
            $currentHive = Convert-Path -Path $hive
            if(($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20'))
              $access = 'System'
              $access = 'User'
            if(Get-IfSafeExecutable $runOnceProps.($prop.Name))
            $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Registry RunOnce Key' -Classification 'MITRE ATT&CK T1547.001' -Path $propPath -Value $runOnceProps.($prop.Name) -AccessGained $access -Note 'Executables in properties of the key (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce are run once when the user logs in and then deleted.' -Reference '' 
            $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-ImageFileExecutionOptions
      $IFEOptsDebuggers = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
      $foundDangerousIFEOpts = $false
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting Image File Execution Options..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $ifeOpts = Get-ChildItem -Path "$hive\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options" 
          foreach($key in $ifeOpts)
            $debugger = Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::$key -Name Debugger 
              $foundDangerousIFEOpts = $true
              $null = $IFEOptsDebuggers.Add($key)
            Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found subkeys under the Image File Execution Options key of $(Convert-Path -Path $hive) which deserve investigation!"
            foreach($key in $IFEOptsDebuggers)
              $ifeProps = Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::$key -Name Debugger
              foreach ($prop in (Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $ifeProps))
                } # skip the property if it's powershell built-in property
                $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $ifeProps.PSPath
                $propPath += '\' + $prop.Name
                if(Get-IfSafeExecutable $ifeProps.($prop.Name))
                $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Image File Execution Options' -Classification 'MITRE ATT&CK T1546.012' -Path $propPath -Value $ifeProps.($prop.Name) -AccessGained 'System/User' -Note 'Executables in the Debugger property of a subkey of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\ are run instead of the program corresponding to the subkey. Gained access depends on whose context the debugged process runs in.' -Reference '' 
                $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-NLDPDllOverridePath
      $KeysWithDllOverridePath = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
      $foundDllOverridePath = $false
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting Natural Language Development Platform DLL path override properties..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $NLDPLanguages = Get-ChildItem -Path "$hive\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex\Language" 
          foreach($key in $NLDPLanguages)
            $DllOverridePath = Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::$key -Name *DLLPathOverride 
              $foundDllOverridePath = $true
              $null = $KeysWithDllOverridePath.Add($key)
            Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found subkeys under $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex\Language which deserve investigation!"
            foreach($key in $KeysWithDllOverridePath)
              $properties = Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::$key | Select-Object -Property *DLLPathOverride, PS*
              foreach ($prop in (Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $properties))
                } # skip the property if it's powershell built-in property
                $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $properties.PSPath
                $propPath += '\' + $prop.Name
                $currentHive = Convert-Path -Path $hive
                if(($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20'))
                  $access = 'System'
                  $access = 'User'
                if(Get-IfSafeLibrary $properties.($prop.Name))
                $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Natural Language Development Platform 6 DLL Override Path' -Classification 'Hexacorn Technique N.98' -Path $propPath -Value $properties.($prop.Name) -AccessGained $access -Note 'DLLs listed in properties of subkeys of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex\Language are loaded via LoadLibrary executed by SearchIndexer.exe' -Reference ''
                $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-AeDebug
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting AeDebug properties..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $aeDebugger = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug" -Name Debugger 
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found properties under the $(Convert-Path -Path $hive) AeDebug key which deserve investigation!"
          foreach ($prop in (Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $aeDebugger))
            } # skip the property if it's powershell built-in property
            $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $aeDebugger.PSPath
            $propPath += '\' + $prop.Name
            if(Get-IfSafeExecutable $aeDebugger.($prop.Name))
            $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'AEDebug Custom Debugger' -Classification 'Hexacorn Technique N.4' -Path $propPath -Value $aeDebugger.($prop.Name) -AccessGained 'System/User' -Note "The executable in the Debugger property of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug is run when a process crashes. Gained access depends on whose context the debugged process runs in; if the Auto property of the same registry key is set to 1, the debugger starts without user interaction. A value of 'C:\Windows\system32\vsjitdebugger.exe' might be a false positive if you have Visual Studio Community installed." -Reference '' 
            $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
        $aeDebugger = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug" -Name Debugger 
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found properties under the $(Convert-Path -Path $hive) Wow6432Node AeDebug key which deserve investigation!"
          foreach ($prop in (Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $aeDebugger))
            } # skip the property if it's powershell built-in property
            $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $aeDebugger.PSPath
            $propPath += '\' + $prop.Name
            if(Get-IfSafeExecutable $aeDebugger.($prop.Name))
            $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Wow6432Node AEDebug Custom Debugger' -Classification 'Hexacorn Technique N.4' -Path $propPath -Value $aeDebugger.($prop.Name) -AccessGained 'System/User' -Note "The executable in the Debugger property of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug is run when a 32 bit process on a 64 bit system crashes. Gained access depends on whose context the debugged process runs in; if the Auto property of the same registry key is set to 1, the debugger starts without user interaction. A value of 'C:\Windows\system32\vsjitdebugger.exe' might be a false positive if you have Visual Studio Community installed." -Reference ''
            $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message '' 
    function Get-WerFaultHangs
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting WerFault Hangs registry key Debug property..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $werfaultDebugger = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Hangs" -Name Debugger 
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found a Debugger property under the $(Convert-Path -Path $hive) WerFault Hangs key which deserve investigation!"
