
function Get-FolderAccessList {
    param (

        # Path to the item whose permissions to export

        How many levels of subfolder to enumerate
            Set to 0 to ignore all subfolders
            Set to -1 (default) to recurse infinitely
            Set to any whole number to enumerate that many levels


        # Will be sent to the Type parameter of Write-LogMsg in the PsLogMessage module
        [string]$DebugOutputStream = 'Silent',

        # Hostname to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process)
        [string]$TodaysHostname = (HOSTNAME.EXE),

        # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process)
        [string]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE),

        # Hashtable of log messages for Write-LogMsg (can be thread-safe if a synchronized hashtable is provided)
        [hashtable]$LogMsgCache = $Global:LogMessages

    $LogParams = @{
        LogMsgCache  = $LogMsgCache
        ThisHostname = $TodaysHostname
        Type         = $DebugOutputStream
        WhoAmI       = $WhoAmI

    ForEach ($ThisFolder in $FolderTargets) {
        $Subfolders = $null
        $Subfolders = Get-Subfolder -TargetPath $ThisFolder -FolderRecursionDepth $LevelsOfSubfolders -ErrorAction Continue
        Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "Folders (including parent): $($Subfolders.Count + 1)"
        Get-FolderAce -LiteralPath $ThisFolder -IncludeInherited
        if ($Subfolders) {
            $GetFolderAce = @{
                Command           = 'Get-FolderAce'
                InputObject       = $Subfolders
                InputParameter    = 'LiteralPath'
                DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream
                TodaysHostname    = $TodaysHostname
                WhoAmI            = $WhoAmI
                LogMsgCache       = $LogMsgCache
            Split-Thread @GetFolderAce
function Get-FolderPermissionsBlock {
    param (

        # Regular expressions matching names of Users or Groups to exclude from the Html report


        # Regular expressions matching domain NetBIOS names to ignore
        # They will be removed from NTAccount names ('CONTOSO\User' will become 'User')
        # Include the trailing \ in the RegEx pattern, and escape it with another \
        # Example: 'CONTOSO\\'


    $ShortestFolderPath = $ThisFolder.Name |
    Sort-Object |
    Select-Object -First 1

    ForEach ($ThisFolder in $FolderPermissions) {

        $ThisHeading = New-HtmlHeading "Accounts with access to $($ThisFolder.Name)" -Level 5

        $Leaf = $ThisFolder.Name | Split-Path -Parent | Split-Path -Leaf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        if ($Leaf) {
            $ParentLeaf = $Leaf
        } else {
            $ParentLeaf = $ThisFolder.Name | Split-Path -Parent
        if ('' -ne $ParentLeaf) {
            if (($ThisFolder.Group.FolderInheritanceEnabled | Select-Object -First 1) -eq $true) {
                if ($ThisFolder.Name -eq $ShortestFolderPath) {
                    $ThisSubHeading = "Inherited permissions from the parent folder ($ParentLeaf) are included. This folder can only be accessed by the users listed below:"
                } else {
                    $ThisSubHeading = "Accounts with access to the parent folder and subfolders ($ParentLeaf) can access this folder. So can any users listed below:"
            } else {
                $ThisSubHeading = "Accounts with access to the parent folder and subfolders ($ParentLeaf) cannot access this folder unless they are listed below:"
        } else {
            $ThisSubHeading = "This is the top-level folder. It can only be accessed by the users listed below:"

        $FilteredAccounts = $ThisFolder.Group |
        Group-Object -Property Account |
        # Skip the accounts we need to skip
        Where-Object -FilterScript {
                ForEach ($RegEx in $ExcludeAccount) {
                    if ($_.Name -match $RegEx) {

        # Exclude groups with members (the group will be reflected on the report with its members)
        $FilteredAccounts = $FilteredAccounts |
        Where-Object -FilterScript {
            -not (
                $_.Group.SchemaClassName -contains 'group' -and
                $null -eq $_.Group.IdentityReference

        if ($ExcludeEmptyGroups) {
            $FilteredAccounts = $FilteredAccounts |
            Where-Object -FilterScript {
                # Eliminate empty groups (not useful to see in the middle of a list of users/job titles/departments/etc).
                $_.Group.SchemaClassName -notcontains 'group'