          $werfaultDebugger | Select-Object -Property Debugger, PS*
          foreach ($prop in (Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $werfaultDebugger))
            } # skip the property if it's powershell built-in property
            $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $werfaultDebugger.PSPath
            $propPath += '\' + $prop.Name
            if(Get-IfSafeExecutable $werfaultDebugger.($prop.Name))
            $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Windows Error Reporting Debugger' -Classification 'Hexacorn Technique N.116' -Path $propPath -Value $werfaultDebugger.($prop.Name) -AccessGained 'System' -Note 'The executable in the Debugger property of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Hangs is spawned by WerFault.exe when a process crashes.' -Reference ''
            $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting WerFault Hangs registry key ReflectDebug property..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $werfaultReflectDebugger = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Hangs" -Name ReflectDebugger 
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found a ReflectDebugger property under the $(Convert-Path -Path $hive) WerFault Hangs key which deserve investigation!"
          $werfaultReflectDebugger | Select-Object -Property ReflectDebugger, PS*
          foreach ($prop in (Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $werfaultReflectDebugger))
            } # skip the property if it's powershell built-in property
            $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $werfaultReflectDebugger.PSPath
            $propPath += '\' + $prop.Name
            if(Get-IfSafeExecutable $werfaultReflectDebugger.($prop.Name))
            $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Windows Error Reporting ReflectDebugger' -Classification 'Hexacorn Technique N.85' -Path $propPath -Value $werfaultReflectDebugger.($prop.Name) -AccessGained 'System' -Note 'The executable in the ReflectDebugger property of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Hangs is spawned by WerFault.exe when called with the -pr argument.' -Reference ''
            $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''

    function Get-CmdAutoRun
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting Command Processor's AutoRun property..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $autorun = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" -Name AutoRun 
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] $(Convert-Path -Path $hive) Command Processor's AutoRun property is set and deserves investigation!"
          foreach ($prop in (Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $autorun))
            if($psProperties.Contains($prop.Name)) { continue } # skip the property if it's powershell built-in property
            $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $autorun.PSPath
            $propPath += '\' + $prop.Name
            $currentHive = Convert-Path -Path $hive
            if(($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20'))
              $access = 'System'
              $access = 'User'
            if(Get-IfSafeExecutable $autorun.($prop.Name))
            $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Command Processor AutoRun key' -Classification 'Uncatalogued Technique N.1' -Path $propPath -Value $autorun.($prop.Name) -AccessGained $access -Note 'The executable in the AutoRun property of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun is run when cmd.exe is spawned without the /D argument.' -Reference ''
            $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''   
    function Get-ExplorerLoad
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting Explorer's Load property..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $loadKey = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" -Name Load 
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] $(Convert-Path -Path $hive) Load property is set and deserves investigation!"
          foreach ($prop in (Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $loadKey))
            } # skip the property if it's powershell built-in property
            $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $loadKey.PSPath
            $propPath += '\' + $prop.Name
            $currentHive = Convert-Path -Path $hive
            if(($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20'))
              $access = 'System'
              $access = 'User'
            if(Get-IfSafeExecutable $loadKey.($prop.Name))
            $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Explorer Load Property' -Classification 'Uncatalogued Technique N.2' -Path $propPath -Value $loadKey.($prop.Name) -AccessGained $access -Note 'The executable in the Load property of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows is run by explorer.exe at login time.' -Reference ''
            $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-WinlogonUserinit
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting Winlogon's Userinit property..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $userinit = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name Userinit 
          if($userinit.Userinit -ne 'C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe,')
            Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] $(Convert-Path -Path $hive) Winlogon's Userinit property is set to a non-standard value and deserves investigation!"
            foreach ($prop in (Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $userinit))
              } # skip the property if it's powershell built-in property
              $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $userinit.PSPath
              $propPath += '\' + $prop.Name
              $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Winlogon Userinit Property' -Classification 'MITRE ATT&CK T1547.004' -Path $propPath -Value $userinit.($prop.Name) -AccessGained 'System' -Note "The executables in the Userinit property of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon are run at login time by any user. Normally this property should be set to 'C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe,' without any further executables appended." -Reference ''
              $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-WinlogonShell
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting Winlogon's Shell property..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)

        $shell = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name Shell 
          if($shell.Shell -ne 'explorer.exe')
            Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] $(Convert-Path -Path $hive) Winlogon's Shell property is set to a non-standard value and deserves investigation!"
            foreach ($prop in (Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $shell))
              } # skip the property if it's a powershell built-in property
              $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $shell.PSPath
              $propPath += '\' + $prop.Name
              $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Winlogon Shell Property' -Classification 'MITRE ATT&CK T1547.004' -Path $propPath -Value $shell.($prop.Name) -AccessGained 'User' -Note "The executables in the Shell property of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon are run as the default shells for any users. Normally this property should be set to 'explorer.exe' without any further executables appended." -Reference ''
              $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-TerminalProfileStartOnUserLogin
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Checking if users' Windows Terminal Profile's settings.json contains a startOnUserLogin value..."
      $userDirectories = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Users\'
      foreach($directory in $userDirectories)
        $terminalDirectories = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($directory.FullName)\Appdata\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_*" 
        foreach($terminalDirectory in $terminalDirectories)
          $settingsFile = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$($terminalDirectory.FullName)\LocalState\settings.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
          if($settingsFile.startOnUserLogin -ne 'true') # skip to the next profile if startOnUserLogin is not present
          $defaultProfileGuid = $settingsFile.defaultProfile
          $found = $false 
          foreach($profileList in $settingsFile.profiles)
            foreach($profile in $profileList.list)
              if($profile.guid -eq $defaultProfileGuid)
                Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] The file $($terminalDirectory.FullName)\LocalState\settings.json has the startOnUserLogin key set, the default profile has GUID $($profile.guid)!"
                  $executable = $profile.commandline 
                  $executable = $ 
                $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Windows Terminal startOnUserLogin' -Classification 'Uncatalogued Technique N.3' -Path "$($terminalDirectory.FullName)\LocalState\settings.json" -Value "$executable" -AccessGained 'User' -Note "The executable specified as value of the key `"commandline`" of a profile which has the `"startOnUserLogin`" key set to `"true`" in the Windows Terminal's settings.json of a user is run every time that user logs in." -Reference ''
                $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
                $found = $true
            if ($found) 
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-AppCertDlls
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting AppCertDlls properties..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $appCertDllsProps = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\AppCertDlls" 
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found properties under $(Convert-Path -Path $hive) AppCertDlls key which deserve investigation!"
          foreach ($prop in (Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $appCertDllsProps))
            if($psProperties.Contains($prop.Name)) { continue } # skip the property if it's powershell built-in property
            $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $appCertDllsProps.PSPath
            $propPath += '\' + $prop.Name
            $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'AppCertDlls' -Classification 'MITRE ATT&CK T1546.009' -Path $propPath -Value $appCertDllsProps.($prop.Name) -AccessGained 'System' -Note 'DLLs in properties of the key (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\AppCertDlls are loaded by every process that loads the Win32 API at process creation.' -Reference ''
            $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-AppPaths
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting App Paths inside the registry..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $appPathsKeys = Get-ChildItem -Path "$hive\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths" 
        foreach($key in $appPathsKeys)
          $appPath = Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::$key -Name '(Default)' 
          $exePath = $appPath.'(Default)'
          if((Test-Path -Path $exePath -PathType leaf) -eq $false)
            $exePath = "C:\Windows\System32\$exePath"
          if ((Test-Path -Path $exePath -PathType leaf) -and ($exePath.Contains('powershell') -or $exePath.Contains('cmd') -or -not (Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $exePath ).IsOSBinary))
            Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found subkeys under the $(Convert-Path -Path $hive) App Paths key which deserve investigation!"
            $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $key.PSPath
            $propPath += '\' + $appPath.Name
            if(Get-IfSafeExecutable $appPath.'(Default)')
            $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'App Paths' -Classification 'Hexacorn Technique N.3' -Path "$propPath(Default)" -Value $appPath.'(Default)' -AccessGained 'System/User' -Note 'Executables in the (Default) property of a subkey of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ are run instead of the program corresponding to the subkey. Gained access depends on whose context the process runs in. Be aware this might be a false positive.' -Reference ''
            $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-ServiceDlls
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting Service DLLs inside the registry..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $keys = Get-ChildItem -Path "$hive\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\" 
        foreach ($key in $keys)
          $ImagePath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path ($key.pspath)).ImagePath
          if ($null -ne $ImagePath)
            if ($ImagePath.Contains('\svchost.exe'))
              if (Test-Path -Path ($key.pspath+'\Parameters'))
                $ServiceDll = (Get-ItemProperty -Path ($key.pspath+'\Parameters')).ServiceDll
                $ServiceDll = (Get-ItemProperty -Path ($key.pspath)).ServiceDll
              if ($null -ne $ServiceDll)
                $dllPath = $ServiceDll
                if((Test-Path -Path $dllPath -PathType leaf) -eq $false)
                  $dllPath = "C:\Windows\System32\$dllPath"
                if ((Get-IfSafeLibrary $dllPath) -EQ $false) 
                  Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found subkeys under the $(Convert-Path -Path $hive) Services key which deserve investigation!"
                  $propPath = (Convert-Path -Path "$($key.pspath)") + '\Parameters\ServiceDll'
                  $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'ServiceDll Hijacking' -Classification 'Hexacorn Technique N.4' -Path $propPath -Value "$ServiceDll" -AccessGained 'System' -Note "DLLs in the ServiceDll property of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\<SERVICE_NAME>\Parameters are loaded by the corresponding service's svchost.exe. If an attacker modifies said entry, the malicious DLL will be loaded in place of the legitimate one." -Reference ''
                  $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-GPExtensionDlls
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting Group Policy Extension DLLs inside the registry..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $keys = Get-ChildItem -Path "$hive\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\GPExtensions" 
        foreach ($key in $keys)
          $DllName = (Get-ItemProperty -Path ($key.pspath)).DllName
          if ($null -ne $DllName)
            if((Test-Path -Path $DllName -PathType leaf) -eq $false)
              $DllName = "C:\Windows\System32\$DllName"
            if ((Get-IfSafeLibrary $DllName) -EQ $false) 
              Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found DllName property under a subkey of the $(Convert-Path -Path $hive) GPExtensions key which deserve investigation!"