        $ThisTable = $FilteredAccounts |
        Select-Object -Property @{Label = 'Account'; Expression = { $_.Name } },
        @{Label = 'Access'; Expression = { ($_.Group | Sort-Object -Property IdentityReference -Unique).Access -join ' ; ' } },
        @{Label = 'Due to Membership In'; Expression = {
                $GroupString = ($_.Group.IdentityReference | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ' ; '
                ForEach ($IgnoreThisDomain in $IgnoreDomain) {
                    $GroupString = $GroupString -replace $IgnoreThisDomain, ''
        @{Label = 'Name'; Expression = { $_.Group.Name | Sort-Object -Unique } },
        @{Label = 'Department'; Expression = { $_.Group.Department | Sort-Object -Unique } },
        @{Label = 'Title'; Expression = { $_.Group.Title | Sort-Object -Unique } } |
        Sort-Object -Property Name |
        ConvertTo-Html -Fragment |

        New-BootstrapDiv -Text ($ThisHeading + $ThisSubHeading + $ThisTable)
function Get-FolderTableHeader {
    param ($LevelsOfSubfolders)

    switch ($LevelsOfSubfolders ) {
        0 {
            'Includes the target folder only (option to report on subfolders was declined)'
        -1 {
            'Includes the target folder and all subfolders with unique permissions'
        default {
            "Includes the target folder and $LevelsOfSubfolders levels of subfolders with unique permissions"
function Get-HtmlBody {
    param (
    (New-HtmlHeading "Folders with Permissions in This Report" -Level 3) +
    $FolderList +
(New-HtmlHeading "Accounts Included in Those Permissions" -Level 3) +
function Get-HtmlFolderList {
    param (
    New-BootstrapDiv -Text (
    (New-HtmlHeading $FolderTableHeader -Level 5) +
function Get-PrtgXmlSensorOutput {
    param (

    $Channels = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()

    # Build our XML output formatted for PRTG.
    $ChannelParams = @{
        MaxError   = 0.5
        Channel    = 'Folders with inheritance disabled'
        Value      = ($NtfsIssues.FoldersWithBrokenInheritance | Measure-Object).Count
        CustomUnit = 'folders'
    Format-PrtgXmlResult @ChannelParams |
    ForEach-Object { $null = $Channels.Add($_) }

    $ChannelParams = @{
        MaxError   = 0.5
        Channel    = 'ACEs for groups breaking naming convention'
        Value      = ($NtfsIssues.NonCompliantGroups | Measure-Object).Count
        CustomUnit = 'ACEs'
    Format-PrtgXmlResult @ChannelParams |
    ForEach-Object { $null = $Channels.Add($_) }

    $ChannelParams = @{
        MaxError   = 0.5
        Channel    = 'ACEs for users instead of groups'
        Value      = ($NtfsIssues.UserACEs | Measure-Object).Count
        CustomUnit = 'ACEs'
    Format-PrtgXmlResult @ChannelParams |
    ForEach-Object { $null = $Channels.Add($_) }

    $ChannelParams = @{
        MaxError   = 0.5
        Channel    = 'ACEs for unresolvable SIDs'
        Value      = ($NtfsIssues.SIDsToCleanup | Measure-Object).Count
        CustomUnit = 'ACEs'
    Format-PrtgXmlResult @ChannelParams |
    ForEach-Object { $null = $Channels.Add($_) }

    $ChannelParams = @{
        MaxError   = 0.5
        Channel    = "Folders with 'CREATOR OWNER' access"
        Value      = ($NtfsIssues.FoldersWithCreatorOwner | Measure-Object).Count
        CustomUnit = 'folders'
    Format-PrtgXmlResult @ChannelParams |
    ForEach-Object { $null = $Channels.Add($_) }

    Format-PrtgXmlSensorOutput -PrtgXmlResult $Channels -IssueDetected:$($NtfsIssues.IssueDetected)

function Get-ReportDescription {
    param ($LevelsOfSubfolders)

    switch ($LevelsOfSubfolders ) {
        0 {
            'Does not include permissions on subfolders (option was declined)'
        -1 {
            'Includes all subfolders with unique permissions (including ∞ levels of subfolders)'
        default {
            "Includes all subfolders with unique permissions (down to $LevelsOfSubfolders levels of subfolders)"
function Select-FolderTableProperty {
    param (
    $InputObject | Select-Object -Property @{
        Label      = 'Folder'
        Expression = { $_.Name }
        Label      = 'Inheritance'
        Expression = { $_.Group.FolderInheritanceEnabled | Select-Object -First 1 }

# Add any custom C# classes as usable (exported) types
$CSharpFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\*.cs"
ForEach ($ThisFile in $CSharpFiles) {
    Add-Type -Path $ThisFile.FullName -ErrorAction Stop

Export-ModuleMember -Function @('Get-FolderAccessList','Get-FolderPermissionsBlock','Get-FolderTableHeader','Get-HtmlBody','Get-HtmlFolderList','Get-PrtgXmlSensorOutput','Get-ReportDescription','Select-FolderTableProperty')