              $propPath = (Convert-Path -Path "$($key.pspath)") + '\DllName'
              $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Group Policy Extension DLL' -Classification 'Uncatalogued Technique N.4' -Path $propPath -Value "$DllName" -AccessGained 'System' -Note 'DLLs in the DllName property of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\GPExtensions\<GUID>\ are loaded by the gpsvc process. If an attacker modifies said entry, the malicious DLL will be loaded in place of the legitimate one.' -Reference ''
              $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-WinlogonMPNotify
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting Winlogon MPNotify property..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $mpnotify = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name mpnotify 
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found MPnotify property under $(Convert-Path -Path $hive) Winlogon key!"
          $propPath = (Convert-Path -Path $mpnotify.PSPath) + '\mpnotify'
          $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Winlogon MPNotify Executable' -Classification 'Uncatalogued Technique N.5' -Path $propPath -Value $mpnotify.mpnotify -AccessGained 'System' -Note 'The executable specified in the "mpnotify" property of the (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon key is run by Winlogon when a user logs on. After the timeout (30s) the process and its child processes are terminated.' -Reference ''
          $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-CHMHelperDll
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting CHM Helper DLL inside the registry..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $dllLocation = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\Software\Microsoft\HtmlHelp Author" -Name Location
          $dllPath = $dllLocation.Location
          if ($null -ne $dllPath)
            if((Test-Path -Path $dllPath -PathType leaf) -eq $false)
              $dllPath = "C:\Windows\System32\$dllPath"
            if ((Get-IfSafeLibrary $dllPath) -EQ $false) 
              Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found Location property under $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)\Software\Microsoft\HtmlHelp Author\ which deserve investigation!"
              $propPath = (Convert-Path -Path "$($dllLocation.pspath)") + '\Location'
              $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'CHM Helper DLL' -Classification 'Hexacorn Technique N.76' -Path $propPath -Value "$($dllLocation.Location)" -AccessGained 'User' -Note 'DLLs in the Location property of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\Software\Microsoft\HtmlHelp Author\ are loaded when a CHM help file is parsed. If an attacker adds said entry, the malicious DLL will be loaded.' -Reference ''
              $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-HHCtrlHijacking
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting the hhctrl.ocx library inside the registry..."
      $hive = (Get-Item Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT).PSpath
      $dllLocation = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\CLSID\{52A2AAAE-085D-4187-97EA-8C30DB990436}\InprocServer32" -Name '(Default)'
      $dllPath = $dllLocation.'(Default)'
      if ($null -ne $dllPath)
        if((Test-Path -Path $dllPath -PathType leaf) -eq $false)
          $dllPath = "C:\Windows\System32\$dllPath"
        if ((Test-Path -Path $dllPath -PathType leaf) -and -not (Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $dllPath ).IsOSBinary)
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] The DLL at $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)\CLSID\{52A2AAAE-085D-4187-97EA-8C30DB990436}\InprocServer32\(Default) is not an OS binary and deserves investigation!"
          $propPath = (Convert-Path -Path "$($dllLocation.pspath)") + '\(Default)'
          $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Hijacking of hhctrl.ocx' -Classification 'Hexacorn Technique N.77' -Path $propPath -Value "$($dllLocation.'(Default)')" -AccessGained 'User' -Note 'The DLL in the (Default) property of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{52A2AAAE-085D-4187-97EA-8C30DB990436}\InprocServer32 is loaded when a CHM help file is parsed or when hh.exe is started. If an attacker modifies said entry, the malicious DLL will be loaded. In case the loading fails for any reason, C:\Windows\hhctrl.ocx is loaded.' -Reference ''
          $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
        $dllPath = "C:\Windows\System32\hhctrl.ocx"
        if ((Test-Path -Path $dllPath -PathType Leaf) -and -not (Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $dllPath ).IsOSBinary)
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] The DLL at $dllPath is not an OS binary and deserves investigation!"
          $propPath = (Convert-Path -Path "$($dllLocation.pspath)") + '\(Default)'
          $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname "$hostname" -Technique 'Hijacking of hhctrl.ocx' -Classification 'Hexacorn Technique N.77' -Path "$dllPath" -Value "Not an OS binary" -AccessGained 'User' -Note 'The DLL in the (Default) property of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{52A2AAAE-085D-4187-97EA-8C30DB990436}\InprocServer32 is loaded when a CHM help file is parsed or when hh.exe is started. If an attacker modifies said entry, the malicious DLL will be loaded. In case the loading fails for any reason, C:\Windows\hhctrl.ocx is loaded.' -Reference ''
          $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-StartupPrograms
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Checking if users' Startup folder contains interesting artifacts..."
      $userDirectories = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Users\'
      foreach($directory in $userDirectories)
        $startupDirectory = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($directory.FullName)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\" 
        foreach($file in $startupDirectory)
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found a file under $($directory.FullName)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ folder!"
          if(Get-IfSafeExecutable "$($directory.FullName)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\$file")
          $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Startup Folder' -Classification 'MITRE ATT&CK T1547.001' -Path "$($directory.FullName)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\" -Value "$file" -AccessGained 'User' -Note "The executables under the \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ of a user's folder are run every time that user logs in." -Reference ''
          $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
          $found = $true
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-UserInitMprScript
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting users' UserInitMprLogonScript property..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $mprlogonscript = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\Environment" -Name UserInitMprLogonScript 
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found UserInitMprLogonScript property under $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)\Environment\ key!"
          $propPath = (Convert-Path -Path $mprlogonscript.PSPath) + '\UserInitMprLogonScript'
          $currentHive = Convert-Path -Path $hive
          if(($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19') -or ($currentHive -eq 'HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20'))
            $access = 'System'
            $access = 'User'
          $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'User Init Mpr Logon Script' -Classification 'MITRE ATT&CK T1037.001' -Path $propPath -Value $mprlogonscript.UserInitMprLogonScript -AccessGained $access -Note 'The executable specified in the "UserInitMprLogonScript" property of the HKEY_USERS\<SID>\Environment key is run when the user logs on.' -Reference ''
          $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-AutodialDLL
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting the AutodialDLL property..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $autodialDll = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinSock2\Parameters" -Name AutodialDLL 
          $dllPath = $autodialDll.AutodialDLL
          if((Test-Path -Path $dllPath -PathType leaf) -eq $false)
            $dllPath = "C:\Windows\System32\$dllPath"
          if ((Get-IfSafeLibrary $dllPath) -EQ $false)
            Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found AutodialDLL property under $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinSock2\Parameters\ key which points to a non-OS DLL!"
            $propPath = (Convert-Path -Path $autodialDll.PSPath) + '\AutodialDLL'
            $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'AutodialDLL Winsock Injection' -Classification 'Hexacorn Technique N.24' -Path $propPath -Value $autodialDll.AutodialDLL -AccessGained 'System' -Note 'The DLL specified in the "AutodialDLL" property of the (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinSock2\Parameters key is loaded by the Winsock library everytime it connects to the internet.' -Reference ''
            $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-LsaExtensions
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting LSA's extensions..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $lsaExtensions = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\LsaExtensionConfig\LsaSrv" -Name Extensions 
          $dlls = $lsaExtensions.Extensions -split '\s+'
          foreach ($dll in $dlls)
            $dllPath = $dll
            if((Test-Path -Path $dllPath -PathType leaf) -eq $false)
              $dllPath = "C:\Windows\System32\$dllPath"
            if ((Get-IfSafeLibrary $dllPath) -EQ $false)
              Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found LSA Extension DLL under the $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\LsaExtensionConfig\LsaSrv\Extensions property which points to a non-OS DLL!"
              $propPath = (Convert-Path -Path $lsaExtensions.PSPath) + '\Extensions'
              $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'LSA Extensions DLL' -Classification 'Uncatalogued Technique N.6' -Path $propPath -Value $dll -AccessGained 'System' -Note 'The DLLs specified in the "Extensions" property of the (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\LsaExtensionConfig\LsaSrv\ key are loaded by LSASS at machine boot.' -Reference ''
              $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-ServerLevelPluginDll
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting the ServerLevelPluginDll property..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $pluginDll = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DNS\Parameters" -Name ServerLevelPluginDll 
          $dllPath = $pluginDll.ServerLevelPluginDll
          if((Test-Path -Path $dllPath -PathType leaf) -eq $false)
            $dllPath = "C:\Windows\System32\$dllPath"
          if ((Get-IfSafeLibrary $dllPath) -EQ $false)
            Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found ServerLevelPluginDll property under $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DNS\Parameters key which points to a non-OS DLL!"
            $propPath = (Convert-Path -Path $pluginDll.PSPath) + '\ServerLevelPluginDll'
            $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'ServerLevelPluginDll DNS Server DLL Hijacking' -Classification 'Uncatalogued Technique N.7' -Path $propPath -Value $pluginDll.ServerLevelPluginDll -AccessGained 'System' -Note 'The DLL specified in the "ServerLevelPluginDll" property of the (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DNS\Parameters key is loaded by the DNS service on systems with the "DNS Server" role enabled.' -Reference ''
            $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-LsaPasswordFilter
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting LSA's password filters..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $passwordFilters = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" -Name 'Notification Packages' 
          $dlls = $passwordFilters.'Notification Packages' -split '\s+'
          foreach ($dll in $dlls)
            $dllPath = "C:\Windows\System32\$dll.dll"
            if ((Get-IfSafeLibrary $dllPath) -EQ $false)
              Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found a LSA password filter DLL under the $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Notification Packages property which points to a non-OS DLL!"
              $propPath = (Convert-Path -Path $passwordFilters.PSPath) + '\Notification Packages'
              $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'LSA Password Filter DLL' -Classification 'MITRE ATT&CK T1556.002' -Path $propPath -Value $dllPath -AccessGained 'System' -Note 'The DLLs specified in the "Notification Packages" property of the (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\ key are loaded by LSASS at machine boot.' -Reference ''
              $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-LsaAuthenticationPackages
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting LSA's authentication packages..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $authPackages = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" -Name 'Authentication Packages' 
          $dlls = $authPackages.'Authentication Packages' -split '\s+'
          foreach ($dll in $dlls)
            $dllPath = "C:\Windows\System32\$dll.dll"
            if ((Get-IfSafeLibrary $dllPath) -EQ $false)
              Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found a LSA authentication package DLL under the $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Authentication Packages property which points to a non-OS DLL!"
              $propPath = (Convert-Path -Path $authPackages.PSPath) + '\Authentication Packages'
              $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'LSA Authentication Package DLL' -Classification 'MITRE ATT&CK T1547.002' -Path $propPath -Value $dllPath -AccessGained 'System' -Note 'The DLLs specified in the "Authentication Packages" property of the (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\ key are loaded by LSASS at machine boot.' -Reference ''
              $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-LsaSecurityPackages
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting LSA's security packages..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $secPackages = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" -Name 'Security Packages' 
          $packageString = $secPackages.'Security Packages' -replace '"',''
          $dlls = $packageString -split '\s+'
          foreach ($dll in $dlls)
            if($dll -eq "")
            if((Test-Path -Path $dllPath -PathType leaf) -eq $false)
              $dllPath = "C:\Windows\System32\$dllPath.dll"
            if ((Get-IfSafeLibrary $dllPath) -EQ $false)
              Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found a LSA security package DLL under the $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Security Packages property which points to a non-OS DLL!"
              $propPath = (Convert-Path -Path $secPackages.PSPath) + '\Security Packages'
              $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'LSA Security Package DLL' -Classification 'MITRE ATT&CK T1547.005' -Path $propPath -Value $dll -AccessGained 'System' -Note 'The DLLs specified in the "Security Packages" property of the (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\ key are loaded by LSASS at machine boot.' -Reference ''
              $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-WinlogonNotificationPackages
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting Winlogon Notification packages..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $notificationPackages = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify" 
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found properties under $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify key which deserve investigation!"
          foreach ($prop in (Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $notificationPackages))
            } # skip the property if it's powershell built-in property
            $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $notificationPackages.PSPath
            $propPath += '\' + $prop.Name
            $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Winlogon Notification Package' -Classification 'MITRE ATT&CK T1547.004' -Path $propPath -Value $notificationPackages.($prop.Name) -AccessGained 'System' -Note 'DLLs in the properties of the (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify key are loaded by the system when it boots.' -Reference ''
            $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-ExplorerTools
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting Explorer Tools..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $explorerTools = Get-ChildItem -Path "$hive\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer" 
        foreach($key in $explorerTools)
          $path = ((Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::$key -Name '(Default)').'(Default)'-split '\s+')[0] # split the path and take only the executable in case there are arguments
          if((Test-Path -Path $path -PathType leaf) -eq $false)
            $path = "C:\Windows\System32\$path.dll"
          if ((Test-Path -Path $path -PathType leaf) -and -not (Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $path ).IsOSBinary) 
            Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found an executable under a subkey of $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer key which deserve investigation!"
            $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $key.PSPath
            $propPath += '\(Default)'
            $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Explorer Tools Hijacking' -Classification 'Hexacorn Technique N.55' -Path $propPath -Value $path -AccessGained 'System' -Note 'Executables in the (Default) property of a subkey of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer are run when the corresponding event is triggered.' -Reference ''
            $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-DotNetDebugger
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Getting .NET Debugger properties..."
      foreach($hive in $systemAndUsersHives)
        $dotNetDebugger = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework" -Name DbgManagedDebugger 
          if(Get-IfSafeExecutable $dotNetDebugger.DbgManagedDebugger)
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found DbgManagedDebugger under the $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework key which deserve investigation!"
          $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $dotNetDebugger.PSPath
          $propPath += '\DbgManagedDebugger'

          $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'DbgManagedDebugger Custom Debugger' -Classification 'Hexacorn Technique N.4' -Path $propPath -Value $dotNetDebugger.DbgManagedDebugger -AccessGained 'System/User' -Note "The executable in the DbgManagedDebugger property of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework is run when a .NET process crashes. Gained access depends on whose context the debugged process runs in." -Reference ''
          $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
        $dotNetDebugger = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$hive\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework" -Name DbgManagedDebugger 
          if(Get-IfSafeExecutable $dotNetDebugger.DbgManagedDebugger)
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found DbgManagedDebugger under the $(Convert-Path -Path $hive)\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework key which deserve investigation!"
          $propPath = Convert-Path -Path $dotNetDebugger.PSPath
          $propPath += '\DbgManagedDebugger'
          $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Wow6432Node DbgManagedDebugger Custom Debugger' -Classification 'Hexacorn Technique N.4' -Path $propPath -Value $dotNetDebugger.DbgManagedDebugger -AccessGained 'System/User' -Note "The executable in the DbgManagedDebugger property of (HKLM|HKEY_USERS\<SID>)\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework is run when a .NET 32 bit process on a 64 bit system crashes. Gained access depends on whose context the debugged process runs in." -Reference ''
          $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message '' 
    function Get-ErrorHandlerCmd
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Checking if C:\WINDOWS\Setup\Scripts\ contains a file called ErrorHandler.cmd..."
      $errorHandlerCmd = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\WINDOWS\Setup\Scripts\ErrorHandler.cmd'
        Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found C:\WINDOWS\Setup\Scripts\ErrorHandler.cmd!"          
        $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'ErrorHandler.cmd Hijacking' -Classification 'Hexacorn Technique N.135' -Path "C:\WINDOWS\Setup\Scripts\" -Value "ErrorHandler.cmd" -AccessGained 'User' -Note "The content of C:\WINDOWS\Setup\Scripts\ErrorHandler.cmd is read whenever some tools under C:\WINDOWS\System32\oobe\ (e.g. Setup.exe) fail to run for any reason." -Reference ''
        $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''

    function Get-WMIEventsSubscrition
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Checking WMI Subscriptions..."
      $cmdEventConsumer = Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\Subscription -Class CommandLineEventConsumer
      if ($cmdEventConsumer)
        foreach ( $cmdEntry in ($cmdEventConsumer))
          $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'WMI Event Subscription' -Classification 'MITRE ATT&CK T1546.003' -Path $cmdEntry.__PATH -Value "CommandLineTemplate: $($cmdEntry.CommandLineTemplate) / ExecutablePath: $($cmdEntry.ExecutablePath)" -AccessGained 'System' -Note "WMI Events subscriptions can be used to link script/command executions to specific events. Here we list the active consumer events, but you may want to review also existing Filters (with Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\Subscription -Class __EventFilter) and Bindings (with Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\Subscription -Class __FilterToConsumerBinding)" -Reference ''
          $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)

      $scriptEventConsumer = Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\Subscription -Class ActiveScriptEventConsumer
      if ($scriptEventConsumer)
        foreach ( $scriptEntry in ($scriptEventConsumer))
          $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'WMI Event Subscription' -Classification 'MITRE ATT&CK T1546.003' -Path $scriptEntry.__PATH -Value "ScriptingEngine: $($scriptEntry.ScriptingEngine) / ScriptFileName: $($scriptEntry.ScriptFileName) / ScriptText: $($scriptEntry.ScriptText)"  -AccessGained 'System' -Note "WMI Events subscriptions can be used to link script/command executions to specific events. Here we list the active consumer events, but you may want to review also existing Filters (with Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\Subscription -Class __EventFilter) and Bindings (with Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\Subscription -Class __FilterToConsumerBinding)" -Reference ''
          $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    function Get-WindowsServices
      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Checking Windows Services..."
      $services = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_service | Select-Object Name,DisplayName,State,PathName
      foreach ( $service in $services) 
        $path = Get-ExecutableFromCommandLine $service.PathName
        if ((Get-IfSafeExecutable $path) -EQ $false) 
          Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - [!] Found Windows Services which may deserve investigation..."
          $PersistenceObject = New-PersistenceObject -Hostname $hostname -Technique 'Windows Service' -Classification 'MITRE ATT&CK T1543.003' -Path $service.Name  -Value $service.PathName  -AccessGained 'System' -Note "Adversaries may create or modify Windows services to repeatedly execute malicious payloads as part of persistence. When Windows boots up, it starts programs or applications called services that perform background system functions."  -Reference ''
          $null = $persistenceObjectArray.Add($PersistenceObject)
      Write-Verbose -Message ''
    Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Starting execution..."

      Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - You have used the -IncludeHighFalsePositivesChecks switch, this may generate a lot of false positives since it includes checks with results which are difficult to filter programmatically..."
    Write-Verbose -Message "$hostname - Execution finished."
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
    Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
  # Use Input CSV to make a diff of the results and only show us the persistences implanted on the local machine which are not in the CSV
    Write-Verbose -Message 'Diffing found persistences with the ones in the input CSV...'
    $importedPersistenceObjectArray = Import-Csv -Path $DiffCSV -ErrorAction Stop
    $newPersistenceObjectArray = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
    foreach($localPersistence in $persistenceObjectArray)
      $found = $false
      foreach($importedPersistence in $importedPersistenceObjectArray)
        if(($importedPersistence.Technique -eq $localPersistence.Technique) -and ($importedPersistence.Path -eq $localPersistence.Path) -and ($importedPersistence.Value -eq $localPersistence.Value))
          $found = $true
      if($found -eq $false)
        $null = $newPersistenceObjectArray.Add($localPersistence)
    $persistenceObjectArray = $newPersistenceObjectArray.Clone()
    $persistenceObjectArray |
    ConvertTo-Csv |
    Out-File -FilePath $OutputCSV -ErrorAction Stop
  Write-Verbose -Message 'Script execution finished.'  
# SIG # Begin signature block
# PIKgghH0MIIFbzCCBFegAwIBAgIQSPyTtGBVlI02p8mKidaUFjANBgkqhkiG9w0B
# Z28gTGltaXRlZDEtMCsGA1UEAxMkU2VjdGlnbyBQdWJsaWMgQ29kZSBTaWduaW5n
# JHQu/xYjApKKtq42haxH1CORKz7cfeIxoFFvrISR41KKteKW3tCHYySJiv/vEpM7
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# Be6QTHrnxvTQ/PrNPjJGEyA2igTqt6oHRpwNkzoJZplYXCmjuQymMDg80EY2NXyc
# uu7D1fkKdvp+BRtAypI16dV60bV/AK6pkKrFfwGcELEW/MxuGNxvYv6mUKe4e7id
# HwQ8MDowOKA2oDSGMmh0dHA6Ly9jcmwuY29tb2RvY2EuY29tL0FBQUNlcnRpZmlj
# cDovL29jc3AuY29tb2RvY2EuY29tMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBDAUAA4IBAQASv6Hvi3Sa
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# ZsBRNraJAlTH/Fj7bADu/pimLpWhDFMpH2/YGaZPnvesCepdgsaLr4CnvYFIUoQx
# 2jLsFeSmTD1sOXPUC4U5IOCFGmjhp0g4qdE2JXfBjRkWxYhMZn0vY86Y6GnfrDyo
# XZ3JHFuu2PMvdM+4fvbXg50RlmKarkUT2n/cR/vfw1Kf5gZV6Z2M8jpiUbzsJA8p
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# n35XGf2RPaNTO2uSZ6n9otv7jElspkfK9qEATHZcodp+R4q2OIypxR//YEb3fkDn
# Oi8vY3JsLnNlY3RpZ28uY29tL1NlY3RpZ29QdWJsaWNDb2RlU2lnbmluZ1Jvb3RS
# ZWN0aWdvLmNvbS9TZWN0aWdvUHVibGljQ29kZVNpZ25pbmdSb290UjQ2LnA3YzAj
# BggrBgEFBQcwAYYXaHR0cDovL29jc3Auc2VjdGlnby5jb20wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEM
# ZDk8+Y1LoNqHrp22AKMGxQtgCivnDHFyAQ9GXTmlk7MjcgQbDCx6mn7yIawsppWk
# vfPkKaAQsiqaT9DnMWBHVNIabGqgQSGTrQWo43MOfsPynhbz2Hyxf5XWKZpRvr3d
# MapandPfYgoZ8iDL2OR3sYztgJrbG6VZ9DoTXFm1g0Rf97Aaen1l4c+w3DC+IkwF
# kvjFV3jS49ZSc4lShKK6BrPTJYs4NG1DGzmpToTnwoqZ8fAmi2XlZnuchC4NPSZa
# PATHvNIzt+z1PHo35D/f7j2pO1S8BCysQDHCbM5Mnomnq5aYcKCsdbh0czchOm8b
# kinLrYrKpii+Tk7pwL7TjRKLXkomm5D1Umds++pip8wH2cQpf93at3VDcOK4N7Ew
# oIJB0kak6pSzEu4I64U6gZs7tS/dGNSljf2OSSnRr7KWzq03zl8l75jy+hOds9TW
# SenLbjBQUGR96cFr6lEUfAIEHVC1L68Y1GGxx4/eRI82ut83axHMViw1+sVpbPxg
# 51Tbnio1lB93079WPFnYaOvfGAA0e0zcfF/M9gXr+korwQTh2Prqooq2bYNMvUoU
# KD85gnJ+t0smrWrb8dee2CvYZXD5laGtaAxOfy/VKNmwuWuAh9kcMIIGXzCCBMeg
# BLBdC2DkmFrDGB8zGAWKdFPh/PqgXjHv1qgkTd+YYNQ1cmSQ/wZULtMyS6bta/Rp
# /OAh4kxQY2R+4UhIupy70uPkRBIUNCyerV0XE/npP0GdNksjmEvb4dCouYDFhy/5
# M4psO5A/SDMv9e5IP4FDA0jRkuhSw2e0/aTcPmjJmkZPrKaRMEag2YVhWMPR20iX
# cATmOZv/akPso6eRW/mxS0+UpR57rAxXhXJRC9foBWYXaIDa0iWOadzH+9ukeNn/
# 4AIeERc69Fn5nlYgarboD72lBgwtwF3Xq40oiWrP3ObTbwUF9vv/4JS7q0nnuqvJ
# Hsf1snoMUbG3JOmjyNzCB6Ktw6SvZPyQ/bcKpTryW99GEXib14DMzAt1l5xIPuEO
# kvrMp1U94uoWbh7ij74cHG75vVAmSq/0MTDEo9c1F//fUI2uDpSNc9KzJkdE2XnN
# HqNPCSRfrWvnmESVoW4+ecUVBoZ0xCNUwLjfI7Y9m86dDUUhOK0JDzXrqfHO00uu
# CrW0byzYic2bb6k/vNMv93sttJErSScKjBH/ZJyQySAwz7h3FkH8vyTC9diibu2h
# sLiBKOC6+mff53FWfgCMTc4e4s0Z+fdpNC80IvMSSbNEnkiyEcpiD23Z0Ny7Gnd0
# hyi47G9IritUpimqF6TNDDAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUjK+D/PvF6iUYa+lkE59Z6KyTj24w
# OGh0dHA6Ly9jcmwuc2VjdGlnby5jb20vU2VjdGlnb1B1YmxpY0NvZGVTaWduaW5n
# dC5zZWN0aWdvLmNvbS9TZWN0aWdvUHVibGljQ29kZVNpZ25pbmdDQVIzNi5jcnQw
# cV89wbdWSM29po3EDeX6IIS2BTA7UAbZ+PtMHbGTQzgUs23e0U5/jbmaYqty7vaX
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# SIG # End signature block